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Have an idea for a Warzone? Share it with a Dev!


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No joke, I just left their pit and every one of them has this thread on their monitors, they are taking it seriously.


You want to take this seriously? Then so do I. Do me a favor and ask the Devs what planet (or planets) they want to see a new warzone on. I'll do some research and build you a prototype in the engine I use, for concept sake.


No joke.


Just give me a planet. Korriban/Tython? Something upcoming? Want to make an Oricon one? Just give me a planet.

Edited by idnewton
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You want to take this seriously? Then so do I. Do me a favor and ask the Devs what planet (or planets) they want to see a new warzone on. I'll do some research and build you a prototype in the engine I use, for concept sake.


No joke.


Just give me a planet. Korriban/Tython? Something upcoming? Want to make an Oricon one? Just give me a planet.


why do you need them to tell you a planet? just do it, if you are serious. how about you just pick korriban/tython since that will be the setting for the next story arc.

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(Didn't read many other posts, I hope I'm not repeating someone else.)


Asymmetrical Warzones


Example 1: The four highest-valor players in the queue on a team vs. the lowest-valor twelve. (Or some alternate means of putting the four "best" players on a team). The point is to have a much smaller, more skilled team versus and a considerably larger team.


Example 2: Take the first example to an extreme: Boss Mode! One player gets super abilities, 1m HP (or whatever) but no rez. The other ops-size team has to kill him. Each players gets one rez only. it's a battle of attrition. Adjust the details to your liking, the basic idea is a PvP version of an Operations Boss fight.


Example 3: Who says it has to be pew-pew-pew all the time? One team has a platforming puzzle to work out, as a team, while the other team works against them somehow. Sorry I don't have many details, it's just a thought...


Example 4: Boss-Mode variant; one team gets a giant battle droid or monster and has different roles in controlling the "boss" while the other team has to kill it. Note: this is also a possible way to implement capital ships in GSF. One team gets a capital ship with turrets, the other team gets fighters.


Example 5: Handicaps. These could either be one-sided or both sides could just receive different handicaps. Perhaps one team can't use stuns, but the other team does 66% of normal damage. Or a high-ranking team gets no heals, but fights a low-ranking team.


These types of matches wouldn't be very useful for Ranked, but I think they have the possibility to be very fun.

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I think a mechanic that would be interesting to explore would be having objectives that have a number of hit points that have to be destroyed. Can we destroy their turret before they get ours? To make tanks more valuable in PvP, allow tanks to guard the objective that has to be destroyed (would need some consideration to their protection numbers). The destroyable objective creates interesting questions: defense or offense? Kill the objective or the enemy players?


I like this and posted something similar a few pages back

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I would like a bigger warzone where you can use speeders outside of combat to move to different points of control. Or maybe other vehicles like in Battlefront like tanks and such that you can pilot. Or what if you could get into turrets and fire them.


Consider a king of the hill mode where the person on the hill is in a turret (cannot be stunned etc) and the person with the most kills while using the turret at the end wins. It would be a free for all mode where you fight each other and can click on the turret gunner (maybe a 6 second or shorter channel has to happen like when taking a node in hypergates) to remove him and for you to become the king of the hill.


What about NPCs in warzones? Imperial and Republic NPC's that assist each side in their various territories or a bigger kind of domination match?




Oh and this isn't a warzone per se, but I'd really like some form of pod or swoop racing competitive mini-game.

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Interesting! Always liked the idea of a MOBA and MMO genre teaming up, it would be fun if done right I think. Would the turrets fire at attackers? If so how would the damage 'decrease' over the course of the warzone like they do in most MOBAs (via characters getting stronger items as the game goes on)? What would prevent players from avoiding each other to get to the last turret/final objective as fast as possible/before the other team?


OMG, an answer.


First of, the spawn would be behind the final objective, just like in every other moba, so you will respawn closer to your turrets, then the enemies. Also, you would need to kill the turrets in an order, so you are only able to cap/damage a turret, if the preceding turret had allready been capped/destroyed. I would probably suggest going for a cappable turret in a way the turrets in NC work (multiple people capping, to fasten it up), with the difference, that the turret cant be capped back and will eventually be destroyed/completely capped. To balance things out, the respawn time could get longer, the longer to match goes (to a certain amount ofc) and the time to cap get shorter, or make it in a DF NiM way, where you get damage while channeling and the damage decreases as the WZ goes on. Basically, the enviroment needs to get weaker throughout the warzone, since your charakter will obviously wont level up or get better gear during a wz (atleast not without a dremendous amount of coding ;) ) The best Idea for capping I have atm, is that you will need to stand in some sort of acid to cap the node (giradda would really appreciate that, I guess). This would simulate the turret shooting at people in MOBAs, while using WZ mechanics, that are allready in the game.

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Example 2: Take the first example to an extreme: Boss Mode! One player gets super abilities, 1m HP (or whatever) but no rez. The other ops-size team has to kill him. Each players gets one rez only. it's a battle of attrition. Adjust the details to your liking, the basic idea is a PvP version of an Operations Boss fight.


Takes me back to the days of "JUGGERNAUT!"... 2 minutes later "NEW JUGGERNAUT!"


Think I'm going to go play Halo now...

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I would like to see more warzones that feel like they are part of a larger war, with lots of ambient combat that feels like a larger battle is being fought around the warzone. Maybe more urban settings or no-man's land trench warfare or more ship-boarding scenarios like Void Star except with tighter close quarters like the Empire boarding the Tantive IV in A New Hope.


Or on the sports end of things like Huttball, I'd really like to see more sports-type warzones that really feel like a spectator event. One of the problems I have with a lot of the arenas is the lack of a cheering crowd. Huttball has that, even if the spectators are not clearly visible. For inspiration, think of the type of crowd at a WWE match.


I would absolutely loooove to see a MOBA style warzone, like League of Legends, DoTA, or SMITE.



Where you've got a Republic base in one corner, an Imperial base in the other, and equal numbers of NPCs continually spawn from each base and travel down several pre-determined paths toward the opposing base. Each path is also defended by towers that do damage to the other side's NPCs or players that try to go push down any of those paths. The players on each team must work together to defend each path to their base while also trying to wear down and destroy the enemy's towers, and eventually the enemy's base.


Most Mobas are from a top-down perspective, so SMITE might be the best one to look at for how a warzone of this type might play in SWTOR.



Let's say the setting is Balmorra, or some equally devastated war-zone planet with lots of trenches, bomb craters and no-man's land. http://cache.g4tv.com/ImageDb3/302647_S/the-legacy-of-fail-gears-of-war-3-level-design-with-epics-jim-brown.jpg Kinda looking like that except with the layout of a MOBA map.


Each side's command bunker has artillery that pounds the area, mostly for visual effect, but you could throw in some AOE with warning markers on the ground like the Storm Protocol phase of the first Eternity Vault boss.


The lanes are a simple maze of trenches. Maybe there's like 10 meters or so of no-man's land separating the two side's trenches and that's where you have the AOE artillery. The "towers" defending each lane could be an AI controlled pillbox, a turbo-laser emplacement, or a stationary tank or walker. You win be eventually destroying the enemy command bunker.

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Two things I have been recommending for years:


1) The ability to load into a match straight from the one that completed. Toggle to stay in queue or have a button on the ending score sheet to load into the next match. If you have 16 players toggled to go to the next match there is no reason to transfer them back to fleet so that they have to wait for a pop. Just keep it going CoD style.


2) Stop feeling the need to develop all new warzones. Sure work on some ideas for completely new designs as you go and keep them on the back burner. But if you would just start reskinning the current objectives maps you could be popping 2-4 of these out a year. Voidstar could be reskinned as battling at gates on other environments, it doesn't have to be a ship. Reskin Civil War to be fighting over the laser digging controls on Makeb. Reskin Novare Coast to be fighting for defense turrets on Tython or Korriban, or even just fighting over one control tower king of the hill style.


I think the point is that in most other PvP type games across genres the development teams did not see a need to develop entirely new game modes for every map. People spend hours in BF or CoD playing the same game mode where only the environment changes bringing new life to that mode. If your concern is content, then push out content using the mechanics you have in place so that there is a steady stream of new maps for warzones, and then bring in new game modes as you have time.

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A moving King of the Hill is a game type we have talked about. We like the idea but one concern is that it might end up just being a moving dogpile where the whole team is fighting the entire enemy team, making the whole experience a cluster on one point. What do yall think?


Good luck with the cooking Rasen! :csw_yoda:


Would it be possible to have multiple moving hills where each hill has several spawn points. It is similar to the territory game-type that you see in games like halo, gears of war, etc. Multiple territories would help split up the groups so it is not just one giant cluster. Basically, a novare coast or alderan warzone but with several different spawn points for the moving territories (or nodes).

Edited by Cyberdemon
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Ok that's enough meta. How about An Actual Epic WarZone Idea:


You spawn into the Epic WarZone as a member of one of 3 factions: Jawa, Ortolan, or Ewok*. What follows is no holds barred objective-based combat. You play as a member of one of these races and have a stock generated NPC appearance. Much like in Huttball, you get a special ability to further the WZ objective, but here it's tied to your faction. Jawas can scavenge junk and resell droids on the gray market, Ewoks have mastery of armor-penetrating slings and hoopaks which totally devastate conventional military technology, and Ortolans play the xylophone. (I don't want to stereotype but according to a Hoth side quest Ortolans are also pretty good at maintaining machinery). Each faction has its own base and will attempt to overrun the others, or whatever else sounds good, you guys have all played more PVP than me. I can't wait to play this in 3.2!


Some notes:

  1. 3 factions = win
  2. Restrict everyone to faction abilities only and remove their PC skills. Separate PVP and PVE skill trees = win
  3. Jawa vs Ortolan vs Ewok arenas? = EPIC WIN
  4. PVPers need to smile more



* If you want to substitute some other tiny NPC race that's cool too. But no Urgnaghts.


** I can't claim full credit for this idea. It was originally suggested a couple of weeks after launch by someone on reddit whose name I've long forgotten. In the original version the warzone involved objective play between 3 distinct factions, hence the different races. But if it would take too much development effort to do a scenario with 3 factions, you could have 2 teams but assign people to each team as follows: 2x Jawa, 2x Ortolan, 4x Ewok. OMG look, no more griping about "their team has more healers!".


*** I like the idea of an objective where your base has a droid or turret you can repair or guard while other people try to destroy it. That's not my original idea either and it could probably be done without Jawas or Ortolans, but it would be nowhere near as epic.


I know it sounds crazy, but this idea has a lot of merit and could give a lot of the playerbase what they're looking for in a warzone.

- no gear advantage

- no bolster

- little to no cc

- just objectives and skill

Overall, i like this idea and would love to be able to roll in a WZ as a jawa for epic lols:)

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I'd like to see a genuine CTF game.


Both teams have a control point with a flag/hutball/whatever that they can either have guards for or leave for a full assault.


3 paths in and out of each point - but converging on a single bottleneck that you cannot avoid.


First to 3 wins?

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Ok, Here's my idea. An old cruiser is found floating in contested space. It has information, technology, whatever that both sides want.


Start in a landing bay (Each team has a bay.) Once you leave the bay you can not get back in, so no retreating to it and no spawn camping. First, go down the passages to the lower deck to get to the engineering deck. Control 3 objectives simultaneously to get the engines online and to unlock the bridge elevator. 5 second cast, bonus for slicing equal to slicing ability divided by 10 as a percentage bonus, so a 450 slicing gets a 45% reduction in cat time.)


Now, get to the bridge deck and control three objectives simultaneously for a set period cat to gain control of the ships systems and make the jump to hyperspace to head to your faction.




Gaining control of each deck is worth say 100 points each. Opponent kills are worth 5 points each.


Let me suggest sorting out bolster should come before a new WZ. The easy path here is to: 1) set a level that you want all players to be at, and bolster or cut stats to match depending on what the player is wearing (easy solution is to set these to be the high end PVE gear so no cutting needed.) Adjust based on mods (or overall stats for unmodable gear (just give unmodable gear slightly lower overall stats) so each character gets to pick their own stat mix. 2) Take these stats and make them apply to all characters in ANY PVP situation. 3) Totally remove expertise from the game, it won't be needed anymore. (This also has the advantage if making it so more people can play PVP without having to learn bolster to keep from screwing up their team.)

Edited by DanNV
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I appreciate you asking Alex...


My favorite map, going all the way back to beta, has always been Voidstar, I love the progression type map combined with the attack/defend mechanic. Since that's my favorite, here are my suggestions:


• Fleet type setting (invade)

• Attack/Defend mechanic

• Less "guarding" would benefit ANY design - nobody joins a PvP queue hoping they get to guard

• Single click objectives that don't require "guarding" afterwards

• Less spread out objectives that encourage teamwork (again, similar to VS)

• Huttball type "traps" in WZ's that aren't Huttball (player activated?)


PLEASE give us more than a map a year Alex...the current rate of development is outrageously slow. Re-skin if necessary...we need variety, not an intricate story to accompany the WZ...just new maps.


How about a mechanic similar to a mix between voidstar and hypergates.

Lets say it is another ship like voidstar, but instead of planting a single bomb on the door the attacking team has 2 ways to breach the defense (and make the defense to breach more fun than a door.....say a series of turrets or defensive shield generators).


The attackers can 1. Carry orbs/bombs that do significant damage to the objective.(Hell you could bring back the rocket launchers from the old school Ilum open world pvp area)

or 2. Attack the objective directly (would do less damage in the same amount of time as an orb, but could be more fun).


Defenders would of course try to fight off the attackers, healers could possibly even heal the objective (idk if that would be a good idea or not....but just throwin it out there). Defenders also get to make use of traps that they can deploy.....maybe make a system where they must agree to a certain trap as each objective is breached. (idk this might be too unbalanced for the team that gets to defend second).


Here is the important part....don't split the objectives ....no 2 doors style like voidstar or 3 turrets like civil war....as said earlier not many find solo guarding fun in an mmo. So that it isn't just one big cluster give alternate paths to get to the objective of course (think huttball...there is only an endzone for each team...but many paths to get there).


One could have multiple objectives to destroy similar to voidstar....let's say the first is to knock out the docking bay shield generators, then next objective destroy a series of defense droids or turrets, then final objective to slice the navigation system to take control of the ship and jettison the defenders.


Then of course have the attackers and the defenders swap.



so many awesome ideas...but if nothing else happens just grab up some maps from planets you already have, cut, rotate, paste so that it is mirrored, throw some traps and jumps and make more huttball matches lol.

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Reskins seem cost effective - con is not that new but pro is not having new players have to learn new mechics.


For a new map, my goals are I strongly believe in More strategy.objectives, no arena/tdm or even close. I agree with the comments to minimize guarding or at least "stay here just in case" guarding of resource nodes. I guess they serve a function, but the stupid respawn doors are annoying.


Two thoughts:


Lanes: picture NCoast, but terrain creates three channels with resource nodes in the middle of each channel. You can go back to near you spawn and go down another channel, but it would emphasize getting the overwhelming force on two nodes rather than dynamic reinforcement.


Death should matter: You can't have a one and done like arenas in WZ. But perhaps at least make death take a bit longer each time. Dieing or killing someone in Hittball in particular can sometimes just be fast travel with heal.

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Regardless of map type, please learn from GSF: ABC please!


I.e., put letters on objectives on the map. (IMO a graphic designer should whip out their crayon and do it for existing maps as well.)



Going forward, don't make us have to figure out when the PUG says east in Voidstar do they mean East or West.


ABC please

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How about a moving King of the Hill (KOTH) approach with neutral spawn points, 5 sides, on basically a pyramid?


1) Instaspawn and take a speeder to one of the 5 points you select by tapping the corresponding speeder.

2) just be in the node (20m wide) to control it. Team with most players in node controls is and gains 1 pt per second.

3) Controlling 2 nodes, is 2 pts per second, 3=3, 4=4, and 5=5.

4) nodes slowly move up and down the pyramid until all 5 converge on top, forcing players to both guard and engage in pvp

5) tunnels make for 3 effective layers, the top where everyone has to be at, and the middle and bottom layers where teams can move in the middle to zerg nodes or try moving around the edges

6) 1st team to 1500 pts wins


poor image file being uploaded here

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I'd like to see maps with more opportunities to use the layout to your tactical advantage like with line of sight or multiple vertical levels. Or mechanics like periodic bombing runs or artillery strikes. Maybe you see a flashing target marker on your character that means you're being targeted by an NPC sniper and you have to use line-of-sight cover to avoid being one-shotted. Anything to get people to fight a bit more smartly instead of just charging in and button mashing.
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I'm sure this has been said but a capture the flag type of warzone would be awesome! Yes this is a variant of Warsong Gulch..its just a map and warzone I would like to play in Swtor. This could be a similar game type to Huttball with sponsorship from the Hutts.


Capture the Huttball! (I don't know why.....)


-Huttball or Flag works! I'ma stick with the flag idea though cause how much I love balls I don't want to say it 20 times.

-12 minute time limit or whoever gets 4 or 6 flag captures first. (maybe tweak around with the captures a little...)

-One is the Frogdog team (Yellow flag) other is the Rotworms team (purple flag).

-Flag on both teams spawn area.

-A big open area in the middle of the map for those death matchers (gotta make 'em happy) This also gives enough room to run the flag back to your teams spawn to cap the flag.

-Lava for environmental hazards (works well with a Belsavis map)

-If both flags are being turtled and the more time it takes to cap, the more dmg the flag carrier takes (or the flag just explodes because the Hutts don't like turtles!) When the flag carrier dies it goes back to its spawn.

-Flag is "passable" much like the Huttball. (Possibly have it as the same ability so its one less keybind.)

Of course I would love to make this more original but I am in no way creative in designing maps. ^^


Environment ideas:






I would also like to see a 12v12 or 16v16 warzone with 5 or so nodes to cap. This would be a lot of fun. (if and when xserver queues come out..)

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I personally would like it if there was a concordant GSF match that affected a ground pvp match.


Either you fight one and then the other (GSF first I would assume) and the team that won the first gains a small advantage in the second part (not to mention more rewards for the first match than the losing team).




They happen at the same time like the end of Return of the Jedi and the ground team has to take points to assist the space team or vice-versa.


This would also be great in a PvE scenerio too.

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