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Girls play SWTOR, we want more fashion, more color dyes please


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And who made you the official spokeswoman of the females playing SWTOR? I want to have a chat with that person.


Last time I check, I was a female (and even in the age where many people would still refer to me as "girl"), and I couldn't care less about pink colour dyes. New armors are nice, sure, but they are already giving us those all the time. I think a new cartel market pack here and there is enough.

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It is not hard to figure that out. Of course, if you are a typical SWTOR player, you may need a mirror or a friend to help, because just looking down at yourself, your view may be obstructed.


/facepalm lol. Best reply of the week by far :)

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...and can I get a hot tub!?


Oh. sorry, thought it was that Empire Farm insurance commercial where we call for our agent to get us crazy things like a sammich and a hot tub.


You watch entirely too much TV...and so do I apparently since I knew what you

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Yea female commandos armor SUCKS I made a jedi just to dress nicer sheshhh I would play her but Hey I got to kill in style hahaha!!! And a Female Vender just made for use that want to look better not Half Naked sorry I am 56 and i would like some nice dresses. And yes the Dye please I cant wait if this comes I am going to be making a ton of credits waiting for all this. Oh and speeders really ugly nothing cool for the females out there More pink purple please!!! ok thats my Rant .....LOL :p
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They need to ditch this fixed primary/secondary dye kit system. Then allow us to truly customize our characters with a more robust system that allows us to choose your own primary and secondary dye colors without having to rely on some guy or group of guys arbitrarily deciding which color combinations you get to choose from...


The gw2 team did it best.

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They need to ditch this fixed primary/secondary dye kit system. Then allow us to truly customize our characters with a more robust system that allows us to choose your own primary and secondary dye colors without having to rely on some guy or group of guys arbitrarily deciding which color combinations you get to choose from...


The gw2 team did it best.


That and an unlockable palette (collections anyone?) from which you can choose a wide variety of colors.


While I'm happy they added a dying system, it's woefully lacking in function.

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While I'm not so worried about pinks, I would like to see some of the more vivid shades, fuschia and teal most prominantly.


If I could have either of those two mixed with black I would go on a dye hunting bonanza for 14 chars worth of main char and comps.


I do love purple, but when its pretty much one of the few "feminine" colors we get, it gets old after a while when everyone else uses it too. :(

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Since I dress most of my characters and companions in brown or black, I don't have much desire for more dye variety. I'm also content with most of the armor that has been coming out in packs, even though I can't afford some of the really cool lore sets. What I do want is more character customization! More hair styles! More hair, eye and skin colors! More tattoos! More jewelry & piercings! More cosmetics & complexions! More face shapes! (oh and more companion customizations made by someone other than the person who did the rep. vendor customizations. Those are just plug ugly.)
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Well, I'm not a girl, but still have a long list of options I'd like to see:


  • Black / Silver / Steel / Titanium / Platin / Chrome / Brushed-Metal Dyes & Combinations.
  • Heavy armor looking sets for us "$$§% tanks!
  • More cybernetics and exoskeletons.
  • More 'sharp' looking swords and vibroswords.
  • More 'serious' looking blasters and autocannons
  • More complexions / scars / facial-features (chin variations, forehead height & shape, noses)
  • More bodytypes or even better: height, bodyfat and muscle-mass sliders


Yes, I like to customize and recustomize my character. XD

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as a girl, I cannot stand skimpy clothes.


I want stylish clothes yes. But Skimpy and Pink does not necessarily equal stylish.


I would LOVE to have social clothes in this game

As a guy, me too surprisingly. We all love a good lookin' girl but I fancy more of a well dressed bad a** looking girl compared to a half naked girl, so to speak. Leave something to the imagination. Could use more BH and Trooper style armours. Most are just reskins of stuff I can get in game free.

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My fiance makes new toons just to spend a mil or two (of my credits of course) to dress up her toons XD.


More *unique* outfits and dyes would be great for everyone. Reskins do not count


LMAO!!!! I just started playing with my girl, and I noticed I got all my toons getting into crafting out of no where, just for her. But I'm not complaining, there's just something awesome about playing with her and way more fun than playing with my FPS enthusiast brother.


as a girl, I cannot stand skimpy clothes.


I want stylish clothes yes. But Skimpy and Pink does not necessarily equal stylish.


I would LOVE to have social clothes in this game


I have to agree 100%. My girlfriend started playing because she noticed how cool I geared Risha (Smuggler Companion). Risha looks awesome and is wearing some kind of arctic looking white and dark brown rugged outfit. She said it looked way better than most female companions being forced to wear metal bikinis in Hoth. But seriously, as a guy, I would hate to see women players running around in pink gear, everywhere. If it was just one or two in a server, fine, it would be nicely unique. But according to some posts there is about to be a release of many types of pink dye. I like the diversity, I just hope not to see endless pink female troopers and Jedi as much as I see the already extremely OBNOXIOUS Lucky 77 swoop.


I would like to see more camo gear and leather jackets and more rugged looking boots for female toons and for us guys too.

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  • 4 months later...


I would love for them to add some Teal color combinations ;) And maybe some neon colors to say the least! They have outfits that have colors like the super bright neon yellow from the K-23 outfit to pull from so since the code exist already it should be easier to make them into a purchasable dye :)

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Fashion: I am very pleased to see the fashion for girls with adaptive gear. Though some may say it looks explicit, but most of us girls love that. Would love to see more of that, newer outfits in that fashion line. Also, would love to see more dresses and formal wear for girls too. More head pieces that have a fashion touch, would be nice too. Roleplay needs more variety for girls.


Dyes: There's only one pink color mod, mixed with purple. Very nice, but would love to see single pink mods, and variations with pink, like white/light pink, or light pink/white. Other feminine colors, pastels, would love to see. Please!!!



Gee. I though that males liked those skimpy outfits. Then again I don't... I actually hate the skimpy stuff. Those are completely ridiculous. My chicks and blokes wear stuff that make sense.


Instead of bumping new buggy outfits they should just concentrate on fixing the pieces that are already out. The quality is so horrible that it's not even funny. Some launch gear items are still bugged. The list is long...


Someone said that trooper armours for females suck. I don't agree. Sure, not all of 'em are nice but this is pretty much my favourite armour combo in entire game:



Regarding dyes... I wonder if the people who decide the colours are colour blind. Some (most) of 'em look incredibly bad and combinations are so weird.

Edited by Eraan
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People with eyes play SWTOR so please for the love of all that's good in the world, get rid of the pink/yellow dye pack. Holy hell it burns my retinas. Unless you work in a tent and drive around in a clown car that combination is not acceptable...:eek:
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You want fashion? Play a fashion game. This is Star Wars, not Barbie. Bad enough we have people running around in bikinis. Cause that's good combat armor right there.


Blame Carrie Fisher, she asked for a more revealing outfit for the Princess and got one.

And good in combat? Heck yeah, she killed a Hutt bare-handed in it.

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