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Frequently Asked PvP Questions


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If you remove the ability to convert regular WZ comms to RWZ comms, you will have a lot of casual players playing until they have a full suit of regular gear, and then stopping.


^ I think that is a better alternative than what we have now. Which is 4 teams queueing throughout the entire course of the season. At least those people doing it to get gear will promote queue pops. I'm not saying that will make for an accurate gauge of ELO by any means, but with no cross server, this would at least force queues to happen a LOT more frequently.


I'm with Danny. The pvp system needs an overhaul. But obviously that aint happening. So his band-aid fix post is a great START in fixing this crap system.


Though it's a day late and a dollar short. Broken pvp system has been broken since launch really. With Wildstar around the corner, there really is no point to even post in the PvP Forums thread. They might as well delete this section of the forums haha.

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^ I think that is a better alternative than what we have now. Which is 4 teams queueing throughout the entire course of the season. At least those people doing it to get gear will promote queue pops. I'm not saying that will make for an accurate gauge of ELO by any means, but with no cross server, this would at least force queues to happen a LOT more frequently.


I'm with Danny. The pvp system needs an overhaul. But obviously that aint happening. So his band-aid fix post is a great START in fixing this crap system.


Though it's a day late and a dollar short. Broken pvp system has been broken since launch really. With Wildstar around the corner, there really is no point to even post in the PvP Forums thread. They might as well delete this section of the forums haha.

And as for Pot5, at least they have HaVe a Nice D to carry everyone else in PvP.



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Hmmm...so I was watching your streams and suddenly saw myself on My jug and Mara in there in the same team as u a couple of times...pretty interesting to watch yourself play from another person's eyes.


Seeing myself on someone else's youtube channel is what got me started heh. Watching reruns of your plays through your own and other people's eyes really helps improve your game.


Also epeen. :D

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Seeing myself on someone else's youtube channel is what got me started heh. Watching reruns of your plays through your own and other people's eyes really helps improve your game.


Also epeen. :D


Yeah, now all I need is a better comp to start streaming xD Still, you're pretty dam good, I'll definitely keep an eye on u if I see you around :p

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why is there no question about leaving warzones and deserter debuffs?


seems sort of a frequently addressed topic


maybe because the actual volume of players mixed with a deserter debuff will make things worst than they actually are

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ive posted about how to fix Ranked before, but here it is in a nutshell:


1. Remove Solo Ranked as a "Ranked" gametype.

2. Remove Arenas from the Regular queue.

3. Remove the ability to convert WZ comms to RWZ comms.

4. Add in a Daily/Weekly quest for Group Ranked.




bolster gear that is only bought with ranked comms DOWN to regular pvp gear.

Bam. you proactively solved (or at least helped) the premades farming the regular queue with better gear...

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Ive posted about how to fix Ranked before, but here it is in a nutshell:


1. Remove Solo Ranked as a "Ranked" gametype.

2. Remove Arenas from the Regular queue.

3. Remove the ability to convert WZ comms to RWZ comms.

4. Add in a Daily/Weekly quest for Group Ranked.




I generally find myself disagreeing with what you say. This is not one of those times.



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You act as if Brutalizer gear provides an insurmountable advantage... it does not.


its enough in the ranked folks hands to gain an advantage over the regular queue folks. And regular queue folks are, by definition, of lesser experience/skill. All this would do is prompt an unfair advantage, however little and promote pug stomping.


This issue always irks me. Many of the 'elite' folks scream and holler about this, like even a slight gear advantage is their hard earned right, rather than promote an even balanced pvp match based on skill.

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its enough in the ranked folks hands to gain an advantage over the regular queue folks. And regular queue folks are, by definition, of lesser experience/skill. All this would do is prompt an unfair advantage, however little and promote pug stomping.


This issue always irks me. Many of the 'elite' folks scream and holler about this, like even a slight gear advantage is their hard earned right, rather than promote an even balanced pvp match based on skill.


The folks doing ranked would demolish you if they were in Partisan gear.


Skill > Gear all day erryday. The difference between min/max'd Obroan (which is now easy to get) and Brutalizer is insignificant.


The overwhelming majority of competitive PvPers are in favor of having gear leveled completely across the board. PvP should be about skill vs skill, not who has had more time to grind out the most recent set of gear. BW is firmly invested in the 'carrot on a stick' method of maintaining subscribers tho, so you guys are stuck with the current system.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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The folks doing ranked would demolish you if they were in Partisan gear.


Skill > Gear all day erryday. The difference between min/max'd Obroan (which is now easy to get) and Brutalizer is insignificant.


The overwhelming majority of competitive PvPers are in favor of having gear leveled completely across the board. PvP should be about skill vs skill, not who has had more time to grind out the most recent set of gear. BW is firmly invested in the 'carrot on a stick' method of maintaining subscribers tho, so you guys are stuck with the current system.


If this was really true, then why make it so regular q folks cannot get ranked tokens for ranked gear? Now if ranked tokens could by cosemtic gear/mounts/whatever, fine. But any gear that increases stats would make an unfair advantage. Unless you prevent/bolster down that gear from entering into a q where folks cannot get it.


And not everyone who does regs suck. Another eliteness attitude. Many of the ranked folks are good, but you take them off their little premade teams and many get destroyed in the regs. I don't play ranked anymore due to guild issues, but i can hang with the most ranked folks 1v1. But give them even a slight gear boost that i cannot get, and our even skill is trumped by gear..

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If this was really true, then why make it so regular q folks cannot get ranked tokens for ranked gear? Now if ranked tokens could by cosemtic gear/mounts/whatever, fine. But any gear that increases stats would make an unfair advantage. Unless you prevent/bolster down that gear from entering into a q where folks cannot get it.


And not everyone who does regs suck. Another eliteness attitude. Many of the ranked folks are good, but you take them off their little premade teams and many get destroyed in the regs. I don't play ranked anymore due to guild issues, but i can hang with the most ranked folks 1v1. But give them even a slight gear boost that i cannot get, and our even skill is trumped by gear..


Because the tempting shiny thing they get for doing Ranked would get people to queue for Ranked. Look at how the population of solo queue exploded after they announced the stupid rancor mount.


Yea basically everyone that does regs and only regs sucks.

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Because the tempting shiny thing they get for doing Ranked would get people to queue for Ranked. Look at how the population of solo queue exploded after they announced the stupid rancor mount.


Yea basically everyone that does regs and only regs sucks.


I agree with a lot of what you say Cash, but I think you are off a bit on this one. The affect from the changes you propose would be an very short term increase in team ranked participation followed by a significant drop in the population of ranked and regular warzones. You need to do more to improve the experience for new teams to get them into ranked (this is much more significant than any gear carrot), or they will just quit. And I do not think you will see enough of a bump in participation on most servers to allow Elo to accomplish this. Cross server would be necessary to even have a prayer of making this work.

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I agree with a lot of what you say Cash, but I think you are off a bit on this one. The affect from the changes you propose would be an very short term increase in team ranked participation followed by a significant drop in the population of ranked and regular warzones. You need to do more to improve the experience for new teams to get them into ranked (this is much more significant than any gear carrot), or they will just quit. And I do not think you will see enough of a bump in participation on most servers to allow Elo to accomplish this. Cross server would be necessary to even have a prayer of making this work.

I don't know if cross server is the only option, but I totally agree ranked will be dead until new players can play without feeling they're going to be crushed.


That's what killed 8man ranked. The population was dead before they took it away. It takes time and work to get a regular team together, nobody wants to dedicate that time if they know they'll be fodder for the few amazeballs teams to farm.


I know it's the "don't let noobs in" option but I think we need to get all the regs to start playing ranked. The noobs don't get better till they can practice, and if we have enough players for Elo to work they can slowly work their way up instead of being discouraged as the top level players farm them.

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I totally agree ranked will be dead until new players can play without feeling they're going to be crushed.


I know it's the "don't let noobs in" option but I think we need to get all the regs to start playing ranked. The noobs don't get better till they can practice, and if we have enough players for Elo to work they can slowly work their way up instead of being discouraged as the top level players farm them.




There is a mistaken perception that if you are a 1800+ rated player that you will get stuck with lots of less than 800s on your team. This is only true if there are not enough goods queuing. With a robust population the 800s play other 800s, the 1500s play 1500s and the 2000s play 2000s and a gradually improving player can climb a continuous set of ladder runs from the bottom to the top.


If you find that you are getting queued with a bunch of players far below you the solution is to get 7 other buddies who are similarly skilled to queue at the same time (queue syncing! ooooooh). If you and your 7 buddies are 1800+ and all the others are 1000 you should never get matched against them.

Edited by funkiestj
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If this was really true, then why make it so regular q folks cannot get ranked tokens for ranked gear? Now if ranked tokens could by cosemtic gear/mounts/whatever, fine. But any gear that increases stats would make an unfair advantage. Unless you prevent/bolster down that gear from entering into a q where folks cannot get it.


And not everyone who does regs suck. Another eliteness attitude. Many of the ranked folks are good, but you take them off their little premade teams and many get destroyed in the regs. I don't play ranked anymore due to guild issues, but i can hang with the most ranked folks 1v1. But give them even a slight gear boost that i cannot get, and our even skill is trumped by gear..


What can't you get? There is no PvP gear that you cannot get

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The folks doing ranked would demolish you if they were in Partisan gear.


Skill > Gear all day erryday. The difference between min/max'd Obroan (which is now easy to get) and Brutalizer is insignificant.


The overwhelming majority of competitive PvPers are in favor of having gear leveled completely across the board. PvP should be about skill vs skill, not who has had more time to grind out the most recent set of gear. BW is firmly invested in the 'carrot on a stick' method of maintaining subscribers tho, so you guys are stuck with the current system.

I agree with you and think I said something to this effect in another recent thread, but we really cannot have ppl who are ALREADY better than the masses bringing their exclusive better gear into regs against players who do not have access to that gear.

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I agree with a lot of what you say Cash, but I think you are off a bit on this one. The affect from the changes you propose would be an very short term increase in team ranked participation followed by a significant drop in the population of ranked and regular warzones. You need to do more to improve the experience for new teams to get them into ranked (this is much more significant than any gear carrot), or they will just quit. And I do not think you will see enough of a bump in participation on most servers to allow Elo to accomplish this. Cross server would be necessary to even have a prayer of making this work.


The only way to improve the experience for new teams is to get more new teams to queue. A time-tested and proven method for getting MMO players to do something is the prospect of new gear.


At this point however, no amount of fixing will improve competitive PvP. Too many competitive players have left with no intention of ever returning.


And for the last time, the difference between Ranked gear and non-Ranked is insignificant. If you have min/max'd tier 1 PvP gear, you are 100% able to compete against people using even min/max'd tier 2 PvP gear.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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The only way to improve the experience for new teams is to get more new teams to queue. A time-tested and proven method for getting MMO players to do something is the prospect of new gear.


At this point however, no amount of fixing will improve competitive PvP. Too many competitive players have left with no intention of ever returning.


And for the last time, the difference between Ranked gear and non-Ranked is insignificant. If you have min/max'd tier 1 PvP gear, you are 100% able to compete against people using even min/max'd tier 2 PvP gear.


A cat has a total of 24 whiskers, 4 rows of whiskers on each side. The upper two rows can move independently of the bottom two rows.

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