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Personally, I would have preferred more of an anime art style for WIldstar, but, whatever...It's the content and the gameplay that matter the most...



All I did was attack other players for the rakghoul event... I wouldn't have gotten the quests done if the people in my group weren't leading me to the markers.. Made people start switching instances. :rak_frown:


My attacking people usually resulted in me getting ganked... :(



Maybe the other people just don't want to PvP in those PvE Areas (Oricon and the Rak tunnels) and would just like to finish their quests.

If you want constant PvP I wonder why you are on a PvE server. Most People choose those specifically because they do not care about PvP beyond WZs (if at all) and just enjoy the PvE content except for the odd few PvPers who choose them specifically because they have an easier time in PvP and can prey on unsuspecting PvErs for some weird satisfaction (not that I am suggesting you are one of those).

I understand the frustration with the Gree, to a point. I realize that going into that area was accepting that PvP was gonna happen. The QQ you are talkign about, usually was because some guilds (calling themselves PvP-RP ones, which means they shout: "For the Empire!! LOL!" after stomping you) used to gang up on solo-players with up to 12 people at a time.

Now, imagine you are on the receiving end of that. Would you go in there again? Would you have a good laugh after this happening 10 times? Would you actually still raise your PvP flag in any shared event area, unless you have to? Would you not hate the guys that force you into PvP just so they can gang up on you again and again? In my opinion at least, this has very little to do with real PvP and much more with griefing. Which, according to some replies I got here already, seems to be what some people want to do. But I (foolishly) assume that the main body of the PVPers actually want fair fights.


So, to me (but as PvEer my word means nothing I know, I missed the sign at the entrance permitting only PvPers to speak) it looks like a lot of the problems discribed in this thread are self-made by the PvP community.


1) If you want to mainly go for PvP go to a PvP-Server. Do not expect people on a PvE-Server to queue up for Ranked or take kindly to your selfish wishes of open-world PvP during events. If they want to PvP they will let you know by themselves. This should also help with server-populations and queue times. You could even make a poll and announce that one of the PvP Servers is going to be THE PvP-server from now on, where all the competetive people come. No need for server-merges or cross-server queues.


2) If you crave open-world pvp so much, what would actually help is organizing it. Put up a date, meet in an area that is not used for questing a lot and bash each others skulls in as much as you like. If people do not react to such a try at organising, I would suspect, that the demand for open-world pvp is much smaller then you think. Of course the engine might put some restrictions on that, but that is something that will never change.


Now, feel free to attack me once more


Yea....I transferred to a PvP server months and months ago...

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As long as it's good then I couldn't care less about the graphics. Better graphics doesn't equal a better game.


Exactly, and once you play wildstar you realize the art fits very well with the tone of the game. The combat is simply amazing though I'm terrified to level a stalker. I love that playstyle and they always get them right at launch but they inevitably always get nerfed into oblivion every damn time. I'm sure it wont take long for stalker to get nerfed, hell I'll be surprised if it stays how it was in closed beta with the 100% crit chance coming out of stealth and stealth itself is on a 20s cd and you can restealth in combat lawl.

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Exactly, and once you play wildstar you realize the art fits very well with the tone of the game. The combat is simply amazing though I'm terrified to level a stalker. I love that playstyle and they always get them right at launch but they inevitably always get nerfed into oblivion every damn time. I'm sure it wont take long for stalker to get nerfed, hell I'll be surprised if it stays how it was in closed beta with the 100% crit chance coming out of stealth and stealth itself is on a 20s cd and you can restealth in combat lawl.


Yeah if I pick it up I would play stalker or spellslinger

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http://youtu.be/AWpNDVGINyw ....My new home and for good reason *cough cross server cough*


"Let's hop in the queue...It's cross-realm." lol


Um, gotta say...that video is the best one I've seen yet of Wildstar PvP. I may just give that game a spin now. The Telegraph System looks legit. No nub auto-facing bs that caters to bads.



As long as it's good then I couldn't care less about the graphics. Better graphics doesn't equal a better game.


Pretty much. Just look at League of Legends. That game looks like garbage, but is probably the best PvP game going right now.

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Gree event...So much QQ spamming up general chat while I was on a PvE server...If anyone was actually PvPing in the PvP area, people would just spam general chat with QQ...


Not like the gree event didn't have a bunch of people lining up to turn in the orbs at the centre...On damn near every server.


I have a problem with same faction killing in that zone, yes. First, there is already a zone for you to beat up members of your faction, its the Outlaw's Den on Tatooine. And before you argue that pvp'ing there is pointless because there are no objectives or rewards, I thought the people justifying same faction pvp were just "in it for the thrill of pvp?" Furthermore, there is absolutely no story justification for supposed heroes of their faction to be killing other heroes of their faction when there is a war going on.


On topic, I would say that some type of resource control metagame is probably the most feasible given this style of MMO and the relative lack of sandbox features. The "contested resource" in question for the Gree event is control of the quest locations, and to a lesser extent, the warzone comm rewards from the pvp quests. I don't believe that you can get any grey helix components from the pvp quests, but I may be incorrect. However, the quantity of pvp comms gained from participating in the gree event is far outweighed by participation in unranked warzones and the value of the resource of "quest locations" is severely diminished because of shared reputation across a legacy and the infrequency of the event. In other words, the resources being contested in the Gree event aren't very valuable (especially without grey helix comps), so there isn't a lot of reason to participate for anyone interested in a more fulfilling world pvp experience.


Now, that being said, there was a similar area in Star Wars Galaxies in the form of the Restuss ruins ... again, the resource being contested was the quest npcs that awarded restuss commendations, and the Emperor's Hand spawn for the lightsaber schematic. Even though by the game's sunset, everyone pretty much had all the "resources" they needed from Restuss, people still went there because we knew we could have some good battles there. This was the case even before they revamped the GCW point system, which incentivized participation even more.


DC Universe Online has a similar open world pvp zone, but the Ring War in Metroplis and Diamond Heist in Gotham events are recurring throughout the day, so players are not limited in the amount of marks they can earn by participating in the events. Also, DCUO even made its introduction of player housing pvp-friendly, because you can have pvp matches in your lairs, even going so far as being able to pick up a table in someone's lair and use it as a weapon. I highly doubt that will ever be a feature of Galactic Strongholds given the marked differences between the Unreal engine and the Hero engine. However, my examples indicate that pvp has to be designed from the top of a game, not as an add on.


I'm not a game designer, so off the top of my head I can't come up with a "resource" that could reasonably be contested 24/7 in this game, with its lack of sandbox elements, that would drive participation in open world pvp. Perhaps that's the same problem our developers have, but that's what happens when features are added in piecemeal instead of being designed from the get go.

Edited by phalczen
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If you're playing games based on graphics, you're clearly one of the people that Bioware is catering to. There are so many good games that have ****** graphics that people overlook because they get a hardon for "real life graphics". Let's face it, star wars, WoW and Wildstar are ALL cartoony graphics. SWG was ****** graphics but it was one of the best MMOs that I've ever played (pre combat nef obviously)


Wildstar has adult humor, customization that bioware could dream of having for their game, and cross server ques. Not to mention the 40 man and 20 man raids are two different zones. They also have ways to keep people from getting bored, by changing the bosses encounter every 2 weeks or so. They also have everything for PvP...Did I mention cross server ques?


I'll be playing a spellslinger healer, just something about jumping through dimensions seems fun to me.


Bioware, enjoy your game bleeding out. You'll have PvErs and people who like buying things off the cartel market. But it's only a matter of time before you **** them over too.

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It does.


no it doesn't. I mean...I'm throwing my chips in on WS, so it's not like I'm championing SWTOR > WS here. but SWTOR definitely does not look cartoony. although I think *some* of the alien species are stupid. however, I think that about the SW universe in general so...push.

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Great post, Eric. This will finally allow me to unsub without worrying about what content might be coming out for us PvP'ers. I've completed all the advancement acheivements and just have one more class to take to 55 to see the story. I'll do that over the next Double XP weekend you have coming in the next month so that I don't drag this thing out with you guys and we can get that unsub secured.


Thanks for your transparency!

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Furthermore, there is absolutely no story justification for supposed heroes of their faction to be killing other heroes of their faction when there is a war going on.


Agreed. Same faction pvp, I think, is enough with the dueling system. Think more story for open PvP, and offer level-restricted incentive for participation to balance out bullying.



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While I don't agree with the cartoon graphics of it, Wildstar's layout and features seem top notch.


Features this (SWTOR) AAA $300-500million MMO should have launched with, yet 2 years later, STILL DOESN'T HAVE. :rolleyes:

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I guess its a good thing my sub is about to run out...sadly i liked to play this game, SWTOR brought me here and i hung on in hopes for a rise in pvp, I'm not even too upset with Arenas and i can deal with the unbalanced classes, but pvpers are leaving > there isn't anyone to fight > i dont get my pvp = no resub
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You know what's funny? How many people are asking for cross server stuff, when I'm sitting here KNOWING I'll unsub the moment that this community-destroying feature gets implemented. xD


I'm assuming that any implementation would be:


- optional for the regular PvP queue

- non-optional for group and solo ranked queues.

- if even available for PvE, and there is no reason why PvE needs this, it would be optional to queue only on your own server.


MAYBE if they add it in a way where at least YOUR team is to be assembled from your server and the enemy team can be from any other server... that could work.


Pretty much the only way a cross-server group ranked queue could work.


Most of your ranting was about x-server PvE issues, none of which are really applicable to ranked PvP. Not sure why you brought them up in this thread.

Edited by NoFishing
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The combat is simply amazing though I'm terrified to level a stalker. I love that playstyle and they always get them right at launch but they inevitably always get nerfed into oblivion every damn time. I'm sure it wont take long for stalker to get nerfed, hell I'll be surprised if it stays how it was in closed beta with the 100% crit chance coming out of stealth and stealth itself is on a 20s cd and you can restealth in combat lawl.


I could be wrong, but I think the guaranteed crit chance was gone a patch or two ago. Obviously can't check in the game ATM, but as I recall lethal stance now boosts assault power, diminishes resistances, and some specific skills get boosts (less power used or more base damage) when used from stealth. To be sure they are still an incredibly bursty class out of stealth. So a stalker is going to be my main, and I'll just have to hope enough Carbine devs main them as well that they don't get nerfed too much!


EDIT: forgot to mention - the thing they SHOULD nerf the hell out of is Tactical Retreat. Leap away, enter stealth, and damage can't break your stealth for 8s. Pretty insane escape ability there.

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Will you be bringing back 8v8 Ranked Warzones?


We have no plans currently of bringing back 8v8 Ranked Warzones.


Are there any plans of expanding open world PvP?


Currently we have no plans of expanding open world PvP, specifically to say we don’t have any plans to introduce any new systems which offer rewards around it. However, we will continue to encourage open world PvP in events and future content. Some examples of this would be the Oricon daily area and the shared questing areas of the Rakghoul event.


Hello, Eric can you even play a high standard of pvp?, or can any of your pvp designers?

No, the fact you all got rolled on the PTS with the arenas and then had to nominate a US team and just commentate on proves this.

And yes is played your team twice and was amazed how a team from the designers of the game not understands tank switches, cleanses, white barring, switching focus targets on queue. The list goes on I mean I don't think you got one of our team under 90%hp and the match was over quick.

A lot of the top pvpers have left the game and a few play arena's, which are a good edition but within even less classes being viable at the high-end then there was in 8vs8 Ranked.


Why have you removed the flagship and pinnacle of pvp from the game?

I say this as a ranked team member for Red Eclipse that paid for a lot of server transfers to TOFN like many other people from French, German and English servers to make a mass community of 30 ranked teams playing regularly, that was the idea and then a month later you get rid of 8vs8 ranked.

Now you followed a lot of the top players EU on twitch and other social media sites, you knew this was happening you said nothing to no one!

You just seem to be listening to the wrong people all the time rather than the best pvers the best pvpers about balance and what a Good MMO needs to be a success. (Or maybe you lot don’t care anymore and it’s all about cartel market and a crappy flight side game)

Starfighter is not real pvp it’s a side game,

You could still turn this around and bring back 8 vs 8 ranked and have a reward system and areas to fight in for Open world pvp





Red Eclipse

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Game's dead. Sucks to be swtor. I hope this acts as a massive wake up call to anyone wanting to develop an MMO around a massive brand name. Content > name. Content > thousand of hours of voiceovers.


Wildstar may not start out with the kinds of numbers Swtor did, but unlike this massive draining cyst of a game the content will surely attract more and more players over time. I just wish that rancid evil video game flagship EA games would finally belt out its death rattle and sink into the San Francisco bay before it ruins more beloved franchises.

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