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from another thread. Care to comment about the discrepancy between what you told us back then and what you're telling us now devs?


well, when someone plans something and announces it before a dramatic near-total collapse and mass scale change of staff, you will often find that those plans go in the toilet, the people who told us those plans are most likely not the ones working there now.

Edited by Sangrar
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from another thread. Care to comment about the discrepancy between what you told us back then and what you're telling us now devs?


Appreciate the transparency and telling us smaller population servers are better off just leaving. Much better than stringing us along for several years promising stuff you really won't be implementing as this poster shows.

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from another thread. Care to comment about the discrepancy between what you told us back then and what you're telling us now devs?


Pretty sure the majority of those developers no longer work at BW.


Personally I feel like if BW didn't freak out and open more servers than they should have I think the game would of managed a lot better back then. 1.2 didn't help much either....but ya, BW was attempting a lot of stuff prior to 1.2. Seemed like after that it just fell through the cracks due to the obvious restructure of the team and moving to F2P. They were just too slow to address the server issue or too arrogant to admit that they were not going to fill up those empty servers. Glad at launch I was smart enough to stick on the server that had like a 300 queue during the first two weeks lol cuz I knew exactly what was going to happen.

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well, when someone plans something and announces it before a dramatic near-total collapse and mass scale change of staff, you will often find that those plans go in the toilet, the people who told us those plans are most likely not the ones working there now.


No excuse. There are things that they flat out assured us were coming, but never came. The restructuring of their employees and the creation of the F2P model should have slowed down the development timelines for these things, not completely deleted them.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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This is all the first post had to say. EAware doesn't care about the PVP community. They don't want us to play their game. We aren't the ones spending hundreds in their Cartel Market so why should we even be bothered with? PvE content is, in comparison, flourishing, while we are stuck with reskins and false incentives.


Oh yeah, and No.

Contrary to popular belief, PvE isn't doing any better either. They're mainly just getting casual-driven content like those Tactical FPs and Ops without any NiMs until months later. Compared to PvP they do have WAY MORE stuff to do, but if take into account all of the daily areas and FPs EAware has added, they're kind of in the same situation as us.



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No excuse. There are things that they flat out assured us were coming, but never came. The restructuring of their employees and the creation of the F2P model should have slowed down the development timelines for these things, not completely deleted them.


I agree, but sadly I just don't think EA is giving them much of a budget to work with so obviously a lot of stuff has to be put on the back burner. Thus is the life of a game that is backed by investors.

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That answer to question about bolster in ranked is total BS. The reason bolster is in ranked is because otherwise 78+ PvE mainhand barrels/hilts would be BiS. Unfortunately the dev seem to think we are too stupid to realize this...


On the other hand some people in these forums can be really blockheaded when it comes to bolster.

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They could have easily turned the existing maps into supporting new gametypes. Block off one entrance to each base on Novare, add stairs to the other (preferably the northern exists) and put one flag in each base. Boom, multi-flag CTF.


Open up VS put a bomb spot at the terminal, a bomb spawn where offense normally spawns and you'll have one-bomb assault.

Any 8 vs 8 map could support traditional 3-spot territories.


I'm no computer wiz but from a layman's PoV these things don't seem all that hard to implement. Score and "carry" systems are already in the game.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Why is Bolster in Ranked PvP? Why not just require a high level of PvP gear?


This is a great question, and one we put a lot of thought into when the decision made to keep Bolster in Ranked PvP. As many of you likely know, in the past we had an entry level set of PvP gear called the Recruit set. Wearing this set into a Warzone would put you at an “entry level” for PvP. However, having Recruit gear in the game created two important factors:


1. The player needed to know that this is how PvP at max level worked.

2. The player needed to then get the gear and actually equip it.


Although this may seem like something which is obvious to many of you who are more seasoned and hardcore PvPers, these factors being missed led to many players first experience being that they got completely stomped in PvP. Although we understand that there are certainly “dues to be paid” when you play PvP, they shouldn’t come right at the beginning of someone’s PvP career. We also want the Ranked population to be as high as possible within the Level 55 bracket so we have Bolster in place so more players can participate in the system.


The best solution for this situation was a systematic approach which puts all players on an even footing when they enter the system. We know that some feel the best solution is to simply make everyone have the same gear and stats when in PvP so that it is purely a measure skill and skill alone. However, we feel that as an MMO, gear progression is a major cornerstone of its long term gameplay. We feel that Bolster takes both of those ideas into account and lands as a nice middle ground.


It is very unfortunate that Bolster has experienced issues since its implementation which certainly created pain points for our PvP community. However we will continue to work to ensure that Bolster is working as intended! I think we can all agree that having the first time you PvP be a positive experience will go to great lengths to ensuring that those folks stick around and continue to PvP!



So...to clarify, instead of throwing up a few "disclaimers" for the new pvper to see and asking them to read and acknowledge a quick tip or two before entering pvp, the development team thought it should build an entire game changing system and implement this unnecessary system.....? Instead of a few simple prompted requests to acknowledge the new pvper is about to enter an "all boss or all champion" area, it seemed better to spend tens of thousands or more on a bolster system that few if any truly understand? Or want....


I am "almost" without words. I think a "/facepalm" is in order? That is utterly insane.


Why can't the new pvp'rs get a simple warning across their screens a few times along with the typical gear requirements recommended? That's how PvE is and we all figure that out....eventually? I think?


Anyways...here's my tip for you devs:

There is no such thing as "equal footing" among players in PvP play. Bad players will remain bad until they make a conscious decision to get better. Until they choose to study, practice, and learn all the mechanics of a class and know it so well that all reactions feel like instinct and become "muscle memory"........they will likely continue to play that class well below it's potential. The more you assist these players with remaining average.....the more you widen the gap you so desperately seek to close.

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So...to clarify, instead of throwing up a few "disclaimers" for the new pvper to see and asking them to read and acknowledge a quick tip or two before entering pvp, the development team thought it should build an entire game changing system and implement this unnecessary system.....? Instead of a few simple prompted requests to acknowledge the new pvper is about to enter an "all boss or all champion" area, it seemed better to spend tens of thousands or more on a bolster system that few if any truly understand? Or want....


I am "almost" without words. I think a "/facepalm" is in order? That is utterly insane.


Why can't the new pvp'rs get a simple warning across their screens a few times along with the typical gear requirements recommended? That's how PvE is and we all figure that out....eventually? I think?


Anyways...here's my tip for you devs:

There is no such thing as "equal footing" among players in PvP play. Bad players will remain bad until they make a conscious decision to get better. Until they choose to study, practice, and learn all the mechanics of a class and know it so well that all reactions feel like instinct and become "muscle memory"........they will likely continue to play that class well below it's potential. The more you assist these players with remaining average.....the more you widen the gap you so desperately seek to close.

the bold bit is horse crap. the rest is accurate. you know...not everybody has the same ceiling. it's not a choice. and some people's ceiling is what you would call bad.

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So...to clarify, instead of throwing up a few "disclaimers" for the new pvper to see and asking them to read and acknowledge a quick tip or two before entering pvp, the development team thought it should build an entire game changing system and implement this unnecessary system.....? Instead of a few simple prompted requests to acknowledge the new pvper is about to enter an "all boss or all champion" area, it seemed better to spend tens of thousands or more on a bolster system that few if any truly understand? Or want....
They're trying to cure "stupid". There's no cure for that.


And yeah, even FP'es have a warning popping up "a full group is intended". That's apparently not working in warzones and with expertise because....PvP'ers are dumber? Strikes me as a bit inconsistent. Also, has anyone played GSF on a fresh char against people who have mastered their ships? If they're going to fix "gear" disparity then that's where they should start. In normal warzones you'll atleast have a fighting chance, regardless of bolster and what you have on.

Edited by MidichIorian
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I really wish they could get the cross server queues going for PvP and for PvE as it would make this game infinitely better. Sitting around waiting to do **** is always what kills MMOs for me and cross server queues are the solution. I have 6 days left on my sub and I almost cancelled it immediately after reading this thread. I really love ranked pvp but since it is only possible to get a match during a 3 hour prime-time window it just isn't keeping my interest.


I really wish that the feedback of paying customers would push them to work on cross server queues but it seems like the only way they might listen is to stop paying? or would they then just say they don't care about us since we aren't paying?


Oh well. Perhaps BIRD CLAN will have to go on migration again.

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I really wish they could get the cross server queues going for PvP and for PvE as it would make this game infinitely better. Sitting around waiting to do **** is always what kills MMOs for me and cross server queues are the solution. I have 6 days left on my sub and I almost cancelled it immediately after reading this thread. I really love ranked pvp but since it is only possible to get a match during a 3 hour prime-time window it just isn't keeping my interest.


I really wish that the feedback of paying customers would push them to work on cross server queues but it seems like the only way they might listen is to stop paying? or would they then just say they don't care about us since we aren't paying?


Oh well. Perhaps BIRD CLAN will have to go on migration again.


I can see both ways of sub drop as helping or not helping with getting anything done. On one hand, less subs will mean even less resources dedicated to this game and make things worse, but who knows it might end up pressuring the company into doing something to get a return on investment but this is less likely in my opinion, or I am thinking that maybe they did this thread on purpose knowing they might be taking hits from competition in the coming months to tear the house down themselves in a semi controlled way instead of just waiting for that house to collapse. Not saying the game won't endure just saying I think the leaving of pvpers was already calculated and this is part of the plan, I don't know maybe, just some thoughts.

Edited by Sangrar
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Guys...do we have any meme's yet?


Something about us still having perception problems...Or the devs having a perception problem...


and a song...We need a song...Can't hurt to have more than one...same with the meme's...We need tons of those.


We shall take over the forums with our meme's and songs! Hopefully the front page of all search engines.


I'm also for setting things on fire. Fire is good...

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I can see both ways of sub drop as helping or not helping with getting anything done. On one hand, less subs will mean even less resources dedicated to this game and make things worse, but who knows it might end up pressuring the company into doing something to get a return on investment but this is less likely in my opinion, or I am thinking that maybe they did this thread on purpose knowing they might be taking hits from competition in the coming months to tear the house down themselves in a semi controlled way instead of just waiting for that house to collapse. Not saying the game won't endure just saying I think the leaving of pvpers was already calculated and this is part of the plan, I don't know maybe, just some thoughts.


Well when subs fell off around 1.2, EA took the route of firing everyone and cutting their perceived losses instead of doing the wise long-term thing and keeping enough people/hiring more people to actually finish the game and make it good. So I doubt the drop in subs following the "no pvp" post is going to give them a wake up call.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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Well when subs fell off around 1.2, EA took the route of firing everyone and cutting their perceived losses instead of doing the wise long-term thing and keeping enough people/hiring more people to actually finish the game and make it good. So I doubt the drop in subs following the "no pvp" post is going to give them a wake up call.


Nope. They're riding it out until it dies. Getting back as much as they can without putting much in. I mean, it's obvious and it's been obvious for a long time.

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If you guys think Wildstar is the answer to pvp youre dead wrong. That game is crap pvp wise. Holy **** does that telegraph thing suck ***. Ill stay here and let the devs lie to me. Just got out of beta and realized its a game that was made for 12 year old girls...my god is that pvp horrible. Have fun. Seeya in a month.
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If you guys think Wildstar is the answer to pvp youre dead wrong. That game is crap pvp wise. Holy **** does that telegraph thing suck ***. Ill stay here and let the devs lie to me. Just got out of beta and realized its a game that was made for 12 year old girls...my god is that pvp horrible. Have fun. Seeya in a month.


Yeah because SWTOR pvp takes no skill, and you don't have enough skill to avoid telegraphs while landing your own. You're what's wrong with SWTOR PvP.

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Yeah because SWTOR pvp takes no skill, and you don't have enough skill to avoid telegraphs while landing your own. You're what's wrong with SWTOR PvP.


Have fun in wildstar...lol


I was top 2 or 3 dps in wildstar every game... that pvp is horrible and you know it. Nice try though.

Edited by Brewkrew
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Guys...do we have any meme's yet?


Something about us still having perception problems...Or the devs having a perception problem...


and a song...We need a song...Can't hurt to have more than one...same with the meme's...We need tons of those.


We shall take over the forums with our meme's and songs! Hopefully the front page of all search engines.


I'm also for setting things on fire. Fire is good...


Google "swtor meme" one of the first search results should entertain you (title is official swtor meme thread). Enjoy.

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Guys...do we have any meme's yet?


Something about us still having perception problems...Or the devs having a perception problem...


and a song...We need a song...Can't hurt to have more than one...same with the meme's...We need tons of those.


We shall take over the forums with our meme's and songs! Hopefully the front page of all search engines.


I'm also for setting things on fire. Fire is good...


It's hard to come up with anything funny to take the edge off of militant un-reason and (apparently) deliberate obtuseness, and I have a more warped sense of humour than most :/


Yeah...sorry mates, I got nuthin' :(

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