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Frequently Asked PvP Questions


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I did actually mention there at the end that the "player" would be bad if he stayed there and the team couldn't keep position... In that case he would need to move to mid... And yes I agree... If he did nothing all match he would be what you call a leach


There are only bads left in PVP now anyway, all the remaining good players went to the cartoon game.

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So - wich one are you? Obviously not cartooning. :D;)


I am still here, so clearly a bad :)


I could not get past the WS graphics if I am brutally honest, they are just garbage.


When I play any game, the aesthetics are 50% of the fun, with gameplay the remainder, if either is lacking too much I stop playing. SWTOR is currently clinging on by the skin of its teeth, that said, I probably wont renew this time when it eventually runs out, a break is often a pleasant change.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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So the practical look for the future goes something like


PvE Content:

Add New Class Skill

Add New Missions

Add New Event

Add New etc. etc. etc.


PvP Content:

Break Class Balance

Nothing New to Follow


Cartel Market:

Need 1000 new items ASAP



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Eric here are some suggestions to solve some of things you mention above. Ie queue population and de facto best WZ problem


My Comments to this post


- there should be 4 types of queues for people who may not like Arena, Huttball or even normal WZ... plus have a random queue... WoW do this well and keep people playing all the different PVP WZs by linking quests/dailies to them... Ie queuing for a random gives you more comms etc... They even have special weekend bonuses for doing certain WZs on that weekend... That way most people don't neglect or favour only one type of WZ....

To give people incentives to play each one, make them Dailes/weeklies... Special rewards etc

Then you could have complete/win a Huttball/s or classics and arena quests. Give a bigger incentive for queuing random... This would also add some quest enjoyment for us people who only pvp... Instead of just 2 types of quests that are over in 5-9 matches depending on your lvl

And to combat long queues times, show how many people are queued for each one... If less than a full team, a msg could pop up suggesting the highest pop queues and possible wait times for a queue to pop based on the trend from the last hour


I don't think "4 types of queues" is accurate. There only need to be 1 queue system seen here. What you seem to be saying is 4 types of incentives to joining WZ.

  1. Daily Mission Based on all option selection
  2. Weekly Mission based on completing each WZ
  3. "Named" WZ Weekend - Special rewards for that WZ
  4. More Daily and Weekly missions to compete in WZs


This is an easy fix and I'm not sure why it was overlooked, considering the answer was staring you in the face.

I mean What is Valor actually for???... but to show you have put in time learning to pvp.

If they don't have lvl 54 or higher Valor they should be put back with the pre55 pvpers and nerfed down to the pre55 pvp requirements, basically reversed bolster...by the time they get to Valor 54 they should be able to play... Then we wouldn't have to panda to these "non" pvp people and you could get rid of bolster for all lvl 55.

At the same time these people could be earning comms to buy PVP gear with for when they can do "un" bolstered pvp.

Then they would have no reason to complain about the over gearing and we wouldn't have to see these end game lvl PVE people with the best non pvp gear getting bolstered up in expertise.... I mean if you have over 40k health as a PVE player... You should not get Bolster... I know it's near impossible or extremely hard to have that amount of health as a tank with full expertise pvp gear... So when I see a sniper or a healer with 40k health and 1900 expertise because of bolster... You can understand why the pvp community of this game gets upset and says your "pandering"


Level, Legacy Level, Social Level, Companion Affection, Dark/Light Side Level. These all have an effect on the game in various ways. Level is the most Obvious as it opens up new content, gear and skills. Legacy Level offers passive options and perks that are available to your brand new toon same as your endgame toon. Social level is still required for planetary social gear and it also gives you access to other items, nothing game breaking (except to the PvP who likes something only available in the social catalog. Companion Affection effect crafting skill times and outcomes as well as unlocks a presence buff accross your legacy making them more effective in game. Dark and Light side level affects your ability to use Relics under 50 as well as storyline outcomes, companion affection points and a physical characteristic that can be viewed by all.


Then there is Valor....The PvP "Level" concept that has no impact on the game currently (Other than the crafted Battlemaster and War Hero shells that can not be worn without Valor 60/70 respectively. This is a characters PvP Level identifier USE IT! Implement a Legacy PvP Valor Rating so that someone who is level 55 with no Valor on the toon can still compete based on Legacy Valor


I understand you want people to be able to experience all parts of the game. But to expect and non pvp player to jump into lvl 55 pvp and be competitive is ridiculous. Besides the armor issue, I think you are also overlooking the fact that pvp skills are developed with time and what might work in PVE might not work in pvp or even be completely useless. When you go into a FP or OPS and the leader asks "Who Doesn't know this fight?" This is the Person in PvP with green mission rewards gear!!!

It's like these players that get to lvl 55 and decide to pvp for the first time and then complain they got smashed... Now we all have to put up with you guys pandering to these people because their first experience was bad and they are sad :(

On top of this, it makes for a lot of Argo because people don't understand the tactics, don't understand the different classes they are playing with and against and this leads to accusations of hacking, Rage quitting... By the time you are ready to pvp at lvl 55 you should know all that... Most proper pvp Players at lvl 55 don't need to be told tactics... They already know them... So it becomes frustrating to lose games because these "new" "bolstered" "PVE" players run around with heads cut off and then complain they got smashed

You mentioned that their "dues should not have to paid at the beginning of their pvp career"... Fair enough... So make them have a career before they get to 55... The dues are paid... Problem solved.


You have lost many good pvp people from the game because of this.



Can't see why this is such a problem to implement? It was taken out of the game, I mean how hard is it to just re-enable it if that is what the community wants?


With regards to 8v8 RWZ I think it is a matter of the Solo Queue system. 98.898989898% of the time a PuG will lose to the PreMade. This adds to very long queue times (Not like 4v4 solo queue isn't an eternity or anything) only to add to the PuGs "Team" rankng issue.


Lastly... Here are some extra ideas to take on board -

The medal system needs an overhaul to incentivise better team spirit instead of Death Match medal farmers... Ie someone who is camping the enemy line in Huttball in stealth to allow their team to pass to them will very rarely get any or many medals... But their role can be vital to their team winning... More medals should be included for passing and catching... Intercepting etc...

Lastly a you could post reminder on the screen to all players as the WZ is loading to give an MVP vote at the end... If they dont, they shouldn't get the benefits of any of the medals they collected during the match.


This last part seems quite severe IMO. I feel that most DM players in reg WZs are 1. New PvPers, 1 Buthurt PvPer out for vengence, 3 Fully geared PvP out to PUNK the little guy! The role of the stealther in the Endzone or the Solid distracting the Door/Node guard so the Stealther can Cap are very improtant to the Mechanics of the match.


Honestly if you look at PvP from a PvE perspective you should be able to find new things to add. Think of PvP as the "Ongoing War Efforts" while PvE deals with the emergances of new enemies and crisis, PvPers are dealing with the "Natural Enemy." We don't need the story part of it but we need the scenery of that story to be played out in.


IF you looked at PvP like End Game PvE it looks something like

WZ=FPs, Story OPs


NiMOPs =/= PvP


PvP needs an "Operations" Map and the OW PvP needs "Operations" added. Ilum at launch as an example, The map, the goal (Implement dominence on Ilum) but the substance...missing. By that I mean anyone could go at any time and destroy the carriers/generators but doing so gave you nothing except the boost that only applied to Ilum.


Initially there were GRAND battles fought there but they were pointless for the most part and never ending until you just left. They became even more pointless with the loss of the PvP rewards that were available to the point that Ilum became a wasteland. It timelines were set in place of when the EPIC battle for Ilum took place where people could queue and join the fight like a WZ and conquer the objective of Ilum to win rewards it would not have died.


OW PvP is not just a zone where you are auto flagged and can senselessly slaughter or be slaughtered it must have a story to guide the chaos of war.


The PvP Development Team needs to have some Generals directing us, the Soldiers in the Scenario of War!

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This last part seems quite severe IMO. I feel that most DM players in reg WZs are 1. New PvPers, 1 Buthurt PvPer out for vengence, 3 Fully geared PvP out to PUNK the little guy! The role of the stealther in the Endzone or the Solid distracting the Door/Node guard so the Stealther can Cap are very improtant to the Mechanics of the match.


Honestly if you look at PvP from a PvE perspective you should be able to find new things to add. Think of PvP as the "Ongoing War Efforts" while PvE deals with the emergances of new enemies and crisis, PvPers are dealing with the "Natural Enemy." We don't need the story part of it but we need the scenery of that story to be played out in.


IF you looked at PvP like End Game PvE it looks something like

WZ=FPs, Story OPs


NiMOPs =/= PvP


PvP needs an "Operations" Map and the OW PvP needs "Operations" added. Ilum at launch as an example, The map, the goal (Implement dominence on Ilum) but the substance...missing. By that I mean anyone could go at any time and destroy the carriers/generators but doing so gave you nothing except the boost that only applied to Ilum.


Initially there were GRAND battles fought there but they were pointless for the most part and never ending until you just left. They became even more pointless with the loss of the PvP rewards that were available to the point that Ilum became a wasteland. It timelines were set in place of when the EPIC battle for Ilum took place where people could queue and join the fight like a WZ and conquer the objective of Ilum to win rewards it would not have died.


OW PvP is not just a zone where you are auto flagged and can senselessly slaughter or be slaughtered it must have a story to guide the chaos of war.


The PvP Development Team needs to have some Generals directing us, the Soldiers in the Scenario of War!


I only have one thing to say regarding your replies to my post... You are obviously a PVE orientated player and not a serious PVP player :p

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I only have one thing to say regarding your replies to my post... You are obviously a PVE orientated player and not a serious PVP player :p


You would actually be very wrong in that observation. I like substance something that PvP lacks

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The PvP Development Team needs to have some Generals directing us, the Soldiers in the Scenario of War!


Just quoted that last bit, but other passages would be more interesting.


8v8 ranked, used to be just that.... a team or premade of 8 vs. a team or premade of 8 doing objective bases wzs while being on VoIP to coordinate. Yolo Queue doesnt even make sense there (it doesnt really with arenas, but that is another topic). The whole trill was that you can play the wzs with fully coordinated premade (not just 4 people) against another premade. According to BW they removed it due to low participation (which at least for TRE and TOFN i cant confirm to be true... there was more participation in those than in team ranked arenas after they launched). so yeah their reason was far from convincing, and i dont get why they cant just bring it back ... since apparently i lot of people want it back (even without any changes).... but yeah it is not coming back


well your pvp operations idea is good in principle yet the illum reference brings me to this ->


the engine just cant handled it. 40v40 instanced would be too much as well, basically everything that involves a higher number of players than 16 is doomed to fail in this game performance wise.

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well your pvp operations idea is good in principle yet the illum reference brings me to this ->


I was involved in a similar battle when the Illum event was on... Probably only 20 of us v 20 (give or take)... We weren't grouped... No lag (except normal Illum lag)... Worked fine


The original Illum area, before they remapped it for the event, was setup for massive pvp... But no one used it or didn't know about it... As far as I know there were no quests or dailies either, could be wrong... I guess the intention originally was for something like the big map pvp battles/area in wow ... Maybe the engine couldn't use it so they didn't promote it... But I believe the intention was there as you could go and capture the flag for your faction to increase some stat while on Illum... There was never anyone there... LoL

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  • 1 month later...
Given the recent rewards announcements for season 2, it is about time this thread was necro'd for all those poor souls who still had some hope left, read this thread and feel it all wash away.


Necroing to destroy hope? Nice!


And when watching that last video I was thinking "Illum never ran that smooth on my machine." XD It was good, though. Even with all them valor-easymode-leechers... At least it felt big and was not assuming that my sith lord would ever participate in an amusement event for a hutt. I still hate huttball and arenas for that. Pationately. It just... bad. If I would at least get a cinematic in the end where, if winning, I get to gut Giradda and his bunch of retads who THINK I'm there for their amusement.


I liked Illum.

Edited by chillshock
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  • 1 month later...
So the practical look for the future goes something like


PvE Content:

Add New Class Skill

Add New Missions

Add New Event

Add New etc. etc. etc.


PvP Content:

Break Class Balance

Nothing New to Follow


Cartel Market:

Need 1000 new items ASAP






I hope the star wars licence goes to someone else fast

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