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Speccing the Han Solo Fantasy - Advanced class discussion


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Dear fellow Smugglers,


I'm sure a major reason why many of us are playing the smuggler class is because of our desire to play out the Han Solo fantasy (well, it certainly is for me in PvE).


However, what I thought would be a relatively straight forward selection of "Scoundrel" advanced class has not turned out that way and has left me agonising literally for hours umming and ahhing by the trainer at the Republic fleet over which advanced class and which tech-tree to pursue!


When I think of Han Solo (in terms of my idealised MMO gameplay mechanic), I'd imagine him to a medium ranged DPS, employing cover whenever possible, but also going on a charge now and again (as the Gunslinger trailer paid homage to when he runs into a room full of troopers and runs back out again) with some good melee if and when the need arose.


Obviously, the story is not an issue here, I can play to my heart's content charming and sweet talking my way through the galaxy. I'm speaking in terms of a true gameplay mechanic. I'm sure many fans are rolling toons who are based on their archetypal favourite characters, e.g. Darth Vadar as Sith Warrior Juggernaut, Darth Maul as Sith Inquisitor Assassin, that sort of thing.


But my question is, what exactly can Han Solo be narrowed down to in the smuggler classes? How would Han fight?



In the character progression trailer, it's undeniable that aesthetically, the Scoundrel most resembles Han. Note the jacket and single blaster in profile and publicity shots. While the Gunslinger looks more like a space cowboy, with duster and dual pistols. But I have a question:


Can you play a gunslinger who looks like Han, rather than space cowboy (I.E. a Gunslinger with Scoundrel jacket and dual wielding the blasters found in the Scoundrel section of the progression trailer) - and if so, at what level should I expect to get that sort of gear, or is it strictly limited to Scoundrel only?



Obviously, both Scoundrel and Gunslinger have Han Solo tendencies because they belong to Smuggler classes, but I'm really looking for class gameplay mechanics to reflect this Star Wars character as close to possible in my roleplaying of the class.


Therefore, I'm trying to work through which advanced classes most resemble Captain Solo:


The Scoundrel

Scoundrel (Pros for playing like Han):

+ Single Blaster

+ Default jackets and pants look very much like something Han would wear

+ The name "Scoundrel". Leia liked him because he was a scoundrel, least not forget.


Scoundrel (Things that aren't Solo-ish)

- Correct me if I'm wrong but to my knowledge (from the movies) Han never carried a "Scattergun" or shotgun type weapon.

- Stealth is not something Solo would philosophically agree with, quote "I'd prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around", Star Wars: A New Hope, and only resorts to sneaking around when he has no other options left.


Scoundrel Tech Tree Choices:

- Scrapper: Despite a scattergun and extreme focus on stealth gameplay not being Han Solo's forte, the emphasis on "get in quick and get out" with the Scoundrel is something that is very "Solo". Could this be the best of Han Solo match when playing as Scoundrel, or is it too brawler and melee focused?

- Sawbones: I think for the purpose of this roleplaying, this sub-class can be discounted. Han Solo isn't a medic and from all his dialogue in the movies, he didn't seem particularly concerned about helping the Rebels with medical supplies, or healing companions with stimpacks, etc.

- Dirty Fighter: This "balanced" sub-class is something that intrigues me because it it's a sub-class that both Scoundrel & Gunslinger share - but can anyone shed more light on the specifics and whether this feels like something Han would play?



The Gunslinger

Gunslinger (Similarities to Han)

+ Gameplay focus on cover? (Ok, not something truly Han Solo-ish, but certainly is an interesting mechanic of the Smuggler class in general)

+ Emphasis on aggression over stealth gameplay.


Gunslinger (Things that aren't like Han)

- The look. The Space Cowboy with duster and hat are not something that can be associated with Captain Solo

- The dual blasters. I think Han is a one blaster kind of guy. Maybe blaster rifle (at a stretch) if he'd disguised as a Stormtrooper.


Gunslinger Tech Tree Choices:

Saboteur: The emphasis here seems to be on explosives and tech, which aren't Solo's defining characteristics - however, some abilities like slicing and security have struck me as something Han would probably have an insight into. On a more personal note, I kind of like thermal detonator spamming (but that's just me).

Sharpshooter: This seems like the class to take the cover mechanic all the way to it's full potential. A kind of sniping sub-class with lots of cover buffs - but as good as that sounds, it's not really the way Han Solo would fight. I think he'd like to get a little closer than that.

Dirty Fighter: see "Scoundrel" above.


So.. does this mean Han Solo is either a Gunslinger Saboteur or Scoundrel Scrapper? Or not any of these, but in fact a "Dirty Fighter"?!



Obviously, Han Solo's companion of choice is the Wookie, Bowdarr. :D



I think crew skills will depend on the choice of sub-class, but in general for Han Solo smuggler:


Gathering Skills: Slicing or Scavenging

Crafting skills: Armstech

Missions Skills Treasure Hunting (well, OK, less Han Solo, more Indiana Jones here), or Underworld Trading



Even after writing this, I'm still uncertain what to roll for my Han Solo inspired gameplay. This is agony! I suppose it all comes down to personal interpretation of the character, but still, I think that there are some choices that are obviously more Han Solo than others and it's those I'd like to play in the smuggler class.


If you have any suggestions, inclduing suggestions on abilities and tech tree paths, please post them here! Not to mention obviously the sweet loot to customise the look of a Han Solo inspired toon.

Edited by StrongDawn
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If anyone did duel wielding back then... it would have been Han. But then again, I could see him bringing out the shotgun at times as well.


It is hard to capture iconic characters since they have had multiple facelifts over the years.


I.e. Han did indeed shoot first. Now he shot in self defense .0003 seconds after he was shot at??

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You won't find an exact match to Han because BW basically took the character of Han Solo and slit it up into the two ACs and skill trees we have now. Everything has something "Han" about it.


That being said, I think a Dirty Fighter Scoundrel would come the closest. Han didn't spend most of his time hiding behind a box and wasn't a "gunslinger" when you really think about what that word means. Wild Bill Hickoc was a gunslinger. Doc Holiday, Billy the Kid, etc. Han doesn't really fit that image.


A Scrapper is closer but by the time you have all your necessary skills, the majority of your damage will be coming from punching faces and shotgunning backsides. Which leads me to Dirty Fighter. While one of your big skills is a shrapnel bomb (hey, Han used a bomb in RoTJ :cool:) and you still make good use of the shotgun, most of your damage will be coming from using a single blaster like Han did. The bleed from Vital Shot is a mandatory part of your DPS, your bread and butter DPS skill will be Wounding Shots, and Hemorrhaging Blast is another important part of your DPS, all using the blaster. I'm a level 24 Dirty Fighting Scoundrel and so far I'm having a blast. The DoTS are great in PvE and PvP. Grinding down the trash mobs is made sooo much faster with Shrap Bomb. And I am usually in the top DPS in warzones with the DoTs, which are also amazing in objective based maps because DoTs will interupt bomb setting/turret capturing. I imagine the DPS will be even better once I get Wounding Shots and Hemorrhaging Blast.


But ultimately, I suggest playing what ever you find the most fun. You're not Han Solo, you're whoever you make. So, put a unique spin on nerf herding :cool:

Edited by LaManoNera
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There is a set of PvP gear at level 40 which SCREAMS han solo that you should enjoy. It is pretty much exactly what he wore with some gloves added.


What makes me angry is that most of the pieces of our 40 pvp set we get as orange gear(different colored) throughout our leveling progression. While on the other hand, every other class gets some unique and cool armor models for their 40 pvp gear.


Then again, we get super awesome dusters and cowboy hats at level 50 and nobody else does. A trade-off I suppose? :D

Edited by aramada
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  • 3 months later...

See, I actually think gunslinger is more Han Solo than one would expect (and the class I went with); and here is why: Yes, Han didn't use two blasters, nor did he use a shotgun -- but he was an excellent shot, even at long range -- as portrayed in the books as well as movies (probe droid on hoth for a long range hard target example).


Also, he was very much a gunslinger -- the scene with Greedo at the Mos Eisley Cantina, or when he saw Vader at Cloud City. He also knew a bit about demolitions like on Endor when he helped set the charges at the Imperial Shield Generator base. He constantly used cover when under fire (who wouldn't -- but a few examples include, again: hoth and the probe droid and escaping the Death Star right before the garbage shoot). In fact, I wouldn't say Han ever really hid in any of the movies, so much as take cover (the only disguise he used was on the death star -- but that was an extreme circumstance, and so did Luke)


In fact, the only thing about scoundrel that seems to fit Han is the fact Leia called him one (which isn't so much a profession as it is a jab), but Lando Calrissian was also called one by Han. And, if you thought of those two together -- I would label Lando as the Scoundrel (and definitely not the gunslinger). Lando, constantly hid, never fought directly (heavily shown in Return of the Jedi), and was more likely to be aware of field medic like tactics due to his facility on Cloud City which had many medical, repair, and mine processing facilities (though this is just a supposition -- but more believable than Han using field medic tactics).

Edited by Aejax_Strider
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Some may disagree, but Han also lived in the time where there were practically no Jedi. Straight forward fights seem ******, but fighting Jedi/Sith in this kind of magnitude, well thats stupidity, not ******ery. I think Hans smarter than that. Gunslinger= Malcom. Scoundrel= Han.
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The sccoundrel was more based on healing and uncovered fighting (which dosnt make sense 2 me because cover is the smuggs 'special' ability). If u ask me the gunslinger is a better idea because they get the option to(when they need cover) click the cover button and 'ding' ur own personal shield! that was the deal breaker 4 me. Im a Sharpshooter and I think that its good bt im going to respec soon so i can try out Sabotuer. Also i learned that for most of the abilities you dont hav 2 duel wield. So you can be a 1 gun gunslinger. The armor is the same for both ACs so you dont have to worry about the armor differences. Hope this helps!:D
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Gunslinger = Malcolm Reynolds


i see reynolds as a scrapper. (or possibly dirty fighting, i havent tried df yet so i'm not familiar with it's style)

the single blaster stance fits him perfectly and mal preferred to fight with fists when he could and wouldn't shy away from cheap fighting such as a kick to the nuts, etc. he's more of a survivalist, do whatever it takes sort similar to a scrapper style.


i don't think gunslinger fits him well at all.

dual wield with cover? not his style imo.


mal would definitely kick someone in the nuts, pistol whip them and punch them and laugh while doing it. he's not afraid of close combat. and he could stand back and shoot if needed.


also he he and his crew were quite stealthy which usually ended not the best result but they tried to be haha.

Edited by teambff
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Scoundrel is Atton Rand from Kotor 2. not Han Solo. Solo is the gunslinger.



"Let me shoot him in the back no one has to know''


Using 1 blaster.

Using Stealth.

Has the same feeling.


I am surprised people still compare their characters to those in the movies.Kotor 1 and 2 has much better ''role models'' for your character.

Edited by Kaedusz
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As far as "looking" the part of Han Solo, my Level 50 Gunslinger is still using the vest from the Gree mission series on Coruscant (with upgraded armor/mods/enhancements, obviously) and I've chosen "hide headwear" in my options so people don't see my "cowboy hat." As a result, my Smuggler still looks very much like you'd expect from Han.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Han was not much of a stealthier (ANH: "I prefer a fight to all this sneaking around!") and certainly not a healer so I wouldn't consider scoundrel a fit. I guess gunslinger would be the closest match, he did use cover quite a bit, and I do seem to recall him kiting a squad of stormtroopers aboard the death star … :)
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Han was a Gunslinger with the exception of wielding two pistols. He understood the cover mechanic from before the first Death Star, to Hoth through the bunker on Endor's moon. He wasn't often portrayed getting into fist fights (at least early on), but could hold his own when he did, and had a few dirty tricks up his sleeve when he needed them. He's a Saboteur/Dirty Fighting hybrid in my mind.


Aesthetically, there are several moddable orange sets of gear that use the vest look. People have already mentioned the orange colored version that's the level 40 PVP gear, but I've seen blue and either dark grey or near black as well. The only thing you'll have to deal with is that there's no option for a non-blaster offhand, and there are a couple of core Gunslinger skills - not talents - that require dual wield.


One thing to keep in mind if you're looking at the Dirty Fighting tree is that a Scoundrel has 10m range on pistol skills, whereas the Gunslinger's Crack Shot passive extends most of those out to 30m. I went Scoundrel for the single blaster, and when I tried to spec out of Scrapper to get more range, I found the increase from 4m to 10m still left me an easy target.


Mal Reynolds to me is a Scoundrel. Also a hybrid though. He wasn't one to shoot people in the back, but he there was an awful lot of flying fists.

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Thread resurrected?


When I last posted here I couldn't have been much more than level 15, so now I'm much more familiar with the class.


I think Han as the mentality of a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger. Thinking back to all of his fire fights, he really utilitzes cover from a distance. This could be a survivability issue as no person in the flesh would not hide from blaster fire if they didn't have the means to deflect. However, the head on charge through the Death Star halls gives me the Dirty Fighting feel.


GS-DF allows for easier escapes as dirty kick increases speed 30%. Han ran down that hall way, turned the wrong corner, got off one good shot, turn and ran and continued firing on the run. That's how I feel when I PVP as a DF. I start from a distance, but when I find myself in the thick of things, its dirty kick and run, sometimes run backwards while DOTing if I know I'm done for.


That's just one instance and I personally feel while playing.


Regarding using stealth, Han DID dress up as a stormtrooper, but again that is a movie with "real" people not a video game so survivability is an issue, and he said he didn't agree with it. Also let's not forget that scene in RotJ, when he snuck up on the Stormtrooper in a stealthy way...no not the one where he steps on a twig. The one where he taps the trooper on the shoulder and kited :)


The only one with the mentality of the gunslinger in the trailer - i.e. not using cover - is Jayne (who would probably be a Trooper if we had to decide based on skills). I agree that Mal was also a dirty fighter and probably had more a penchant for kicks and pistol whips than Han.

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AMEN! Because Mal Reynolds >>>>>> Han Solo.

Joss Whedon > GL


Han Solo is way better if his blaster were in this game no one would be able to use it because it would be a level 100 blaster. Hey, it could pierce storm trooper armor, which is more advanced than anything in this game which is 3,000 years before Han Solo.

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Han Solo is way better if his blaster were in this game no one would be able to use it because it would be a level 100 blaster. Hey, it could pierce storm trooper armor, which is more advanced than anything in this game which is 3,000 years before Han Solo.


Rocks also penetrate Stormtrooper armor, or at least cause equivilant damage.

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Keep in mind that Han Solo is 3,000 years into the future from TOR timeline, so he'd probably excel in both advanced classes.


I agree with this. look at it like this you are playing Han's ancestors. It is a different world than it will be when Han comes along. However from game play experience i would say Gunslinger would be your closest fit. Han was excellent an ducking behind things to save his backside from a blaster round. He was all about getting out unscathed which is what the goal of your gunslinger is. You blow things up you do some damage and when the oing gets tough you find a way to distract the enemy to get away.


if you look at it when did we ever see Han heal himself? He didn't. you know why he didn't have to. He did the max amount of damage that he had to to get out in one piece


While you do build some blasters with arms teching most of it is weapons mods. At least in the level I'm at currently. It makes sense though that he might make weapons as a form of currency. When worlds are at war and you need to negotiate yourself out of a sticky situation having a case or two of blasters around could help you out.

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I would say Han Solo is a Scoundrel Dirty Fighter. He beat up Troopers on Endor, charged headlong on the Deathstar (blaster rifle in hand), duck n' covered at Endor's shield generator, mid-range blasted a droid on Hoth (from cover), snuck around the Deathstar, wielded 1 blaster, and used any means necessary to win.
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Holy thread necro!


Nothing about the Smuggler class resembles "Han Solo" except the ship.


Han Solo had as his companions, A Wookie- Check. A smuggler- Check. A Jedi Knight- wait, what? Really? A princess- holy crap, how? Not one, but two droids- Ok, I give up...

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I think crew skills will depend on the choice of sub-class, but in general for Han Solo smuggler:


Gathering Skills: Slicing or Scavenging

Crafting skills: Armstech

Missions Skills Treasure Hunting (well, OK, less Han Solo, more Indiana Jones here), or Underworld Trading


Han is cybertech, not armstech. Cybertech makes ship parts. And when it comes to the Falcon, Han has made a lot of special modifications himself. He, however, didn't make his own gun.

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