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Bioware forgot to include the first M in MMO...Massive


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That's the problem in my eyes. There shouldn't be instances. Game companies should be building networks to handle hundreds of players in one area. If there are 100 people on a planet, then I should be able to interact with 100 people at the same time and not have multiple instances.


Part of what made the early MMOs great was the sense of accomplishment when you were able to finish a quest while 20 other people were still waiting for quest items to respawn.


General chat goes across all instances. Plenty of times I've joined a group and it asks me to switch instances to group with them. I see people running around all over the place, I see tons of people on the fleet gathering for flashpoints, I see people everywhere, just not bunched up in one big cluster **** fighting over quests, which is a GOOD thing.

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OP has obviously never looked at the who screen where it shows x player is on tyhon 1 y player is on tython 2 and z player is on tython 3..




+1 i stated that earlier but i guess it was ignored people do not even realize this game is mutli-instance!!!!!!!!

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Didn't Rift have a solution for the whole "20 people waiting for the same mob thing?" I seem to recall that multiple people could get credit for killing the same mobs even if they weren't in a group (and I don't think that was just for the invasions).



The thing I don't like about SWTOR's world is it feels so...boxed in. There might be 100 people on a given planet but if they're spread across different shards and in their own mission instances the game can feel sparsely populated. It often feels like playing a solo rpg with a chatbox and co-op capability, which is OK in itself, but I can't justify $15 monthly for that type of game.

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General chat goes across all instances. Plenty of times I've joined a group and it asks me to switch instances to group with them. I see people running around all over the place, I see tons of people on the fleet gathering for flashpoints, I see people everywhere, just not bunched up in one big cluster **** fighting over quests, which is a GOOD thing.


By Interaction I mean see them and potentially be able to kill them. Oh wait SWTOR doesn't allow PvP even on their PvP servers. Interaction is not chat - it's being able to be right next to the person.


To the people talking about reducing server load and lag; if you could have a game that allowed for everyone in the game to be in the same place, with only 1 instance and you had NO lag, wouldn't you want that?


Game companies should be finding new ways to increase their network load so that more people are able to join a server. SWTOR has taken the opposite approach and is actively trying to find a way to break up the game so that less people can play together.


We must have a lot of young gamers responding here; as in people that have never played games like UO, EQ, EQ2 or any game pre 2003. Waiting for spawns was a rush because you could beat people out and watch them cry in chat.


Lol just last night I had someone give me an in game rude gesture because while he was killing the mobs I took the loot chest.


At the end of the day the game is fun, and I will continue to play until the fun wears off. I am just stating a few things that would make the game even more fun, and that is cutting out the instance crap and putting in decent network code to allow for players to be together in 1 large persistent world/planet.

Edited by Rhinoplat
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Lol just last night I had someone give me an in game rude gesture because while he was killing the mobs I took the loot chest.



So you want to be able to interact with everyone just so you can do jerkish things to them? Okay...

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Darkfall in heyday 250vs 250 lag fest. Prob most fun I have had in an MMO. Even the 100 on 100 sieges were a blast.


I am not sure if this game will have anything that competes with something of that scale. What is more important is I do not believe this game is looking to do that. Don't comlpain cause your vision of fun isn't built into a game. Many people still say MMORPG and I don't see a vast amount of people RPG on any level.



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Give the slower people like me a chance to catch up before you complain about a lack of population, will you? And wait for the influx of people we'll probably get on Christmas Day. That'll add the Massive that you want.


you are so completely missing the point the OP was making. If the issue is slower people (where is the proof?) and "wait for the influx of people" then explain this. I'm level 26 and i've been going at a fairly slow pace (even skipped playing a couple days due to real life responsibilities) yet I have run into the same problem. The republic fleet is under populated. Nar Shaadar was pretty much desolate and Tattooine is a ghost town.


If the issue has anything to do with the lack of subscribers then answer this: why are their queues to get into the game? Why does my server say "full" all the time yet the planet i'm on indicates at most 50-100 other players broken into multiple shards?


Shards are lame...they don't belong in an MMO...plain and simple. I have no issues at all with threads like this being trotted out again and again and again and again if it get's biowares attention. If enough people are ************ about it, it's because it's not very liked. If it's not very liked you should probably stand up and take notice "oh ****...maybe it wasn't the best design decision". If you are losing subscriptions over something (and people will chose not to play this game over this very issue) then you made a bad decision including it in the game. Plain and simple.

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you are so completely missing the point the OP was making. If the issue is slower people (where is the proof?) and "wait for the influx of people" then explain this. I'm level 26 and i've been going at a fairly slow pace (even skipped playing a couple days due to real life responsibilities) yet I have run into the same problem. The republic fleet is under populated. Nar Shaadar was pretty much desolate and Tattooine is a ghost town.


If the issue has anything to do with the lack of subscribers then answer this: why are their queues to get into the game? Why does my server say "full" all the time yet the planet i'm on indicates at most 50-100 other players broken into multiple shards?


Shards are lame...they don't belong in an MMO...plain and simple. I have no issues at all with threads like this being trotted out again and again and again and again if it get's biowares attention. If enough people are ************ about it, it's because it's not very liked. If it's not very liked you should probably stand up and take notice "oh ****...maybe it wasn't the best design decision". If you are losing subscriptions over something (and people will chose not to play this game over this very issue) then you made a bad decision including it in the game. Plain and simple.


I guess if you didn't play in the beta or read anything about this game I would give you a pass.


GOING INTO THIS GAME I expected a single player game that is online and I can play with a few friends. Nothing more nothing less. I played Pre CU SWG loved it played Darkfall Loved it. This game is not those. Do not cry and complain that it is not unless you did zero research if that is the case I apologize and continue complaining.


Can I get some numbers on the non-subscribers or past ones that have left the game due to shards?



Edited by Killeryouare
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I always see just over hundred on my server, but there are always multiple instances of each zone running.



Taris 1

Taris 2

Taris 3


My guess is somewhere around 100 in one place and it spawns a new instance to keep people from fighting over quest mobs.


I think it is actually nice.

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I always see just over hundred on my server, but there are always multiple instances of each zone running.



Taris 1

Taris 2

Taris 3


My guess is somewhere around 100 in one place and it spawns a new instance to keep people from fighting over quest mobs.


I think it is actually nice.


It's a fantastic feature, it also prevents lag.



Further down the road when there isn't that many players leveling, it'll just be 1 area.

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So you want to be able to interact with everyone just so you can do jerkish things to them? Okay...


I'm one of the most polite persons in RL. I try and use everyone's first name if I can see their name tag at stores, I say please and thank you and teach my kids to do the same.


But this is a game, and one where I created a character on a PvP server. I expect to get shafted by anyone not in my guild, and I expect to be able to shaft anyone else not in my guild (well ok not all the time but at least have the option to). I come from Shadowbane where your guild was your life, and by griefing other players you were ensuring the survival of your own guild.

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I think people who make these threads have never played an MMO besides WoW and literally expect all MMO's to have a WoW population to be "massive" because WoW was their first impression.


Wow wasn't Massive. I played for 6 months after Launch in fact it reminds me a lot of this aside the obnoxious barrens chat.


Again until you have done 250 on 250 fights lets not talk about massive.


What is everyone's definition of massive? 10,000 people on screen?



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I saw maybe 178 on the tython indicator for number of players at early access.


I saw maybe 120 on the coruscant indicator a day later


I saw maybe 80 on the Taris indicator around the 18th


I saw maybe 45 on the Nar Shadaa indicator on launch day


Today I see 23 players on Tatooine indicator



Notice a trend? You're leveling faster than they average person in a brand new game. Of course there will be less and less people per planet as you progress. It won't stay that way.

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I'm one of the most polite persons in RL. I try and use everyone's first name if I can see their name tag at stores, I say please and thank you and teach my kids to do the same.


But this is a game, and one where I created a character on a PvP server. I expect to get shafted by anyone not in my guild, and I expect to be able to shaft anyone else not in my guild (well ok not all the time but at least have the option to). I come from Shadowbane where your guild was your life, and by griefing other players you were ensuring the survival of your own guild.


Go play darkfall....... Open world PvP.... Scratch that go play Darkfall 2 years ago. People would stalk you. It would be great you would live in fear the whole time playing. The real kicker is you lose everything on you.



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I saw maybe 178 on the tython indicator for number of players at early access.


I saw maybe 120 on the coruscant indicator a day later


I saw maybe 80 on the Taris indicator around the 18th


I saw maybe 45 on the Nar Shadaa indicator on launch day


Today I see 23 players on Tatooine indicator


And in WoW, you see maybe 2-3 people in the world.


The rest are sitting in cities trolling trade and queueing up for dungeons, battlegrounds, and arenas.

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