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Is SWTOR the pariah of MMOs?


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Funny how you ignore my other comment. Or Youtube doesn't exist to you people. Or Twitch.


No I saw that part, it just reaffirms more that your opinion is completely based off of someone else's experience. You watched videos made by other people showing you what they wanted to show you and possible added comments stating their opinions. That is what your basing your opinion on.

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Swg was a flop, it flopped out of the gate and never came back, I know I was there too and I even came back for jtl and end up only ever playing jtl when ever I went back from then on.


So a game that had 100,000s of subs was a flop? LOL.


No, you clearly have never played SWG pre-CU.


If you ever played "SWG" it was actually NGE. Which is so different to SWG it's a different game for the most part.


So you will deny that Coronet was filled with people before the CU hit, and went to a ghost city when the NGE hit? Yea, you never actually played SWG.

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So a game that had 100,000s of subs was a flop? LOL.


No, you clearly have never played SWG pre-CU.


If you ever played "SWG" it was actually NGE. Which is so different to SWG it's a different game for the most part.


So you will deny that Coronet was filled with people before the CU hit, and went to a ghost city when the NGE hit? Yea, you never actually played SWG.


I will say that IMHO SWG can't really be considered a flop considering how long it lasted. It had a loyal fanbase for sure and was still making revenue. But someone at the top probbly didn't want two Star Wars MMOs, even though I think that could have raked in even more money for the franchise if SWG received proper dev support and decent decision making..

Edited by agamemnon-
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No I saw that part, it just reaffirms more that your opinion is completely based off of someone else's experience. You watched videos made by other people showing you what they wanted to show you and possible added comments stating their opinions. That is what your basing your opinion on.


So some random person raiding on Youtube or Twitch shows me what I'm looking for?


You do realize that just proves what I'm saying if I see someone spamming one or two abilities and the raid boss still dies. And I see it in multiple occasions. I guess all the random people I've watched on twitch were actually doing it on purpose as they somehow knew I was watching them! :rolleyes:

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You just lost all credibility. You can't speak ill about a game without having ever played it.


Good day.


Haha reno he has been like that all day :)

I see the troll made it here.


I think his parents need to keep track of Parental controls and disable forum managment for him ;)

Compareing SWG to WoW ( which he never ever played and judges it from here )

SWG was one of my fav mmo's i ever got to try out. 100K subs is not a lot at all.

SWG and WoW is 2 diffrent things.

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So a game that had 100,000s of subs was a flop? LOL.


No, you clearly have never played SWG pre-CU.


If you ever played "SWG" it was actually NGE. Which is so different to SWG it's a different game for the most part.


So you will deny that Coronet was filled with people before the CU hit, and went to a ghost city when the NGE hit? Yea, you never actually played SWG.


No actually I never played cu or nge. I played right at release through all the rubber banding bs and the total crap combat system and schizo skill trees. I went back several times because I had a soe pass and I would fly my x-wing around for a couple of days till I was bored again and uninstalled it.


And the last numbers I saw was swg had somewhere around 200k subs when they made the change which was why they made the change and thats a lot less than eq1 had at the same time.

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No actually I never played cu or nge. I played right at release through all the rubber banding bs and the total crap combat system and schizo skill trees. I went back several times because I had a soe pass and I would fly my x-wing around for a couple of days till I was bored again and uninstalled it.


And the last numbers I saw was swg had somewhere around 200k subs when they made the change which was why they made the change and thats a lot less than eq1 had at the same time.


Mate he says that SWG wasn't a flop @ 100K subs and he says SW:TOR is/wiill be a flop @ ~500K subs.

Opinions based from secondary sources :rolleyes:

He bashes raids in both WoW and SW:TOR and didnt play any, not sure about PvP.


Edit: also bashes wow @ 7.8 million subs and compares ciggarates and/or farmville to WoW ( see http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=723578

Edited by Hezip
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Yes I can, there is a thing called videos. It's especially popular on many websites, quite a few are even dedicated to such things!


There is also a concept called watching others play. You know, friends, I mean more then just people on a friends list in WoW/SW:TOR.


Videos are not the same as actually playing the game. Until you actually play the game, you have no say in whether wow is bad or good.

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So some random person raiding on Youtube or Twitch shows me what I'm looking for?


You do realize that just proves what I'm saying if I see someone spamming one or two abilities and the raid boss still dies. And I see it in multiple occasions. I guess all the random people I've watched on twitch were actually doing it on purpose as they somehow knew I was watching them! :rolleyes:


No it just proves your blowing smoke now. You mean to tell me you spend hours of your life watching videos and twitch streams of random people you don't know, playing a game that you don't play and don't like?

Edited by silentsurfer
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No it just proves your blowing smoke now. You mean to tell me you spend hours of your life watching videos and twitch streams of random people you don't know, playing a game that you don't play and don't like?


Hours of my life? You act as if people don't label their streams when they do raiding on Twitch, or youtube videos. Oh I spent a few hours over a year plus period looking at WoW videos. Oh noes, such a waste!


It's pathetic the lengths your ad hominems will reach just because you can't handle the fact that I'm right about WoW being dumbed down as it can almost be, especially now.

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Videos are not the same as actually playing the game. Until you actually play the game, you have no say in whether wow is bad or good.


LOL, what a pathetic argument.


So I would have to play the game to know you can hit one or two buttons over and over again during a raid and still be effective?


This argument can be used for anything that is bad, drink bleach! You won't know it is bad unless you drink it yourself! That info you read online could be wrong!


Or I can watch WoW videos and streams and have some of them show their parse after hitting just one or two buttons over and over again, and yet still be near the top if not top of it. Just like you can read online about how bad bleach is if it is ingested. I don't need to actually drink bleach to know it's bad, I just have to go to the right places to find out how and why.


You know what a parse is right?


Though I'm sure you guys will QQ about being using that comparison. However if you QQ about it, then you, once again, destroy your own argument.

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LOL, what a pathetic argument.


So I would have to play the game to know you can hit one or two buttons over and over again during a raid and still be effective?


This argument can be used for anything that is bad, drink bleach! You won't know it is bad unless you drink it yourself! That info you read online could be wrong!


Or I can watch WoW videos and streams and have some of them show their parse after hitting just one or two buttons over and over again, and yet still be near the top if not top of it. Just like you can read online about how bad bleach is if it is ingested. I don't need to actually drink bleach to know it's bad, I just have to go to the right places to find out how and why.


You know what a parse is right?


Though I'm sure you guys will QQ about being using that comparison. However if you QQ about it, then you, once again, destroy your own argument.


What do parses have to do with anything, lol?


It's a simple fact that if you haven't played a game, you have no right to say if a game has been dumbed down or not, because you haven't experienced it from the different periods.


Watching someone else play doesn't count, what counts is when you play.


But go ahead and continue to try and spew otherwise, no one will take you serious until you experience the game for yourself.

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Swg was a flop, it flopped out of the gate and never came back, I know I was there too and I even came back for jtl and end up only ever playing jtl when ever I went back from then on.


You're comparing it's population to the current mmo populations.


Back when SWG launched , 100-300k players was actually quite successful.

Then WoW broke 10M and suddenly 300k was a "flop."

Edited by AshlaBoga
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LOL, what a pathetic argument.


So I would have to play the game to know you can hit one or two buttons over and over again during a raid and still be effective?


This argument can be used for anything that is bad, drink bleach! You won't know it is bad unless you drink it yourself! That info you read online could be wrong!


Or I can watch WoW videos and streams and have some of them show their parse after hitting just one or two buttons over and over again, and yet still be near the top if not top of it. Just like you can read online about how bad bleach is if it is ingested. I don't need to actually drink bleach to know it's bad, I just have to go to the right places to find out how and why.


You know what a parse is right?


Though I'm sure you guys will QQ about being using that comparison. However if you QQ about it, then you, once again, destroy your own argument.


So you basically watched an arcane mage? The one two button class in the entire game? LOL


Don't base a game on one class. Enough said. :cool:

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You're comparing it's population to the current mmo populations.


Back when SWG launched , 100-300k players was actually quite successful.

Then WoW broke 10M and suddenly 300k was a "flop."


In 2005 when the NGE hit Eq1 had around 450k and wow had 3-5 million. Swg was a flop for the same reason swtor was a flop, everyone wanted to play it until they got to play it then they left.

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You're comparing it's population to the current mmo populations.


Back when SWG launched , 100-300k players was actually quite successful.

Then WoW broke 10M and suddenly 300k was a "flop."


The developers even admit the game was never really what they wanted it to be and by the time WoW came out, it was too late. It launched broken and was never accessible to anyone who didn't feel like grinding all day or waiting 4 hours for a simple buff.



All the developer interviews post SWG all say the same thing: "we worked out asses of but we made a lot of mistakes and paid for it."

Edited by Arkerus
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FYI, the GW2 forums also have a bunch of people talking **** about GW2 and how it flopped. You think forums are some beacon of truth and integrity?


GW2 did fail miserably on all it's promises. Which is really sad because I eagerly awaited that game for years wile playing the original GW. :(

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I play a variety of MMOs but SWTOR is my main game. And whenever this game is mentioned in chat channels of other games, or on other forums, the common response is "lol".


It's almost embarrassing to say you play SWTOR? Is it like this across the genre or just in certain games? Curious what other peeps have noticed.


Um ... who cares what they think?


Are you having fun? Then ****'em. Are you not having fun? Then unsubscribe. What other people think about your fun really has no bearing on it.

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LOL, what a pathetic argument.


So I would have to play the game to know you can hit one or two buttons over and over again during a raid and still be effective?


This argument can be used for anything that is bad, drink bleach! You won't know it is bad unless you drink it yourself! That info you read online could be wrong!


Or I can watch WoW videos and streams and have some of them show their parse after hitting just one or two buttons over and over again, and yet still be near the top if not top of it. Just like you can read online about how bad bleach is if it is ingested. I don't need to actually drink bleach to know it's bad, I just have to go to the right places to find out how and why.


You know what a parse is right?


Though I'm sure you guys will QQ about being using that comparison. However if you QQ about it, then you, once again, destroy your own argument.


You are such a retard. I need to contact your parents and tell them this game is for matures only. The only fu... place you can spam 2 abilities is raid finder groups. You are a low child and go back to your farmville and send your other accounts gifts

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Hours of my life? You act as if people don't label their streams when they do raiding on Twitch, or youtube videos. Oh I spent a few hours over a year plus period looking at WoW videos. Oh noes, such a waste!


It's pathetic the lengths your ad hominems will reach just because you can't handle the fact that I'm right about WoW being dumbed down as it can almost be, especially now.


Ok I think we are peeling back the layers on this.


So to break it down. You watched a sample of videos, each from a different year and expansion combination. And the videos of course were from the point of view of the same classes throughout the samples to know that classes would be 'dumbed down', unless of course you aren't saying that this is specific to classes. In which case there was some other criteria which would have to exist in all of the videos to show enough of a sample to gather across a time line to come to the conclusion that game play degradation did in fact happen?


If not, can you let us know your method please?


Have to ask as well, have you gotten over your fear of criticism to give us your good list? Trust me, if you went through all of the trouble listed above to create an accurate test set, I am positive there will be players here ready to subscribe to your news letter.

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Hello all.


I shall share my thoughts on the matter.


If someone asks what game you play and you reply with your main game as SWTOR, you are simply answering a question. The opinion of someone else online does not really matter including my own. If this is the game you like to play then this is the game you like to play, thats all there is too it.


People bash the game for many reasons but there are also many who would say that SWTOR is a good MMO.

I'm not saying TOR is without its flaws, no game is without its flaws.


Its all down to what people prefer.


I shall give a small example.


BF series vs CoD series. These two games have die fans which bad mouth each other, always have and they will always will.


So I propose this question, Why should MMO's be any different?

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