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New Combat design inbound?


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Two comments:


1) thread title and topic = wishful thinking on your part.


2) There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that either of the two expansions have anything in them in the way of a complete combat revamp. Which brings us back to my comment number 1.


It is clear from reading the description that they want this person for a ground up design. And again, zero evidence that Bioware even remotely agrees with your wish and intends to fulfill it. If you wish to propagate your wishful thinking, then bring us some evidence.


Get a grip. Its called a DISCUSSION. Go and google it

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So cause they've already got a small team on TOR now we have to aspect to see that team becoming smaller?? Good.


I don't think so, I think this would be a new hire. Who knows but 3.0 isn't far away and IF the Galactic war is to drive forward, who knows what might happen. I just feel that with 2 major new MMOs out this year, SWTOR has to do something to give the game a fresh appeal.


We've already seen some nice new fleet cut scenes and new approach to grouping with Kuat.

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I don't think so, I think this would be a new hire. Who knows but 3.0 isn't far away and IF the Galactic war is to drive forward, who knows what might happen. I just feel that with 2 major new MMOs out this year, SWTOR has to do something to give the game a fresh appeal.


We've already seen some nice new fleet cut scenes and new approach to grouping with Kuat.

They are looking for a minimum of 4 years as a combat designer (or similar role). That's a pretty specific qual. In a genre that's old enough to have already grown up and graduated with a Master's, 4 years is nothing. So the position probably isn't one of savior proportions or creative direction. Likely more a lead one in charge of tools and mentoring teams on how to get the most out of them. The desired CV merits enough responsibility to help drive a game and/or infrastructure upgrade or expansion, but not nearly enough to spearhead an entire title imho.


I think Kuat could be the next MMORPG game changer - just hope BW perfects their design before someone else does.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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His evidence was NOT refuted. The evidence is the flipping job listing. His speculation is what you can question, not the freaking evidence.


And learn the difference between a CLAIM and a QUESTION.


His claim is in the thread title - with a question mark - but clearly he's saying that this job posting is potential evidence for that speculation.


Yeah yeah he wants to "discuss" like everything else he whines about. It's more of the same nonsense. Chicken little screams the PvP sky is falling - and claims up and down that it's true - then thinks this little job posting is evidence of it.


Go ahead and defend it all you want. It's whining at best, and trolling at worst. Either case - I'm kinda glad he put me on ignore. It was like talking to a brick wall anyway.

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His claim is in the thread title - with a question mark - but clearly he's saying that this job posting is potential evidence for that speculation.

O M G! You're basing your entire argument over the fact that YOU didn't realize it was a flipping QUESTION in the title? It's SPECULATION Uber...it's a debate thread. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong...just a few people who look like fools though.

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O M G! You're basing your entire argument over the fact that YOU didn't realize it was a flipping QUESTION in the title? It's SPECULATION Uber...it's a debate thread. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong...just a few people who look like fools though.


Has there ever been such a collection of humans that simultaneously loves to argue and can't tolerate dissenting opinions?

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Oooooh, I love speculation threads!! I say it's for Mass Effect Online, the game that will finally kill ToR when it is released in Summer, 2017.


Edit: by "kill", I mean Bioware shutting down ToR to encourage people to play MEO.

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Has there ever been such a collection of humans that simultaneously loves to argue and can't tolerate dissenting opinions?


It's the same 6 people every day. They're simply antagonists. They don't debate, they ONLY argue. It's so predictable it's funny.

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O M G! You're basing your entire argument over the fact that YOU didn't realize it was a flipping QUESTION in the title? It's SPECULATION Uber...it's a debate thread. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong...just a few people who look like fools though.


Oh TUXs...of course I realize he posed a "question". But the tone of the OP, when taken in the context of this particular poster - is pretty clear to me.


My contribution to the "debate" is that there is no such job opening on the SWTOR team based upon the job posting that DarthMaulUK provided.


The evidence that would lead us to have this discussion is just as relevant as telling us that the color of the plane you flew in was red, therefore your little red wagon can probably fly too...because hey - RED!

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Oh TUXs...of course I realize he posed a "question". But the tone of the OP, when taken in the context of this particular poster - is pretty clear to me.


My contribution to the "debate" is that there is no such job opening on the SWTOR team based upon the job posting that DarthMaulUK provided.


The evidence that would lead us to have this discussion is just as relevant as telling us that the color of the plane you flew in was red, therefore your little red wagon can probably fly too...because hey - RED!


So the tone of his speculation makes it wrong yet your speculation is fact?


Man. Totally ruins the fun of speculation.

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Oh TUXs...of course I realize he posed a "question". But the tone of the OP, when taken in the context of this particular poster - is pretty clear to me.


My contribution to the "debate" is that there is no such job opening on the SWTOR team based upon the job posting that DarthMaulUK provided.


The evidence that would lead us to have this discussion is just as relevant as telling us that the color of the plane you flew in was red, therefore your little red wagon can probably fly too...because hey - RED!


You are taking your own assumptions as fact.


The only interpretation is around the "unannounced project". If you interpret that as a different game, then you are most likely of the opinion this is not for SWTOR. If you interpret that a project could be a new or modified piece of content for an existing game, then you most likely believe it is possible to be related to SWTOR.


The only way for one side or the other of that debate to be right is for that interpretation to become fact by some EA or BW authority stating so. Your last statement leads me to believe you are not open to the interpretation that "unannounced project" could be related to SWTOR and have therefore decided your own inference is fact. An easy mistake to make.


This is most likely NOT a SWTOR related job opening, but it's fun to talk about it like it is.

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That listing specifically mentions openings on the SWTOR team.


They actually have three pages of job listings for Austin going back to September. There is 7 from this month so if all they do at Austin is SWTOR they are certainly looking to hire a lot of people.

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It is interesting that a ton of new jobs in Austin have opened up very recently. Whether it's SWTOR, something new, or both, they're building up for something. One of the things I've seen pop up a few times is mobile related.


Some of the jobs are SWTOR specific too if you read the description. I like to hope that "network engineer" might work on something related to cross-server <.< but I really have no idea.

Edited by chuixupu
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If they were going to add someone to revamp combat im sure it would be targeted for Space PVP not real PVP since Bioware has no clue what we want.


Scrap Space Combat and Ancient Hypergates and lets get some more pvp content.

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Of all the things that could be added or upgraded I think combat is the least of the worries.


for a tab target mmo, the combat here is not that bad really


It would definitely be ironic if they go to a more action MMO style seeing as the tab targeting stuff here I actually like.

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That listing specifically mentions openings on the SWTOR team.


They actually have three pages of job listings for Austin going back to September. There is 7 from this month so if all they do at Austin is SWTOR they are certainly looking to hire a lot of people.


From the link:


We have openings on both our Star Wars®: The Old Republic™ team and a new unannounced project.


So they're not afraid to say when it's for SWTOR. OP's link says it's for an unannounced project. So, not for SWTOR. Therefore - nothing to talk about, certainly nothing to do with a "revamp of the combat system" as his OP said.


That's all I've been saying since entering this conversation...DarthMaulUK likes to cry chicken little and say this game's pvp is awful, and now he's pulling "evidence" from ea's website that has nothing at all to do with anything he's posted previously regarding pvp nor with a "revamp of the combat system"...

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Wow thread quarrel explosion. Read the ad for what it says in black and white with very little between the lines:


Combat system = ops mechanics

Unannounced project = new ops, my guess being for 2015


The ad actually says they want someone knowledgeable in boss fight design or something like that. I think this is as simple as the old guy got fired or left with the completion of the upcoming operation layer this year and they want some fresh new ideas. If they follow their current pattern, they need someone to lead the way on full-blown ops boss design, xpac ops boss design a la toborros courtyard, and event ops boss design like xeno and eyeless. That's probably all there is to this, but leave it to the forum to explode into something much more complicated and involved. :/

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You guys are reading WAY TOO MUCH into this.


This is, very basically, people being hired to do exactly as it says. There are no major combat redesigns coming. These are positions that will continue to tweak and work on the current "project" being SWTOR. As it says they are also hiring for something unannounced. This is very normal in this industry. Companies work on games or projects all the time. Sometimes those things don't go anywhere (or are under NDA) so you see this all. the. time.

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