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Let's change up the pace here. Most underpowered, less played spec in the game?


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healy sorcs


^^the one underpowered spec that received no love at all, as only DPS sorcs got the pushback protection buffs...apparently healy sorcs are still too busy making them pay with their non-existent CC to h2f


TBH I do better on heal sorc than DPS. It's true heal sorcs should get something to not be pushed back but at least they get some tools to survive those moments when 3-4 adds pop around them. A DPS sorc can just bubble and wait to die.

Edited by Vaerah
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I wouldn't say Engi Sniper is *bad* it's just clunky and unintuitive. It's too reliant on the Explosive Probe+Series of Shots combo, so it can be easily shut down if you stop it. If you don't stop it, though, it's some of the most ridiculous damage in the game, usually taking things down with a hefty amount of overkill. Just that one combo can put out 20-30k damage over Series' channel duration, and then the sniper still has Ambush, crit Snipe and Takedown, not to mention re-applying Interrogation and Plasma probe.


But, as mentioned, if you stop the EP/SoS combo its damage is pretty pathetic, and it plays really clunkily. Needs to be looked at.

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I would like my Defense Guardian to get a buff. I love him and all, but if in a WZ I get 250k Damage and 300k Protection, but swap to my Assassin and do 500k damage and same protection, and pull, and teleport 60m, what's to keep me playing him (other than his boss looks :cool:) Great for being a meatbag, we have great survivability, but I would like to put out 400k damage in a PuG.


Feel free to take your time BW, most of the other specs mentioned need it more, AKA Madness Sin, Watchman, Sorc healing (although I did over 900k in a Hypergates on my 24 Sorc the other day /shrug it's lowbie right?) and please for the love of God give my Mando some better no cast heals.

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I would like my Defense Guardian to get a buff. I love him and all, but if in a WZ I get 250k Damage and 300k Protection, but swap to my Assassin and do 500k damage and same protection, and pull, and teleport 60m, what's to keep me playing him (other than his boss looks :cool:) Great for being a meatbag, we have great survivability, but I would like to put out 400k damage in a PuG.


Feel free to take your time BW, most of the other specs mentioned need it more, AKA Madness Sin, Watchman, Sorc healing (although I did over 900k in a Hypergates on my 24 Sorc the other day /shrug it's lowbie right?) and please for the love of God give my Mando some better no cast heals.


A defense guardian brings so incredibly much control its insane, with the current kit of the guardian tank you will never be able to deal damage - if you want that you picked the wrong class to tank with - better spec some kind of hybrid. Full guardian tank is amazing and needs no changes, its in an incredibly good spot. Unfortunately the game revolves around OP AoE damage which is why you dont see them as much as you would otherwise - no AoE damage reduction...

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A defense guardian brings so incredibly much control its insane, with the current kit of the guardian tank you will never be able to deal damage - if you want that you picked the wrong class to tank with - better spec some kind of hybrid. Full guardian tank is amazing and needs no changes, its in an incredibly good spot. Unfortunately the game revolves around OP AoE damage which is why you dont see them as much as you would otherwise - no AoE damage reduction...


Nowhere near as much control as Vanguards. Pull, humongous slow that has caused me to miss CC's at times, a jump, 6 seconds of root and KB immunity, AoE mezz isn't as good as a Guardian's. And the damage output is better than a Guardian. People would rather have a VG in Ranked than a Guardian, due to damage factor and having a bit more utility. Guardians are great with CC, but take away one of my CC's please and give me more damage output. I'm not asking for a drastic buff, but I wouldn't mind some increased damage talents in my tree like VG's and Shadow's.

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Nowhere near as much control as Vanguards. Pull, humongous slow that has caused me to miss CC's at times, a jump, 6 seconds of root and KB immunity, AoE mezz isn't as good as a Guardian's. And the damage output is better than a Guardian. People would rather have a VG in Ranked than a Guardian, due to damage factor and having a bit more utility. Guardians are great with CC, but take away one of my CC's please and give me more damage output. I'm not asking for a drastic buff, but I wouldn't mind some increased damage talents in my tree like VG's and Shadow's.


You're probably the only one that would ever dream of saying that Vanguards have more controll than guardians - this will become a subjective back and forth of "you're wrong" so pointless to continue... Vanguards dont have much control, they cant separate guard from a healer without separating themselves from their own one - one prime example of why VGs are useless (compared to guardians) as fulltanks in or against a hard-switch setup.

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You're probably the only one that would ever dream of saying that Vanguards have more controll than guardians - this will become a subjective back and forth of "you're wrong" so pointless to continue... Vanguards dont have much control, they cant separate guard from a healer without separating themselves from their own one - one prime example of why VGs are useless (compared to guardians) as fulltanks in or against a hard-switch setup.


You're right, this is pointless to argue because all I wanted was a couple talents in my tree granting crit hits. But nooooooo let's argue that they're fine as wet noodled meatbags. This thread was about underpowered, less played classes, and currently the least played Tank class and least powerful is the Guardian.

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Snipers/slingers and sages/sorcs. Both heavily dependent upon casting which can be interrupted and their dps isn't high enough to be a reasonable trade off for lack of survivability. Both suffer against mobile and instant cast classes.

With the nerf to OS, players just ignore it and wander through it to kill the slinger/snipe.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Not entirely on topic , but I agree with the last post. All the turret and to a lesser extent casting classes suffer some frustration from the amount of interrupt and cc in the game. Spittballing here but what If bioware allowed cast classes to all move while channeling....but...the cast could still be interrupted as it is now and had it's cast lengthened for a non damage ability or it's accuracy dropped for a damage ability. Makes sense right? You can shoot a sniper rifle on the run...just isn't as accurate, and you can force heal while running...just takes a little longer to set up because you aren't concentrating completely on it.


Side bonus is it would make the less attractive accuracy and alacrity stats maybe get some attention....which would sort of auto correct the damage disparity for range and melee because melee would still have the extra power / mainstat in their stat budgets because they don't have channels for the most part and don't need alacrity.

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So essentially madness assassins are essentially the worst spec in the game and annihilation, merc and sorc dps could use some QoL improvements.


with the emergence of dotsmash it seems anni is even losing its place in the PvE realm, so i guess some buffs in pvp would be justified now, but please no uncleansable dots. give them a root breaker or something.


Sorc dps i don't really know, madness probably needs a fix to force management.

Lightning i think a reduced CD on polarity shift would be nice.


madness sin, never played it, i think i have never seen one in a wz...

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I will rate the 5 worst specs IMO from worst to best:


Madness sin. I just do not see any purpose of this class. It is a melee dot with no survivablility or burst.


Lightning sorc. The damage is there, but good luck casting anything in WZ, and you will be melted in secs.


Annihilation marauder. Needs a lot of ramp and up time for target which it has no tools for. At least have some niches were it excel, but not very useful in PvP.


Concealment ops (with recent buffs). Concealment with all the buffs still not viable for anything and anything they do deception sin does it million times better. Plus no survivability.


Lethality ops. Has major PvP identity crises. Plays as melee with not tools to survive in melee. Has some ranged surviving tools, but can't do anything but dot tab in range. I put it a head of the other classes, because the damage is there and reliable damage delivery method, but no tools to survive.



There are other specs that are poorly performing, but not as bad as these 5.

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Madness sin/lethality Op are probs the least used in PVP but hey! these classes gotta have something for PVE right? if you think about it having a massive burst and survivability is good for the first 10 seconds in a boss fight but then what? and do they need survivability when there a tanks keeping aggro? clear to see that one is for players and the other is for raid bosses. those specs even have the AOEs and smaller but still worthwhile hits.


Unfortunately sustained or, backloaded DPS builds seldom come with burst survivability while burst builds do :s, good luck getting 2 ravages off on mr smash monky before the 1-2-punch knock out. im not saying it isnt possible but its just pays far more dividends to smash back.


Other than these obviouse DOT melee classes i think mercs are still the least played. and with no autocrit and a generally sluggish pace due to late activations its no surprise, might get a lucky round now and then if your allowed to freecast and he gets those big 9k heatseaker crits but in the end they simply cant be relied on

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