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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.0.1 high prority bug fixes, LOL?


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I've reached level 50 on a Jedi Shadow (Lenore Karidian) and am currently leveling a Jedi Sentinel... That being said, the worst problem and the only thing I actually rage about vocally, is the " \ " button bringing up the bug report menu. I like many others sometimes hit this key when I mean to hit Enter/Return...


All of the other problems are just natural MMO problems especially when they first come out. SW:TOR was meant to be pushed back but EA already promised the release in 2011...


I've been playing MMO's since EQ original came out and this has been the first game since WoW (unfortunately, though I hate WoW I played it for ~6 years.) That has real potential in this ungrateful gaming world.


p.s. I am not a Star Wars fan, in fact I dislike it, but I love the WAH WAH WAH WAH sound of my saber!

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Unfortunately the most reasonable and well thought out post in this thread will be ignored by all the flaming haters because they can't have their cake RIGHT NOW!!!!!


I didn't read up to your post anyone flaming the game... I don't understand these post like yours defending the game as if you actually own it or something.


Some of these bugs are so massive I didn't even bother to mention the unattackable sand people on Tat. But you know someone like you would claim I am flaming for pointing out obvious broken parts of the game. Stop flaming people who post legit complaints about the game there are major bugs.

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Not a particularly useful question if you're looking to garner information. Looks more like an attempted insult delivered via a rhetorical question. Better to ask if I am prepared to wait and give Bioware the time to improve the state of certain things. To which, the answer would be yes.


Having lower standards than my own is not a crime, just disheartening. :)

I am not attempting to deliver insults to anyone.

I apologize, if you misunderstood that part.


I was editing my text while you were commenting on it.

I simply mean that one is very naive to believe a MMO perfect, within one month of release.

Edited by _Strimell
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Consdering theres thread about bugs that had 0 things from it on the fixed bugs it really makes me want to know if thats just the usual patch fix "no need to know" for customers what they actually do so we end up wondering becouse there are alot of easy fixes that could have been done in a few hours (Yes. Im saying coding that incorrect voices dont get told when companion returns from the mission isnt overly complicated deal).
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Oh thank god they fixed this :rolleyes::D


Miscellaneous Bug Fixes


Special characters no longer display incorrectly in the French credits.

Remaining baby names have been added to the credits.




Although to be fair, that probably took like 5 minutes. Whetever they should have even bothered to mention this is a different thing.:rolleyes:

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Of course what is galling, particularly for folks like me who are dead in the water and cannot play the game we paid for, is that something like fixing Baby Credits is framed as "high priority".


Even then, it couldn't be quite so bad if either Support or Customer Service would acknowledge and discuss some month-old, fatal error bugs, like the "Can't Load Character" bug that was introduced in the Thanksgiving build. These are not cosmetic or even annoying issues: the folks bit by these bugs cannot play the game they paid for. I've worked in software support departments, and I know that product roll-outs are always a mess and you get blamed for promises made and deadlines set by marketing, and mistakes made by engineering. But it comes with the territory.


And you know what, it doesn't take a lot of resources to have somebody in the forums say, "It seems like a lot of people are having this issue, and we are looking into it". I think that would go a long way towards helping calm folks down, and not take umbrage when they "high priority" Baby Credit fixes are rolled out.




Have people that have that problem tried uninstalling, reinstalling from the CDs and patching? As an above poster pointed out that fixed his problems.

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Releasing a half working game that'll piss off most people who buy it one way or another just to get it out before xmas much?


sigh, I'd be just as happy for this to be released in 3 months WORKING, but it seems to be the going thing for game companies to bring out games that only half work. Sad, truely sad.

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I've reached level 50 on a Jedi Shadow (Lenore Karidian) and am currently leveling a Jedi Sentinel... That being said, the worst problem and the only thing I actually rage about vocally, is the " \ " button bringing up the bug report menu. I like many others sometimes hit this key when I mean to hit Enter/Return...

Happened to me countless times as the button is right next to key 1, so it usually happens right middle of fight. Its a small annoyance but still.:)

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God I hope they fix the guild/officer/party chat bug next. I'm an officer in a guild and I am useless right now. I can't even do flashpoints unless we are in mumble because I can't get anything besides general and whispers. So while I should be interacting and helping the guild, I'm instead playing the game as a solo player.


I had one character kicked from the guild and then reinvited, which worked for a day for guild chat. It didn't help with party chat though. And then the next day /guild wasn't working again.


Other than bugs that cause crashes, which I haven't seen, this should be a top priority as it takes the MMO out of the game.

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Not a particularly useful question if you're looking to garner information. Looks more like an attempted insult delivered via a rhetorical question. Better to ask if I am prepared to wait and give Bioware the time to improve the state of certain things. To which, the answer would be yes.


Having lower standards than my own is not a crime, just disheartening. :)


It isn't a matter of lower or higher standards, it is realistic vs unrealistic expectations.

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How bug fixes in software get pushed out is based on several factors beyond knowledge of the bug.


In no particular order:


What team is responsible for the bug

How difficult is the bug to fix

Does the fix for the bug have potentially negative impact on other things in the game

Has the cause of the bug even been found


Complaining about bugs getting fixed is really just an exercise in stupidity. As a wise man once said "It is better to be silent and let people think you the fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt."




Honestly, the days where the internet used to be a place where smart people gather are long gone.


You can't just wave a wand and make bugs go away, even if you did you might simply create more problems elsewhere. I'd like to see more fixed but complaining about what they have fixed, like for some reason that stopped them from fixing anything else, is the hight of stupidity.

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Honestly, the days where the internet used to be a place where smart people gather are long gone.


You can't just wave a wand and make bugs go away, even if you did you might simply create more problems elsewhere. I'd like to see more fixed but complaining about what they have fixed, like for some reason that stopped them from fixing anything else, is the hight of stupidity.


It's the magic box understanding of software development. There are a LOT of people (far many more than people realize) who for all their computer savvy, professional game understanding competence etc ways - have zero understanding of software development.


They have a magic box in front of them, the stuff in that box just goes POOF and exists.

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I am not attempting to deliver insults to anyone. Pardon, if you intepreted it as such.


I was editing my text while you were commenting on it.

I simply mean that it is very naive to believe a MMO perfect, within one month of release.


Yes, I see that now. And I agree, it is naive to expect a perfect MMO launch.


Or is it?


Let me pose this question: why should we accept less of a MMO compared to say, any other kind of product?


I won't post my own opinion on this question, because I've been involved with MMOs since the genre's conception, and buggy MMO releases - in the larger scale of things - bother me about as much as going to the store to find they've run out of milk. :)


I just find it interesting that when people complain about newly-release, buggy MMOs, they are ridiculed for expecting the same level of quality and readiness as a car fresh of the production line.


In my opinion, the nature of a MMO's longevity should not be used as an excuse to cover up or blindly accept flaws.


On the other hand, those that happy to accept such flaws are equally rediculed. So perhaps it is just the nature of human opinion. :)

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Didn't read all the replies, so apologies if this was already said, but I'm guessing that there are very few changes in the first patch for simply that reason - it's the first patch.


They could be deliberately limiting the number of patch items for stability, to make sure the first live patch process goes smoothly.


I would bet that the next patch will have lots more content.

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They had a day off. During that Day Off, 2 of my friends got stuck on quests and couldn't advance. Another (a third) had the same thing happen, but it was a class quest: he can no longer advance through his LAST bounty hunter quest, meaning he can not get access to nearly ANY level 50 content, including the Ilum dailies. TONS (if not all) of bounty hunters are having this literally game breaking bug.


I, personally, am one of the many people suffering from massive frame drops because the game stops using more than 15% of my GPU at certain points. I am thus required to play on my Girlfriends computer, despite being able to run any other game on max settings (don't bother telling me it's my fault, I've done every single thing there is possible to do, and the hundreds of other people having the same issue with different pieces of hardware point to this being on their end).


Why should I give them a break when I paid for their product which is nearly unplayable? If you want constructive criticism rather than "BIOWARE YOU SUCK", fine, I agree, but give them a break? If my work results in clients being unable to get what they are paying me for, I either get fired or have to work harder and do overtime. I do not "get a break" just because I worked really hard up until that point.



^ So true 100% i agree with him. also the FPS is pissing me of rly i payed more then 3000$ for my machine and i cant even get in to the imperial fleet and i start laging like masive i bounce in to walls. i can do almost nothing. I can run battlefield 3 On Ultra directx11 and stil i dont lag on one spot. it just makes me wanne quit this game. but i give them time to solve this problem in this next month either its not fixed. i quit the game, and do somthing else when i hear they fixed that problem then i come back. i dont want to waste money wich somthing u cant play with all the lag

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Actually i am impressed that a patch is already coming out. With most MMO's you have to wait a couple of weeks. sometimes even a month before you know anything. For the game being a week old its doing quite well.


For those that are complaining about the baby names in the credits. let me advise you of something. If you were to assist in any part of a game or movie then your name must be listed and what part you played or assisted with. you complain about the baby names yet how do you think that the parents of those children felt when the game went live and their child was not mentioned in the credits. Its like TV shows and movies...if you have a speaking part (even just saying the word "hi") in a show or movie you must be paid for it and receive royalties every time the show or movie is sold. because your work is part of that movie as well and should receive just credit for it no matter what age.



yes there are other bugs and glitches that were not part of this patch. and i just look at it as they are making sure that the fixes for those issue work correctly. its a steady process and at times it can be slow. but the wheels do turn, just because the wheels are not turning at the pace you want it to is not a bad thing. Complaining and threatening to unsubscribe is your right to do so...however I have found that more attention is brought to those with a level head will get a better response as well as not induce an ulcer because of stress from rage at not seeing your peticular problem addressed.


Face it most of us have come from WoW or some other MMO that has years ahead of this one. Every MMO has started with problems...no successful launch has been flawless, saying otherwise shows ignorance. But this is not those other MMO's and for that i am Truely grateful. if it was I would play those and not this one. I am enjoying every second so far. have i come across irritation...oh yeah...but the game has more pro's to outway it and i dont have to think about the problem as much. is the AH borked? it is different...like others i have been spoiled on WoW's AH system. but i also remember when WoW's AH sucked big time. When the only AH was in IF and in Ogrimar (sp). WoW improved on it but they did not improve on it in one week's time. It was along time before it was fixed. Will that happen in Swtor? I dont know..I hope not but im going to let the powers that be fix what they can when they can and be happy that they are fixing it.

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Come on guys. As any good development team out there, there are multiple teams working on bugs out there with each their own specialty. The fixes that have been released so far have just been easier to resolve than the others you talk about.


They are working on it I'm sure.



Maybe if they invited more players for closed beta that acually test stuff and report so that most bugs are gone in retail. So I dont have to pay montly fee for beta testing and reporting bugs. I registered here in 2009 and did not get any invites until every did. So less ppl testing means more bugs in retail.


I am not paying to report bugs, I just dont. If you go to a resturaunt do you cook the food you order also?

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I am not paying to report bugs, I just dont. If you go to a resturaunt do you cook the food you order also?



You are WAY off with your analogy here. It would be the equivalent of going into a restaurant and having cook give you a dish and you critique it....which is done all the time.


If you have to cook the food then the proper analogy would be to actually code this game.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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So explain us why RIFT had ZERO bugs on release ?

Wasnt RIFT an MMORPG ? (btw i quited rift and im not fan of it,still it had the best release)

To the topic:

Fully agree with the OP. Their priorities seem to be different from what the players want.

This is VERY VERY BAD for the game.


LOL @ saying Rift had Zero bugs on release. I played that game on Day 1 and it had plenty of bugs on release.

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