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Moment of silence


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for the brutal murder of XS Freighter Flyby and Orbital Strike. Remember what awesome abilities they were and how fun it was to use. RIP.


I propose that the abilities be renamed either Orbital Wet Noodle or the Orbital Hug for Agents and XS Big Smootch or XS Freighter Flip-off. Having the abilities called the OWN or the XS BS fits their weak<redacted> state.

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I propose that the abilities be renamed either Orbital Wet Noodle or the Orbital Hug for Agents and XS Big Smootch or XS Freighter Flip-off. Having the abilities called the OWN or the XS BS fits their weak<redacted> state.


That made me lol, especially Orbital Wet Noodle


How about XS Freighter Fly astray ?

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If I post in here, is it really a moment of silence? :confused:


Will have to get used to it not being feared. Still think if it was part of redesigning how it is integrated and meant more for some specs over others, they would have just waited until they were ready to do it all, but I'll live.

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I propose that the abilities be renamed either Orbital Wet Noodle or the Orbital Hug for Agents and XS Big Smootch or XS Freighter Flip-off. Having the abilities called the OWN or the XS BS fits their weak<redacted> state.


This is so true and we get the bonus of it being funny. Thanks for that.

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for the brutal murder of XS Freighter Flyby and Orbital Strike. Remember what awesome abilities they were and how fun it was to use. RIP.


Considering all the balancing that needs to be done and never gets done, I wonder what it is about OS that got some dev's panties in a bunch so much so that they had to nerf the hell out of it.

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Considering all the balancing that needs to be done and never gets done, I wonder what it is about OS that got some dev's panties in a bunch so much so that they had to nerf the hell out of it.


Its performance in PvE on NPCs that actually stand in it for the duration.

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It's ridiculous that those ranged DPS classes can do more damage then a Jedi. Watch the movies and see who's more dangerous :p


Wrong thread? This comment was so random...and just to comment on your silly comment, this is a game, not movies. Balance is crucial, despite the class someone picks, otherwise EVERY player would be a freaking Jedi.

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It's always extremely fun to use over-powered skills. When you find a skill that's extremely fun to use, especially if that fun comes at the expense of many rapid enemy deaths, you should probably expect that skill to be changed soon.




The real crime here is how long it took them to tone these down to reasonable levels. [i play both classes, so don't even start with me about it.] They were over-powered... and the fact that people are so bent about the change pretty well proves that. Leaving them in "as is" for so long just makes people dependent on them and more angry when they are adjusted.


Nobody likes to have their "death-ray" skills toned down in MMOs. :p We'll all get over it.

Edited by Andryah
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LMAO! I am getting a kick out of the extremes.


People saying it's OP when it is so easy to avoid get a chuckle out of me. Maybe it was too effective in PvE.


People acting like its the end of the world now that its nerfed also gets a chuckle as I didn't need an ability that would obliterate terrible players who would stand in it. Besides that, but the time it would cast, I could have actually hit them with something else they can't move out of the way of. AND, I can still use it to prevent caps and it will cast faster.


Obviously, it is a big nerf but it just isn't nearly as big of deal people are making it out to be. I'm just looking forward to them making it more useful in the future like they talked about. Probably for sab/eng builds.

Edited by Technohic
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