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Has content been "dumbed down"?


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So this week I returned to swtor after a year hiatus. I had quit at the legacy 1.3 patch and I joined the LFG queue last night for the first time and did a bunch of flashpoints. Well I noticed some mechanics changed for a lot of fights. For example you don't have to throw malgus off the ledge in false emporer and the hk fight his turrets no longer pop nor does he one hit you anymore when he comes out of stealth. Has content been "dumbed down" to accomodate pugs and the lfg queue? Just curious if we were just dpsing too fast or these mechanics actually have changed and if so why?
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Try a few NEW Ops...you're judging the game on content that was bugged at launch. It has NOT been "dumbed down"...arguably they took they easy way out in FIXING bugs, but the new content can be quite challenging.


Idk where I judged the game at all in my OP. Though the fights I noticed had changed were significantly harder when the mechanics were as they were when I originally quit and out of hundreds of runs I never experienced any bugs in these fights. Anyway I was simply asking if they had indeed changed things or if we were just pewpewing too fast.

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Malgus was apparently dumbed down because people were incapable of picking up the handily placed concussion grenades in front of his room. However, I still think it is more fun to actually throw him down the ledge. Feels more canonical... (I still hold hope that he will return one day and be royally pissed)


And as for HK, he still uses turrets I think, but with the general increase in HP after hitting the 51+ levels he does not hit so hard...

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Malgus was apparently dumbed down because people were incapable of picking up the handily placed concussion grenades in front of his room.


When I pugged, people usually picked those up, but we then lacked the coordination required to finish him off (it usually took several tries to accomplish it). I've only pugged for it like four or five times, though.


These days, no one even bothers picking up the grenades anymore :(

Edited by Sorei
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I don't think it has been dumb down generally speaking. However, there have been changes that were needed and some bugs fixed. For example, Lost Island was nerfed. Not sure if you remember Lost Island OP in its original form but it was a Tier 2 Hardmode because of the mechanics and some of the mob difficulty. They nerfed it just a little to make it fit a Tier 1 HM like the rest. Now, I think the change was necessary to stream line flashpoints after 55 level HMs were introduced.


The other thing I think is that most people are overgeared for FPs now making it seem much easier. Going in at level and slightly undergeared was the norm once, even at 55, and that made the fps much harder.

Edited by Rafaman
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Some of it has to do with people in way higher gear and higher levels than the 50 HMFPs were designed for. These instances were designed for purple daily gear, now people are doing the in BH gear at level 50 and 72/75/78 gear at 55, also with 55 abilities. They are facerolls at 50 in higher level endgame gear, so they are not getting any easier with higher levels and higher gear.
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I think you might mean made too easy, technically Dumb Down means to simplify an explanation, usually too much.


I'm not sure that it has been made too easy, they removed bugs, possibly they removed aspects that were bugging the game, making it easier, but I can't say that fixing bugs is ever a bad idea.

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The other thing I think is that most people are overgeared for FPs now making it seem much easier.




Makeb planetary commendation item modifications are grade 25/58. That's Rakata level (top end at one point) and they are available at level 50. A veteran player leveling an alt will most likely have a full compliment of item modifications waiting for that alt to hit level 50 because level 55s still get planetary comms and have no use for them.


Then at 53, any player with a capped cybertech will have grade 28/66 purple armorings and mods waiting. Throw in a capped artifice and you have 28/66 enhancements and hilts or armstech for barrels and at level 53, a character is SM TFB and S&V ready.


Going in at level and slightly undergeared was the norm once, even at 55, and made the fps much harder.

Not to mention having to learn the new/additional/hitting harder boss mechanics. Now even with players new to a particular flashpoint, so long as ONE of the group is familiar with the bosses, and he/she gives GOOD instructions, and the new players FOLLOW those instructions, the content is not nearly as hard.

Edited by psandak
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Not too sure about dumbed down, but certainly a lot more forgiving. Sadly I think a lot of this came from the metrics BW were gathering from EC HM pre 1.4 and became part of their design philosophy; which feels very apparent in both DF and DP Edited by Declan_Vee
blarg sentance mess.....
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Asking a question even using quotations around dumbed down is totally different from making a statement and flat out saying they dumbed down content. Learn to comprehend.

Learn to be clearer. Obviously you felt that way for SOME reason...you were even compelled to come to the forums and ASK. Don't blame me for your lack of clarity. You used the term, not me.

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Not too sure about dumbed down, but certainly a lot more forgiving. Sadly I think a lot of this came from the metrics BW were gathering from EC HM pre 1.4 and became part of their design philosophy; which feels very apparent in both DF and DP


Maybe so, but... I don't know... DF was a pug killer until people figured out Draxus. I guess, the mechanics are much more forgiving in SM these days. In HM, they seem about right.


But again, I think being overgeared has a lot to do with this as well. DF is a perfect example. Most groups were over geared for it even at the beginning. If people go in mainly 66's with a few 69s it is a much different Op. Lol.

Edited by Rafaman
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Malgus; I agree. The old method was WAY better and unique. The current way is lame. Way to ruin one of the best FP bosses.


HK; This is because you played SM. On HM the turrets and stealth are in. So no dumbing down, just SM/HM differences.


They did however remove the shields from the turrets. It used to require you to hit them with the red circle before they could be damaged.

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