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Least played class in the game?


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Not sure if they are least played but DPS Scoundrels/Operatives are deffinitely among them (Scoundrels/Operatives you can see on leaderboards are probably 95% healers).


It is probably going to change a bit once 2.6 hits live.

Edited by Endel
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I'm not sure, but if by master class you mean the hardest class/spec then I suggest Merc healer, operative dps and Sin tank.


No, he doesan't. He just means the least played class.


He just wants to be unique.


Least played doesn't necessarily mean "hardest class". It merely means : Least played class, no matter whatr the reason is. Some might find that class so utterly boring that they just refuse to play it - and this still doesn't make them the "hardest" class.


From a boring perspective ... Well, I don't really know.

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Hmm I wouldnt pay much attention to what other people find attractive to play. Its all about personal taste.


Classes which I encounter rarely:

- DPS scoundrels/operatives

- Pyro/assault merc/mando's


And specificly for PvP:

- watchman sents

Most seem to go for either combat or smashmonkey style

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It's going to depend on if you're PVE'ing or PVP'ing for what is seen and not seen. Stuff that works in one doesn't always work in the other.


However there really isn't what I would call a master class in this game that has a high skill cap or whatever. Despite what some people say every single spec is pretty straightforward and easy, and is there is pretty much a lot of each. And if there isn't a lot of a spec you see then that's not because it's hard to play, it's generally because the other specs for the class are superior in almost every way.

Edited by Xienive
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I'm pretty sure it's the smuggler, I've only ever me one.


Smuggler is only the base class, I hope you don't run into those often outside the starting planet. :p


Going back a year (or probably more) there was a site that tracked AC's played and snipers and gunslingers always came in at the bottom for whatever reason. Probably due to the fact there isn't really a GS or sniper archetype that most casual SW fans would know. That and I bet the cover mechanic turns some people off as well.


It may not be the greatest indication but if you look at the class forums, and posts/threads in each, the trooper and smuggler come in way at the botton in post count. GS comes in last again with roughly 1300 threads whereas both the warrior AC's have about 3k threads in each forum. Though again that could be deceiving because the slinger/snipers have been a solid class since launch so you could say there wasn't a whole lot to complain about or advise to ask for.


Overall, if I had to pick one AC and spec that was the least played it's probably the madness sin/ balance shadow. Unlike their Sorc and sage counterparts sharing the tree, the sin/shadow suffers in the fact they need to be 10m-4m instead of 30m and have a more difficult time with force management than sorcs/sages in the same spec/tree.

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Hmm I wouldnt pay much attention to what other people find attractive to play. Its all about personal taste.


Classes which I encounter rarely:

- DPS scoundrels/operatives

- Pyro/assault merc/mando's


And specificly for PvP:

- watchman sents

Most seem to go for either combat or smashmonkey style

IDK there is a few mercs/mandos that run pyro that i see going around apparently the pve dps is higher as well so there is a few there. DPS scoundrels/operatives well there is always 1 or 2 diehards to concealment running around as gimped as they are in wzs pre 2.6 compared to sins and lethality is good in pve as it is.. pve wise concealment will be fotm after 2.6.. have you seen the parses?

Watchman sents.. well they have big issues in wzs... Suspectible to slows, roots, cleanses, kiting and have a long ramp up. Fun spec though. It was really good back in the day before other classes got more tools/knowledgeable/ aoe slows.. then smash got buffed + bubble stuns everywhere.... then a patch later the self heals got nerfed kinda killing the spec kinda miss the days it was good pre 1.4. Crit nerf at 2.0 and giving other classes more tools to kite them probably made the final nail in the coffin for watchman as far as pvp is concerned since the spec had no autocrit ability bar cleanse-able dots.

Edited by AngusFTW
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It would depend on your server, but anecdotally I would also say the smuggler/ Gunslinger. I just rolled a new one recently (scoundrel though) and on the starting planet it was 90% Troopers. Overall I would say anything other than Shadow/Assassin or Mara/Sent and now with the FOTM Vanguard/PT
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For PVP, making a list off the top of my head based on what I have seen in regular warzones (#1 = most common):


1. Guardians / Juggs, Sentinels / Marauders

2. Shadow / Assassin dps.

3. Gunslingers / Snipers

4. Scoundrel / Operative heals

5. Sage / Sorc heals

6. Commando / Merc dps

7. Shadow / Assassin tank

8. Scoundrel / Operative dps

9. Commando heals

10. Balance Sage / Madness Sorcerer dps

11. Vanguard / Powertech tank

12. Vanguard / Powertech dps

13. Telekinetics Sage / lightning Sorcerer dps

14. Mercenary heals

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one or two months ago it would have been definitely operative/scoundrel DPS PVP wise... recently in anticipation of the new patch are few people seem to log theirs again (me included, but well i was always playing it, so much fun).

What still see rarely in WZs is madness sins, probably because they are even worse than concealment.

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It used to be Vanguard, but I've been seeing more of them now-a-days. However, I'd wager that they're still one of the least played.


Scoundrel and Operative are the god healers, so there's plenty around as well. They're getting a damage boost as well, so there wont be a shortage of them any time soon.


There's always plenty of Jedi/Sith, so don't even bother looking at those classes. Marauder/Sentinel is the most played class in game. They're this game's huntards.





I think Bounty Hunters and Troopers of any spec would be the least played. There used to be tons of Commandos and Mercs, but I don't see them as often anymore. The fewest being Vanguard and Powertech Tanks.

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Healing Commando/Mercenary is the least played class in the game because everything else is better... also Commando/Mercenary dps seems to be in less demand than Sniper/Gunslinger. So even your off, or main spec, for Commando/Mercenary doesn't necessarily make up for poor healing.
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My vote for least fun classes are the DPS Assassins/Shadows & the DPS Operatives/Scoundrels. Reason why is because their best abilities require you to either strike from stealth, hit the other guy from behind or both. And anyone who's played a backstabbing class has probably ran into that bug where you'll be behind the other guy but the game thinks you're not. And the backstabbing attacks are really ineffective in PVP due to many players remaining in constant motion during a warzone, making it hard to land a backstab without sacrificing some dps in the process. Which is probably why people who roll Operatives & Scoundrels make them into healers: not need to backstab anyone because they're too busy being awesome healers.


By the way, that's not just hearsay: my sniper Karaahi used to be a Concealment Operative, but then I rerolled her as a Marksman Sniper. Loved the playstyle ever since.


As for Assassin dps, I've done a center tree dps and hated how you had to rely on what the game gave you in order to do truly damaging attacks. Just really not that fun, especially not in a warzone.


Also, the Sin/Shadow Tanks suffer due to wearing light armor instead of heavy, that is true. But I've found they're pretty durable if you remember to use Kinetic/Dark Ward regularly; just need to have a speced & geared healer to back you up and you can dominate in PVE. Just saying for the record.

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My vote for least fun classes are the DPS Assassins/Shadows & the DPS Operatives/Scoundrels. Reason why is because their best abilities require you to either strike from stealth, hit the other guy from behind or both. And anyone who's played a backstabbing class has probably ran into that bug where you'll be behind the other guy but the game thinks you're not. And the backstabbing attacks are really ineffective in PVP due to many players remaining in constant motion during a warzone, making it hard to land a backstab without sacrificing some dps in the process. Which is probably why people who roll Operatives & Scoundrels make them into healers: not need to backstab anyone because they're too busy being awesome healers.


By the way, that's not just hearsay: my sniper Karaahi used to be a Concealment Operative, but then I rerolled her as a Marksman Sniper. Loved the playstyle ever since.


As for Assassin dps, I've done a center tree dps and hated how you had to rely on what the game gave you in order to do truly damaging attacks. Just really not that fun, especially not in a warzone.


Also, the Sin/Shadow Tanks suffer due to wearing light armor instead of heavy, that is true. But I've found they're pretty durable if you remember to use Kinetic/Dark Ward regularly; just need to have a speced & geared healer to back you up and you can dominate in PVE. Just saying for the record.



Personaly, I have fun destroying almost everyone 1v1 on 30-54 bracket, while my assassin is 42 now. I have big troubles only with vanguard hybrid (even after their nerf) because they are too fat and have imba kolto overload. The main disadvantage of assassins - they fall down too fast in the crowd, because of the light armor. If force shroud could give immutiny to cc, this will be much better. I rarely can just vanish, while receiving tons of cc and nothing to do about it.

What about most rare class. Half-year ago there were many marauders, snipers and sorcs (as always). But not too many assassins. Now people realise, that they can press 2-3 buttons, strike 10k mauls and be cool. I usually meet 2-5 assassins in the group, or 4 assassin arenas. But people don't realise that assassin is not the easiest class, it requires many keybinds, reaction and good connection. Instead of this they spamming trash, discharge with 1 stack and in result - they suck. Soon the assassin-boom will go down and people will return to their smash marauders.

Now the least played class is probably merc (on pvp ofc).

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