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Why do my assassin tank takes so much dmgs


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Hi ,

My problem is that i don't know how , but my impression is that my assassin tank takes way more damages than other tanks i raid with ( DP and DF hm ), i don't why ..

My stats :


hps : 45k

deff : 20%

shield : 35% unbuff , 55% buffed

abs : 48%

7.7k armor


always have 4 stacks up as long as it's possible , 4 set bonus , really have no idea how i manage to take so much damages compared to other tanks , would be greatful if you could tell me if my stats are ok/wrong


thank you !

Edited by ShamiShar
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Hi ,

My problem is that i don't know how , but my impression is that my assassin tank takes way more damages than other tanks i raid with ( DP and DF hm ), i don't why ..

My stats :


hps : 45k

deff : 20%

shield : 35% unbuff , 55% buffed

abs : 48%

7.7k armor


always have 4 stacks up as long as it's possible , 4 set bonus , really have no idea how i manage to take so much damages compared to other tanks , would be greatful if you could tell me if my stats are ok/wrong


thank you !


Have you looked at your logs to see how much damage you took? Assassins sometimes feel like they take more damage because of the (now much less volatile) spikes they have. However, you'll shield attacks quite often and take pitiful damage when you do.


One other thing to check is for boss mechanics. Your healers not cleansing Corruptor's DoT after Heavy Slash or Chest Laser adds up to a lot of damage that could easily be prevented. Also, taunting Raptus from more than 10 (fact check that number) meters away will make him leap to you, dealing a ton of damage to you, that could be avoided by being near the boss when you taunt.


One last thing: make sure you aren't refreshing Dark Ward on CD, but are instead waiting for your previous stacks to wear off, which will maximize your mitigation. Refreshing early causes you to lose out on some absorb% you could have had.


Assassins have to be paying close attention to a lot of things, and neglecting any of them can lead to taking higher damage. Also make sure your healers always have your shelter to stand in, to increase their healing.

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I used to check logs but it bugged a lot so i don't anymore , but you're right , maybe i should start again

i always cleanse myself against nefra and corruptor 0 , and always refresh wards when there are none left


also , i think i'll up my abs to 50% , then boost hps , leaving other stats like they are already

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I used to check logs but it bugged a lot so i don't anymore , but you're right , maybe i should start again

i always cleanse myself against nefra and corruptor 0 , and always refresh wards when there are none left


also , i think i'll up my abs to 50% , then boost hps , leaving other stats like they are already


Well, a lot of the bosses in HM DF/DP hit like trucks, so it shouldn't be surprising that you take a bunch of damage.

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If you are taking significantly more damage (assuming you are mixing the tanking equally) it could be down to your cooldown usage. A lot of the improvements you can make come down to the fight and situations you are in. Once you learn what works and when to use things it will get better.


If its just a perception because you are lower on health then that is likely to also get better from the above or at least you will know that you don't take more damage from the replies here.


Also 24% def with stim feels better for me (ofc if you want to get technical you can tailor your build to each fight but I tend not to unless its required.). Try to get some spare mods and experiment with it.

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hps : 45k


45k is too much.


Even at full 78 gear you should not have much more than about 41k hp fully buffed and stimmed.


Anything higher than that means you are using high endurance and low defense/shield/sbsorption mods and enhancements, which is bad, or even endurance augments, which is even worse.


Loose the endurance and get more mitigation stats instead.

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45k is too much.


Even at full 78 gear you should not have much more than about 41k hp fully buffed and stimmed.


Anything higher than that means you are using high endurance and low defense/shield/sbsorption mods and enhancements, which is bad, or even endurance augments, which is even worse.


Loose the endurance and get more mitigation stats instead.


43.4k with a stat budget of 2721 mitigation is BiS. Some choose to use endurance mods or even higher. This isn't BiS but there isn't currently any content in game where its life or death.

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Yea had another look into it, 43k stimmed sounds about right, when fully geared in 78s.

41k without stims.


in any case 45k is using high endurance and low mitigation stat gear.


my tank is around 46k fully buffed. The only high endurance i use is the b mods(robust/reinforced). for that extra 1500k hp then a .045% mitigation. 45k does not mean low mitigation for w/e reason you think. the BiS is around 2600+ or so for a stat budget. i am around that point in 78s even in my b mods.



45k is too much.


Even at full 78 gear you should not have much more than about 41k hp fully buffed and stimmed.


Anything higher than that means you are using high endurance and low defense/shield/sbsorption mods and enhancements, which is bad, or even endurance augments, which is even worse.


Loose the endurance and get more mitigation stats instead.


full 78s you'll be around 43k+ ..41k you are either still in 72/75/78s. (that's where my jug is currently in)


One of the tanks i play with is all endurance(aug's also) + mitigation mods/enhancements mixed in, its personal play and he is an exceptionally good tank. endurance is never worse, if your healers or your play-style can handle it.

Edited by kdibuz
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Remember that the Sin also wears Light Armor. I don't care what anyone may say but that does make a difference. In it makes you easier for enemies to hit and bypass armor class.



Alright, yes Sin's do wear Light Armor, but there are talent's in the darkness tree + passive that make up for that light armor. That's why we have high absorb/shield, and our Dark Charge. (Increase's your armor rating by 130%, shield chance by 15%.) + Also while active it gives us a melee bonus damage reduced by 5% ..the talent of Swelling Shadows (increases the armor rating Dark Charge grants by an additional 20%). Plus our Dark Ward/Bulwark that gives us a buff to shield and absorb. Plus the many handy defensive cd's we have at our disposable Force shrould, Overcharge saber, deflection + the adrenal.

before 2.5 we was very spiky, now it has been reduced by the talents, dark charge, and 4 stacks of dark protection.

Edited by kdibuz
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Remember that the Sin also wears Light Armor. I don't care what anyone may say but that does make a difference. In it makes you easier for enemies to hit and bypass armor class.


Armor class? Wrong game, try again. Now, if you don't care what anyone says, why should we value what you say?


Assassins are very good tanks, and while they spike a little more than the other tanks, they are very good at mitigating damage. With Shield and Absorb chances sitting in the 50s, and defense chance around 20%, that's a lot of damage that never hits that light armor of ours.

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  • 2 weeks later...
my tank is around 46k fully buffed. The only high endurance i use is the b mods(robust/reinforced). for that extra 1500k hp then a .045% mitigation. 45k does not mean low mitigation for w/e reason you think. the BiS is around 2600+ or so for a stat budget. i am around that point in 78s even in my b mods.





full 78s you'll be around 43k+ ..41k you are either still in 72/75/78s. (that's where my jug is currently in)


One of the tanks i play with is all endurance(aug's also) + mitigation mods/enhancements mixed in, its personal play and he is an exceptionally good tank. endurance is never worse, if your healers or your play-style can handle it.


More endurance is almost always worse, and 46K means you're poorly itemized on a SinTank. Now there's no content that it really matters for, but stacking endurance hasn't been smart since like 1.6 or however long ago.

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Well, a lot of the bosses in HM DF/DP hit like trucks, so it shouldn't be surprising that you take a bunch of damage.




It's really only Nefra that hits particularly hard in 8 man.


The others have high DPS bursts, but for the most part DTPS is very reasonable (1000-1300 post mitigation).


NiM TFB and S&V have DTPS that is 50-100% higher than HM DF and DP.

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It's really only Nefra that hits particularly hard in 8 man.


The others have high DPS bursts, but for the most part DTPS is very reasonable (1000-1300 post mitigation).


NiM TFB and S&V have DTPS that is 50-100% higher than HM DF and DP.


I was talking about the spikes, though. Raptus's Rising Slash/Diving Thrust. Draxus in general hits pretty hard. Heavy Slash into Sweeping Slash on Zero is pretty nasty. Arcing Assault's channel is kinda gross. Calphayus in general lands 14k strikes (I wish my saber strike hit that hard :p ). I was speaking to the fact that the bosses deal very noticeable damage when they spike, and I think I also said that all tanks see these spikes, we just see them more. I know NiM TFB and S&V have much higher damage taken profiles, but the bosses in HM DF/DP still hit noticeably hard.

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Hi ,

My problem is that i don't know how , but my impression is that my assassin tank takes way more damages than other tanks i raid with ( DP and DF hm ), i don't why ..

My stats :


hps : 45k

deff : 20%

shield : 35% unbuff , 55% buffed

abs : 48%

7.7k armor


always have 4 stacks up as long as it's possible , 4 set bonus , really have no idea how i manage to take so much damages compared to other tanks , would be greatful if you could tell me if my stats are ok/wrong


thank you !


Going to predicated statements with this;

I am by no means an expert Sin tank, I am still learning. I have also not full clear DF HM but have full cleared DP HM.


Your HP seems a bit high, higher then mine at least by a tad less then 4k which can add to the feeling of taking more damage. Yes high HP can be a good thing (looking at you Raptus), but at the same time your giving up mitigation stats for the HP. So instead of having an extra percent chance to shield, you will instead take the full blow which over the course of an entire Op and even some boss fights can add up to be one noticeable.


Your defense chance seems low for a Stimmed sin tank, but then again I feel mine is kind of high but it works. Also our shield and absorb are different, my shield is higher and my absorb is less. So this might play into why I may see differences then you, but in the end it is around a 1 maybe 2 percent difference.

By the by; Biochem is a Sin tank's best friend. The Rakata Absorb Adrenals are amazing for Sins as one of them gives nearly as much DR as Overcharge does.



As for during the actual fights... Well for that it comes down to CD management. For example, take Nefra. I cleanse the first DoT and then on the second I pop Overcharge Saber. Why? Well for one the healer assigned to cleanse me might be busy Mid cast with a heal or on a GCD or out of range due to droid. So I pop a CD to keep my normal damage intake low while he is busy cleansing himself, me, and a Dps. So it's just a matter of rotating CDs for that fight. There are two really good sources on CD use;

First we have; http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=716842 Very useful resource put together by KBN and others have commented as well adding their feedback. Heck I learned about delaying Bestia's stacks in her single fight by shrouding from that thread which lead to an easier time as it delays her damage ramping up.

Second we have; Your healers. I have begun to do this now, asking one or both of my healers after the Op how it felt in healing and if there were moments where they felt overtaxed. One good example in my group is our Op healer, if he is throwing out Dps during the boss? That's a good sign for me cause it means he is bored which means he does not need to heal as much.


Also keep in mind during some boss fights it is good to cloak out. Like I medpac and cloak out after the challenge phase of Raptus each time. The cloak resets your medpac, not the CD on it but the one use per fight restriction, which means I am able to regain some of the HP I lose from the challenge and save Overcharge, Shroud and my Adrenal. Sure I do not have the medpac for actually tanking of the boss, but the moments right after challenges end is some of the more troublesome moments as a healer can be teleported or might not be in range of me. So being closer to 100% for that first Driving thrust is big (since my experience is more issues with driving thrust killing me or nearly killing me, then anything else in that fight).

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Nefra doesn't hit hard in 8man lol.. Try doing it on 16 with 8 people, that is Nefra hitting hard.


Yes, that is unpleasant, lol.


I just mean that the overall fight DTPS for the other 8 man fights is usually 1000-1300. Nefra, even in 78s, is usually 1700-1900ish. Nefra on 16man is more like 2800-3200. Ouch.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Remember that the Sin also wears Light Armor. I don't care what anyone may say but that does make a difference. In it makes you easier for enemies to hit and bypass armor class.


That's the crutch of the problem right there. Perhaps that's why I like this class as opposed to my jugg/guardians, the later is all about "invincibility nonsense" and eating damage while the Will-tanks focus primarily on absolute mitigation to make up for loss of Armor DR.

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Alright, yes Sin's do wear Light Armor, but there are talent's in the darkness tree + passive that make up for that light armor. That's why we have high absorb/shield, and our Dark Charge. (Increase's your armor rating by 130%, shield chance by 15%.) + Also while active it gives us a melee bonus damage reduced by 5% ..the talent of Swelling Shadows (increases the armor rating Dark Charge grants by an additional 20%). Plus our Dark Ward/Bulwark that gives us a buff to shield and absorb. Plus the many handy defensive cd's we have at our disposable Force shrould, Overcharge saber, deflection + the adrenal.

before 2.5 we was very spiky, now it has been reduced by the talents, dark charge, and 4 stacks of dark protection.


oh this one is a toughie, how do i put this? Sin Skills do not make up for Light armor they turn us from Light armor DPS Class to equivalent to Heavy armor DPS class having compared the armor between my Vanguard and my sin (and my sin has elite comms armor while my Van has Oricronian Dailies) i can confirm that my sin has just a little more armor than my Van in DPS mode. ergo Sins take damage like Mercs and Mandos not like Jugg, PT or Van tanks.


i have not seen anyone deny that Sins are vulnerable to Spike Damage but exceptional amounts of denial as to why we are spikey and this is the answer: we dont have has much armor and Damage Reduction as the other tanks like 15% less.

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oh this one is a toughie, how do i put this? Sin Skills do not make up for Light armor they turn us from Light armor DPS Class to equivalent to Heavy armor DPS class having compared the armor between my Vanguard and my sin (and my sin has elite comms armor while my Van has Oricronian Dailies) i can confirm that my sin has just a little more armor than my Van in DPS mode. ergo Sins take damage like Mercs and Mandos not like Jugg, PT or Van tanks.


i have not seen anyone deny that Sins are vulnerable to Spike Damage but exceptional amounts of denial as to why we are spikey and this is the answer: we dont have has much armor and Damage Reduction as the other tanks like 15% less.


Are you for real? A sin tank fully min maxed with four stacks of dark protection and the debuff from wither has a 49.45% DR, while a PT min maxed has 57.47% DR from the Combust talent. Lets not forget though, a min maxed sin tank has ~8% more defense, ~24% more shield, and with 8 stacks of dark bulwark, ~20% more absorption [-5% with heat blast]. A juggy has 49.33% DR [52.33% with crushing blow] but sins have ~2% more defense [-3% with blade barricade], ~27% more sheild, and ~30% more absorption. Sin tanks have more survivability than PTs and juggs if we don't include cooldowns and even then we are neck and neck with juggys.


for the record healer mercs have the most suvivability and their DR is only 34.23%.

Edited by mastirkal
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i have not seen anyone deny that Sins are vulnerable to Spike Damage but exceptional amounts of denial as to why we are spikey and this is the answer: we dont have has much armor and Damage Reduction as the other tanks like 15% less.


Sins are spikier than Juggies or PTs, certainly, but you're being dramatic.


The 2.5 changes buffing armor rating and reworking Harnessed Darkness have made a noteworthy difference in spikiness, and put simply there isn't any content now where the difference is dangerous.


The poster child case was always Oasis in S&V since Terminate was such a miserable thing to eat on Assassin, but even in a low-HP/high-mitigation build, with no CD up, the risk of being floored before you can be healed is just about zero so long as you're not an idiot (read: maintain Dark Protection stacks on a stationary boss with one highly predictable knockback).

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