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The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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I am really glad to see this thread's still going, even if the weapon wishlist thread seems to have died.


One thing I'd still love to see, which I'm still holding hopes for after all this time, is high tech armor with a jetpack. Something like a combination of style from the chest armor of the Fieldtech Gunner's set (doesn't need the waist cape), with a high-tech jetpack like from the Vile Hunter's set. (Doesn't need the pipes.) With jetpack emission FX points.


Another thing I'd be interested to see is a set of extremely high tech cyborg armor. Instead of a light, loosely armored (if at all) skeleton like previous sets, a segmented armored carapace, agile and durable, and cutting edge. Only example for the kind of style I was thinking of that I can think of at the moment was MGR's Raiden, however.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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I would like to thank Bioware again for giving us Darth Skotias set model a few years ago, but they missed the opportunity to actually give us the exact same armor set he wears. We got a scuffed belt and wrong legs if you compare them to the set collection. I'm sure some people dont mind the difference but there are plenty of people who would like to have the exact same sets as NPCs have. Imagine the Tau Idair set would have had some major differences instead of the exact same set as she wears.


Please change the legs and the belt to the right ones, Bioware!


Edited by Jesseriah
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Old lvl 50 Imperium side Battlemaster Forcemystic/master armor + belt in their original color/form. (Dread Master Set), or make the old lvl 50 Battlemaster armors bound on legacy (https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/battlemaster-force-master/).


Marren Atmas armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/marren-atma - Republic Soldier on Balmorra, he wears a special republic trooper chestpiece without shoulder pats)


Republic Soldier NPC armor from Ord Mantell. Can be seen around the Senat Building on Coruscant too (the blue one without shoulder pats).


Hood-up version of the "ambitious warrior"-set


Syo Bakarns armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/master-syo-bakarn). Gloves and belt is different than the version we have. (Version we got from the command crates is this: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/nomar-organa) + same armor dye


Kellian Jarro's armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/kellian-jarro)


General Durant/Faraire/Frellka/Minst's armor from Sith Warrior Taris Questline + armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/general-durant)


Grand Marshal Chekettas armor + dye (he shares the same set as Admiral Shai and General Straden on Yavin 4. They wear a different chestpiece than the Hazardous Recon's armor-set and the Republic Containment Officer armor-set and a unique dye. To clarify: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/grossmarschall-cheketta)


I would also like to add to my list that we need a slot for dyes for the Resplendent Crown of Avarice (there is no slot for dyes on it, sadly).


Captain Qonbla's chestpiece (Trooper trainer on the rep fleet) https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/captain-qonbla


Dread Master Masks (these from Bestia, Raptus, Styrak etc), maybe in a cartel pack for a good amount of CC.


Shariss Kartur's armor. Very nice Republic SID armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/shariss-kartur)


Darth Vilus chestpiece (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/darth-vilus). Its the old lvl 50 battlemaster sorc armor, just without the shoulder pats.

Edited by Jesseriah
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Helmet made with Twi'leks in mind. I'm thinking something like the Cutthroat Buccaneer helmet but covering the eyes, face, and mouth. Voice modulation like the Mando helmets.


I think this might be really cool for Twi'lek smugglers and bounty hunters, maybe even troopers.

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I would love a new version of the Ambitious Warrior that would NOT show my ladies belly. I'm fine with the bare arms and cleavage as they are, but i clearly don't want my Jedi to run around showing her belly to the Galaxy.

And if you want to be fair, make that new version show the dude's abs :rolleyes:


Or at the very least a waist element that could fully cover that bare belly section. Kinda like the Onderonian Force-Lord's betl, but that'd go higher and that would preferably not make my girl looks like she's pregnant.


And a CW s7 Ahsoka inspired outfit would be nice too. I'd love for my JK to be able to wear an outfit that would look a bit similar to Satele's without being Satele's, as it's really weird to flirt with Theron while wearing his mother's clothes.

Edited by Goreshaga
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Also new Kira's armor from onslaught.

Her chest piece is a modified version of the Resourceful Renegade set (ranked PvP reward)

the legs are from Lana Beniko's set (i think)

hands and feet pieces are from the Resilient Warden set

And i don't know for the belt

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Now that the Je’daii armors and decorations are in the game, I would very much like to see Xesh, Trill, and the other Force Hound armors from Dawn of the Jedi. Shae Koda would be nice as well


Would also like some more KOTOR lore sets. Raana Tey, Demagol, etc.

Edited by TraxusAngel
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Armor set with simple Thigh high boots, one color (dye). Same model as Gifted Shadow's plate boots, but without armor.


There are some untargetable npc's with pink hair wearing these in Mek-Sha Slugfall Cantina. Can target the same looking npc on holos in that cantina.


If you could make one armor set with two pairs (like some new armor sets got) of Thigh high boots, one shiny pair and one matte.


Only boots as a single item, would be as awesome too!

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