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Revan's fate after the Foundry encounter


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True but their disappearances were different. I find it very unlikely that we will see Revan in form of force ghost. Time will tell but I just have this feeling that we will see more of him IN PERSON for sure.


They would loose alot of subbs if they just killed Revan forever, So to make ppl stay they make him become one with the force and leave a window open for his return as a force ghost. It is sad that they even included him in this game, He should have stayed as he was before, The way we made him to be. The same fore the Exile.

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  • 1 month later...
Love how Meetra's ghost has my favorite lightsaber hilt, being such a minor Revan fan or imposer ( sarcasum on the minor. ) Is there a reason they decided to have him use Purple saber when they originally had him using Green like in the Book? I found a screenshot on google images showing him holding a Green lightsaber, with hood up-mask on. Then you look at him now, its Hood disappeared, mask on....very confusing.
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The way I see it, when he disappeared, everything he was wearing also disappeared. In particular, his signature mask disappeared with him. I figure since his mask (and robes, although they're less symbolic) wasn't left behind, he's probably alive. If not, he'll likely return as a force ghost.


Love how Meetra's ghost has my favorite lightsaber hilt, being such a minor Revan fan or imposer ( sarcasum on the minor. ) Is there a reason they decided to have him use Purple saber when they originally had him using Green like in the Book? I found a screenshot on google images showing him holding a Green lightsaber, with hood up-mask on. Then you look at him now, its Hood disappeared, mask on....very confusing.

I don't know about the purple saber, maybe it's symbolic of his balance between the light side and dark side.


I believe that in 1.2, they made it so certain masks could be worn under hoods. Both Darth Marr and Revan regained their hoods over their masks.

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Even different flashpoints... In Black Talon was the Captain killed or let live? Was the General killed, or did you let him live? Which choices are canon? Neither of them, at least until for some reason they need to make a choice because for some reason they are not continuing our story but making an entirely new one.


According to Wookieepedia on all the class characters, all republic characters are lightsided and all Sith Empire characters are darksided. I take this to mean that the flashpoints would also represent that.

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According to Wookieepedia on all the class characters, all republic characters are lightsided and all Sith Empire characters are darksided. I take this to mean that the flashpoints would also represent that.


That was just the general consensus so they could write down the stories to provide the expected information.


As for Revan...yeah, BW basically left this open. If they ever need a boss for an operation or something, they have Revan. If they ever need a Force Ghost, they have Revan. All options for the writing department. But the truth will be revealed...eventually.

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He died. End of story. He was a ******, I approve of him completly. Bioware had to end his story properly. We don't want any Force Unleashed bs here. Do we?


Dude. a bioware employee already stated that Revan never died, rather he dissapeared in some sort of way therefore they could bring Revan back if they ever felt like it.

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they said them selves that revan used the force close or whatever to teleport him self to safety it says that none has seen him since the encounter but there are traces of him still being alive.


for the purple lightsaber in the book its green but in all other images he's seen with a purple or purpe and orange lightsaber its shown at the beginning of motor in the dream and also purple is the coolest possible crystal to have.

for the fact they might want to kill him look at this game it's 300 after motor and he's still alive either someone at bioware loves rev an or they know he's the most iconic and loved character in all of kotor series (and yes a fixed t3 would be awesome i feel we must choose t3 m4 or hk 47)





******i know its kn-51 but it's the same droid just newer upgrades and models whhoooooo for update 1.3 HK FINALLY HERE:)

Edited by MasterCenobi
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they said them selves that revan used the force close or whatever to teleport him self to safety it says that none has seen him since the encounter but there are traces of him still being alive.


for the purple lightsaber in the book its green but in all other images he's seen with a purple or purpe and orange lightsaber its shown at the beginning of motor in the dream and also purple is the coolest possible crystal to have.

for the fact they might want to kill him look at this game it's 300 after motor and he's still alive either someone at bioware loves rev an or they know he's the most iconic and loved character in all of kotor series (and yes a fixed t3 would be awesome i feel we must choose t3 m4 or hk 47)





******i know its kn-51 but it's the same droid just newer upgrades and models whhoooooo for update 1.3 HK FINALLY HERE:)


His purple lightsaber fit in perfectly with my Revan from KotOR. Well, except my Revan used the saberstaff/twin sabers instead of the single blade. I was inspired to have two different set-ups by the Art of the Saber video where the guy splits his saberstaff into dual sabers.


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Yeah he becomes immune to all damage at the end of the fight, then there is a big flash of light and he's gone. That's not dead and it's not what happeened to Qui-Gon or even Obi-Wan. Revan may or may not be back, but he's not dead.




A theory I and a few others have regarding Revan:



He will return to finish the Emperor off some time within the next few Chapters of the Jedi Knight story. Since Vitiate, like Palpatine can jump bodies, it will take a Brand style sacrifice in order to stop Vitiate for good. During the final battle with the Emperor, Revan intercedes on behalf of the Jedi Knight, taking a mortal wound from Vitiate. The distraction is enough and the Knight strikes the Emperor down. Revan uses the last of his strength to trap Vitiate's spirit in the Force as he dies.



This IS just a theory now, but it makes sense.

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  • 1 month later...
When did the devs state that Revan survived? Must have missed a post..


Not the devs but a lead writer (well, actually ex lead writer but he was not fired, but left the company on his own to have more time for 'other things').


Q: Did Revan really fall to the dark side again? How come he wants to commit genocide and exterminate the whole race? And how is that possible that Republic is supporting him in doing so - it's against all principles that the jedi believe in. And there are jedi aboard the foundry, along with republic troops.


A: Revan always walked on the edge of light and dark, and being corrupted by the Emperor's presence for 300 years did push him over in that direction. However, that doesn't mean he can't be redeemed again later - remember, you never see him die; he just vanishes. We left that door open on purpose.


Link to the full interview: http://lorefreak.blogspot.com/2012/02/exlusive-interview-with-drew-karpyshyn.html

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I sincerely hope there is an Operation on Malachor V like you described in the fanfic. That would be awesome, the galaxy's strongest individuals teaming up to kill the Emperor. And it would give Revan a death worthy of his accomplishments.
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The Foundry is a Rakatan creation and so is Belsavis' teleporters, which strike you with purple lightning and then teleport you somewhere else.


Now in the Revan battle, he bubbles up and has some health left, and if you look up above him the lightning actually comes down from the ceiling and strikes him, they he disappears, and there are no robes or mask left over, so he didn't pull and Obi-Wan/Yoda on us. It seems to me that he teleported away.

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His son is named Vaner, not Avner. Avner was his mercenary alias both anagrams for Revan, obviously.

And I clicked the link, lead to a blank page. I am on my iPhone, so that may be why...


Can you tell me what it said, or a new link to something else with it?

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His son is named Vaner, not Avner. Avner was his mercenary alias both anagrams for Revan, obviously.

And I clicked the link, lead to a blank page. I am on my iPhone, so that may be why...


Can you tell me what it said, or a new link to something else with it?


A fanfic explaining his theory of what happened to Revan and what he predicts will happen to him.

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