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The Flawless Victory


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1. your screenshot is not displayed on that page and it does not allow me to download it.


2. While a perfect game sounds nice, I personally am far more happy to have a screenshot of a 1000:999 win, where we really managed to flip the tide on the last possible second. It was also for sure a much more interesting fight than a 1000:0 could ever be.

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Congrats, you've beaten a pug that had no chance against you. You run around with your buddies, beating little children up, too?


Stop being proud of something so pathetic.


All pugs have a chance against premades if they have an idea what they're doing. It takes a special kind of team to never score a single kill, and a certain level of perfection for the premade's team to never suffer a single death.

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best pvp games ive ever had be it ground or space is not ones i walk all over a team, its the ones that go to the crunch winner could be either team as time runs out win or loss there amazing games.


that game im pritty sure you would have had people quitting and joining on other team that dont represent skill.

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Congrats, you've beaten a pug that had no chance against you. You run around with your buddies, beating little children up, too?


Stop being proud of something so pathetic.


100% agree. It was almost certainly their premade will fully-upgraded ships against a bunch of inexperienced players with few ship upgrades at all.


These kinds of matches are the PROBLEM with GSF, not something to be proud of. I've been in matches similar to that, where the score was 1000 to 50 or less. Several, actually--on both the losing side (always imperial) and the winning side (always republic). And when the score was that bad or worse there was one thing I noticed. The winning side had a premade that I recognized from many previous matches and the losing side was full of names I'd ever seen, most or all of which had 2 or 3 ships in the pre-launch screen, so they're more likely newer GSF players.


I don't blame the team for winning by that much (what are they supposed to do, start letting the other playes kills them?); I can't really blame BW either, because I don't know that there are enough people to make a matchmaking system work. But unless they get one working when F2P and premium players get in, then this feature will lose a TON of players. I've already spoken to several players that say they quit queueing because they're tired of being farmed. There is simply no fun in being a match where one team has no chance whatsoever.


So anyway, screenshot is stupid. Not something to be proud of.

Edited by Eldrenath
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best pvp games ive ever had be it ground or space is not ones i walk all over a team, its the ones that go to the crunch winner could be either team as time runs out win or loss there amazing games.


that game im pritty sure you would have had people quitting and joining on other team that dont represent skill.

Precisely this. The best, most satisfactory matches that I played were within 50 score victory, or defeat.

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As someone that has been on both the receiving and giving side of this sort of beat down, I honestly think that premades need to be removed from GSF. The problem isn't so much the single beating, it's when you get stuck against the same premade over and over again. It removes any fun from the match. The only thing this accomplishes is to push people away from wanting to play GSF leading to AFKers & fewer people queuing.
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As someone that has been on both the receiving and giving side of this sort of beat down, I honestly think that premades need to be removed from GSF. The problem isn't so much the single beating, it's when you get stuck against the same premade over and over again. It removes any fun from the match. The only thing this accomplishes is to push people away from wanting to play GSF leading to AFKers & fewer people queuing.


I don't think removing premades is a good options. This is, after all, an MMO--and many players play MMOs specifically because they like running stuff with guild members and friends. Taking away that ability isn't a good idea, IMO. I'd definitely support queueing PUGs separately from premades, but given the number actually playing GSF (at least on my server) that isn't really viable option.


Your point is not without merit, however. It is absolutely positively not fun to join a match and know before it even begins that it's about to become a farming session. You see the premade on the other side, the same 4-8 people you've seen time and time again. And on your side you see no one you've ever seen before, (maybe 1 or 2 people if you're lucky) and most of the team on your side has only 2-3 ships, so most likely they haven't unlocked the other ships yet.


3 cap happens 1 minute later, and the farming session has begun. So people quickly quit the match, and I don't blame them one bit. I can't really blame the players farming--it's not like they should just let other players shoot them down. And there's no reason they shouldn't be able to group with friends. but the bottom line is that the longer this goes on, the more folks are going to stop queueing. So the premades can just fly against other premades or wait in queue forever.


Everyone agrees that GSF has a steep learning curve, and experience and skill make all the difference. If the F2P and premium players get matched again and again with premades and get stomped again and again, most will stop queuing before they get the experience to compete. I can tell you right now that I LOVE GSF, but I've been playing since day 1. If I had to go in with 0 experience against the premades I have to face nearly every time I queue on imp side, I'd have quit really quickly. In sum, it just isn't fun at ALL.

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The problem isn't so much the single beating, it's when you get stuck against the same premade over and over again. It removes any fun from the match.


Let me know when you find a fair solution to this, because it's a problem every random matchup PvP game has had in all of video game history - even in games like Guild Wars, where both sides pick their teams before queueing for a match. There's always going to be matches where people are just completely outclassed; that's the nature of PvP games.

Edited by Armonddd
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We can hope, however, that the coming influx of new players will remedy this situation at least partly. With a larger player pool the matchmaker will have a better chance of making good matches.


And yes, matchmaking does work. I definitely noticed a difference when I made an alt and started out fresh. But I imagine it needs a good player base to work effectively (it probably relaxes its restrictions after a certain amount of time, to avoid having no matches spawning at all).

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Let me know when you find a fair solution to this, because it's a problem every random matchup PvP game has had in all of video game history.


A couple of things are needed to solve this.

1. Cross server matches. Supposedly this is being worked on for ground pvp, no reason it won't apply to GSF also. It would give a larger population to pull from.

2. Matchmaking. With the larger population in the matches matchmaking could actually be used.

3. This is more of a personal choice. Without a ranked type queue, remove any group queuing. This would allow the match making to mix the teams up for better balance.

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100% agree. It was almost certainly their premade will fully-upgraded ships against a bunch of inexperienced players with few ship upgrades at all.


These kinds of matches are the PROBLEM with GSF, not something to be proud of. I've been in matches similar to that, where the score was 1000 to 50 or less. Several, actually--on both the losing side (always imperial) and the winning side (always republic). And when the score was that bad or worse there was one thing I noticed. The winning side had a premade that I recognized from many previous matches and the losing side was full of names I'd ever seen, most or all of which had 2 or 3 ships in the pre-launch screen, so they're more likely newer GSF players.


I've been n them too, both sides (and on my server it can be Rep or Imp) and neither side of that coin is fun at all.


The real problem is that people promptly finish their daily (if it isn't already) and stop queuing when they lose that badly more than once. It has gotten to the point that a couple of Rep premades on my server show up and the Imps start bailing and stop queuing. (It's easy to tell the premade, it's the same people over and over, same ships, etc.)


I don't blame the team for winning by that much (what are they supposed to do, start letting the other playes kills them?); I can't really blame BW either, because I don't know that there are enough people to make a matchmaking system work. But unless they get one working when F2P and premium players get in, then this feature will lose a TON of players. I've already spoken to several players that say they quit queueing because they're tired of being farmed. There is simply no fun in being a match where one team has no chance whatsoever.


I was in a match the other day where we had the other side so totally outclassed it wasn't funny (and no premades on either side that I recognized, names and so on were not in the same squads match to match.) At the end they had their entire team trying to cap one satellite and half our team defending. I suggested we let them have it so they'd keep queuing. As out guys died they went to the other two satellites and we still won 1000 to about 100. The other side kept queuing, teams got shuffled around and the wins and losses seemed to slit about even for the next hour or two. Made for some really fun matches.

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A couple of things are needed to solve this.




3. This is more of a personal choice. Without a ranked type queue, remove any group queuing. This would allow the match making to mix the teams up for better balance.


I certainly understand your point of view, but I don't agree that this is a viable solution. If you force ANY premade into a ranked-type queue, you'll still have farming problems. In my guild, I am the ONLY player that plays a lot of GSF. I play every day, doing at least my daily (and usually more) on one Republic and one Imperial toon. But occasionally some of my guildmates will play as well, and I queue with them. They aren't bad, but they're not regular players and they're certainly not in the same league as most of the other premades that run every single day--they might play GSF 1 or 2 nights a week and have NO ships fully upgraded. So if you force our group into a ranked queue, now we'll have a high likelihood of being pitted against veteran premades that play nightly, have multiple ships all maxed out, and play 1-5 matches a night (or more!) every single night. So a casual team hsa a high likelihood of being farmed.


So your option 3 just moves the farming--from PUG players to casual groups that like to play together every now and then.

Edited by Eldrenath
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I've been n them too, both sides (and on my server it can be Rep or Imp) and neither side of that coin is fun at all.


The real problem is that people promptly finish their daily (if it isn't already) and stop queuing when they lose that badly more than once. It has gotten to the point that a couple of Rep premades on my server show up and the Imps start bailing and stop queuing. (It's easy to tell the premade, it's the same people over and over, same ships, etc.)


Oh absolutely. I do not blame people that drop in those situations ONE BIT. There's no point walking into a situation where you're going to get farmed. I see it happen when I'm on imp side all the time. Queue pops, I get in. 5 players on each side, more loading still. Then the premade group shows up, 4-8 players you always see together. The imp side drops from 10 to 5 players in 2 seconds, and the match is cancelled. Happens to me at least once a night.

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I'll actually agree on all points except we were not a full premade at the time was 5 of us with 3 pugs and not allowing a single point do to deaths or self destructs in this game alone is crazy hard all by itself and we did have 3 pugs but honestly there is a problem in the current state where the match making is not workin to saperate the ships that are mastered because we don't haver enough people queing and remember guys we were all new and weve all been beaten and been completely hosed atleast 50 times at this point. I fly non mastered ships when I am going aginst most pug's to give them a fair chance our whole guild does that so its not a total waste of time because when it is a run away you don't get a lot of req on neather side and the difrence in req for a win and a lose is a small margin if you think about it


The key is having friends help you along the way to answer questions and lets face it not knowing is the first thing to cause a lost match


find friends to group with you do it when you run ops so how would you like to have to que for a op solo can you imagine doing nightmare dp or df in a pug group ?


I prefer matches that are close as well get the blood flow9ing it does but at the sdame time in order for 1 premade to decide the whole game they have to be 8 deep and 88% of the time its just me and a buddy or two but we know how to fly and what things do and when to hit a difrent objective because we watch our huds and the comz info fro other ships on where the enemys are


you can couter premades if you play smart I do it all the time solo on my pike good players will follow you to the ends of the earth if you lead them to victory and they will burn you in in a heart beat if you let them down remember its a fine line daceing when you are a known player in gsf and you have 6 people chaseing you so id say stop chaseing me around the match for ever and cap something get off the scouts they are not for every one and remember kill count at the end o the match or damage for that mtter dose not mean as much as the final score and wing the match comes from caping and defending or at the very least slowing down the masses for th 2 capping to get a cap

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We can hope, however, that the coming influx of new players will remedy this situation at least partly. With a larger player pool the matchmaker will have a better chance of making good matches.


And yes, matchmaking does work. I definitely noticed a difference when I made an alt and started out fresh. But I imagine it needs a good player base to work effectively (it probably relaxes its restrictions after a certain amount of time, to avoid having no matches spawning at all).


unless bio keeps the lame 5 matches per week limit on pref/f2p...and I'll bet my bottom credit it'll be shared with ground warzones.:rolleyes:

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unless bio keeps the lame 5 matches per week limit on pref/f2p...and I'll bet my bottom credit it'll be shared with ground warzones.:rolleyes:


Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the Devs had already announced that unlike ground PvP, there will be no limit on GSF for FTP players?


Because if there is a limit, then their presence would do next to nothing to vitalize the GSF queue, which is I believe why they decided to have none.

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100% agree. It was almost certainly their premade will fully-upgraded ships against a bunch of inexperienced players with few ship upgrades at all.


These kinds of matches are the PROBLEM with GSF, not something to be proud of. I've been in matches similar to that, where the score was 1000 to 50 or less. Several, actually--on both the losing side (always imperial) and the winning side (always republic). And when the score was that bad or worse there was one thing I noticed. The winning side had a premade that I recognized from many previous matches and the losing side was full of names I'd ever seen, most or all of which had 2 or 3 ships in the pre-launch screen, so they're more likely newer GSF players.


I don't blame the team for winning by that much (what are they supposed to do, start letting the other playes kills them?); I can't really blame BW either, because I don't know that there are enough people to make a matchmaking system work. But unless they get one working when F2P and premium players get in, then this feature will lose a TON of players. I've already spoken to several players that say they quit queueing because they're tired of being farmed. There is simply no fun in being a match where one team has no chance whatsoever.


So anyway, screenshot is stupid. Not something to be proud of.



Actually, I was in that group. Most of us WEREN'T flying our fully upgraded ships. My mastered Gunship sat in the hangar for that match, while I screwed around with my new toy (FT-8 Pike)

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