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Zero Kill Complainers


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I find it discouraging when someone says in the Ops chat that if you got Zero Kills you should never play the Galactic Starfighter Again... This is not what the game is about. If you want to complain then stop paying for the game and become a F2P and thus you would not have access yet. But those that do pay need to support each other.


So basically if you want to complain take your toys and go home for the rest of us to play and encourage others to learn and play.

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What about 0 kill / 0 assist complainers? Can we still hate on them?


NO, But if they have 0 kills 0 assists 0 damage 0 objective and 0 medals. Then ask them if they are new and need some pointers. If they don't respond then Yes.. they are farming the daily and go ahead and hate on them. Otherwise. help the newbies out man.

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NO, But if they have 0 kills 0 assists 0 damage 0 objective and 0 medals. Then ask them if they are new and need some pointers. If they don't respond then Yes.. they are farming the daily and go ahead and hate on them. Otherwise. help the newbies out man.


I've never had a problem giving people pointers. To the point that I probably helped out some people on how to beat me a little more than I should have, heh. But I've always done well about giving pointers on ship loadouts, flying tips, and what have you. That said, there's only so much you can tell a person to help them out. What it comes down to is learning how to pilot that ship, and fly it to the wire. You can't teach a person how to whip around a sat, altering your course so that the person that was just on 6 is now in your sights. That part comes with practice, patience, and a LOT of self-destructs. So yeah, when you see someone that seems to have an unbeatable build, ask questions. Hopefully, they'll be all too glad to help out, as any gamer ought to (I mean, come on guys, this isn't actual life-or-death stuff here). But don't expect to be able to get that build up like them, and be able to immediately do the stuff they do, either. Those guys have flown hard, and flown often, and there's a reason they're topping the charts constantly.

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NO, But if they have 0 kills 0 assists 0 damage 0 objective and 0 medals. Then ask them if they are new and need some pointers. If they don't respond then Yes.. they are farming the daily and go ahead and hate on them. Otherwise. help the newbies out man.


No, you don't need to ask them if they have 0/0/0/0/0. You can do an objective as just a torso, and it's preposterous to do 0 damage.

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Even if players were trying to "improve their game" by flying rings around an asteroid, a pure bottom end score should disqualify them from completing the daily and/or weekly, as well as earning any requisition points.


Even for such a poor excuse, they can accomplish that sort of practice VIA the tutorial mode.


There is no plausible scenario where any player should legitimately have a score of zero, thus should not share in any rewards.

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Isn't or wasn't there a minimum medals requirement for rewards in ground PvP? I vaguely remember something about that, but requiring just a couple medals for rewards in GSF would be an improvement. Edited by Lymain
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I'd be opposed to a "minimum medals to qualify for anything" requirements just because, believe it or not, there are still some games where I don't manage to earn a single medal.

Granted, this only happens when the pros come out to play en masse and I'm surrounded by beginners, since I find myself in the lower top the chart usually. In other words - you just can't get stuff done when you're being steamrolled.


Now, if someone managed to not even die while not earning any medals...yup, s/he was probably spawncamping/daily-farming and in my opinion deserves no rewards including quest advancement.

Edited by Leiryat
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With the dominance of the premades it's no longer that unusual to see an entire side get 0 kills.


Yeah it can get frustrating at times. Just tonight, I was trying to build up one of my ships and every match I was in was against the same 4 pilots with 5 ships. My teammates all but a few had two ships....all night...


Those games it's just bite the pillow and re-queue to re-bite the pillow. I managed to kill one of the leets and he tunneled me through 4 straight games :rolleyes:

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With the dominance of the premades it's no longer that unusual to see an entire side get 0 kills.


Even in my worst games, facing a bunch of names I know with a bunch of names I don't know on my side, I manage to score somewhere in the top 1/4. Not the top of the chart, because the other side has a kill order on me, but I still will be up there. I comes down to this: your premade teams will rule, as with most other PvP matches. Your standouts will rise above the rest, no matter what the opposition is like. Everyone else will settle at the bottom.

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What about 0 kill / 0 assist complainers? Can we still hate on them?

While I'm not a complainer, I am one of the 0 kill/0 assist people.


Reason? I can't actually see anything in this part of the game. Well, aside from the mesas and the girders and the asteroids. And they're beautiful, but that's not what I play Galactic STARFIGHTER for. The only ships I can actually see are my own and the two carriers. I can't see my companions, and I can't see my foes. When in battle, the only clue that I have that I'm actually fighting are the changes in the status of my HUD.


Needless to say, I'm not doing very well. I want to enjoy the portion of the game, but I don't actually feel like I'm in a space battle. I feel like I'm playing cat and mouse with a bunch of indicators that make no sense.


If I want to feel like I'm in a starfighter battle, I run PvE space heroics. Not that I'm complaining, because I love those. But I also want to love this part, as well.


But I can't because I honestly can't tell what the hell is going on out there.

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Even if players were trying to "improve their game" by flying rings around an asteroid, a pure bottom end score should disqualify them from completing the daily and/or weekly, as well as earning any requisition points.


Even for such a poor excuse, they can accomplish that sort of practice VIA the tutorial mode.


There is no plausible scenario where any player should legitimately have a score of zero, thus should not share in any rewards.


Yeah, we should also give 0 requisition points to the team that lose. That will force people to actually play the game, and not score kills or such.

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Yeah it can get frustrating at times. Just tonight, I was trying to build up one of my ships and every match I was in was against the same 4 pilots with 5 ships. My teammates all but a few had two ships....all night...


Those games it's just bite the pillow and re-queue to re-bite the pillow. I managed to kill one of the leets and he tunneled me through 4 straight games :rolleyes:


Like you I see lots of the same players against me or with me depending on the side I'm playing or if it's a friendly match (Republic Vs Republic for example). That is why the most important one min of the match is before you even launch. I always ask for tactics, that helps identify any premades on my side. If no one suggests anything I always suggest two satellites for us to target and defend. About half the time it works and we go in groups to those targets. Doesn't always work out in the end but loads better than saying nothing and everyone flying blindly around.

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If you often get 0/0 kills and assists wait couple of seconds when the game starts and see where your teammates are going, then go with them and provide cover by shooting the enemies who are hunting your mates. Shoot only when your aim is in the circle, surprise attack is your best advantage. If someone is hunting you run to your mates or spawn point then turn back and you become the hunter.


P.S. I see a lot of guys shooting from over 6k distance, you can't hit anything because your weapon max range is for example 5k. Always be sure to have red colored aim before you shoot.

Edited by Arcagrian
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If someone is getting 0 kills they should be encouraged to take a break until bioware fixes the match making system.


Should someone out there have some advice on how you get past being a better gear and better organised team when you are put in a random group that is completely out matched I would love to hear it. But current setup if you are getting 0 kills good chance that the people you are going up against are very good and no advice will change your ship from being standard to good or your team from a pug to a pre-made. So best thing to do is take a break and see what BW are going to do to balance GSF out.

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I disagree, now is completely fine to learn how to play starfighter. Sure occasionally there might be organized enemy team but usually they fly in groups and have 1 guy stationed at each satellite. When ppl see this they get completely discouraged to play but since you are in the game already why not make the most of it. The thing about flying in groups is that they leave other sats poorly or even unguarded. What I do here is to go to the sat with the 3 turrets, I will get killed before I take the sat but that doesnt matter because in that way i am forcing the enemy group to fly all over the map and if we are lucky to have other ppl doing the same thing you might get something out of this fight. Now the enemy has two options - chase me as a group or disperse, so you are practicing your evade skills or one on one dogfights. Edited by Arcagrian
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With the dominance of the premades it's no longer that unusual to see an entire side get 0 kills.


Oh please, i have seen that done with pure pug groups. Some people can't tell the difference between Faction imbalance or just bad luck with RNG pug groups and premades.


And remember premades are no stronger than the individual pilots they are comprised of.

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If you often get 0/0 kills and assists wait couple of seconds when the game starts and see where your teammates are going, then go with them and provide cover by shooting the enemies who are hunting your mates. Shoot only when your aim is in the circle, surprise attack is your best advantage. If someone is hunting you run to your mates or spawn point then turn back and you become the hunter.


P.S. I see a lot of guys shooting from over 6k distance, you can't hit anything because your weapon max range is for example 5k. Always be sure to have red colored aim before you shoot.


^This is a fantastic simple write up. If everyone did this the games would be much more competitive and fun.

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Oh please, i have seen that done with pure pug groups. Some people can't tell the difference between Faction imbalance or just bad luck with RNG pug groups and premades.


And remember premades are no stronger than the individual pilots they are comprised of.


Every match I see 3-5 people leaving the match because they recognize the premade, know it's sure blow out loss, and don't bother. They are usually the most experenced/best players from that side who are the ones leaving.


Several times i have been the MVP on my side with the only kill.

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Getting 0 kills and 0 assists is ok, because even if you have not hit a single ship in the match, there are turrets around the bases for you to shoot, and of course there are bases for you to fly around, so you should be getting some sort of damage score, or objectives score.


If not, then you were camping to take a free ride, and deserve nothing.

No way out of that fact, other than claiming disability, and if that is the case, I'm sorry but GSF just is not the game for you.

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I'm just going to leave this here.



I know I didn't do great myself, but it would've be nice if the teams were a little more balanced.

I think my team were all newbies still learning how to play, I hope they didn't get too scared off by the match.


I must admit, I do get annoyed by afkers that get 0 kills / 0 assists / 0 objectives though.

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I'm just going to leave this here.



I know I didn't do great myself, but it would've be nice if the teams were a little more balanced.

I think my team were all newbies still learning how to play, I hope they didn't get too scared off by the match.


I must admit, I do get annoyed by afkers that get 0 kills / 0 assists / 0 objectives though.


Sad fact was 3 of those people had a 25% or better hit chance. It just means they did not fire enough shots to even try. The guy with 54% and then person with 40% did not try hard enough if they only did 6k damage and hit that often.

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Every match I see 3-5 people leaving the match because they recognize the premade, know it's sure blow out loss, and don't bother. They are usually the most experenced/best players from that side who are the ones leaving.


Several times i have been the MVP on my side with the only kill.


Whoever has the overall best pilots always wins, period, regardless of if they group queued or solo queued. Voip does nothing if your a bad pilot.


Also the only time i have seen good player ligitimately quit is after their own team repeatidly does stupid crap. I for one never quit regardless of whose premade is on the other side, i have quit based on who is on my team b/c i don't want to spend 15 minutes trying to carry all the scrub's stupidity.

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With the dominance of the premades it's no longer that unusual to see an entire side get 0 kills.


I dunno it's unuseal in my experiance. and I run in a premade. and have only ever seen two shut outs in my time playing. someone useally gets a kill or two. or at least assists (and an assist is the same thing from a points prespective)

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