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Make Light Side Jaesa Willsaam Romance-able


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And I don't know about everyone else but I'm extremely distanced by the unappealing sex-craved and sadistic DS Jaesa. "Queen of Freaky" as Vette puts it about sums it up. Some people might dig that but meh... It don't do it for me.


This sums it up for me too. I've got a Marauder sitting on Korriban just in case I want to run DS and explore the Jaesa romance but everything I've seen leads me to think I wouldn't be attracted to her DS character, personally. And I'm not willing to RP in an effort to see a story I might not want to see played out let alone spend weeks or months of my life.


LS Jaesa has the opportunity to be a truly compelling and gratifying character to explore romantically. Because of the exposition/fade-to-black/result nature of her (and all other companion) story, it is extremely one-sided and fairly uninteresting but the woman might not be. And the toon is sexy as soon as she joins you.


I know we already have LS Vette to be with, and don't get me wrong, I love Vette. She's my favorite companion on the battlefield just because her in game dialogue is fun. The Mod I have on her is beautiful and she's been crafted with a great waify figure which I'm typically attracted to IRL, but the spark really isn't there yet. I've flirted with her, let her know how lucky I'd be to be with her but... I know the little sister thing is over used but it's true. She was given to us as a slave; caught and defenseless. She's been through some major tragedies in her time with us and it almost feels like I'm taking advantage if I say I want to be with her. I've even escaped out of the Marriage Proposal conversation and put talking to her on my ship on pause just because I do care.


Odd that a game can make one feel so conflicted. I guess BW did something right for all the accusing of whining we hear from trollers. :)

Edited by Cherokeewill
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"Revan was a major example in that you don't have to be a ***** Sith. You can utilize a Sith's passion (good or bad) for that power and stabilize it with the control and meditation that the Lightside offers. "


No, he wasn't. He was pretty *********** corrupted when he was Sith. His goals might have been to initially strengthen the republic but he ended up succumbing to the Dark side, if it wasn't for Bastila capturing him when Malak almost killed them all and the council wiping his mind he would have died a Dark sider. Bioware dropped the ball on the light side sith and dark side jedi thing imo... The order would expell people that go around killing everyone and being ******es and the Sith would just kill and replace some incompetent whelp who didn't have enough strength to follow the code.


The Sith are primarily dedicated to the dark side, power, deception, dark side powers of the force and what all lead to the dark side. Some among them say that this is all necessary to maintain peace and order in this hellish galaxy, but they end up indulging in passion, vice, greed and whatever else not always in a twisted way or they wouldn't be Sith at all.

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As a Light Sided Sith, I do not want to perform an act of ********ity by sleeping with a Twi'lek.


...On a more serious note:


Others have stated it here already. It really is just dumb that we don't have the option to romance her just because she's "Light-sided" since classes like the Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular can romance without receiving a single dark side point.


Bioware needs to listen to the people that pay the subscriptions.


Ummm JK and JC can't romance without a single darkside gain they take a hit when they first start a romance or start a sexual encounter.


Also i am sure that there are more people paying subscriptions then the ones ************ in this thread.


Nice try at self Importance though

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Ummm JK and JC can't romance without a single darkside gain they take a hit when they first start a romance or start a sexual encounter.


Also i am sure that there are more people paying subscriptions then the ones ************ in this thread.


Nice try at self Importance though


That's an interesting claim.


My jedi Shadow got laid on one of the planets and still has zero dark side points.


Somehow this seems to contradict your claim, no? ;)

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Ummm JK and JC can't romance without a single darkside gain they take a hit when they first start a romance or start a sexual encounter.


Also i am sure that there are more people paying subscriptions then the ones ************ in this thread.


Nice try at self Importance though


You know your wrong on this right? I have a 43 JC and romance with Nadia, 0 DS points....

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As a light side SW, the light side Jaesa seemed perfect. She is NOT a jedi, we both have the same goals as far as the Empire is concerned and yet, I am stuck with Vette as the only option. On the lighter side - hehe - my dark side Sith Inquisitor has it worse with Ashara :)



Edited by Lanmoryn
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First of all, if you DO NOT want light side Jaesa as a romance option, you don't need to be posting in this thread. It was a post to request for that to happen, and if you don't want the option, it being there would not effect you. Hindering choices for other players is not a way to extend the life of the game and keep players around.


With as much emphasis as story has in this game, we should be able to craft (within reason) the story we wish our characters to have. If I'm romancing light side Jaesa and you don't want to even have that option... Guess what? What happens on my ship stays on my ship. It doesn't have to happen on yours. So trolls please step into the reactor and proceed to incinerate. It amazes me how trolls want to whine about people having game experience choices that won't effect them personally what-so-ever.


Now, onto the constructive feedback.


I'm one of the many that had no idea making Jaesa light sided would bar her from romance options. It seems like this was an extreme oversight. While I agree that she should not be a loose woman like her dark side version, I could see light side Jaesa requiring 10,000/10,000 Affection in order to bed/marry her.


Jaesa is by far one of the most compelling characters I've seen in any game... And that's because of the amazing story that lead to her joining me in the first place. I immediately formed an attachment to the character, as have many others. Not being able to take the story further with her light incarnation is disheartening.


She is your apprentice and you're teaching her the path of true light. Love is generally associated with light, and it's natural that two people spending the type of time a Master/Apprentice do together, could in fact, fall in love.


Choices would still matter. Dark Jaesa becomes a very loose woman who just wants the physical romp. Light Jaesa should rightfully fall in love with your character and be much more loving and proper about it. In either case, you should be able to ignore the romance options if you desire, so fear not trolls, it wouldn't 'ruin' your game.


Please add her as a light side romance option. It's a small change that will increase the fun factor for many Sith Warriors, and alleviate much disappointment/frustration we've found since discovering that she is not romanceable in her current state.


Also, not everyone has a desire to have alts. I'm a one character kind of guy. I don't think it's an acceptable answer to tell me to roll another toon or reroll as an alignment that I have no desire to play, just so I can have the romance option I desire for my character. (Plus I wouldn't like Jaesa nearly as much if she were evil.)


I hate to sound like one of those 'I'm quitting' kind of people, but if that option doesn't come along, the game feels broken from me at this stage. My storyline has flowed nicely and has been enjoyable, but that's a key part of my character's story development that is lacking for me, so I'll probably unsubscribe until if/when it gets added as an option. I'm sure other people might just play another toon or start over, but I'm paying to play the toon I want to play, and I'm only going to pay for that so long as the game is fun. This one tiny part makes it feel broken because the story is so compelling up until this point.




/signed a thousand times. BW needs to take into account that many people actually want to play as a LS Sith, and that throwing together a loose, second-rate storyline for these people will leave many disappointed. Why should we get less opportunities than our Dark-Sided counterparts?


I can see what BW was trying to do by making a LS Jaesa.. Really, I can. But in the end, it just isn't very fulfilling, and makes many of us feel like they just don't care.


So please, BioWare, fix this evident problem in future patches/expansions, before you start to lose the support for your already amazing game...

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As a light side SW, the light side Jaesa seemed perfect. She is NOT a jedi, we both have the same goals as far as the Empire is concerned and yet, I am stuck with Vette as the only option.




Indeed, its extremely disheartening and really kills my characters story. And I have no interest in Vette as she is like a little sister to me (and even though its already after the fact, I have 0 interest in DS Jaesa) so I guess my SW is forever alone... :(


I really hope Bioware comes out with an update for this or more romance options or something. And it'd be great if one of them at least acknowledged something about this!



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/signed again....


I really wish BW would start to actually tell us what their planning and what they have no interested in fixing. Like this topic for example.... BW learn better PR.... please.... I know take a page out of your ME team ^.^

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I played as the Jedi but wasn’t in love with the character or story options so I started another play through as a sith and have been really enjoying the experience. I had no idea that Jaesa would not be romance able if she was light side. I was looking forward to the love triangle and was trying to decide who I would choose not knowing the choice was already made. If this happened at level 10 I would probably start over but at level 34 I have far too many hours invested into my character. This is one of those rare occasions where I wish I had spoiled the plot ahead of time in order to make the choice differently. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to lean toward the light side with all my characters from SWTOR to Mass Effect.
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As a Sith, you would probably not have encountered this mechanic - but for a Jedi, romance is a Dark Side choice - taking the romance options in (as far as I have seen) every single case results in Dark Side points.

On that basis, if Jaesa is Light-sided and therefore holding to her Jedi heritage, she will not be receptive to romance.

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As a Sith, you would probably not have encountered this mechanic - but for a Jedi, romance is a Dark Side choice - taking the romance options in (as far as I have seen) every single case results in Dark Side points.

On that basis, if Jaesa is Light-sided and therefore holding to her Jedi heritage, she will not be receptive to romance.


I have to disagree.


As Jedi Knight (I don't know about the other jedi class) you can romance without getting any dark side points.

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