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Make Light Side Jaesa Willsaam Romance-able


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This is absurd: was looking forward to the story aspect of this - bringing honor back to the empire with jaesa at my side...but, ooops, i didnt want her to be a demented maniac and chose the "light path": sorry no romance.


And then all that hard work to get to the culmination of Act 1 - what a disappointment.



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I'm glad the game offers choices and I think it is important to keep differences in the game. Players always wanting what the other guy has and using that as a justifier for their frustrations is why games lose their distinctiveness and everything becomes "the same". I am glad story lines are unique and don't want to see the day come when they are all rolled into one so no one can cry that they don't have what the other guy has.
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I've thought about this, and I think I get what the developers were thinking: Jaesa's a light side jedi and jedi don't pursue romance, as a light apprentice she's more pupil than romantic prospect, none of the other classes have two women or two men to choose from and light side sith warriors can choose Vette... to be honest, Jaesa's unavailability hasn't bothered me.


BUT for me personally, having always wanted to play a nice sith and an evil jedi, I picked the sith warrior solely because of Vette. I can easily imagine picking the warrior because of Jaesa and being disappointed I can't pursue a romance with her.


Jedi knights have companions they can romance (is Kira the knight's pupil?) and a dark sith warrior can romance Vette without compromising the story.


Implementing this type of change for Jaesa would take longer than we'd like to think, but I do believe it would enrich the sith warrior's experience to add it to a future patch.

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I'm glad the game offers choices and I think it is important to keep differences in the game. Players always wanting what the other guy has and using that as a justifier for their frustrations is why games lose their distinctiveness and everything becomes "the same". I am glad story lines are unique and don't want to see the day come when they are all rolled into one so no one can cry that they don't have what the other guy has.


? Have you ever played a Bioware game before? They always try to make it where even the same player will have a different experience every play through. ME is wildly successful at this, but back to my point.... What does your comment have to do with making a romance option? If anything not having one only compliments your statement by forcing all LS sith to choose Vette.

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I've thought about this, and I think I get what the developers were thinking: Jaesa's a light side jedi and jedi don't pursue romance, as a light apprentice she's more pupil than romantic prospect, none of the other classes have two women or two men to choose from and light side sith warriors can choose Vette... to be honest, Jaesa's unavailability hasn't bothered me.


BUT for me personally, having always wanted to play a nice sith and an evil jedi, I picked the sith warrior solely because of Vette. I can easily imagine picking the warrior because of Jaesa and being disappointed I can't pursue a romance with her.


Jedi knights have companions they can romance (is Kira the knight's pupil?) and a dark sith warrior can romance Vette without compromising the story.


Implementing this type of change for Jaesa would take longer than we'd like to think, but I do believe it would enrich the sith warrior's experience to add it to a future patch.


Yes kira is the JK's padawan. Not sure if that changes later in the story but you get her around as a full companion around level 20 and a quest specifically mentions her as *your* padawan to confirm it.

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I'm glad I saw this thread. I just assumed you would be able to romance Jaesa as light side. I had previously been considering whether or not to even start down the romance path with Vette. I was anticipating having to choose between the two in another romance triangle like with Liara and Ashley in Mass Effect. I wasn't sure what the fallout would be for choosing one over the other. Would the other get mad and leave?


I had a hard enough time deciding in Mass Effect. Neither of them really fit the bill for me. Liara seemed like a better person but was kind of boring. Ashley was a little more sexy but kind of a racist and a *****. I eventually went with Liara.


I was figuring on having to make the same choice with my LS Sith Warrior. I wasn't sure who I was going to have my character go with. I figured I'd get a better feel for them as characters going on and make the choice based on how their personalities played out. So I'm feeling a little disappointed I'm not even getting a choice between the two if I take Jaesa light side. What if I end up liking Jaesa better? I guess you're still stuck with Vette. And dark side Jaesa doesn't sound like a real winner from what people have mentioned in the thread.


Like some of the others, I'm considering shelving my warrior for now in case they go back and decide to make light side Jaesa a romance possibility. It's too bad because I've really been enjoying my Sith Warrior.

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You mean to tell me that the decisions you make in a story-based RPG have tangible positive and/or negative effects on your relationships with the characters? How dare BioWare do such a thing?! Don't they know that you're supposed to get the same rewards no matter what you decide?


Seriously, there's so much entitlement rage on these forums, and its literally everywhere. "My class doesn't get X but their class does! I can't romance Y but they can!"


The whole idea behind story options is the concept of consequence. That's what makes it interesting. If every choice led to the same result with the characters, what would be the point? Choosing to be LS Sith is choosing to be something unusual and unique (except its not unique because 34524646346 players are doing it). Generally, the decision to go against the norm does have consequences, even if they don't always make sense to you at the time. Deal with them.

Edited by hikotai
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You mean to tell me that the decisions you make in a story-based RPG have tangible positive and/or negative effects on your relationships with the characters? How dare BioWare do such a thing?! Don't they know that you're supposed to get the same rewards no matter what you decide?


Seriously, there's so much entitlement rage on these forums, and its literally everywhere. "My class doesn't get X but their class does! I can't romance Y but they can!"


The whole idea behind story options is the concept of consequence. That's what makes it interesting. If every choice led to the same result with the characters, what would be the point? Choosing to be LS Sith is choosing to be something unusual and unique (except its not unique because 34524646346 players are doing it). Generally, the decision to go against the norm does have consequences, even if they don't always make sense to you at the time. Deal with them.


In my experience Bioware has always tried to give their players a way to tailor their own story in their games. This is why some people might feel "entitled" as you say. I see it more of a *** moment from returning Bioware fans. They will listen to us, because they have said they would. It might be months or even years before we see a romanceable option, but it will come. Too many people are asking for it.

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Why not just make her corruptible throughout lvling... I started light, got to lvl 30 and realized how cool the dark socials are, so im going dark. After being up to light lvl 4 and not realizing she was only either light or dark, I screwed up...



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Yes kira is the JK's padawan. Not sure if that changes later in the story but you get her around as a full companion around level 20 and a quest specifically mentions her as *your* padawan to confirm it.


Yes, she gets knighted at the end of act 1.


And really, I don't consider her my padawan as you aren't that much more advanced than her in training. She was pretty much fully trained when you take her under your wing, you were basically just giving her the finishing touches to her training. Noone refers to you as a jedi master during tenure under your or after. You get regular people referring to you as 'master jedi' as a term of respect (they use it for all jedi) so really, I think you only get promoted to jedi master when the council agrees to it and when you fully train someone.


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I have no problem with people wanting LS Jaesa romance. In your post you say want it for your companion to match with your LS personality. Well, guess what? It doesn't make sense story-wise to tell her to stick to her beliefs and then try to get intimate with her. You turned her to the dark side so she could change the Empire from within, but you also said she should stick to the morals instilled in her by the Jedi Order.

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on a more detailed reply id like her Light-Side romancable because it would be more like a proper love story rather than her Dark-Side when all she wants is to populate and conquer the galaxy with Evil Children.


I like her Light-Side romancable for deffo. As one poster said that we tell her to stick to her Jedi Routes maybe there should be another option where you convince her to help you change the sith Order from within but you both secrety have to act a little evil/darkish but behind closed doors your lovers who are both highly determined to change the sith and bring peace to the galaxy.


I think romancing her light-side would be great because light-side has such a cooler storyline rather than darkside witch is Kill Kill Steal Steal Lie Lie Kill again. Vette is a light-side romance option and alltho she has a nice storyline i find her personality to be a little to..er how can i put it? "Excentric" anyway bioware PLEASE make light-side jaesa romancable i am literaly beggin for it :)

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Anyone else holding off raising Jaesa's affection for fear of missing the dialogue options should they actually decide to implement it?


They should also fix some of her battle commentary perhaps, for the light sided version, she's a bit vicious! Though that's a minor detail, I'd love for BioWare to just give a yay or nay so I can either keep her low affection in wait or just get her raised.

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Anyone else holding off raising Jaesa's affection for fear of missing the dialogue options should they actually decide to implement it?


They should also fix some of her battle commentary perhaps, for the light sided version, she's a bit vicious! Though that's a minor detail, I'd love for BioWare to just give a yay or nay so I can either keep her low affection in wait or just get her raised.


It will come, but probably not for a long time. Perhaps in an expansion, since to add even more voice acting for all the content they have now will take awhile. Who knows really? They might have started developing this VA content now.


Here is what someone said in an earlier post.


For those who haven't read the OP, Erickson did mention to light-Jaesa fans in Beta that the writing team did not think that light-Jaesa would be so popular and would look into adding her as a romance option. Of course, this was a couple months before release, so they could not add it last minute. Therefore, they will most likely add it in the future. Personally, I'm not romancing Vette and going with light-Jaesa to prepare for this.
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I have no problem with people wanting LS Jaesa romance. In your post you say want it for your companion to match with your LS personality. Well, guess what? It doesn't make sense story-wise to tell her to stick to her beliefs and then try to get intimate with her. You turned her to the dark side so she could change the Empire from within, but you also said she should stick to the morals instilled in her by the Jedi Order.


Actually, you're mistaken.


I did *not* turn her to the dark side and I did *not* say she should stick to the morals instilled in her by the Jedi. None of this happened. Not even close.


She is my apprentice, that's what she signed up for, she is not a Jedi. She has nothing to do with the Jedi.


I did say we would change the Empire from within, the rest of what you've said is wrong and didn't happen.

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Jaesa is someone who is insecure with anything that isn't clear cut -- anything gray makes her uncomfortable. So if you turn her dark, she goes full tilt boogie dark; take her light, full tilt boogie light. The only way she can feel stable is to have a simple and set, unyielding and uncompromising belief system.


She _needs_ something to believe in -- she's searched for it her whole life. At the point when Nomen Karr falls, she is about to unravel -- there is no order, no foundation, nothing to believe in -- and, one way or the other, the Warrior gives her that bold clear path to walk. Any hint of impurity on that path and she will be lost forever.


So, if you were to try to romance Jaesa light, she would fall apart. She'd see it as a betrayal; she'd realize that even this -- this last hope for something that makes sense, something dependable -- is false. This more than any other reason is why she doesn't swing that way. It's all about character.


To me, if a romance is added it would have to address this primary precept of her character. It should be impossible to keep her sane (and light) while cultivating a romance.

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Please do... Made the same mistake today not knowing I couldnt romance her as being LS i'm 100% pure light sided sith and want to stay that way... Having (LS) Jaesa Willsaam romance-able is the only reason I will continue on my warrior if not i'm just gonna let him collect double XP untill they make her be able to romance.
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Jaesa is someone who is insecure with anything that isn't clear cut -- anything gray makes her uncomfortable. So if you turn her dark, she goes full tilt boogie dark; take her light, full tilt boogie light. The only way she can feel stable is to have a simple and set, unyielding and uncompromising belief system.


She _needs_ something to believe in -- she's searched for it her whole life. At the point when Nomen Karr falls, she is about to unravel -- there is no order, no foundation, nothing to believe in -- and, one way or the other, the Warrior gives her that bold clear path to walk. Any hint of impurity on that path and she will be lost forever.


So, if you were to try to romance Jaesa light, she would fall apart. She'd see it as a betrayal; she'd realize that even this -- this last hope for something that makes sense, something dependable -- is false. This more than any other reason is why she doesn't swing that way. It's all about character.


To me, if a romance is added it would have to address this primary precept of her character. It should be impossible to keep her sane (and light) while cultivating a romance.



You seem to be over analyzing this..... Btw it has already been established that jedis dont always follow the code of no romance... And as far as her character goes I'm sure the amazing storytellers at Bioware could easily write something that would fit. I mean if you cant write a story so well that you dont need the main character for the final chapter (ME3) thats sayin something xD

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You seem to be over analyzing this..... Btw it has already been established that jedis dont always follow the code of no romance... And as far as her character goes I'm sure the amazing storytellers at Bioware could easily write something that would fit. I mean if you cant write a story so well that you dont need the main character for the final chapter (ME3) thats sayin something xD


It is true what he writes for the most part, however.. people change, circumstances, experiences, friends etc have influence on a person. Not to forget, you are still her master and they could actually give you a few dialogues that go along with it, to influence her/her beliefs in a less black and white theme (DS/LS Jaesa) but give her another perspective, I find that did quite a good job with that on the Inqui. companion Ashara (if you don't know about it, look it up on youtube).

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