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Everything posted by Merced

  1. Yes kira is the JK's padawan. Not sure if that changes later in the story but you get her around as a full companion around level 20 and a quest specifically mentions her as *your* padawan to confirm it.
  2. did this with Jaesa as immortal with no stim pack used but thats about the only thing i didn't use other than the 20minute cd on the 2nd try. Basically you just have to pick a spell you can live with eating and locking out everything else through the interrupt, force charge, push, backhand if you got it.
  3. This is bogus and ridiculous. Why then is Kira shacking up with JK#56789? Shes a jedi, the player is a jedi, what gives bro? Your response is beyond stupid just based on that, never mind that there is no indication anywhere over her story arc that she is the perfect jedi or even aspires to be. How the hell do you then make the leap that shes all holy and above that? Basically you're just spouting nonsense. Hell, Bastila actually did aspire to the perfect jedi and you can romance her even when you're LS aligned. Can you explain that one to me, bro?
  4. People have, the answer is pretty plainly written if you actually read what is written but i'll spell it out sans the crayon. THERE IS NO LS ROMANCE EVEN AFTER THE 1.1 PATCH.
  5. You people are awful. Nothing Star Wars related will ever eclipse the original trilogy because you place it on a mythical pedestal. Truth be told i enjoyed the prequel trilogy more than the original. Why? Because i enjoyed the setting more, the CGI (come at me nerds), and the actual story more than the originals. To be sure the acting in the prequels was awful by comparison, but to me that does little to diminish the actual story that was being told. The sad part about this that its you, the nerd raging fandom who can't appreciate anything that has essentially killed the fantasy setting you might have loved most. Pathetic, no thats beyond pathetic and more like tragic. You give some real perspective on loving something to death you know. Shame it comes at the cost of enjoyment for millions of others though right? I also love the idiots who make the claim that "by and large" people disliked the prequels. Really bro? Do you have empirical evidence or just another champion for bad logical fallacies?
  6. I agree SW male voice is the best, followed closely by male JK. Thinking male Inquisitor has to be the worst.
  7. i had no particular issue with Voss other than the 8 billion quests, oh and stupid load ganking in Voss-ka by some super skilled guild. I didn't even use Quin, i had Jaesa out pretty much since i got her. Was immortal with mostly orange gear i kept up to date with artifice and selecting the appropriate mods.
  8. Just got Darth as a LS Jugg. I really liked the story, i liked the little twist you can get if you are LS and how it effects a particular companion. That of course turning in to a huge double edged battleaxe of pure frustration with the story. Overall i have to say it was good but ended up jaded after the whole LS apprentice thing.
  9. Unless its changed very early in her affection path then no. I'm pretty certain everyone saying she is able to be romanced is referring to the creepfest that is your last conversation with her sometime in the 9k affection range. If people call that a romance then i'd hate to see how their valentines day is gonna go down.
  10. /signed Level 50 and have been progressively bringing all my companions affection up. I started to notice i never got any flirt options with jaesa aside from the very first time wen she joins your ship. Its incredibly stupid of BW to let Jedi Knights romance Kira but Warriors are left holding the bag on this one. Theres pretty much nothing that can be done about it at this point. This really has started to change my opinion on the SW story. I really liked it in comparison to Inquisitor but that revelation has torpedoed any warm and fuzzy feelings i had. Guess i need to finish leveling my JK for a worthwhile story line.
  11. How does this, in any way, make up for the complete lack of tanking mods from level 30-49? It doesn't, and the fact that most if not all the mats are raid drops as well only further exacerbates the problems.
  12. bumping this. Its stupidity of the highest magnitude for there not to be craftable mods with defensive stats. There is ONE, YEA ONE, mod prefix with STR on it and guess what? No tanking stats and substantially lower END than STR in all its branching versions. I can get "Elusive" from quests, vendor bought gear, but i'll be damned if its craftable.
  13. Yea man gary gyax is a toolbox for not giving his players dual spec in DnD in 1981.
  14. You deign to tell me i need a dictionary when you make the rather flawed logical assumptions that any feature is "in demand" when you have no means to even begin to prove that. The same features that arguably took the soul out of WoW are the ones you're so fervently championing to be included in to this game. You won't even go so far as to say these things are why WoW is successful or why it will remain so but demand they be added to SWTOR or it will suffer as a consequence. Ridiculous.
  15. yet another "waaaaahhh WoW has this, you must have it too to be good" drooling. You literally wrote a convoluted wall of text relating two entirely different games to another entirely different game and why one of them needs to apparently be like the other two. Yea i mean ok.
  16. Oh i played WoW more in terms of time investment no doubt. Did i enjoy it as much when i was playing? Hell no. I spent 4 hours a night face palming at idiots in vent and in game while raiding 4-5 nights a week. WoW was a time sink and a very shallow investment of that time. I literally, for the last 4 years of that game only logged in to raid and even then it was often a joyless endeavor. But if you want to equate time spent between the games to enjoyment then by all means.
  17. You missed the train that had sandbox plastered on the side of it. More end game content would've helped undoubtedly, but it was a sandbox game meaning player driven content was the primary medium. But whatever, i spent many nights pvping, hunting krayts, geo caves, corvette, never mind the unstoppable force that was everyones desires to max professions to become force sensitive.
  18. I'll bite, i preferred SWG because of player house/cities. The single best crafting and gathering system ever put in to a MMO, and damn we had some good communities on SWG. The WoW community ported over to SWTOR leaves something to be desired and i personally prefer the sandbox nature of pre-Cu/NGE SWG to WoW and games in its mold. If SWG had been run by any company other than SOE post launch it would still be alive and probably doing better than EVE.
  19. You're missing the entire point, and your boy Ghostcrawler would be quick to agree with me that complex macros or hell macros in general will never be something they force someone to use in normal play. There was a time when macros were pretty much required for some raid content in that game. Theres a pretty good reason thats no longer the case when you design with accessibility in mind. Seeing as your list is some kind of sick tribute to WoW, its pretty ironic then that you don't also share their current design philosophy.
  20. Far be it for me, or anyone to suggest some anti-social shut-ins to take some initiative and find a guild so that they don't spend 30 minutes spamming LFG.
  21. Macros are a rather large barrier to entry especially in some scenarios. I would've preferred to play WoW without literally spending 2 hours writing and testing macros (never mind the time required for muscle memory) for half the classes i played at level cap in competitive pvp. They are extremely unintuitive and not something most of the player base will take advantage of anyway.
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