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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


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Wow... What comes to lore, I think princess Leia, Padmé, and Darth Talon settles it quite fast. These clothes are not against lore in any way. OP all you can do, is keep your own characters clothes on and let the rest play as they want. I'm a male myself, and half of my toons are females. All are covered from neck to toe. As for the hair, half of my girls are bald. That is the way I play, and I have the right to do it. If people feel that their characters should wear gold bikini, then so be it.

The only way I understand your attitude is if you are religious. Other than that, I'm baffled.

Family friendly?!? Are you kidding me?! Do the dark side options and see how family friendly they are!

But then again... you are most likely just trolling here.

Edited by Kayin
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Hi diddly dee, is this thread for me? :D


Seriously, dude, the only family friendly Star Wars was A New Hope. Empire proceeded to make the story take a dark turn and Return made it go all sleazy and incestuous. From an objective standpoint, Star Wars is not for kids. You got unbridled galactic warfare, horrible monsters like the Rancor and Sarlacc, religious zealots with mental powers, terrible racism and people killing each other by tossing them down exhaust shafts. You have a beef with a girl wearing a slip, but not with your kid watching a Zabrak get cut in half?


It's a shame, really, when people are afraid to explain why a person is comfortable with their own body and not scared to show a guy get brutally bisected.

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Hi diddly dee, is this thread for me? :D


Seriously, dude, the only family friendly Star Wars was A New Hope. Empire proceeded to make the story take a dark turn and Return made it go all sleazy and incestuous. From an objective standpoint, Star Wars is not for kids. You got unbridled galactic warfare, horrible monsters like the Rancor and Sarlacc, religious zealots with mental powers, terrible racism and people killing each other by tossing them down exhaust shafts. You have a beef with a girl wearing a slip, but not with your kid watching a Zabrak get cut in half?


It's a shame, really, when people are afraid to explain why a person is comfortable with their own body and not scared to show a guy get brutally bisected.


Oh and fall down a dark long hole to his death while his blood pours out behind him..

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Oh and fall down a dark long hole to his death while his blood pours out behind him..


TCW spoiler ahead.


And then build his own metal replacement limbs for the parts he's lost, while resorting to cannibalism to survive...


Edited by Callaron
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The fact the OP is so insistent on dictating what his fellow players wear in his avatar's presence almost makes me want to create a skimpily-dressed steatlher character and just randomly de-cloak in front of him. "Surprise!" :eek:


If I had been drinking milk when I read this, you would owe me a new keyboard. I, too, want to randomly de-cloak (ahem!) in front of people and shout "Surprise!"


Who's with us?!?


Big haired de-cloakers unite!

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Madame, I have had the pleasure of seeing Carrie Fisher free breast it and let me tell you. Princess was strapping down that entire film.


Harrison Ford, on the other hand....


The reference was to CF's story that GL told her there was no underwear in space, so she couldn't wear a bra in the original movie.


I have not heard a similar story for HF, so I have no information on whether he was "going smuggler" in A New Hope.

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The reference was to CF's story that GL told her there was no underwear in space, so she couldn't wear a bra in the original movie.


I have not heard a similar story for HF, so I have no information on whether he was "going smuggler" in A New Hope.


Watch closly when he's running to the Falcon.


That's not a blaster thumping against his leg.



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I am sure somewhere in the 35 pages of replies it has been said, but it bears repeating.


How about a little middle ground on outfits? My female toons come out looking like a ******, a nun, or an armored trooper. Would a few basic dresses and something flirty but not ****ty be too hard to come by?

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I am sure somewhere in the 35 pages of replies it has been said, but it bears repeating.


How about a little middle ground on outfits? My female toons come out looking like a ******, a nun, or an armored trooper. Would a few basic dresses and something flirty but not ****ty be too hard to come by?


In this universe, yes. Star Wars is a phallocracy and women only get two roles. Either a Lady of Ill repute or a member of royal breeding....who ends up dressed like a ho-bag.



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I am sure somewhere in the 35 pages of replies it has been said, but it bears repeating.


How about a little middle ground on outfits? My female toons come out looking like a ******, a nun, or an armored trooper. Would a few basic dresses and something flirty but not ****ty be too hard to come by?

There's plenty of middle ground. It's not just "slave girl" on one end and "matriarch" on the other with nothing in between.



Edited by branmakmuffin
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I too am sick of all this half naked sexualized crap.

Not at all because it bothers me, I am just sick of seeing men in bikinis running around talking about their "lifestyle choices" and advertizing "ERP" rather than playing the damn game.


That is what the sims or some other garbage is for, this fantasy is Star Wars, not **** wars.


I say take the romance crap straight out of the game, that i snot what star wars is about, and if that is actually why you are a star wars fan, you need your head examined.


Go rent an adult video and keep it out of my video gaming.


Thats my worthless 2 cents.

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I too am sick of all this half naked sexualized crap.

Not at all because it bothers me, I am just sick of seeing men in bikinis running around talking about their "lifestyle choices" and advertizing "ERP" rather than playing the damn game.

Assuming you are not simply exaggerating (which you probably are) or joking, it that's how they play the game then they are "playing the damn game."


I say take the romance crap straight out of the game, that i snot what star wars is about, and if that is actually why you are a star wars fan, you need your head examined.

OK, now I know you're just being sarcastic.

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No not really, im not complaining about costumes of cantina dancers or anything like that but well, let me put it in perspective for you:




Darth bubblegum's boyfriend has a wandering eye towards a Jedi Padawan lollipop crotch, tempting the sith to the light side of the force, but the over protective Jedi master, lady assless-chaps fan just got a sex change to pursue her desire for padawan lollipop crotch and will not tolerate these advances.


Word of these troubles have reached not only the jedi council, but the sith lord molestus himself.


What will transpire of these events? Will the sweaty appeal of the wookies be enough to continue to distract the emperor from interfering with the hearts of others? Will the jedi council ban nudity on tython, or continue it's pantless policy on all republic planets???


Lets find out....


(KMA guys, seriously KMA) lol

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Okay, but I'm still waiting to hear how "big hair" is sleazy.



This entire post is really sexist btw. Like, how are big breasts an indication of anything at all? That's like saying that people with blue eyes are sleazy. It's something you're either born with or not. It means nothing.


And speaking as a woman, any woman who forbids her boyfriend from looking at scantily clad women is a disaster waiting to happen. Our entire culture is saturated with sex. If you are super insecure about scantily clad video game graphics there are a lot of deeper issues in your relationship. Men aren't animals who can't control themselves. If you can't trust your man to look and not touch why are you in a relationship with him in the first place?


I have blue eyes :(;)

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