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Have you changed your 'main' class after rolling another one?


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I have just about every class in the game - apart from Commando and Vanguard. My main is an Assassin but given Biofails attempts at nerfing the class into something generic, I rolled a Commando. Lots of fun in combat.


Has anyone else changed their main class to another one after trying it?

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Yeah, I changed from Merc to Powertech after I noticed that I didn't use that second pistol much at all.


Of course, I don't go calling bioware "biofail" just because i was a bit miffed about that.

Then again, I am an adult that can refrain from calling game developers names just because they changed something in the game.

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While I love my Sin got sorta burned out, took a break came back on double XP rolled a sniper having fun with that. Also have a Sorc and PT at 30 can't decided what to make my new main. But with all the PTs being FoTM I don't like to contribute to the problem so I am thinking sniper just need to find some PvPers to play with while leveling and a 55.
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Of course, I don't go calling bioware "biofail" just because i was a bit miffed about that.

Then again, I am an adult that can refrain from calling game developers names just because they changed something in the game.

Pretty much this.


I still play most of my characters regularly but I changed my focus character because I found something I enjoyed more, not because something about the game changed.

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My first Main was my merc, then I switched to Sorc (couldnt take not having interupt in pvp any longer pre 1.2)


My sorc is still my imp main, but I also use my scoundrel on republic side as a main kind of.


At this point I have everything 55, so whatever I feel like playing is my main until i dont feel like playing it anymore, then another ones my main.


Legacy gear is awesome.

Edited by SlimsPicken
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I don't even have a 'main' anymore in that sense. Whatever alt I make next just becomes my main until its replaced.

Once I finish leveling all the advanced classes I'll probably pick a main for each side.

Edited by AelixVII
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I did....though it happened a long time ago. I rolled an Operative DPS as my first character. Shortly after 1.2 I switched to Sniper as I wasn't really enjoying playing an operative as dps , and we had a shortage of ranged dps in the guild. I heal on my operative a lot for alt stuff but sniper has been my main for raiding since then.
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My main is still my main even though I have 18 characters now, 11 of which are 55. I like to switch around and do different things but my main is more of a decision of legacy I guess. It started with that character it still is the head of the legacy. In fact I am even thinking of renaming my legacy to that character's name as it's become sort of an identity for me in the game.
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Am still Rolling with my commando, and have been since launch. Even though I like to PvP (ranked, with my ranking going downhill, but that is more of a server problem), I refuse to reroll. I still hope for that day when I actually can win a match with an incompetent player on my team (as mando relies a lot on teammates, too much tbh).


I know, I should've rerolled when 1.2 hit...

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My original main was a Jedi Sentinel, but I more or less abandoned the character at some point as I was getting more and more annoyed by how long I had to wait for a Flashpoint to pop up when queuing in the Group Finder. After that, I rolled a Jedi Guardian as a Tank, which was my main for quite some time now.


Recently managed to decently gear a Jedi Shadow as a tank and I consider this to be my main character now (as well as the new starting point of my Legacy family).

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I rolled a Merc (arsenal) first. My raid team was full of mercs and PT at the time. So I rolled as Assassin. My husband said tanking would be a better fit for my personality and play style.

I switched mains and started tanking.


Right now I have first second and third string alts based on what they are geared for, but I play them all.


First string (geared for hm df and dp)

Assasin tank


Merc heals


Second String (geared for hm snv almost ready for df and dp)

Jugg tank


Op heals


Third sting (geared for sm snv, tfb, almost ready for hms)

Assassin tank

Sorc heals

(currently leveling a pt dps for the thirrd string)


I play them all and enjoy each class, but I definitely have the ones I favor.

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Not really. My main always has been and will be a guardian, and most of my credits and time is lavished on him, but I *********** love infiltration on shadow.


Too bad that the game basically forces me into tanking if I ever want to get anything done, with 2 hour long DPS ques and infiltration not being a viable DPS spec compared to balance.

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Guardian tank was my main for 1 year and a half. Then I realized I enjoy Sage DPS more so I started to play PvP just with this class. Then I loved Operative DPS, so as a Republic player I rolled Scoundrel DPS (since my Gunslinger was boring, I abandoned her around lvl 30) but at endgame I switched into healing.


Then I realized I love all 3 so I have 3 mains...


Of course I have a lot of other alts, but those 3 classes and roles are my favorites.

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I was a marauder originally but after a while I got sick of being spammed with CC constantly on said marauder (though to be fair I was still a noob at PvP back at this time) so I made a sin. The sneakiness of the playstyle just clicked with me so I went so far as to delete my marauder so that I could give her name to my sin, since my main always has the same name in any game.
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