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Hood up armor?


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Well I come bearing news, and I'm afraid it's quite grim.


I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with how the mod system was in beta and the changes it went through the last couple builds.


It started off that all of the prototype (blue) and artifact (purple) gear was fully moddable. If you found a nice blue cloak - with a hood, of course - you could get a raid drop, extract the mods and pop them in that cloak and voila, raid gear.


This is no longer the case, and I have extreme doubts that it will be the case in the foreseeable future:


1) It is no longer possible to extract the hilts/barrels/armoring from Raid gear, meaning that unless there are dropped schematics to make said hilts/barrels/armoring custom gear will come nowhere near raid drops in terms of min-max damage or armor count.


2) Raid/PvP sets have bonuses. Apparently the tool-tips are bugged in the vendors, however upon inspection of players with said loot I can confirm that there are, indeed, set bonuses.


2.5) One large caveat, if my memory serves me right, is that I remember reading the set bonus was for 5 pieces. If they include bracers, implants, the earpiece and even relics in the set bonus it may be possible to have custom gear be viable, but only if my first point is brought into fruition.


3) Set bonuses are not tied to the gear, but the armoring mod. For instance, you need 5 pieces of custom gear each with the "Armoring of the Vicious Sith" (my naming is amazing, I know) in order to get the bonus. The armoring is not extractable, though, so the schematic would need to drop from a boss.



Keep any items you like and push for more hoods for us Marauders (our Sentinal cousin has too many, apparently, which is sad) and hope they allow for custom gear to be viable so we all don't look like Shredder in end-game.






I probably speak for many when I say we want plain, black robes with some sort of armoring underneath, not the outfit of a death-metal band.

Edited by Kibaken
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I probably speak for many when I say we want plain, black robes with some sort of armoring underneath, not the outfit of a death-metal band.


Sooo every single force using class would look identical... Not gonna happen.

Let me save you some pain, don't go looking at your raid gear.

Edited by Kricys
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And I want a horned viking-helmet and a force-axe...we can't always get everything that we want.


If you go back and look at all the footage featuring marauders it included robes and a hood. We're pissed because nearly all of the armor available is some sort of vader-like armor and we only get one or two robes, both without hoods. If you look at the heavy armor available they have both the armor/cape vader style AND the robe/hood with armor underneath style. It's just ****ed up.


The PvP sets are okay, however it should be black/red. The PvE set, though, makes us look like a Gundam. Completely ridiculous.

Edited by Kibaken
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If you go back and look at all the footage featuring marauders it included robes and a hood. We're pissed because nearly all of the armor available is some sort of vader-like armor and we only get one or two robes, both without hoods. If you look at the heavy armor available they have both the armor/cape vader style AND the robe/hood with armor underneath style. It's just ****ed up.


The PvP sets are okay, however it should be black/red. The PvE set, though, makes us look like a Gundam. Completely ridiculous.


My chest is centurion. The champion chest has a lot of red. The raid gear lets me be a robot.

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My chest is centurion. The champion chest has a lot of red. The raid gear lets me be a robot.


True. However my point on the PvE gear still stands, I think. The mod system getting shat on nearly ruined this for me. I don't want to be a robot :[

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I think there should be an second tab where you put appearance items into. Trust me you don't wanna be ripping mods outa the epic gear. It's 30k for each mod you wanna remove.

I like all my armor sets tho so I'm content.

Edited by Kricys
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I think there should be an second tab where you put appearance items into. Trust me you don't wanna be ripping mods outa the epic gear. It's 30k for each mod you wanna remove.

I like all my armor sets tho so I'm content.


From my understanding the entire mod system was put in place instead of an appearance tab. At this point they might as well remove the mod system all together and just add an appearance tab.

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The PVP armor sets are crap that aren't champion, centurion, or battle-master. In beta Juggernauts actually had a progression that made them look vader-esque, and for the Marauder something akin to what someone might expect for a fast dual-wielding force user.


For some odd reason those designs were ripped from the level progression, and the most douche-baggery looking art replaced them, and at launch everyone has what they see on the Warrior vendors for levels 20, 40, and the starter 50 pvp sets. The most piss poor art work conceptualized.


Every instance I've ran has thrown me some gosh darn skirt, a spandex tight top sporting a nap-sack on the back, and go-go leather boots, and I'm honestly getting sick of this disco POS gear progression. There is no deviation save for color. The progression video is a complete lie, and no Marauder or Juggernaut looks anything like what was portrayed in the videos. Matter of fact a player won't even remotely look anything like the character progressions until end game.


I'd kill for a decent modifiable hood up robe, pants, boots, gloves, and belt. A steaming pile of poop doesn't even begin to scratch how much fail, lack of effort, and design went into Marauder medium armor, let alone Juggernaut heavy armor in the level progression.


Their is no Light or Dark side medium armor, and off-hand pvp weapons have been taken away. Bioware get your GD shyt together.


Not a happy customer right now. Aesthetics are a must for me. I'm already well into my 30's and still look like I just left Korriban.

Edited by BrolleunHunter
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I was leed, as many seem to have been, that we would get that cool looking dark hoodup armour, atleast towards endgame! Thats how they have been selling it! Could it be fixed when people start producing armour and selling then at the broker? And also, will player made stuff be costumable, like for exambel making black armour? If so I would say thats a fix, atleast shortterm.
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I have already rolled an additional two characters (juggernaut and assassin) in anticipation for when my (currently high 30s) marauder gets to endgame and the inevitable disappointment.


My current thinking is that BW has a content patch or has removed a portion of the decent art assets for some expansion pack.

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I am so, so dissapointed in Bioware because of this. Aesthetics is very important to me and one of the reasons I actually rolled a Marauder was because of the gear. That armor progression video is nothing but a big lie and I'm really having problems wanting to play my Marauder, I'm level 43 and when I look at my armor I can't help but think I'd rather have someone take a dump on my screen. It really breaks my immersion.


On another note, I find it pretty funny that because I'm more light side than dark side I'm forced to use Blue, Green or Neutral lightsabers, but if I put a republic Jedi armor up on the Neutral AH it suddenly dissapears on my emperial character....

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Funny cause everyone is asking why cant marauders have hooded armor i currently have a lvl 41 and look like a guard you know helmet with huge shark fin on it kinda deal not bad but also not what i thought i would look like at that lvl. like everyone else i wanted to look like the marauder with the hooded armor in the progression video. side note ive seen threads where people who play jedi are complaining about to many hooded armors.....please can the poor marauders get a hood or two? kinda making me not wanna progress my character simply because im tired of getting gear that from flash points that are a slight darker tone of black and a skirt....seriously the skirt kinda makes me wonder how a duel wielding acrobatic fighter is suppose to move. i understand you probably didn't want marauders and sentinels to all look so similar but really stop giving us skirts and capes we wanna look cool. not like cross dressers.
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The ONLY Marauder Hood Up chest piece I've seen so far has been the lv 40 PVP one, and I think it looks lame as hell. I want my Marauder to look like those ******es in the Deceived trailer, robe, armor, mask and all.


By the Emperor. This. When I created my Sith Warrior, I was hoping that I'll eventually be able to look like this. Someone please tell me that gear is somewhere in the game. After all, we can look close to freaking Darth Malgus.

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