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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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You don't need an addon to get more slots or to bind them to keys. You can enable two extra quickbars in the options menu (giving you a grand total of four), and you can bind keys and shortcuts to every slot on every bar if you want. I bound all of my commonly-used abilities and toggles to the keys surrounding WASD and my three extra mouse buttons.


And if this style suits you then it must suit everyone else as well no matter what types of setups they've used before, and they should just shut up and not make any suggestions.

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The glued windows are absolutely horrible, and they even change their positions when one is closed :(


How do people link inventory items to chat or attach them to mail when windows cover each other. Why on earth can't we move and resize them windows freely???

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The glued windows are absolutely horrible, and they even change their positions when one is closed :(


How do people link inventory items to chat or attach them to mail when windows cover each other. Why on earth can't we move and resize them windows freely???


This and also the "interesting" stack splitting. Please, you don't need to reinvent the wheel, feel free to copy from other games! What was wrong with the simple shift click method?


And they should add "Already known" text to the schematics. They all have similar names, very hard to remember if I really know them already.

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Choosing carefully isnt elitism, if your willing to take in someone and teach them the ropes your doing the server and community a service.


Whats elitist is using addons to discriminate against other players, because they aren't hardcore like you.


Here's a question:


Why shouldn't I be allowed to choose to play with whomever I please? If a choose to discriminate against a player and not bring him with me to an op or flashpoint, that's my prerogative to do so.


I'm not a bloody charity, you don't have the right to come with me. You don't have the right to be considered equal if you can be objectively be shown to be inferior to another player.


You have no right to prevent anyone from being an elitist, no matter how douchy they may do it.


This whole idea that you should be given a fair shot at content regardless of how well you're prepared to play is ludicrous.


If a guild wants to hold their players to an extremely high level of performance, that's their right.

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i could care less about macros. ui customization would be nice but mods should stop there. the only thing i hope they implement is being able to recognize and keybind to a mouse with more than 5 buttons. Im a healer and i like being able to cast all of my heals off of my mouse. im having to get used to the target cast target cast healing method but it really isnt too bad. would just be nice to be able to keybind more mouse buttons. a lot of healing is reaction speed and its much faster for me to hit the buttons on my mouse instead of hitting keys on the keyboard or clicking an action bar.
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Here's a question:


Why shouldn't I be allowed to choose to play with whomever I please? If a choose to discriminate against a player and not bring him with me to an op or flashpoint, that's my prerogative to do so.


I'm not a bloody charity, you don't have the right to come with me. You don't have the right to be considered equal if you can be objectively be shown to be inferior to another player.


You have no right to prevent anyone from being an elitist, no matter how douchy they may do it.


This whole idea that you should be given a fair shot at content regardless of how well you're prepared to play is ludicrous.


If a guild wants to hold their players to an extremely high level of performance, that's their right.


I love you.

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No macros or mods please, why are these people playing games if they don't want to enjoy them?

1. Press 1 button

2. Go make dinner while 20-ability rotation finishes.

3. Move to next mob/Boss.

4. Repeat.


It's not supposed to be a series of QTEs, but on the other hand it's not supposed to be twelve miles of spreadsheets and statistics either, it's a game, play it.

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I'm more then happy without a damage meter, operations don't need to turn into a x does highest dps give them situational buffs etc. I'm more then happy playing the game relying on everyone to do their job, especially since It's pretty obvious if they're not (at least keeping track of guild members ability is).


I'd prefer no mods, no timers, nothing of that sort, but if they could give me a slightly easier way to modify raid/group frames and proper target of target I could appreciate it.


At first I had a hard time monitoring DoT's on multiple targets, but I knew that this was a new mmo and I just wasn't used to how it's presented, now I have no problem what-so-ever. I hope Bio knows that alot of these complaints are just coming from players that don't quite understand the game yet (or from what I noticed are just bad [from a pvp standpoint]), and as long as they continue to deliver the game their way it will do well.

Edited by Lykith
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Outside of missing a combat log PvE feels fine without macros or mods. However, PvP healing is not okay with this.


Two things PvP healers could really use:


1) Mouseover functionality for spells and abilities, a la Clique.


At the very least mouseover bindings for the ops frame. But the ability to mouseover for selected spells on world targeting would be appreciated as well. For example, casting a CC on an offtarget while you have a primary selected without having to battle with the targeting hit boxes in this game to change targets back and forth quickly.


2) A fix for the terrible targeting hit boxes.


Trying to target the right enemy to CC during a melee cluster**** is nigh impossible without having to waste time with tab targeting. There is something wrong with the targeting hit boxes, they are just really clunky and not precise at all.



3) Modifier key selfcasting (Alt/Shift/whatever you want).


Having to change targets just to heal myself is pretty annoying when I could simply be using Alt to force selfcasting instead.

Edited by Ikyouto
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I've personally liked having both but could live without the ability to install mods if Bioware added the general basics. I never really liked mods like DBM, but it was generally forced on people as a crutch. I however do like some things like threat meters and dps meters. DPS meters can be personal only, it wouldn't bother me, I just like to be able to accurately gauge my performance in groups.


As a person who has been a tank for a number of years, I also like to see how well I am doing on threat. Another UI thing Bioware could add is a pally power mod that shows when abilities come off CD or an ability procs. Being able to look at my surroundings instead of my hot keys constantly is very helpful for a tank or anyone that is suppose to avoid things.


As far as macros go, I generally only used them to tie trinkets with CDs. I never used them to make 1 button dps macros since it just makes the game boring to me. Putting trinkets with CDs however saves valuable hot key space.

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Aye no macro or mods please..

Rremember seeing a guy in SWG at one of the cities stood in same place for a day..attracting all the mobs and just raking in xp etc.


Do we really want automated farming here?


And to echo something said above..why do people play these games if they just want everything done for them?Where is the sense of achievement..and where is their sense of self respect?

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I can't stomp my foot down and say no mods. I'd be happy with mods even if they were only for aesthetics. One gripe I have about this game is that the default UI is dreadfully ugly. It was in WoW too. That's why as soon as I loaded the client the default UI was the first thing to go bye bye.


Addons are coming, I hear. I say good - I love tweaking stuff. :)

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Oh, and I don't wanna go back to WoW just because I like modding my UI. I don't care if tor addons didn't add any functionality... I am a healer in this game (well - will be, I keep rolling new toons now), and I don't care if they never bring forth a Clique-like addon. Edited by Shortwave
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I like macros to allow me to hot key RP verbiage and commands, or simple emotes. I like addon's that give you a different way to display information provided by the game. If Bioware does add something like this, I sure hope they keep it inhouse and make it very limited.
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-A meter type mod would be nice. I like to know that I'm doing my best.


-Don't care about UI mods, the UI is beautiful in this game.


-"Grid" for TOR would probably be nice, but I haven't tried healing yet. It was indispensable in WoW, though.


-And mouseover macros. Those are always nice for healing.


I think a lot of people arguing about macros don't actually understand what a macro does. Good players don't macro 10 abilities in a row, that's not going to work unless a fight is static, and they never are.


Bottom line is, some people use mods, some people abuse them. I think 99% of us are against the idea of abusing them, but in reality at least a good chunk of the community do use them to slack off, and only maybe the top few percent use them to their full capabilities and to augment their style rather than define it.


I would prefer not to have mods, but if the game developers refuse to streamline certain things (like what Grid does) then the players have the right to step in and fix them.

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I have to agree the raid frames need to show real time also i'm sorry i been playing MMO for a long time my kids are in their teens now and I played b4 they were born so yeah a long time. Healing has always been what I've done. The problem is the lack of information being provided. I would like to see the target or target I don't want to have to press a function every time I go into combat. Macros yeah they simplify life but I would like to be able to heal by passing over someones name (mouseover) not having to click their name. get's really annoying when your healing the raid. Click that person apply heals sometimes 2 or 3 do that to the next 4 people. To say someone is a crap healer because they want a macro is absurd it's because it should have been though up before hand. Many if not about all mmo have macro ability in them. I think it's coming though they just want to get by release and iron out the kinks and add the other bells and whistles in at a later date and time. Remember it's bio-wares 1st large scale MMO.
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The mod / no mod war is seeing more combat than the in-game warzones. That being said, here's my take:


Macros: When people reference wanting macros, they're most commonly calling for modifier key functionality and additional commands that would otherwise require an unfortunate amount of typing or interface drudgery. Also, the ability to store snippets of text, such as voice chat login information. The consensus seems to be "I want to press one key or key combination and perform one action. I want to press a different key combination, and perform a different action. I only want this to take up one slot on my action bars. I will have to press two different keys / combinations to achieve two different effects, or press the same key more than once instead of pressing different keys after one another, but I will not have a cluttered quickslot bar."


I've yet to see a solitary post which resembled a request for anything along the lines of "I want to press one button and have multiple events fire at the same time." The argument that "macros mean automation" is completely non sequitur to the functionality that is actually being requested.


Addons / Mods does not mean Damage Meters


Calling for a modless environment because of your perceived notions of the impact of analytic tools is absolutely throwing the baby out with the bathwater. If you don't want specific types of addons, speak out against specific types, not the entire system. A bag sorting mod, a chat readability mod, or an accessible /emote list mod and so forth have absolutely nothing to do with elitism.


Obfuscation and Clunkiness are not challenging

The point of the game is ostensibly to utilize skills to the best of ones ability to overcome certain obstacles, be they other players, social situations, programmed environments etc.. A clunky interface, unclear presentation of information, and low usability are not fun and challenging facets of the game. They are hasty or poorly judged design.

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All I know is I am only lv 18 and already I am almost out of quick bar slots, they really need to add 2 more visible bottom bars at least so i can get all my powers, healing items, buffs etc visible, i am not going to hot key 40 different powers and items that is just silly.


more action bars please!!! i can live without mods like dps meters and such, but I cant hotkey 40 things!!!!!


merry xmas to all

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Well I understand the people that dont want macros because it makes the game easier, also i think some mods give an unfair advantage to the players with those mods in comparison with player that doesnt use them. Auctioner in WOW its an example, i made a fortune with that mod =P. I also used macros to do some parts pf my rotation as tank because it made me a better tank because i could see the screen and the combant and not the dam bar.


But i think bioware can make some improvements without going to far. For example. Taging mobs with symbols in the current interface its a complete pain (I havent done operations yet). I think simple macros could be cool. Something that will help to strech the interface a little and to add some functionality to the game. For example that 1 button changes to another ability if 1 its in coldown, Create customized button with marks for assigning targets and killing order. And to display on screen some text when a cold down has finished. Full rotation its something that its not really what i want. But say 2 consecutive abilities could be useful to reduce the space needed and could let u focus more on watching the battle.


About the mods. Thats a really though problem, because yes, they can so usefull that the become a requirement for some guilds. But some basic stuff its required. A damage meter may be usefull if u dont have acces to post it and it only display percentages and could give a hint to the leader to know where the problem is and who to replace or give guidance.


Also the interface for the "Auction House" GTN its very very lacking and its a pain to use so maybe some work could be made.


As a conclution. I think that Bioware should give some acces to creat some macros and mods to the people but limit how much u can do with it. Also this could make Bioware job much easier because a they can leave costomization of some stuff to the players.


Sorry for my english. But i am not used to write a lot in english.

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