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All i hear is "don't nerf me bro": a gunship's thread


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Its meta-game. Get used to it.


You chose mobility/damage over survivability. They chose range/damage over mobility. If it bugs you that much, regear/upgrade your ship(s) to counter them. But that'll leave you open to someone else who counters you...which makes them overpowered I guess :rolleyes:

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People complaining about '1-shotting' scouts obviously have never played gunship. Maybe the 1 shot that actually rolls as a hit kills you, but it could be the 3rd or 4th shot that the gunship has 'hit' you with. Of course this is the internet, so understanding how game mechanics work before complaining would just be absurd.


The one who doesn't understand game mechanics is you.

People have already done the math in several threads and they've proven that it's possible to 1-shot a scout with full health and full shields.

All you need is an upgraded slug railgun and Bypass co-pilot ability.

You could even 1-shot a striker on a crit with tier 5 crit upgrade.

Edited by Sindariel
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The one who doesn't understand game mechanics is you and it also seems, you've never played a gunship yourself.

People have already done the math in several threads and they've proven that it's possible to 1-shot a scout with full health and full shields.

All you need is an upgraded slug railgun and Bypass co-pilot ability.

You could even 1-shot a striker on a crit with tier 5 crit upgrade.


Nice reading comprehension. I wasn't arguing that the damage isn't high enough. Go ahead and re-read the post now.


Or just keep wailing away at that strawman.

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The only argument i hear from those who defend the current state of gunships is "GSF just launched" or "its a matter of tactics"/"L2P" but none of them say a word when we ask if they think playing as a gunship and getting to the top damage/kills is actually too easy.


Then I'll answer that burning question for you: No, I don't think it's too easy.


I play a scout and a gunship and getting high damage is easier in the scout.

Edited by MCaliban
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What I would actually suggest is limit the number of gunships per team (Maybe 3 max).


In my case, I'm one of the dangerous scouts of my server, and yes people target me first before any other ship around cause they know I can kill them quick if unattended. Now this issue of being a high priority target gets worse when the enemy team uses 6,7 gunships to focus 1 single scout, and after killing that scout they ravage the whole team (because none of them are aware of the gunships, and neither would you if they dont give a **** about you at the beginning).


Even if I have full upgrade on my defensive components (Evasion, Distortion Shield, Etc), I get tagged by 6 gunships at the same time, making it quite useless, they basicly take turns to pierce me out. At least with 3 gunships would be more reasonable to dodge and survive the pinpoint moment



And what will be the determining factor on who gets the 3 gunships in your system?

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Nice reading comprehension. I wasn't arguing that the damage isn't high enough. Go ahead and re-read the post now.


Or just keep wailing away at that strawman.


What the hell are you talking about?

Please tell me, where the heck I was talking about "damage isn't high enough" in my post?

Maybe YOU should re-read my and even your own post again, because you're just babbling nonsense... :rolleyes:

Edited by Sindariel
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What the hell are you talking about?

Please tell me, where the heck I was talking about "damage isn't high enough" in my post?

Maybe YOU should re-read my and even your own post again, because you're just babbling nonsense... :rolleyes:


LOL, ok, here we go....


The one who doesn't understand game mechanics is you.

People have already done the math in several threads and they've proven that it's possible to 1-shot a scout with full health and full shields.

All you need is an upgraded slug railgun and Bypass co-pilot ability.

You could even 1-shot a striker on a crit with tier 5 crit upgrade.


That's you, arguing against me as if I stated that it's not possible for a gunship to 1 shot a scout.


Maybe the 1 shot that actually rolls as a hit kills you


That's me stating clearly that 1 shot can kill. It's qualified to state that the shot actually has to land.


Everything I've said is pretty clear and concise, but I'll reiterate the main point plainly for you: There's more to a 'hit' than just mousing over someone and releasing the trigger, this effectively increases the number of shots that a players needs to take in order to expect a kill. I realize this subtlety is likely lost on you, but this in no way implies that 1 shot kills are impossible.


Now, if you want to continue to beat up strawmen to make yourself feel better, go ahead, but if you still don't get it then you're a lost cause.

Edited by Necriol
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What I would actually suggest is limit the number of gunships per team (Maybe 3 max).


In my case, I'm one of the dangerous scouts of my server, and yes people target me first before any other ship around cause they know I can kill them quick if unattended. Now this issue of being a high priority target gets worse when the enemy team uses 6,7 gunships to focus 1 single scout, and after killing that scout they ravage the whole team (because none of them are aware of the gunships, and neither would you if they dont give a **** about you at the beginning).


Even if I have full upgrade on my defensive components (Evasion, Distortion Shield, Etc), I get tagged by 6 gunships at the same time, making it quite useless, they basicly take turns to pierce me out. At least with 3 gunships would be more reasonable to dodge and survive the pinpoint moment


This sounds more like you want to limit gunships so your not staring at a respawn screen so much, not limit them because they're OP or something. Besides in just about any given scenario if single pilot has half of the other team on them then yeah odds are they're going to die unless 1) the other team's pilots are bad 2) the lone pilot is flying a ship that is OP survival wise. Sounds more to me like the other team is just wisely using the best tools they have available to keep you staring at a respawn screen so their team has a chance of winning.

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And what will be the determining factor on who gets the 3 gunships in your system?

This could be done in the same fashion that tanks and healers are determined in a flashpoint queue. The first three gunships into the instance get the gunship slots on their team. If any of those players change their ship while in the instance, someone else can then switch to the role, up to that maximum number.


You can already change the order of your ships in the galactic starfighter hangar by clicking and dragging them around. The first ship in your list is the one you'll default to on load. It's like selecting 'dps' on a role chart prior to queuing up for a battleground.

Edited by Laiov
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That's me stating clearly that 1 shot can kill. It's qualified to state that the shot actually has to land.


A "maybe" at the beginning of a sentence does not make anything clear and concise. If anything, it makes it very vague and widely interpretable. Especially for forum users who haven't english as their 1st language.

Edited by Sindariel
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given the number of gunships i've shot down vs the number of gunships that have one-shot me, i'm not going to jump on the 'NERF GS' bandwagon.


the few, the very few, gunships that have caused me serious grief ha been either a very, very good pilot (i class myself as "below average") or I've screwed up somehow.


i've only played a gunship once and I came away with a fair amount of respect for those that can play a GS well.

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OP- you're talking about a two way street here.


Yeah, if you don't notice a GS, they might one shot you.


But if you DO notice a GS- you get a free kill every time. GS are trash for mobility, speed, dogfights, etc.... all they have is their snipe.


You're asking for a nerf to the only thing this one trick pony can do.

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OP- you're talking about a two way street here.


Yeah, if you don't notice a GS, they might one shot you.


But if you DO notice a GS- you get a free kill every time. GS are trash for mobility, speed, dogfights, etc.... all they have is their snipe.


You're asking for a nerf to the only thing this one trick pony can do.


not really, in my servers gunships do as follow.


Fly 20km from spawn camp and attack people from there. If they get attacked, they just go back to their spawn area (where you cant chase) they will keep doing this all day.



Pretty much what this folk said, happens in my server as well.


Here's my only problem with gunships, and it isn't really the gunship's fault. It's the map...


Several gunship pilots on my server have figured out a never die tactic. They just sit on their side of the map sniping enemies fighting around satellites, so I go to kill them. As soon as I open on them, they pop feedback shields and barrel roll back to their spawn behind the turrets where I can't follow and start sniping me from there, if I try to wait him out, I'll die when more enemies respawn. If I break off to go cap an objective, he comes back and starts sniping around the satellites again.




Btw, still don't getting any argument to justify one shot kills, like someone said in another thread, lets give gunslingers/snipers 1 shot kills as well, if its pretty balanced like people claim it to be

Edited by Osoygatitalove
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We are scouts, we sacrificed our survivability for agility. Unless that fully upgraded gunship camps you and only you for the whole time, you will easily get him when he is busy shooting others.


This is how I see it as well.


I'm playing all 3 fighters, and my Gunship is an easy kill in close combat.

In far combat, Strike Fighters & Scounts are easy kills for Gunships.


Notice something ?


Basically you are saying "I'm able to evade anything, so why not shots from Gunships, too ?

Well, how would you be stoppable if you wouldn't be able to get oneshot by Gunships ?

Because the Scout is already the most agile and therefore most dangerous vehicle in GSF.


If Scouts didn't have this single weakness, they'd be OP. Seriously.


And now people just want that. Knowingly or unknowingly.


Every starfighter needs to have a single weakness that makes it easy to defeat. If they hadn't then the game would become boring.


My respawen rate in any of my 3 starfighters is nearly identical - unless I meet an well-coordinated group, that is.


Coordination is imho what makes OP, not starfighter types per se.

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This is how I see it as well.


I'm playing all 3 fighters, and my Gunship is an easy kill in close combat.

In far combat, Strike Fighters & Scounts are easy kills for Gunships.


Notice something ?


Basically you are saying "I'm able to evade anything, so why not shots from Gunships, too ?

Well, how would you be stoppable if you wouldn't be able to get oneshot by Gunships ?

Because the Scout is already the most agile and therefore most dangerous vehicle in GSF.


If Scouts didn't have this single weakness, they'd be OP. Seriously.


And now people just want that. Knowingly or unknowingly.


Every starfighter needs to have a single weakness that makes it easy to defeat. If they hadn't then the game would become boring.


My respawen rate in any of my 3 starfighters is nearly identical - unless I meet an well-coordinated group, that is.


Coordination is imho what makes OP, not starfighter types per se.


Scouts are the hardest ships atm, you need a lot of skill to control one and dogfight, only a few players in my server are able to top damage with a scout and takes a lot of effort and time.


Meanwhile to kill with a gunship you just have all the time in the world to get that 1 or 2 shot kills.



I would love to see gunships, instead of a railgun, have some kind of "laser" that wont interrupt, making damage over time as long as you keep aiming the scout in the middle of your crosshair, gosh, make it even 20k range would still be more balanced, cause you would actually need skill, but currently one shot and your hull is red or you are dead so thats not balanced at all.

Edited by Osoygatitalove
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One Shotting Scouts:


When playing a Gunship, I one shot a scout or two at the start of every game. However, I spend the rest of the game dying and running. Once the other team figures out that you are around. . . . There will be no safe haven for you as a gunship.


The gunship is the natural enemy of an "unaware" scout. An aware scout is the natural enemy of a gunship ;)




As for the "They just go back to their ship for safety". . . . That's assuming you can make it there. Even with Barrel roll I Don't always make it. And even if I do. . . A gunship that's running away is a gunship that isn't sniping your team.

Edited by Cashal
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To the OP, it really doesn't matter how good you are at your Scout to support your opinion. It would have more credence if you had a lot of experience with all 3 ships.


My main ship is a maxed Flashfire. The only thing that can kill me 1v1 is a GS that I can't find (a key qualification). If I find the GS it has no chance against me. For enemy scouts & strike fighters the outcome depends on the circumstances; usually a victory or stalemate. Now I'm not necessarily that good, but I understand the role of my ship.


When I'm in my GS (which is about 50% upgraded) I rack up a lot of kills but I also die a lot. The way I play my GS is I usually fire 2 maybe 3 rail shots max then I hightail it to a new position. Against a well coordinated enemy I am relegated to trading one kill for one death. Against very good opponents I've had to trade one turret kill for a death in order to scrape out any medals.


People really need to stop worrying about kill counts and start figuring out their ships role in helping to win the match.


This is well said.

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Scouts are the hardest ships atm, you need a lot of skill to control one and dogfight, only a few players in my server are able to top damage with a scout and takes a lot of effort and time.




Come to Beregren, and point out to me these 'skilled' scout pilots. Top damage, top kills, and faceroll ease. I play pub, and I am embarrassed when I see half my team as scouts. Havent lost a game in 2 days, haven't had a scout with over 100 points in objectives in a week.

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You're getting 1-shot because you're stacking resist.

29% Resistance doesn't mean anything when slug railguns already have 100% Armor pen. Stack for HP or Evasion and the frequency of 1-shots will go down significantly.


A scout with maxed out HP will still be one-shotted. Evasion is RNG, and I prefer to *not* have my survivability be RNG based.

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A scout that's chasing a gunship is a scout that's not defending an objective.


A smart scout turned back towards the objective half way to the spawn point and is already chasing another gunship.


And before anyone says the gunship will turn and snipe me, I've never had it happen. They keep running until they are out of my sensor range. If they try to sneak back in after that, it's no better or worse than if they had respawned, and I just chase them again, only this time they have less hull than they did last time.

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I have done a lot of Gunship Piloting myself, and thus have my own Opinions.


i find it kind of odd that our gunship can mount 2 railgun types. and we only have 3 types to chose from, and i have to have a second railgun.


Slug Railgun v. Plasma Railgun: i like the concept of the plasma Railgun (burst of damage with a DOT that as i had read had a bleed through shields effect) but after extensive playing ive noticed it doesnt pack enough punch to make it worth it (unupgraded) the plasma has 0 bleed through right now (from what ive seen), its infuriating i spent the req on it to get a weaker version of the slug railgun which as i saw when speced ignores shields. there isnt any balance between these 2 abilities. imo Slug Railgun should have to deal with full shields and either nerf the whole damage or just its effect v. shields. also Plasma Railgun imo the initial damage should have to deal with shields, while the DOT either in part or full will Bleed through and damage the hull giving it greater versitility.


Ion Railgun: I shouldn't say much on this as its the one I use least it certainly feels lackluster to me, the Ion Railgun's big effect is that it deals much more damage to shields, but the slug railgun can often clear a shield section in one shot, making the deal most of its damage to shields thing a moot point just blast them with slug gun and get it over with, thats partly why i suggested slug railgun should do reduced damage to shields, so the gunship user should feel inclined to first use the Ion Railgun then switch to Slug Railgun. second the Ion railgun i feel should drain shields from both sides, but not equally. so say you hit an enemy full charge at the back of his shields, it completely drains those shields and whatever is left drains the front ones. a Ion Railgun hit on ship with depleted shields should imo drain engine and weapons power just like Episode V where the Ion Cannon rendered a Imperial Star Destroyer a Floating Christmas tree unable to move or shoot.


Fortress shield: an interesting concept for a shield ability, double the shield for the price of immobility. however immobility anywhere is a huge Price to pay, so the benefit must be enormous to match. first off having the ability present but not active cuts shields 30%, it isn't neccesary, though imo if i got that 30% back while sitting still, that would make it more worth my time. the ability im not sure activated and double the 100% or the 70% nerf cause we have the ability that could use to be clarified. and either way should be placed on the 100% strength not 70%. because we are immobile we arn't using our engines, it would be nice if when attacked we would drain engine power to maintain the shields, and regenerate even while taking hits. Finnally with the ability active it should make shield damage distribution even, both sides of the shield should be drained at the same rate regardless of where we are attacked, with these implements i think you will just about be able to balance the immobility. still if you are smart and attack the ship form the rear where he cant snipe you you could potentially kill him.


sure when i pilot a strike fighter or scout there are times a gunship causes me a lot of consternation, and i usually chase them down if they try and attack me, just keeping them moving keeps them from sniping, which is a victory in itself. while you can complain, that isn't killing them, i have to say, if you attack a gunship, he wont be able to lose you easily. that's when i get attacked by a fighter and i can spot him, i usually try and dogfight them, that way if comes down to skill rather than the hard line of i cant boost away from this guy. and with burst lasers, i'm not that bad

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