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How to counter gunships


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Come on folks stop whining about gunships. There is no overpowered ship. I refuse to play gunships because I don't like their mechanic but I realize the threat they present. Guess what? A well played scout can take a gunship's snipe ability completely out of the battle. I play the scout pretty much exclusively on both Republic and Empire and I search out gunships nonstop to harass them. If you force them to maneuver, they can't snipe you. The only time a gunship kills my scout is if I don't realize one is present in the area and I am focusing on another ship.
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Have to completely agree with this post.


I really don't see the problem with gunships at all. Like the OP, i play a scout pretty much exclusively and to me they are sitting ducks. At the start of each game, i make a mental note of who is flying a gunship and like the OP, am always on the lookout for them in between capping and patrolling satellites.


the good gunship pilot will try to evade but more often than not it's simply a matter of time before they're respawning. The bad gunship pilot, will more often than not go back to the exact 'camping spot they chose st the start of the game and be fodder the whole match.


I get 1 or 2 shotted from time to time, i'm mostly involved in a fight at the time but it's not just gunships that do that, EVERY ship has the ability to take someone out if they are pre-occupied. Leave gunships alone, they are fine as they are.

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was there a example of how to counter gunships in this thread? and in what situations?


as in what specs / secondary are you using? how do you counter ion blasts / interdiction drives? how to track when in pursuit and they can round a corner stop on a dime and barrel roll in the complete opposite direction? how to stop gunships from running to the capital ship? best way to sneak up on a gunship with its back to cover? how long is the time to kill against fortress shielding? and how to counter gunships protecting gunships? or how you can keep pursuit with a fighter on your tail?

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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was there a example of how to counter gunships in this thread? and in what situations?


as in what specs / secondary are you using? how do you counter ion blasts / interdiction drives? how to track when in pursuit and they can round a corner stop on a dime and barrel roll in the complete opposite direction? how to stop gunships from running to the capital ship? best way to sneak up on a gunship with its back to cover? how long is the time to kill against fortress shielding? and how to counter gunships protecting gunships? or how you can keep pursuit with a fighter on your tail?


Did you miss the part about forcing them to maneuver?


With my scout (the upgraded one you purchase with fleet requisition) I get more kills against gunships than any other ship. There is no way they can outmaneuver a scout so you have to use that mobility to your advantage.

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Did you miss the part about forcing them to maneuver?


With my scout (the upgraded one you purchase with fleet requisition) I get more kills against gunships than any other ship. There is no way they can outmaneuver a scout so you have to use that mobility to your advantage.


so your answer to all situations is force them to maneuver? no examples on how, just do it?

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so your answer to all situations is force them to maneuver? no examples on how, just do it?


I don't have any problems forcing a gunship to maneuver which eliminates the sniping threat. I don't consider myself a specially gifted player so I assume if I could do it, it should be fairly simple for anyone else too. It should be fairly obvious the different methods you have to get into firing range without letting them zero in on you with snipe. Tell me you aren't trying to take on a gunship via direct frontal approach?

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I don't have any problems forcing a gunship to maneuver which eliminates the sniping threat. I don't consider myself a specially gifted player so I assume if I could do it, it should be fairly simple for anyone else too. It should be fairly obvious the different methods you have to get into firing range without letting them zero in on you with snipe. Tell me you aren't trying to take on a gunship via direct frontal approach?


oh the good ol don't go straight at them lol


I did give examples of situations that are hard to counter, not impossible but hard. everyone keeps telling how much I suck but will not address any points.


just figured if you made a thread called "how to counter gunships" you could help explain how to counter gunships beyond don't go straight at them derp answers, because that's literally every answer given regarding gunships. I assume you have never played a match with a good gunship who uses the utility they have as in the examples I gave above.

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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Ya he's right about forcing them to move. Gunships really aren't OP at all b/c they need a teamfight and/or peels to be effective. If you have a team of all gunships vs. scouts and strike fighters of similar skill level the gunships would get blown out
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This is what I do:



Primary: Rapid-Fire Laser Cannon (because I like the low power consumption)

Secondary: Rocket Pods

Systems: Booster Recharge

Shield: Quick-Charge Shield

Engine: Barrel Roll

Sensors: Dampening Sensors (Range works here too, but I rarely have trouble finding Gunships, so I went with Dampening)

Armor: Lightweight Armor

Thruster: Power Thruster

Capacitor: Range Capacitor

Companions: (I usually use the Hydrospanner as the active ability, but Bypass and Lockdown both work well too)

Empire - Blizz - Khem Val - Talos - Ashara

Republic - T7-01 - Zenith - Treek - Bowdar


The theory here is that you pretty regularly find Gunships hanging out in a stationary location taking potshots. If you close with them quickly, you typically have 2-3 seconds before they realize they are under attack and react. If you use those 2-3 seconds to hammer them with Rocket Pods and Blasters, they will die before they realize what is going on. So I find them at range, boost to 4000m, burn them down, then boost away. I normally run with full power to engines (F3). If the gunship is undamaged, I will switch power to weapons (F1) and hit Booster Recharge just before I get to 4000m.


I think that Rocket Pods are really overlooked by a lot of people. No lock-on means they fire really fast. Against stationary targets, using both Rockets and Blasters at the same time basically doubles your DPS.


The slowing effect of Interdiction drive rarely comes up for me. On the occasions where I fail to kill them on that first attack run and they use Interdiction, I can generally switch power back to the engines, hit Booster Recharge, and boost through it.


I don't know if I have ever seen anyone use a Fortress Shield. If they do, it doesn't hold off the damage enough for me to notice.

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was there a example of how to counter gunships in this thread? and in what situations?


1) as in what specs / secondary are you using?

2) how do you counter ion blasts / interdiction drives?

3) how to track when in pursuit and they can round a corner stop on a dime and barrel roll in the complete opposite direction?

4) how to stop gunships from running to the capital ship?

5) best way to sneak up on a gunship with its back to cover?

6) how long is the time to kill against fortress shielding?

7) and how to counter gunships protecting gunships? or how you can keep pursuit with a fighter on your tail?


1) Quad laser cannon and cluster missiles

2) When I'm on the prowl, I always get in the first shot

3) If you are in pursuit then by default they are fleeing and not sniping, which is the main intent of harassing them.

4) If you are in pursuit then by default they are fleeing and not sniping, which is the main intent of harassing them

5) Take the indirect appoach and hit them from directly above or below

6) Don't know as long as they are fleeing I have achieved my goal of preventing them from sniping

7) Bring more scouts

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totally true from a gunship pilot point of view also,

as i said earlyer in a post a gunship is only really good if left alone lol...

and everyone knows how that one turns out leaving the sniper on the ground undealt with in pvp

usually alot die lol or definatly have a harder time ...

so gunships having a huge score is often because the opposing team didnt deal with them i think,

ive had over 15 assist on them no hastle

but also some rounds 1 kill and 2 assists and like 6 deaths lol when gunship hunters are out there

and working it ...

and those are not fun in a gb lol... rather have those low kill stats in a scout or so

the second you fight a decent scout or even a good fighter with good proton torpedoes who sees you and in range

youre pretty much toast,

once in a while you may get lucky and get away or have players help ya or be close to the turrets, or they are already hit pretty bad and you get a lucky shot off lol etc...

but if youre alone youll probably just delay the invitable most of the time trying to flee threw speed or manoeuvre or even a close up gunfight, alone its just really hard to survive when a good player is in his firing range.

naturally unless you team up before the game youll have your escort helping wich is different,

but the fighter with you or scout is massively flipping the odds for your survival.

The gunship can also buff friendlies nearby in certain cases.

2 gunships defending each other might be abit harder at first but once located any decent swarm kills them fast also.

ignoring snipers of any sort doesnt make them go away lol

Edited by ODTONE
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1) Quad laser cannon and cluster missiles


I see you are using the Sting/Flashfire. I gave that a shot, and I think the Blackbolt/Novadive is better at hunting Gunships. Mostly because I can boost so much longer with the Blackbolt/Novadive. I use a lot of hit and run tactics. Sting/Flashfire is much better at dogfighting though.

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First off, always watch who is using gunship and especially if it's a player who already knows you. It really matters, because they'll always take care of you.


Second, always and always keep in mind, that the destroyed gunship is going be mad and will go for you now right after the spawn. Can't count how many times it happened to me, most of the time I get away and regenerate with hydro spanner.


Third, if he don't realise that you're present, try to get on close range to maximize your damage. He'll be dead in no time when critical hit appears (usually I do 1,5k). And better don't try to approach in front of him.


I'm using FlashFire btw.

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1) Quad laser cannon and cluster missiles

2) When I'm on the prowl, I always get in the first shot

3) If you are in pursuit then by default they are fleeing and not sniping, which is the main intent of harassing them.

4) If you are in pursuit then by default they are fleeing and not sniping, which is the main intent of harassing them

5) Take the indirect appoach and hit them from directly above or below

6) Don't know as long as they are fleeing I have achieved my goal of preventing them from sniping

7) Bring more scouts


Here's the issue I have with this line of thinking: you're taking yourself and the gunship out of the fight, and calling it a win. That's basically saying the gunship is more valuable to the enemy team than you are to your team; if you were equally valuable to your team, it wouldn't be a win. If one ship class is inherently worth more than another, doesn't that mean there is something wrong with the balance here?

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Here's the issue I have with this line of thinking: you're taking yourself and the gunship out of the fight, and calling it a win. That's basically saying the gunship is more valuable to the enemy team than you are to your team; if you were equally valuable to your team, it wouldn't be a win. If one ship class is inherently worth more than another, doesn't that mean there is something wrong with the balance here?


Thoroughly disagree with the idea that I am taking myself and the gunship out of the fight. What I am doing by harassing the gunship is making it a LOT easier for the rest of my team to take control of or defend a satellite.

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I see you are using the Sting/Flashfire. I gave that a shot, and I think the Blackbolt/Novadive is better at hunting Gunships. Mostly because I can boost so much longer with the Blackbolt/Novadive. I use a lot of hit and run tactics. Sting/Flashfire is much better at dogfighting though.

A flashfire has no worse engines or afterburners than a novadive, once you swap around a couple of the starting components. They sacrifice sensor equipment for better shields and weapons, not engine capability.

Edited by Bleeters
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That is true, though if Bioware does 'fix' the dampening so that gunships can shrink their detection range below 15k again you might need the additional sensor capability to find the gunship. Novadive still comes out ahead a bit here. It's not really about the weapons when you are hunting a gunship. It's finding them, sneaking up on them and out maneuvering them.
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so your answer to all situations is force them to maneuver? no examples on how, just do it?


for my striker (default one)


primaries: quad and ions

secondaries: concussion or clusters depending on my mood

shields: directional

engine: Koiogran

reactor: large

thruster: turning

capacitor: damage

magazine: power pool



engineer: T7

Offensive: Qyzen or B-3

tactical: Iresso

defense: nadia

co-pilot: T7/B-3


Before approaching a sat always check for ships hovering at the edge, that's where the gunships will be waiting for an unsuspecting fighter to try to cap a lightly defended sat (also at the start of a match always check if there is a gunship inbound among all the strikers and scouts). If a gunship is spotted close from a blind spot until you're point blank range (ideally wait until you see them charging so you know they'll be preoccupied and thus not as quick to react). Open with ions, the shields will be gone in slightly more than a second, immediately switch to quads and once they've taken at least 50% damage start locking on (do NOT start locking on early or else it will alert them to the threat, by delaying the lock on as long as possible it's possible they'll be so focused on sniping they won't notice you shooting them until their hull is almost gone).


As a safety I'll usually start with power to shields, combined with directional + large reactor I'll have enough shield strength to survive if an ambush goes poorly (directional allows me to divert shield strength from undamaged shields to mitigate the damage of a second attack, the droids give me a wrench to repair/minimize any hull damage taken from the first shot). I only put power to blasters when it's clear I've caught them off guard.


If they get the jump on you there isn't much you can do except flee for cover and hope you break LOS, but that's largely true if you get jumped by a striker or scout. Generally I'd say if you spot a gunship and there isn't a dogfight going on nearby to act as a distraction you're best off fleeing before they spot you.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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1) Quad laser cannon and cluster missiles

2) When I'm on the prowl, I always get in the first shot

3) If you are in pursuit then by default they are fleeing and not sniping, which is the main intent of harassing them.

4) If you are in pursuit then by default they are fleeing and not sniping, which is the main intent of harassing them

5) Take the indirect appoach and hit them from directly above or below

6) Don't know as long as they are fleeing I have achieved my goal of preventing them from sniping

7) Bring more scouts


1] I haven't had luck with cluster missiles, maybe mine aren't upgraded enough but they don't do nearly enough damage, rocket pods are great against unsuspecting gunships though... if they don't move

2] not sure how that address having your speed reduced when they run or getting sniped and losing engine and weapon power

3] still wont get the kill and you are out of the fight too

4] still wont get the kill and you are out of the fight too

5] if approaching from below or above you are at a extreme disadvantage to pursue when they run and if you cant pursue them or get the kill instantly they have won

6] doesn't address the gunships damage reduction ability

7] doesn't really address the situation, more ships is always going to help out in any scenario

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1] I haven't had luck with cluster missiles, maybe mine aren't upgraded enough but they don't do nearly enough damage, rocket pods are great against unsuspecting gunships though... if they don't move


At what point do you start locking on? If you start locking on when you first open fire you're likely just giving yourself away and not giving your blasters enough time to tear down their shields. If you start locking on just before or after their shields go then the missiles will get a clean shot on the GS hull so you don't have to worry if you have a shield penetration upgrade yet.


The best way I've found to catch them not moving is to wait to spring my attack until I see them start to charge their railguns. That means they are preoccupied with sniping someone so if you time your attack to begin when they're midway through charging they won't notice the start of your attack. If you're lucky they'll be so occupied with landing the next shot they will start charging their railguns again before they notice. The key though is to not start locking on with missiles too soon so they don't have an alarm blaring away that they're under attack.

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The key though is to not start locking on with missiles too soon so they don't have an alarm blaring away that they're under attack.


Soooo much this. I've noticed most pilots laugh off blaster fire like it's nothing and only start to evade when they hear a missile lock. If you're using an ion cannon you're dealing as much damage as you would with your missiles, so it's kind of funny, but in all fairness it is much harder to detect just how badly you're getting wrecked by blasters right now. Blast the hell out of them when they're stationary and only lock missiles when they're fleeing and you're trying to keep them occupied with fleeing. This also works when you're trying to take down enemies making smooth approaches to turrets or enemies that are in smooth pursuit of allies- lock on missiles are a detriment to your efforts.

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1] I haven't had luck with cluster missiles, maybe mine aren't upgraded enough but they don't do nearly enough damage, rocket pods are great against unsuspecting gunships though... if they don't move

2] not sure how that address having your speed reduced when they run or getting sniped and losing engine and weapon power

3] still wont get the kill and you are out of the fight too

4] still wont get the kill and you are out of the fight too

5] if approaching from below or above you are at a extreme disadvantage to pursue when they run and if you cant pursue them or get the kill instantly they have won

6] doesn't address the gunships damage reduction ability

7] doesn't really address the situation, more ships is always going to help out in any scenario


1. The most important thing is to use the quad lasers for most if not all of the damage you do. DO NOT start locking on right when you hit 5k meters as this give them a blaring alarm warning of an attack. Simply blast away with lasers until they notice you then lock on to finish them off. Using blaster overcharge is a very good idea.


2. First off the trick is to not get sniped. That means whenever you enter a battle you have to look for snipers before charging in. If you see one immediately break LOS with them. Get as close as possible while out of LOS and then boost forward and unload everything you have. The Flashfire has the blaster overcharge which will tear gunships up without needing a lock-on. As for having your speed reduced it doesn't really matter for the scout since the gunship has MUCH less efficient boost, let the gunship burn all their defensive cool-downs and run. Keep track of where they go and let them break LOS until they settle down again, then you should be free to begin the whole hunting process again. However this time they have a damaged hull, no cool-downs and nearly no engine power making them a sitting duck.


3. Unless you are confident that you can do more DPS in your scout than a gunship sniping then both of you being out of the fight is a victory for your TEAM. And if you could do more DPS than them you would have killed them on your first pass or shortly after, eliminating the chase. So regardless of which category you fall into the harassment described would help your team, without a sniper blasting away at a node it is much easier to cap, and thus WIN THE GAME. Domination games are not decided by who has the most kills or damage.


4. Not typing it again.


5. Well to start off when people say approach from below or above they don't mean directly above or below. Those are general directions, it is up to you to angle your attack correctly for each situation. For example if a gunship is sniping from next to a rock its likely he will use that rock to evade attackers so keep that in mind when planning an attack angle. And as i said before to pursue a gunship you don't ALWAYS have to be right on their tail, you can let them generate some distance from you as long as they break LOS. So just because they broke out of your laser range one time does not mean "they have won" it means they are delaying the inevitable, and not sniping your teammates while they do it.


6. The gunship damage reduction is barely noticeable once you have fully upgraded weapons. Mastered quad cannons and mastered blaster overcharge does more damage in a few seconds than any gunship I've seen can take. Unless your aim sucks. Gunships do have strong defenses but they seriously lack in speed and boost efficiency. Even if you do not kill them on the first pass you can still keep the harassment up until you do. And if you can't even do enough hull damage to counter the gunships that have hull repair then at least they're not sniping your teammates. And if you cannot remember why that is good go back to answer 3.


7. The way to counter multiple coordinated gunships covering for each other is to have multiple coordinated scouts harassing the gunships.... As you said more ships is always going to help out so if your complaint is that multiple coordinated gunships can cover each other why do you reject that the counter is coordinated attacks? If the enemy is playing as a team and covering each other then obviously you will not be able to single-handedly wipe out all of their gunships. To kill coordinated gunships you need a coordinated attack of your own. An equal number of scouts performing the above harassment would be enough to take all of those gunships out of the fight, and kill a good number of them in the process. If what you want is to be able to beat coordination with the brute force of a single ship then you are asking to be overpowered.


I play both a scout and gunship so I can safely say that from both the giving and receiving end of this strategy it is effective. However for the record GS is a skill game and you will occasionally run into a gunship who is truly a better pilot than you. In those cases they will probably kill you. But those people would have also destroyed you in their scout or strike fighter so it's not about the ship its the pilot.

Sorry for the wall of text


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