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Please nerf sorcs


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Sorcerer is overpowered now. Very high dmg with his dots and self heal. Alot roots and controls. Skilled sorc is very strong target and unbeatable every wz. Need to increase CD of buble from 20 sec to 30 sec and increase cast time of healing


30 sec is too low, 2 minutes on buble and 5 minutes force barrier, also force speed shoud have quick travel CD XD

Also i suggest to buff maras/sents since they do low damage, so i seggest an increased of Guarded by the force to 2 minutes god mode, withoute halfing HP

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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Lets nerf the other classes then..

Because if you're saying us Sorcerers are overpowered.. You're blind..

Take Commander for an example.. And people who do PvP will know what I mean. But of course, we're not throwing a tantrum about it


@ OP, Probably don't know how to use interrupt and stuns..

Go back where you came from and do some research before you make a thread demanding a nerf that isn't needed..

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Friends, my post was a joke. i play my sage a long time. We dont need nerf, we need buf and be viable in arenas as dps and heal. I posted my thoughts in sages thread. patch 2.6 changes is a joke for this class. My guild friends told 'no more" about this class after 2 years.
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Friends, my post was a joke. i play my sage a long time. We dont need nerf, we need buf and be viable in arenas as dps and heal. I posted my thoughts in sages thread. patch 2.6 changes is a joke for this class. My guild friends told 'no more" about this class after 2 years.


Yeah we all know the class needs help, or at least needs some quality of life changes. Yet still after all this time we should have learned that we will never see these changes. Honestly I gave up on my sorc and sage a while back and mostly just use them for regs if I even play this game at all. At least on my pyro merc I can still do decent damage under pressure and have the defensive cooldowns to not need to be babysat every few seconds.

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Yeah we all know the class needs help, or at least needs some quality of life changes. Yet still after all this time we should have learned that we will never see these changes. Honestly I gave up on my sorc and sage a while back and mostly just use them for regs if I even play this game at all. At least on my pyro merc I can still do decent damage under pressure and have the defensive cooldowns to not need to be babysat every few seconds.


I don't know what the Hell you guys are talking about! This lightning Sorc was totally able to free cast killing everything in site in void star. Every time I leapt to him some juggernaut taunted me, and pushed me away. Then before I could reach him again some operative brought his health back to 100%. I close the gap again, smash and his bubble stun locks me in place then sprints away like a baby!! I was lucky enough to get my force crush on him to slow him down a bit, but another Sorc cleansed it then pulled him like half way across the freaking map!. I couldn't agree more with this post. The whole team was carried by this Sorc alone!! Sorcs are untouchable, tbh the most powerful class in this game and something must be done. The best solution I can come up with is to increase the range of force sweep/smash, maybe then I'd be able to land one on him. Also, I play Rage marauder in PVP, and we should have deadly throw like carnage marauders. Then maybe I'll be able to keep a Sorc in range. Deadly throw root should be baseline and work like electronet, so the sorcs can't do godmode force barrier every time I close the gap.


Thanx again for this post ; )

Edited by AdmiralTran
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I don't know what the Hell you guys are talking about! This lightning Sorc was totally able to free cast killing everything in site in void star. Every time I leapt to him some juggernaut taunted me, and pushed me away. Then before I could reach him again some operative brought his health back to 100%. I close the gap again, smash and his bubble stun locks me in place then sprints away like a baby!! I was lucky enough to get my force crush on him to slow him down a bit, but another Sorc cleansed it then pulled him like half way across the freaking map!. I couldn't agree more with this post. The whole team was carried by this Sorc alone!! Sorcs are untouchable, tbh the most powerful class in this game and something must be done. The best solution I can come up with is to increase the range of force sweep/smash, maybe then I'd be able to land one on him. Also, I play Rage marauder in PVP, and we should have deadly throw like carnage marauders. Then maybe I'll be able to keep a Sorc in range. Deadly throw root should be baseline and work like electronet, so the sorcs can't do godmode force barrier every time I close the gap.


Thanx again for this post ; )


I think someone is butthurt due to someone having a good premade?

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Friends, my post was a joke. i play my sage a long time. We dont need nerf, we need buf and be viable in arenas as dps and heal. I posted my thoughts in sages thread. patch 2.6 changes is a joke for this class. My guild friends told 'no more" about this class after 2 years.


You are playing Mara, don't lye to us! :rolleyes::mad:

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  • 2 months later...

Edit: I just got thoroughly trolled. Good job :) I left my original post unchanged, so people can get a good laugh at how bad I was trolled. Enjoy!


First and foremost, I can tell that you don't do a lick of PVE besides maybe the random SM OP. This complaint (although absolutely hilarious) should be moved to the PVP forums since it is completely revolving around sorcs in PVP. Second off, making a statement that all other classes don't have an ability is absolutely retarded. The variation in classes is what makes them different. Now to address each individual whine that you have.


It appears that no matter how we discuss the fundamental problems with the sorcerer/sage class these said problems will not be resolved. We always get ignored when asking quality of life changes or buffs, so maybe if we ask for some good nerfs we will be listened to at least. Here are some aspects of the sorc that really need to be toned down.....




Static barrier- Might as well be called OP barrier honestly. Other dps options can't spam barriers so this class shouldn't be able to either. There isn't even a way for your opponent to stop you from spamming the barrier and creating a barrier army. The first solution should be to make taunts remove the barrier by default. Taunts don't have very much utility in pvp and are designed to "pull aggro" so it makes sense that taunts should be able to pull barriers off sorcs. Another solution to this barrier spamming phenomenon would be giving static barrier a 2 second cast time. Static barrier being instant cast lets sorcs have too much mobility, the class is designed to a cloth cat scratching post not a race car.


This is the primary triage ability for any sorc healer. If you were to nerf Static Barrier, sorcs pretty much would never be viable for anything other than dps. The Static Barrier has this little thing called a Static Debuff that it applies to any character who receives it, therefore keeping any sorc from "spamming barriers". On top of that the barrier only absorbs a limited amount of damage (usually one hits worth) and if it is what is holding you up, then you should probably stop pvping.


Electrocute- This move is just as deadly as it sounds, and that is exactly why it needs to be toned down. To start off for a stun this move deals entirely too much damage and with it's ridiculous range there are no ways for melee to counter this deadly and random ability. To start off the moves range needs to be moved down to 4 meters so that it is on par with the sniper's option debilitate. Other nerfs may be necessary if this doesn't prove to be enough.


This ability was already nerfed. It was originally a 30m ability, so I am assuming your brain would have exploded if you had played back then. As far as damage goes, it tickles. Stop crying.


Whirlwind- When I think of ridiculous mez abilities in this game, whirlwind is the only word that comes to mind. People complain about this utility CC and with good reason, no one should be able to summon a tornado out of nowhere. It's simply a fact, weather doesn't have a place in star wars. Even worse this ability makes it far to easy for a sorc to heal to full. As a reasonable nerf sorcs shouldn't be able to cast barrier or heal type abilities for 20 seconds after landing whirlwind. To compensate for this nerf, thrash damage will be increased by 5%.


This one is really funny. Sorcs are force users. If you knew anything about the lore of the Force, you would understand that the graphical effect of this ability is no too far fetched. Second off, mercs also have a ranged CC ability (which by the way, you have an ability called an interrupt, use it) and they have a hell of a lot better burst healing than a sorc. Go cry nerf for them. Finally, thrash? Really? What sorc do you know that uses thrash past level 3?


Force slow- Wow as if time to kill in pvp wasn't already slow enough, abilities like this make my stomach turn. Slowing your opponent from any range is a powerful tool that should not be underestimated. Roots and slows aren't very common in this game and the idea that a class could slow someone from afar is definitely too much. If force slow forces your opponent to be slow, then it should force you to be slow as well. After force slow is casted on a target the sorc should receive a negative 20% alacrity debuff. Melee damage uptime just isn't high enough so this will help balance out the tables by forcing the sorc's damage to be lower as well. This shouldn't be a problem for skilled sorcs as polarity shift can easily counter this debuff.


Pretty much from what this tells me, you expect sorcs to just stand there and let you beat on them. Other classes have other abilities very similar to this as well. If you can't figure out how to get around it, then roll a range class because you obviously don't know how to play your melee class very well.


Force speed- So first off you give sorcs the ability to slow people and then you give them the ability to speed up too? Simply there is no way to stop the incredible speed of this ability. Healing sorcs are even immune to roots while this ability is active! This needs a counter and fast, personally I think interrupts should stop force speed in it's tracks. It's too hard to stun, root, pull or mez a player running away with force speed all the time as those abilities require a global. Making interrupts stop force speed is a good quality of life change for melee because it will allow them to stop us from kiting without disrupting their rotation.


Again, apparently you believe that sorcs should just stand there and let you beat on them. That idea is ludicrous. Interrupting force speed is a funny idea considering it isn't a cast or channeled ability. Again with the crying of a sorc kiting you, that goes back to the ludicrous idea of you wanting a sorc to stand there and let them beat on you.


Recklessness- This ability doesn't even fit the sorcerer archetype. Sorcerer's should be the careful and calculating type, an ability called recklessness obviously does not fit the class description. It should just be moved to the assassin advanced class to avoid perception problems.


This complaint I believe is from the fact that you are just trying to find something else to cry about to make your post longer. Crying about this is about as funny as you crying about the graphical animation of whirlwind.


Shock- You knew the ability was going to be mentioned too didn't you? Fact is this move is being spammed by the noobs of the class and it has gone on far too long. No class should be able to move and deal damage at the same time and that especially applies to sorcs. Not only does shock do damage, but it can proc for a small amount of extra damage. Personally I think this takes away from the assassin play-style as they can't spam shock as well as we can. Rather than overly buff assassins I think it would only be fair if shock's incredible power was offset by it's cost. Since shock is an offensive cooldown it should realistically cost 3 times the force. This will make the sorc think twice about spamming this ability mindlessly.




Any other ideas? Feel free to contribute


First off, this shows me exactly how little you know about this class. Shock has a 6 sec cool down, therefore effectively shutting down the spam factor. Spamming something is casting it over and over again back to back. If there is a cool down involved, then you cannot spam it at all.


To finalize my retort to your crying; I thoroughly believe that you don't know how to effectively play whatever melee class that you rolled. You constantly get kited by Sorcs in PVP hence your whining about them. If you cannot shut down a Sorc healer, then stop pvping. If you don't want to stop pvping, then roll a range class, you might have more luck with them (although I doubt it, since it is easier to kite a range class than a melee). If you don't want to stop playing a melee class, then learn how to play it. As a Sorc healer, I know from experience, that melee can be very effective against us. Finally, you should look at your pvp team. If any healer is staying up for an extended period of time, then one of two things are happening. A) There are multiple healers keeping each other alive, and you are in for a rough time. Or B) Your other dps are not doing their job and helping you focus down the healers. Just my thoughts as a humble sorc healer, please feel free to reply.

Edited by Tresian
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  • Project: Has been reported to break monitors.
  • Telekinetic throw: If you would have asked St. Stephen, this ability would have never made it passed alpha.
  • Turbulence: Brings terror, particularly to those with with flight fear.
  • Disturbance: Even the name is disturbing.
  • Rejuvenate: Might just as well call it Gatorade.


ROFL, this reply is hilarious. I love it!

Edited by Tresian
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
TBH i'm so tired of our damage being so OP because every time there's more than two Sorcs in the same area it crashes the server from using up all the numbers. A nerf for the sake of the servers would not be out of line despite how awesome Sorcs are right now. If you look at the lore it's obvious that Sorcs should be the most powerful class (Emperor Palpatine anyone?), but sometimes you have to go against what's right and fair in the interest of the greater good.
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