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Please nerf sorcs


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It appears that no matter how we discuss the fundamental problems with the sorcerer/sage class these said problems will not be resolved. We always get ignored when asking quality of life changes or buffs, so maybe if we ask for some good nerfs we will be listened to at least. Here are some aspects of the sorc that really need to be toned down.....




Static barrier- Might as well be called OP barrier honestly. Other dps options can't spam barriers so this class shouldn't be able to either. There isn't even a way for your opponent to stop you from spamming the barrier and creating a barrier army. The first solution should be to make taunts remove the barrier by default. Taunts don't have very much utility in pvp and are designed to "pull aggro" so it makes sense that taunts should be able to pull barriers off sorcs. Another solution to this barrier spamming phenomenon would be giving static barrier a 2 second cast time. Static barrier being instant cast lets sorcs have too much mobility, the class is designed to a cloth cat scratching post not a race car.


Electrocute- This move is just as deadly as it sounds, and that is exactly why it needs to be toned down. To start off for a stun this move deals entirely too much damage and with it's ridiculous range there are no ways for melee to counter this deadly and random ability. To start off the moves range needs to be moved down to 4 meters so that it is on par with the sniper's option debilitate. Other nerfs may be necessary if this doesn't prove to be enough.


Whirlwind- When I think of ridiculous mez abilities in this game, whirlwind is the only word that comes to mind. People complain about this utility CC and with good reason, no one should be able to summon a tornado out of nowhere. It's simply a fact, weather doesn't have a place in star wars. Even worse this ability makes it far to easy for a sorc to heal to full. As a reasonable nerf sorcs shouldn't be able to cast barrier or heal type abilities for 20 seconds after landing whirlwind. To compensate for this nerf, thrash damage will be increased by 5%.


Force slow- Wow as if time to kill in pvp wasn't already slow enough, abilities like this make my stomach turn. Slowing your opponent from any range is a powerful tool that should not be underestimated. Roots and slows aren't very common in this game and the idea that a class could slow someone from afar is definitely too much. If force slow forces your opponent to be slow, then it should force you to be slow as well. After force slow is casted on a target the sorc should receive a negative 20% alacrity debuff. Melee damage uptime just isn't high enough so this will help balance out the tables by forcing the sorc's damage to be lower as well. This shouldn't be a problem for skilled sorcs as polarity shift can easily counter this debuff.


Force speed- So first off you give sorcs the ability to slow people and then you give them the ability to speed up too? Simply there is no way to stop the incredible speed of this ability. Healing sorcs are even immune to roots while this ability is active! This needs a counter and fast, personally I think interrupts should stop force speed in it's tracks. It's too hard to stun, root, pull or mez a player running away with force speed all the time as those abilities require a global. Making interrupts stop force speed is a good quality of life change for melee because it will allow them to stop us from kiting without disrupting their rotation.


Recklessness- This ability doesn't even fit the sorcerer archetype. Sorcerer's should be the careful and calculating type, an ability called recklessness obviously does not fit the class description. It should just be moved to the assassin advanced class to avoid perception problems.


Shock- You knew the ability was going to be mentioned too didn't you? Fact is this move is being spammed by the noobs of the class and it has gone on far too long. No class should be able to move and deal damage at the same time and that especially applies to sorcs. Not only does shock do damage, but it can proc for a small amount of extra damage. Personally I think this takes away from the assassin play-style as they can't spam shock as well as we can. Rather than overly buff assassins I think it would only be fair if shock's incredible power was offset by it's cost. Since shock is an offensive cooldown it should realistically cost 3 times the force. This will make the sorc think twice about spamming this ability mindlessly.




Any other ideas? Feel free to contribute

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Whirlwind... People complain about this utility CC and with good reason, no one should be able to summon a tornado out of nowhere. It's simply a fact, weather doesn't have a place in star wars.


Rofl..dude this thread is so hilarious..love the irony..

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I will never understand why there are even any posts asking for a class to be nerfed, I mean why? It's a game let people be able to enjoy their class without people trying to nerf them. How would you feel if they nerfed your fave class? Ugggg this thread makes me want to /barf
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I will say Madness could be tweeked a little to be decent but Heals/Lightning needs a bit in a number of area's. Madness is by no means good or on par with anything but a few tweeks and it could be viable. Little more self healing and better force regen a slight boost in death field to be on par with smash, (not even asking for auto crits) also raise dot damage on targets below 30%. II's done.


Then move to the other two there is enough input for both specs in the other post.

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I will never understand why there are even any posts asking for a class to be nerfed, I mean why? It's a game let people be able to enjoy their class without people trying to nerf them. How would you feel if they nerfed your fave class? Ugggg this thread makes me want to /barf


Take deep breaths.


We'll get through this obviously sarcastic post together.

Edited by Laughard
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The dev's need not think about having the classes nerfed. The game as it is is a single player solo game with alittle bit of multiplayer.


They need to think about creating a community. A MMO is not about SOLOing everything its about working as a team to get things done. For example why not have crafting runs were you have to craft a epic weapon for example whilst being up against a boss. Crafting is a joke as its a set end product and you can only crit to get a augument slot. wow.....


Loot - theres no incentive for a fully geared player to go into the low raids. No advancement to improve your character. Therefore the experienced players do not want to gear up the players coming up the ranks.


This game seriously is a kiddies game. No challenge for a old school gamer. If the kiddies moan they get it easier.


I am trying to get my guild into HM/nim Ops... We have to pug and we get idiots that do not know there class as for example a HEALER Levels ups as a DPS or a TANK levels up as a DPS when they play in raids they dont know how to tank or heal.


I think they need to make it harder to respec. If a DPS decides to go heals at level 55 why does that DPS has max heals?


The only thing to do in this game is to grind equiptment. Just a endless grind......................


If things do not change Ill not be subbing just going FTP and finishing my stories then there will be nothing else to do.

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  • Project: Has been reported to break monitors.
  • Telekinetic throw: If you would have asked St. Stephen, this ability would have never made it passed alpha.
  • Turbulence: Brings terror, particularly to those with with flight fear.
  • Disturbance: Even the name is disturbing.
  • Rejuvenate: Might just as well call it Gatorade.

Edited by MusicRider
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Nerf polarity shift. Seriously, I derp pushed a sorc around once on my smasher, then choked him--he used his stunbreak (wait sorcs get two stunbreaks! No fair!) and popped polarity shift. I tried to awe him but it didn't work, something about a whitebar. For some reason I couldn't interrupt, and the sorc made me pay. :mad: Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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No class should be able to move and deal damage at the same time and that especially applies to sorcs.

Noob clicker detected. :D


I've read this wall of cry completely but... but this is bull *****! :mad:

Sorcs - OP? Have you ever met good Mara? Or Veg Jugger? We are very weak against most of melee specs! Even with bubble, slow, electrocute and speed!

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Static Barrier OP?? I'm pretty sure a fart can destroy static barriers.


If anything, sorcs need a better CD. They are the only class in which their CD immobilizes them. Force Barrier is the most useless ability. I would rather have CD that absorbs, say 15-20% dmg, but still allows me to move around. And don't try and say thats what static barrier is for (see my first sentence).

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OP you are obviously biased... You didn't even mention that they can heal themselves for free on the run! It's bad enough that they can run away from me an do damage but then heal themselves after?? It's insulting and tbh when I see a sorc on other side I just quit to avoid rage damaging my rig. I don't know how something so OP can be blatantly ignored.





(Btw I give this thread 7/10 already. Much potential there is in this one)

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Electrocute- This move is just as deadly as it sounds, and that is exactly why it needs to be toned down. To start off for a stun this move deals entirely too much damage and with it's ridiculous range there are no ways for melee to counter this deadly and random ability. To start off the moves range needs to be moved down to 4 meters so that it is on par with the sniper's option debilitate. Other nerfs may be necessary if this doesn't prove to be enough.



Force speed- So first off you give sorcs the ability to slow people and then you give them the ability to speed up too? Simply there is no way to stop the incredible speed of this ability. Healing sorcs are even immune to roots while this ability is active! This needs a counter and fast, personally I think interrupts should stop force speed in it's tracks. It's too hard to stun, root, pull or mez a player running away with force speed all the time as those abilities require a global. Making interrupts stop force speed is a good quality of life change for melee because it will allow them to stop us from kiting without disrupting their rotation.





Any other ideas? Feel free to contribute



I mean, Electrocute, its only got like a 7m range, so what are you going on about? and it only stuns for liek what? 4 seconds?


Force Speed, you will not believe the amount of times I have been stunned and my Force Speed cancelled in pvp, so I have NO idea what ur talking about!

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I mean, Electrocute, its only got like a 7m range, so what are you going on about? and it only stuns for liek what? 4 seconds?


Force Speed, you will not believe the amount of times I have been stunned and my Force Speed cancelled in pvp, so I have NO idea what ur talking about!


The sarcasm is weak with this one

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