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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Fleet Landing Cinematic


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Yep it's fantastic. If anyone has traveled to Oricon from the ship instead of priority transport, it also has a cinematic of the same quality as the new fleet arrival.


Fleet, orbital station and planet departure cut-scenes need this level of quality.

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Yep it's fantastic. If anyone has traveled to Oricon from the ship instead of priority transport, it also has a cinematic of the same quality as the new fleet arrival.


Fleet, orbital station and planet departure cut-scenes need this level of quality.


I agree. Like I said, I seriously hope it expands into the other cut-scenes, arriving and departing.

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Yep it's fantastic. If anyone has traveled to Oricon from the ship instead of priority transport, it also has a cinematic of the same quality as the new fleet arrival.


Fleet, orbital station and planet departure cut-scenes need this level of quality.


Well, I think this is something that has been on their plate since Makeb actually.

They got alot of praise for the initial makeb arrival scenes and then the oricon one showed up and now this... I think they are slowly working on each one...

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Is this for first time arrival on the fleet? I don't recall ever seeing a cinematic for arriving on the fleet and I certainly don't see any now.


When you travel to the Fleet on your ship, and leave your ship it plays the cinematic. The old one use to be of your ship flying towards the fleet station at top speed like it was doing a kamikaze run. This new one is way more polished and makes it look and feel like your actually docking.

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Really beautiful. I just logged in and went to fleet, just to see. Truly nice work there. Happy to see this, and hopefully we'll get more of this in the future. If you can make these cinematics, you can do new ones for stories too. Come on now Bioware peeps... *nudges and coaxes*
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It looks amazing. Please DO try and change all other ones. Game suddenly got deeper. Also maybe try to make those cinematics longer AND while that cinematic is playing there's a loading in background. That would be just.. the best.


Got something else to add: please make a statement you've redone some in-game cinematics. People often skip them so easly.

Edited by Carousel_t
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I love this game, and the new cinematic is certainly better, but ....


Are resources spent on polishing these things really time well spent? I can't believe that.


Well I prefer BW spends some time polishing the game than putting the 256th speederbike on the cartel market (not that I hate all of them :D ).

And for this kind of cinematics I don't think the time investment is so huge. I'd like to see more of these changes when landing in or blasting off all planets (given that the same sequence could probably be used for a lot of them just switching a few models), fleets, or scenarii/flashpoints enemy ships. You know, when you board an enemy ship, a very short cinematic where your ship is charging at the enemy hangar dodging one or two lasers bolts and/or missiles would be nicer than the transition from your ship sitting idle aside the enemy ship to "hey, seems that I made it aboard, let's kick some mobs".


Polishing a lot of cinematics during the 8 characters plots would be nice too, but probably much more expensive and time consuming ^^

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I love this game, and the new cinematic is certainly better, but ....


Are resources spent on polishing these things really time well spent? I can't believe that.


I'm pretty sure the guy (yeah, I doubt it was more than one person) working on this would not be fixing bugs or anything else that was "time better spent" if he didn't do this.

I mean, sure, he would be doing something else, but would it be much more valuable than this?

I doubt it.

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I love this game, and the new cinematic is certainly better, but ....


Are resources spent on polishing these things really time well spent? I can't believe that.


Despite common wisdom, they have numerous teams working on multiple things at the same time. The fact that they took the time and effort to polish up the Fleet cut-scene speaks volumes as to how much development money they have to play with these days.

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Now they need to remake all the other planets cutscenes so we don't keep being reminded of the fail ME3 ending every time we go somewhere.


Shrinking cardboard cutout ship flies into blue glowy planet, green glowy, red glowy, etc.etc,.

Edited by Zorvan
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I love this game, and the new cinematic is certainly better, but ....


Are resources spent on polishing these things really time well spent? I can't believe that.


I assume they also work with the lvl 10 shuttle transition. If it is it is only surprising it was not done sooner tbh.


Game is geared to get f2p players hooked. Starts off strongly with the intro cinematic, does the cinematic story on the starter planet and then the shuttle ride to the fleet cinematics are a sobering experience that have you lower your expectations.


I could hardly think of money better spent for them if they're trying to get new people hooked tbh. The landing/takeoff cinematics really are B grade in an otherwise AAA game.

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