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BAD CONTROLS! Oh, the bad controls...


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I have played a lot of fighter flight simulators in my days, including many Star Wars ones (Rogue Squadron, X-Wing, etc.) and I have never seen worse controls in this type of game.


I don't use a joystick, I use the WASD keys to control direction, and Q and E for roll.


I never in my life would have used the mouse to control direction, and it makes no sense, especially if the mouse can move outside the field of fire. I constantly find myself trying very hard to keep the mouse in the center reticule, trying to avoid the mouse being way off to the side of the screen because I'm trying to turn as fast as possible to keep up with the cycle of circling around an enemy, hoping to obtain a stable firing position within the next century, while the enemy is doing the exact same thing. Flight sim game mechanics aside, I really want a setting to control ship direction with WASD or the arrow keys, like a traditional flight sim game.


Maybe it's just me, but I am having a really hard time getting along with these controls while at the same time fighting with the lag that my computer forces me to suffer through even at the lowest graphics settings.

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They are really simple A & D rotate your ship W accelerates and S breaks using the mouse to steer is easy once you get the hang if it Using A&D to rotate, I find that im only using the mouse for basic up and down steering for tracking of targets. Edited by Ren_simp
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I generally agree with the OP. Or, the mouse would be fine *IF* the targeting reticle and ship movement weren't only loosely related. The way it is now, you take it to the trailing edge and the ship follows even if I'm doing different things with the arrow keys, trying to strafe. It's weird the way it is now, like the turret on a tank controls direction only if you move it too far to the left or right.
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I have played a lot of fighter flight simulators in my days, including many Star Wars ones (Rogue Squadron, X-Wing, etc.) and I have never seen worse controls in this type of game.


I don't use a joystick, I use the WASD keys to control direction, and Q and E for roll.


I never in my life would have used the mouse to control direction, and it makes no sense, especially if the mouse can move outside the field of fire. I constantly find myself trying very hard to keep the mouse in the center reticule, trying to avoid the mouse being way off to the side of the screen because I'm trying to turn as fast as possible to keep up with the cycle of circling around an enemy, hoping to obtain a stable firing position within the next century, while the enemy is doing the exact same thing. Flight sim game mechanics aside, I really want a setting to control ship direction with WASD or the arrow keys, like a traditional flight sim game.


Maybe it's just me, but I am having a really hard time getting along with these controls while at the same time fighting with the lag that my computer forces me to suffer through even at the lowest graphics settings.


^ this, thousand times this.


I try to playing, play several games and quit. No more.


Controls with mouse terrible. I am keyboard diehard, use joystick too. I hate mouse. For warzone i keybind every skill (35+ buttons) and crying every time when need use mouse for specific abilities (orbital strike, cybertech grenade, huttball pass etc). I hate mouse with passion.


And so what i see? terrible targeting system with mouse. Terrible choosing direction with mouse!

I must AND fire AND choos direction of movement with mouse! Just several skills and engine with keybinds. Its ridiculous. Target MUST BE ALWAYS IN CENTER OF SCREEN!!! I hate move mouse cursor every time for fire AND for choosing direction of move.


I'm done, I cant play this GSF with such terrible interface. Sorry, this game update without me.

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Maybe it's just me, but I am having a really hard time getting along with these controls while at the same time fighting with the lag that my computer forces me to suffer through even at the lowest graphics settings.


Have you considered the possibility that the controls would feel more intuitive if you didn't have to play through hardware stuttering?


Aside from that, I guess it wouldn't be impossible to bind pitch and yaw to key-binds, leaving the mouse for targeting only. It doesn't sound optimal for me, but i don't think its balance breaking either. Furthermore, rebinding movement axis to key presses doesn't sound like it would be as hard to implement as full joystick compatibility.


Yeah. the more I think about it the more I like the idea. Spend the dev time to give the players an alternate control scheme that's still keyboard and mouse.


Overall I think this might be a good suggestion. OP, You may want to consider re-titling your tread to attract more attention to your solution instead of how you feel about the problem.

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I have played a lot of fighter flight simulators in my days, including many Star Wars ones (Rogue Squadron, X-Wing, etc.) and I have never seen worse controls in this type of game.


I don't use a joystick, I use the WASD keys to control direction, and Q and E for roll.


I never in my life would have used the mouse to control direction, and it makes no sense, especially if the mouse can move outside the field of fire. I constantly find myself trying very hard to keep the mouse in the center reticule, trying to avoid the mouse being way off to the side of the screen because I'm trying to turn as fast as possible to keep up with the cycle of circling around an enemy, hoping to obtain a stable firing position within the next century, while the enemy is doing the exact same thing. Flight sim game mechanics aside, I really want a setting to control ship direction with WASD or the arrow keys, like a traditional flight sim game.


Maybe it's just me, but I am having a really hard time getting along with these controls while at the same time fighting with the lag that my computer forces me to suffer through even at the lowest graphics settings.


Go play Warthunder, its free and you can get it on steam. It will get you accustom to the game controls.

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Buy Freelancer and practice in a really fun game where you won't lag. Then uninstall all extra non gamey programs off your pc (do a fresh format reinstall, have 8 gig of ram and 2 year old or new video card and maybe an SSD) for swotor.


If you played Freelancer and probably many other games, these controls are intuitive easy and I am having a blast. Maybe it's you guys that are flying away from me in a straight line hoping I don't have the range upgrade on my proton torpedoes (hint, I do).

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i think the system is fine, but could use some tweaks.


1, some way of locking one's mouse to the game screen (could use a system like most Virtual Machine software....some key combo that unlocks one's mouse from that window) I have a mulltimonitor setup as I'm sure many others have as well and find myself sometimes a bit out of control if I happen to get my mouse over to the other monitor.


2. joystick / gamepad support would be pretty epic....not because it is hard to use the current system...but for the suspension of disbelief factor I always enjoy when playing a space/flight game when using a joystick.

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1, some way of locking one's mouse to the game screen (could use a system like most Virtual Machine software....some key combo that unlocks one's mouse from that window) I have a mulltimonitor setup as I'm sure many others have as well and find myself sometimes a bit out of control if I happen to get my mouse over to the other monitor.


Definitely this, I might have to start turning off the dual monitor when I do GS because it does create a lot of problems when you got to bank hard suddenly than click and suddenly you are clicked out of the game and trying to find your mouse cursor lol.


A joystick would be fun to use but mouse is fine aside from my dual monitor screwing me up at times.

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The controls are wonderful in my opinion. Mouse control allows for far more minute adjustments. On the other hand, Im beginning to notice modern flight PC controls are all mouse based. Warthunder, World Of Warplanes, etc. Granite they give the joystick option (something im sure SWTOR will implement) however, its time to realize that the BASIC controls for modern day flight simulators are going to be mouse based are apparently going to default to mouse cursors. Take some time in the tutorial arena to practice your skills with movement. It'll probably help your learning curve Edited by Elyons
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The Controls are excellent it very easy to learn and simple. Bioware did excellent job in making sure it was easy learning curve. Great job Bioware


/agreed. The controls are fine. It took me a few matches to get the hang of them, but they're just fine the way they are.

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There is nothing wrong with the controls, people are not good at handling them so they automatically just freak out and say they are the worst thing they have ever seen. I always find it funny to read the hate posts with things that have been out for a day.
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Have you considered the possibility that the controls would feel more intuitive if you didn't have to play through hardware stuttering?


Aside from that, I guess it wouldn't be impossible to bind pitch and yaw to key-binds, leaving the mouse for targeting only. It doesn't sound optimal for me, but i don't think its balance breaking either. Furthermore, rebinding movement axis to key presses doesn't sound like it would be as hard to implement as full joystick compatibility.


Yeah. the more I think about it the more I like the idea. Spend the dev time to give the players an alternate control scheme that's still keyboard and mouse.


Overall I think this might be a good suggestion. OP, You may want to consider re-titling your tread to attract more attention to your solution instead of how you feel about the problem.


I do not have any hardware stuttering at all. The cursor tracking well over onto the right or left monitors and taking forever to re-center is an issue.

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Yes, as usual : if you don't like the controls, then you are stupid. Keep playing them, to provide free kills to people that praticed on them for hundreds of hours on a F2P game.


No, sorry guys : I'm writing the expansion off. After two hours. It's a record.


I refuse to provide entertainment and score to people with way too much time on their hands.

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