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Remove lock on rockets.


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So friggin overpowered, just had some goon hiding somewhere out of sight spamming them and there is only one counter measure and thats on a huge cooldown....


Make more counter measures or make the terrain destroy the rockets...

Or better still remove them.

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That would probably be me!


I fly the Pike assault ship with two sets of rockets, long range and medium range.


My play style is to sneak around locking onto unsuspecting fighters and PEW PEW!



Are the over powered? NO! They are VERY hard to lock on and takes allot of skill/practice to get right. best way to avoid being bombed by missiles hit R so it targets whoever just shot at you and take the fight to them close range. Missile boats are not so good up close.


Also the hardest part about locking on is fighter weaving in and out of asteroids and objects. The most powerful missile lock takes around 5 seconds, if you fly around objects to block my LOS then I loose interest and move on.


But as I say when you get stalked by missile boats soon as your hit press R to lock onto whoever hit you then press C so that the camera shows you were they are and get in there face!

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How about you stop flying straight ahead, once the "lock on" warning pops up?


The only rockets, that do not require lock on are the rocket pods and they fire straight ahead.... and will not ever hit you, if you do not fly straight ahead too.... or into its flight path.


Other rocket types require lock on which requires you to stay within the small target circle for seconds... just don't do that.

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If you were a gunship I guess you'd have a reason to cry, but as a scout and considering you get a 5 second warning of two different sounds letting you know it's coming there is zero excuse to not press 3 or move behind some scenery with spacebar.


I guess the summary to take away would be "git gud."

Edited by ImpactHound
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How about you stop flying straight ahead, once the "lock on" warning pops up?


The only rockets, that do not require lock on are the rocket pods and they fire straight ahead.... and will not ever hit you, if you do not fly straight ahead too.... or into its flight path.


Other rocket types require lock on which requires you to stay within the small target circle for seconds... just don't do that.


Nice try but I was flying AROUND an asteroid hoping it would hit the asteroid.

NOPE it goes around it LOLOL.

I guess noobs defend the rockets because without them they can't kill anyone.

Edited by Scerge
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Nice try but I was flying AROUND an asteroid hoping it would hit the asteroid.

NOPE it goes around it LOLOL.

I guess noobs defend the rockets because without them they can't kill anyone.


You have to move behind the asteroid to break the lock-on once lock is established and the missile is luanched you have to either outrun it or use a evasive manuevre.


And really the lock-on weapons are not even that potent in GSF, the majority of kills come from blasters and railguns.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Nice try but I was flying AROUND an asteroid hoping it would hit the asteroid.

NOPE it goes around it LOLOL.

I guess noobs defend the rockets because without them they can't kill anyone.


Ive just given you perfect advice on how to avoid getting blown up. If someone is giving you grief hit R and get up in there face they will soon leave you alone! (from experience)



"Thats right scouty stay right there POW! hahaha noob...oh wait...there coming at me....wait...AHHHH! *dies*"

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I assume your in a scout. I've seen scouts owning the medals board after each match. Scouts are the best fighters for laser killing especially vs strike fighter. Reguardles what class you fly removing lock on missiles would competely nerf the strike fighter.
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1) During the lockon process, you do not need to use your cooldown ability. Just try to get out of LOS or out of range

2) Once the missile is locked, THEN use your cooldown ability.

3) Get some upgrades on your cooldown ability to reduce it's CD time

4) Some crew members will also decrease this CD time.


There ya go.


Some solutions that do not involve removing a whole lot of things in the game

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i do not think i have been hit by a lock on rocket once its so obvious when they are locked on and then "Barrel Roll" those poor strike fighters need something else to assist something liek a slow ability or a tether ability or something if that is the main form of damage
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Cluster missiles are the only rockets that have a short enough lock-on time to be used often in dogfighting, but their damage is pretty low. If you're getting pegged by concussion missiles or proton torpedoes, you probably need to start maneuvering better.
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All the emergency movement items get you out of lock. Locking on takes so long with concussion missiles that you can easily close the gap and move away (like top gun!).


Lock on missiles are more aggravating for the shooter than the person being shot. Trust me, they aren't OP in the least bit.

Edited by Arkerus
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So friggin overpowered, just had some goon hiding somewhere out of sight spamming them and there is only one counter measure and thats on a huge cooldown....


Make more counter measures or make the terrain destroy the rockets...

Or better still remove them.



No way. I play a strike fighter who uses missile lock capabilities. I consistently all so play against similar strike fighter set ups. Countermeasures are useless. The best option is to immediately start flying in circles to break the the current attempt to lock on - then boost to a section of the map that has a WHOLE lot of terrain (like point C on the starship construction map or point B on the Makeb map.) Impossible to get locked on there if you fly through the twists and turns.

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To defend against rockets, and this is something puggy people have to still learn in pvp, is that when you are defending, and here, even when you are attacking, be on the turret area, so many things to hide behind and fly around, that lock breaks on the slightest loss of visual contact. There is also a crewmate that can make it hard for them to lock on to you at all, and last you have a barrel role that may suicide you if you are not careful, but it does break missile lock. Best not to get locked in the first place by flying around an asteroid or into the station you are defending or attacking.
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Nice try but I was flying AROUND an asteroid hoping it would hit the asteroid.

NOPE it goes around it LOLOL.

I guess noobs defend the rockets because without them they can't kill anyone.


So you're getting owned in GSF and you're calling other the "noobs"? You can evade the missile lock through boosting speed, using terrain, etc. to break the lock. You should be doing that when you get the warning that someone is trying to lock onto you and not after it's already locked on.

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