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Do people hate or love Galactic Starfighter?


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The folks on here who love this expansion, good for you.


Regardless if someone's used to other controls, can't get the hang of this one or whatever excuse they have for not liking it, none of those things negate their dislike. If they had expectations that weren't met, they're going to be pissed.


I personally find the turn fights to be ridiculous. Even when I've gotten a kill it's not that satisfying. I had to load him up with so many blaster shots, it was ridiculous. If the regular game made every mob this difficult to kill, I'd be gone. Slug fests are not 'exciting'. They are a measure of patience rather than skill. Who will focus long enough to put the 400 rounds into the opponent?


I don't think people should go down as easily as a TIE fighter in the movies because that would be just as stupid. However, the balance needs dramatic improvement. Fights need to be faster paced. There needs to be a better indication of when and from what direction you've been hit.


However, there is one thing that I have had to remember. This is early release. I don't believe that they're done or ready. This is like playing on the test server IMO. They might be hoping to get a lot more balance out of these matches through subscriber play. I would like to believe that just so I don't feel that they were throwing something unfinished to us.


If it's just the same with the complaints in a month, I'd be very surprised.

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I love it so far. I'm someone who does not pvp with toon characters. But I've always thrived on this type of pvp. There's room for improvement in some areas. Two maps will get old fast though Bioware team. I don't know how difficult it is to create maps with objectives. I think in about a month two maps is will no longer be fun since we all play expansions to the max.
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I think I like it ^^

the helmet and chestpiece just fits the rest of my armor well





if you dont like the turn-fights dont play Scout, Keep distance and stay in your role

components and Crew selection does matter since there are the same Options for all roles

you have to pick the ones that match your space.craft


besides aim you Need to manage the skills of your ship to master situations

I played until I had enough Tokens to unlock the advanced bomber

so I didnt upgrade the standart plane and just got used to the controls


I suggest placing dodge and shild skill to Q and E and aim to the F key


it also helps to place the keys to manage the blaster/shild/engine power to

additional mouse Buttons if available


key to gameplay is keeping track of the distance to your target, so you should study

all the stats of your plane and weapons in the Hangar ^^


as for navigation, it plays like flying a plane on earth without the risk of falling down


when you select a target you get the targetprediction vector and you can try to keep

it always upright or vertical at your Screen to get the best angle for getting behind the enemy

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Love and Hate are a bit extreme, I'm closer to mildly liking it. Or maybe it's a love / hate relationship ;)


It's entertaining enough for now but I can tell that "Domination" style is going to get real old real fast for me. The mechanics are too simple (yes, I'm a PvE player). Sure the trash packs :D are less predictable (somewhat) but that's not enough.


The controls... *sigh* so much fail there. Yes I'm used to and effective with the mouse and keyboard. It's still horrible and my tendonitis is telling me that I might have to dial back participation until they implement controller/stick support.

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I love it. Great addition to SWTOR.


There's still some things that need to be fixed, but it's still loads of fun


I'd agree with this...it needs a bit of polish, but for early release access, I think it's extremely fun. Sort of reminds me of call of duty with spaceships.

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Hate it. Nice flight system, but it's imposible for a casual player like me to compete. I don't PvP and can't play much so I am at a severe disadvantage against the core Pvp community. I think it's ******** that all things aren't equal in evey match. It will take me a month to do what most seem to do in a couple of days. It's not fair that they totally excluded non pvp players from the new space mechanics.



I don't get this attitude. It's only been open for a day, so no one has a stacked advantage yet, even if they play match after match after match. I am too a casual player, and I typically avoid PVP like the plague (because I suck at it), but I think this is extremely fun, easy to get used to and to learn tactics for, and with non upgraded ships I have taken down plenty of people who already have upgrades/requisition gear. Sure, it has a learning curve, and those who can play for 24 hours a day versus those of us with lives and jobs outside of SWTOR are going to have a bit of an advantage over us, but that goes without saying for literally ANY game.


Get back in there and fight soldier!!

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In summary: over 85% of the posts say the controls are FUBAR. this is from people that hate it and LOVE it...


Yeah. I really want to love it. I don't hate it. But I've had 3 decades of "flight control" training in other flying sims that says when I want my ship to go *UP*, I pull *BACK* (towards myself) on whatever control I'm using. Unfortunately, with they way these controls are, where you are targeting and steering at the same time, moving your mouse towards you makes it go *DOWN*, which makes your ship go down.


So I'll be happily in "attack" mode, where my brain is using the mouse as if I'm "desktop-ing" and so things are working fine. Then suddenly I'm under attack, and my brain goes into "evasive maneuvers" mode, which also means "flight sim mode"... barrel roll! Cut engine to gain turning speed! Loop up! Oh wait, that was down... where the astroid was... kaboom. "Imagynary has self-destructed". Crap.


I'm not sure I'll ever overcome that trained reaction for which way to move the control to steer up/down. And with the same movement tied to targeting it doesn't make any sense to invert the mouse like you could if it was just controlling direction. I wish they'd just had your ship shoot straight ahead, like most every other flight sim has done.


But if the controls were actual "flight" controls this would be very cool. Lots of things to fly around and under and over and through to try to out-fly that bad guy on your tail.


Although, while I'm a big fan of the objectives in the ground WZs, not so much in this game. I think I wish it was just whoever blows up more of the other guy.

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Not JTL, but not a Facebook game either. I'm just glad they have the asteroid, wreckage, tunnel, canyon style of Star Wars dogfighting: basically what I wish they'd have had in Deep Space in SWG.


As far as adjusting mouse sensitivity try setting your dpi to around 1800-2000. And to the people who want inverted mouse: esc > Pref > Starfighter > Invert Mouse Vertical.


Btw I flew a naked stock squint in JTL and the Sting is the closest I've felt to that (although it's a bit more survivable).

Edited by Phrase
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Can't say I am really enjoying it much at the moment. PVP is not really my short of thing, and I just do not think I enjoy space combat. I hope it is a successful feature though, but could BW perhaps concentrate a little more on the story-aspect of the game next time? :i_embarrassed:
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Yeah. I really want to love it. I don't hate it. But I've had 3 decades of "flight control" training in other flying sims that says when I want my ship to go *UP*, I pull *BACK* (towards myself) on whatever control I'm using. Unfortunately, with they way these controls are, where you are targeting and steering at the same time, moving your mouse towards you makes it go *DOWN*, which makes your ship go down.


how about reverting the axis in the Options?

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Neither love or hate it.


I don't like the control scheme (makes playing in windowed mode pain in the ***, and waiting in line is boring if i can't browse the web at the same time), and the weird mix of skills based and stat based targeting leads to more than half of my shots missing even if my targeting marker is right in the middle of the lead indicator.


It's something to do, and i'll probably keep at it for a bit, but i suspect i'll loose interest after a while.

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GSF is a excellent addition to swtor in my opinion. I'm a flight sim buff to begin with and always enjoyed the star fighter battles in kotor 1 & 2. the control scheme needs some refinement but all and all its a fun way to level your toons and it seems to be as competitive as ground based pvp without as much frustration of under geared or less experienced players. i wish the ships and upgrades where legacy or account bound but at the moment the challenge level is increased and it will be interesting to see what else bio ware can find to bolster gsf.
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I felt like Jek Porkins out there it was humiliating and not very fun bouncing around attempting to lock in on enemy ships with no success at all. It quickly became a headache. I may give it a few more tries but the outlook at this moment looks like another space portion of this game that I won't play very much.
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So far, I played about 10 Missions in GSF. At the moment, Id' say it's nice but needs some improvement.


What I like about it is the setting itself: star-fighter combat belongs to star wars, as does the light-saber swinging and blaster shooting. The rail-shooter-type part filled that role not that good, so GSF is quite a improvement. I also like the possibilities for modifying your fighter (even though I could't trty many of them so far).


As many others have mentioned, controls need to be improved. While I slowly get the hang of it, it still feels awkward. I don't know if it's just a matter of experience or not. It seems some players played similar games that used similar controls before, so they are at a big advantage - which sometimes leads to some frustration. It's hard to get better when everyone around is already better than you and all you do is die 7 or 8 times in a game in a big explosion, not knowing what hit you, and from where. Luckily, a few of the games I played had enough other less experienced players so that I could score a few kills myself and (in most cases) ended somewhere in the middle of the scoreboard.


Hopefully, GSF will improve in some parts (it's just the early release, hopefully they put more stuff into it). Apart from controls, there are basically four things I'd like to be improved:


1. more maps (should'nt be a big problem)

2. different mission types. So far, it's only a conquer mission. Some alternatives would be nice.

3. I'd really like some PvE missions (don't know how difficult this would be to design). Awesome would be something like a real storyline.

4. A stronger connection to the character. So far, it's kind of stand alone, and it doesn't really matter what character I use to play GSF. Granting Valor or something (like mentioned in other threads) would be one way. Another way would be PvE-Missions that vary by character-class, maybe an aditional character-based storyline (but I understand that that would be a lot of work and propably beyond the bounds of this expansion).

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I love it a lot only with people who understands the mechanics of the game or have fully understand the game play. The frustration is that the tutorial isn't mandatory and the clueless ones just queue up and wreck the fun.


Instead I would prefer to have the tutorial as a mission and upon completing it will unlock the ability to queue for space PVP.


The whole addition is great and expansive too. Hope we could earn more rewards or have some relation the character's progress instead of going a separated ways

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