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gunships... the jokes still not funny GSF devs


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I dont see anything wrong with Gunships. They are slow, Sniper style fighters with a decent amount of shields and armor. What's wrong? Their ability to break through shields a bit? If so, upgrade your armor rating.


They can get 100% armor pen. Much like bombers however, they're rather easy to kill if you sneak up on em and blast away.

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I find them easy to take out, just gotta watch yourself when you fly around. You normally hear someone trying to lock onto you, speed off behind cover then find where they're sitting and speed up to them quickly. They're quite frankly easy kills but a lot of folks forget they are there and they get a lot of easy kills.
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I only tried a little bit of GSF but gunships seem a lot easier to kill the other newbs with, got way more kills trying the gunship than I did with the premium scout, the sniping is a lot easier than tracking enemies up close, harder than War Thunder imo. Edited by zuile
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Having played tonight for the first time I really think gunships defeat the point of a star wars style dog fight. Shame really might have been a minigame if they had stuck to the xwing tie fighter style. All in all I was bored after the first 5 games when I started seeing half a team all on gunships. Like most things in this game its not star wars. Edited by Tellenn
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I got far too easily destroyed in my Gunship - when somebody got close to me and chased me.


I didn't try out all of the Mods yet, so0 I can't say what exactly it is what is said to give the Gunship a high survival rate ... I can only say that in close combat, I was easily defeated.


But I'm not a Pro, though.

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I'm loving the gunship, I'm usually in the top 3 kill count in battles, but it's true that when someone gets in close you're in trouble. The problem is that you're so slow that you can't keep a faster ship in your targeting reticule. So you have to get some distance from them and hope they don't chase you.


It makes it easier to get kills probably than other ships, but makes us vulnerable when trying to capture a satellite. If someone comes in close to contest you for it, you need to get away and you give up the capture chance. It's a trade-off.


I see the ships as having roles much like the ground game. Some ships are better at certain things than others, but none are particularly the best overall.

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People need to learn to look out for gunships floating around... If you find one chances are you'll kill it.


Right now, Gunships aren't an issue because most people are still new, so they don't know the tactics, and they haven't had a chance to upgrade their ships yet. On the PTS, the biggest issue was Gunships equipped with Sensor-Dampening, which made it much, much harder to actually find them before they started racking up a kill count. Combine that with Barrel Roll, which makes it easier for them to get away when you do find them, and about the only viable counter are Scouts. With multiple Gunships on the field, Strike Fighters become cannon fodder.

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One thing I haven't mentioned... In every game I've played, I see maybe 1 or 2 other people choosing the gunship even though almost everyone has it unlocked. It's probably the least-popular ship. If it was so overpowered, I'm sure everyone who had it available would hop in and gank everyone.
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One thing I haven't mentioned... In every game I've played, I see maybe 1 or 2 other people choosing the gunship even though almost everyone has it unlocked. It's probably the least-popular ship. If it was so overpowered, I'm sure everyone who had it available would hop in and gank everyone.


Some of us prefer at least trying to enjoy the game in the way we'd planned -as an arcade dogfighter- rather than just farming req. And you know, when there are one or two gunships on the enemy team, they're not so bad(at least in their currently not-too-upgraded state); the issue is when half or more of the enemy team are in them, and have a vague understanding of positioning - I played a match earlier where I just kept getting instagibbed by multiple railgun shots at once any time I got near an objective, and trying to go after them was just as futile because even if you get behind one, another couple will tear you to pieces while you try and destroy it.


Honestly the whole concept of the ship seems alien to the core gameplay; twitch sniping is for FPS games, not space sims no matter how arcade'y they are.

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I have the most experience with the gunship at this point. But just to see how it's like, I tried out the other ships.


I have a lot of trouble with the scout, mostly just because I can't seem to kill anything with it. The only kill I got in two different battles was on a gunship (I'll expand on this in a bit), it seems that whoever I'm fighting either self-destructs before I can kill it (seriously, I hate that people do that, and it's definitely on purpose) or someone else gets credit by hitting my kill at the last minute.


The striker was better, I almost like it as much as the gunship and may play it more. I can really bring stuff down with one, and the lock-on missiles are a dream. I don't even need to hit someone with them, if I lock on they freak out and usually do something stupid in an attempt to shake me. It's especially awesome when you're defending a satellite, I've had a number of people flee from the satellite or self-destruct because I freaked them out by locking on them.


But when I'm in a scout or a striker, the easiest prey for me, ironically, is a gunship. Because when I get in close they have trouble tracking me. The one kill I got on my scout was a gunship I harassed with my blasters and rockets until it blew up. The guy kept trying to hit me with a rail gun in close range too, which was impossible as fast as I was moving. On my striker it was even easier, again the missiles are fantastic.


Basically, as someone who is normally a gunship pilot, I know what they're weak against. I just thought, what would I hate for someone to do to me if I was in the gunship, and I'd do it. Get in close, fly around them. Their regular guns aren't very strong, they can't turn fast to track you, and if you keep moving they definitely aren't going to hit with the rail gun (you have a tiny aiming window with it and you turn really slow to aim with it, it's rarely useful in close range unless someone is dumb enough to stay in one spot).


Figuring out how to snipe people is easy. Figuring out how to counter the sniper may not be as intuitive, so the gunships may seem overpowered at first. The rail gun isn't strong enough to one-shot you, if you have full hull and shields it takes at least two fully-powered shots (and probably three, I can't remember exactly) to take someone out. So if you get hit, boost away, look for where the shot came from (they're probably powering up again so they'll have a glow) and try to get in close to them, use terrain to shield you on your approach if you can. If you can get in close to them, you can beat them.

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Gunships are not a problem at all. Just don't fly at them head on.


I had a match where about 60-70% of the enemy team picked gunships. They lost horribly, of course, couldn't hold a single point and were getting picked off left and right since we were not busy with their dogfighters - we went for them instead. And once even a remotely competent dogfighter gets in range a gunship is toast.

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Gunships are not a problem at all. Just don't fly at them head on.


I had a match where about 60-70% of the enemy team picked gunships. They lost horribly, of course, couldn't hold a single point and were getting picked off left and right since we were not busy with their dogfighters - we went for them instead. And once even a remotely competent dogfighter gets in range a gunship is toast.


Actually with the Pike, Strike class that I use with Proton Torps, Quad lasers and Concussive missles (directional shields and shield power converter engines) I actually laugh at Gunships that think its ok to sit there and fire at me when I am attacking them head on because I can always blow them up long before they blow me up simply because my shields eat up everything they try to do even if I have full power to engines. So I have used there belief that they could kill me before I could kill them against them on a number of occasions.

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I personally prefer to fly the S-13 Sting geared for dogfighting and when I see a gunship sitting somewhere - free kill. It's really easy to just switch power to engines, burn around them, switch to weapons and blow them up.


Gunships are, maybe, useful for team which have one or two of them max, and the rest strike fighters or scouts to keep the enemy busy. They're totally a support unit, and ineffective at anything else.

Edited by Gaudrath
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Gun ships are fine!


Not many people seem to play them, probably because as soon as you hear the lock on you speed away and go hunting for the gun ship, call it out and PEW PEW!


And that huge glowing nebula that paints a big bullseye on them when they're charging up doesn't help either. ;)

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hats the only class I can play, since I suck at others :D


I can deal much of damage, but as soon as somebody is on me, I'm dead. You can't outrun, you can't soak damage, you can fly around hoping that he will give up or that somebody will save you.


Only thign that saves me is calling on TS to get them off my back. And that is the best part of this space stuff, calling your teammates to help you, feels like proper fighting :D

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Funny thing is - I'm the other way around. I frequently am #1 in damage dealt, and I fly a scout. Gunships are just too static for me.


But that's the good thing - they have something for everyone - well, except for backstabbing types, but that's in the works, we already have counters for non-existing stealth so I guess they're going to get their spy ships sometime in the future.

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