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Support Joysticks for Galactic Starfighter


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I am a pilot, I need a joystick.

Mouse is for 2D

Joystick is for 3D

Thumb Hatswitch for View, Throttle (goes to 0).

Did the devs not check out ANY space/flight sim at all when developing this ?

How could they possibly make a flight game with NO joystick support ? I just find this terribly stupid.

I have NO desire to play without a joystick... which sucks because I REALLY wanted to play this.

I just cannot tell you how disappointed I am.

Edited by DarthKurt
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I just use software to emulate my mouse with a joystick or gamepad.... works just the same.


What software, may I ask? And how does it work for bringing the cursor back to center? After pulling back on the stick to go "up", if you release the stick, will it travel back to center of the screen, or will you have to push forward on the stick to bring the cursor back to center? And do you have the rolling left/right tied to the joystick's left/right lean, and can you put yaw on the "twist"?


I think this could certainly work, and I'd like to try it out :)

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Adding my vote for joystick support.


And the argument that bioware didn't want to force people to buy extra crap is bogus, it's joystick SUPPORT, so just like Star Wars Galaxies, you can fly using either the joystick or the keyboard and mouse combo, your preference. That's not forcing anyone to buy anything, that's leaving people a choice to do what they want.

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Adding my vote for joystick support.


And the argument that bioware didn't want to force people to buy extra crap is bogus, it's joystick SUPPORT, so just like Star Wars Galaxies, you can fly using either the joystick or the keyboard and mouse combo, your preference. That's not forcing anyone to buy anything, that's leaving people a choice to do what they want.


*drops mic, stands up, & applauds!

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Adding my vote for joystick support.


And the argument that bioware didn't want to force people to buy extra crap is bogus, it's joystick SUPPORT, so just like Star Wars Galaxies, you can fly using either the joystick or the keyboard and mouse combo, your preference. That's not forcing anyone to buy anything, that's leaving people a choice to do what they want.


Yes, someone gets it. It's just support, and there's no way it would be hard to implement. It's not too much to ask for controller/joystick support for a space sim.

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Adding more to this uproar: if you want to make GSF a success, make joystick, xbox controller, gamepad, & ps3 controller support a priority! Honestly, everyone has their preference in controls for free flight games and GSF is a free-flight game. And by only allowing for the keyboard/mouse combo, all you've succeeded in doing is making players who don't like the mouse/keyboard combo feel left out. (And trolled if you try to voice your frustrations in general chat)


As for the argument about making it fair and balanced, the only way to really do that is to try to include everyone's preference. Sure, it'll take time away from new map development, but no one will mind waiting for new maps if it means that they can use sticks in the near future. [Although some new maps with less environmental clutter will be a welcome addition in the future, along with a new strike fighter design for the imps; the starting pub one is pretty good-looking, the imp one not so much.]


[Also, consider adding 1st person view, just in case some people would prefer 1st over 3rd person view.]

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Adding more to this uproar: if you want to make GSF a success, make joystick, xbox controller, gamepad, & ps3 controller support a priority! Honestly, everyone has their preference in controls for free flight games and GSF is a free-flight game. And by only allowing for the keyboard/mouse combo, all you've succeeded in doing is making players who don't like the mouse/keyboard combo feel left out. (And trolled if you try to voice your frustrations in general chat)


As for the argument about making it fair and balanced, the only way to really do that is to try to include everyone's preference. Sure, it'll take time away from new map development, but no one will mind waiting for new maps if it means that they can use sticks in the near future. [Although some new maps with less environmental clutter will be a welcome addition in the future, along with a new strike fighter design for the imps; the starting pub one is pretty good-looking, the imp one not so much.]


[Also, consider adding 1st person view, just in case some people would prefer 1st over 3rd person view.]


Not that it would take away time from making new maps in the first place, but several thousand people would certainly mind if it did. As a second note "if you want to make GSF a success" it already is a success.

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I just wanted to add my support.


As a beta tester and founder I haven't played TOR in almost a year now. Just lost interest.


When I heard space combat was coming and it was going to be off the rails I had thoughts that it was going to be something like the SWG space combat expansion (Jump to Lightspeed? can't remember the name of it)


Anyways, just came back, subbed, tried it... and unsubbing again.


Bioware wouldn't have ever made this mistake. This reeks of EA and their complete bs incompetence and destruction of one of the greatest gaming companies of all time in Bioware. :(


Give us a X-Wing vs Tie Fighter type flight mode with full stick support and you can have my money. Until then not a chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not that it would take away time from making new maps in the first place, but several thousand people would certainly mind if it did. As a second note "if you want to make GSF a success" it already is a success.


GSF is not a success, not yet anyway. This thread is proof enough of that.


Not that I'm trying to insult you or anything, I'm just saying that a lot of people figured that it was perfectly obvious to have support for joysticks from the very beginning. I mean, the mouse & keyboard thing was good for the old space combat, because there we weren't really flying, just aiming. GSF is a 3D environment and therefore people, especially those who subbed just for GSF, expect that js support would be a no-brainer. Yet somehow, the devs made an oversight that's gonna cost this game in the long run. Just read some of these posts.


At this point, the kindest thing you can call GSF is "a work in progress."

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GSF is not a success, not yet anyway. This thread is proof enough of that.


Not that I'm trying to insult you or anything, I'm just saying that a lot of people figured that it was perfectly obvious to have support for joysticks from the very beginning. I mean, the mouse & keyboard thing was good for the old space combat, because there we weren't really flying, just aiming. GSF is a 3D environment and therefore people, especially those who subbed just for GSF, expect that js support would be a no-brainer. Yet somehow, the devs made an oversight that's gonna cost this game in the long run. Just read some of these posts.


At this point, the kindest thing you can call GSF is "a work in progress."


Queue pops with less than 2 minute wait times suggest otherwise.

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Queue pops with less than 2 minute wait times suggest otherwise.


I wasn't talking about queue times, just about control options. Which is really what this thread is all about.


And honestly, if Bioware really wanted to attract the flight sim enthusiasts with free open-world space combat, wouldn't joystick support be a no-brainer? As in, something that should be there right from the very beginning?


Not to mention of course that the lack of JS controls has caused some new players to abandon ship already. Just look at some of these posts:


Damn, was really looking forward to this. Logged in today with a few old guildies who, like me, hadn't been on in weeks/months and bam, no pad/stick support and controls that suck. Played a few rounds, and I must admit I like the space combat, but I can't get round the terrible keyboard setup. Sad.


/puts-SWTOR-back-in-the-unused-icons-folder :(


It's a flight game, it needs to support a flight stick. When I tell my buddies that TOR's getting free flight space combat the first thing they ask "It supports a stick right?" and when I say "no" they laugh and say "good luck wit dat".


As cool as I think this feature is, I recognize that this is has niche appeal. And that niche demands flight controls. A side comment at a Cantina Tour hinted that one of the motivations behind GS was to attract new players to TOR. You are seriously handicapping yourself with those players you're trying to attract.


How can there be free flight WITHOUT a joystick. The current controls are quite terrible.


^Truth.....way to keep the dropping the ball on helping the game


Re-subbed just for this expansion...should have spent the money on a 12 pack of beer. I can't even begin to reason why you would make an "off the rails" space game (even if its just a pvp arena) and not have flight stick of controller support.


Need I say more? GSF still needs some work done so that everyone will enjoy it.

Edited by Klishar
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I'd also love this if it had joystick support. I was so excited as a subscriber to get early access, but the very first time I went in it had no comfortable joystick option. As another that has spent years in real flight sims as well as SWG pilot from the time JTL was beta till it closed there is no way I can fly this way. I haven't gone back since, won't go back to starfighter till they add support. It may be great for the people that actually like the mouse/keyboard only, but at least make it an option. Not forced.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree, this game needs stick support. You really can't attract the old X-Wing/TIE-Fighter, Privateer, crowd without it. The controls are too clunky. All I ever see people do is take a gunboat, camp on a satellite and snipe the fighters because the controls are too clunky. Honestly there needs to be options. For those who want to use the mouse, get to use the mouse. For those that want to use a JS, get to use a sick for the pitch, yaw, and roll. Like before, people came back to check it out, then left. I say that was a failed marketing gimmick, if the target audience failed to stay.


So, Electronic Arts and subsidiary Bioware, I have a recommendation that may save your back-side. Please code intuitive Joy Sick support into Galactic Starfighter and you just may see subscription accounts increase. And guess what the best part is? Minimal risk! I will bet my entire vintage star wars collection on that you will see improvement.

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  • 1 month later...
I am actually using a 360 controller and Pinnacle Game Profiler to setup up a flight control scheme. My issue is that, since there are no direct Pitch Up and Down controls (and no, strafe up and down don't work that way), I can't fully set things up and have to use the right stick like a mouse, which is exactly why the controls for aiming suck so hard. What I need are the pitch controls put in so that I can Pitch, Yaw, and Roll, and the aiming reticle NEVER leaves the dead center of the screen (a la Star Wars: Starfighter). That way, I can aim and fire correctly and guide my ship in an intuitive way. It's coming along, but without the ability to nix mouse aiming altogether, I'll never get it just right.
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cba reading all the posts in the thread. but as for the title; omg yes! i havent gotten into trying it out much since i find the mouse+keyboard controls very clumpsy to say the least. but my favourite game when i was younger was "X-Wing VS Tiefighter" which you played with a joystick, to relive that epicness or atleast something like it again in this game would be so awesome! so if this would ever be implemented id be glued stuck to play it! :D
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