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a question for FRAPS users.


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hi everybody, i have heard a lot of people on the forums say they use a program called FRAPS to take screenshots, i am thinking of downloading it but before i do i wanted to ask the ones of you who use it did your computer get any kind of virus or such from downloading it? would you recommend FRAPS.


thanks :)

Edited by avatarearth
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hi everybody, i have heard a lot of people on the forums say they use a program called FRAPS to take screenshots, i am thinking of downloading it but before i do i wanted to ask the ones of you who use it did your computer get any kind of virus or such from downloading it? would you recommend FRAPS.


thanks :)


I have not used the program before.

But why use a program to do something that has been built into Windows since at least Windows XP (probably well before it).


In SWTOR if you press "print screen" key it will put a picture into your documents folder/star wars / screenshots (something like that)

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Printscreen doesn't always work.


I've been using Fraps for a couple of months now and it's really easy to use; I'd definitely recommend it. Haven't had any issues and I know a lot of my WoW friends use it as well. I just wish I'd started using it sooner.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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The only place you should get FRAPS is from the official website: http://www.fraps.com/


If you are a devoted screenshot taker or looking to record ingame videos, FRAPS is the way to go. The built-in screenshot feature is bugged (there's a shock) and has been unreliable since the beta (more shock). If you are just looking to take one or two screenshots and don't care about missing a few, then by all means, you can use the built-in screenshot feature or do a Print Screen and stop and paste into MS Paint or Photoshop or whatever you are using. But if you want to make sure you never, ever miss a screenshot, you need FRAPS or some other third-party software.


There is a free version (limitations, yuk) but hey, it's free. No viruses, no ads, no spyware. The free version only has certain file formats available and puts a watermark on your movies. If you really want it and you know you're going to use it, buy the full version from the site.


Also, if you are a windows user, there is no reason for you not to have your own antivirus/malware detector on your computer. There are lots of free ones that are all very good, including the one from Microsoft itself. Of course there are better options, but you should have something. There are lots of good, free, reputable antivirus software packages out there.

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I have not used the program before.

But why use a program to do something that has been built into Windows since at least Windows XP (probably well before it).


In SWTOR if you press "print screen" key it will put a picture into your documents folder/star wars / screenshots (something like that)


Because you can choose the format of the screenshot, for example PNG or jpeg, and also where the files go. You can also record your session. Also, there's lag in some games if you use print screen but I've never tried it with swtor.


Bandicam is also worth checking out. You can choose high or low quality jpeg files and if you record, it will automatically compress the files for you (so you don't have to use another program like VirtualDub to compress your files - you'll need it for FRAPS, the files are HUGE).

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Yep, FRAPS hasn't given me any trouble, great program, especially since I'm one of those people for whom print screen doesn't work during cut scenes. Two notes/addendums:


1. For the free version, you can only take 30 seconds of video at a time, and you can only save your images as bitmap files. If you want longer videos or other default save methods, you have to pay. However, you can convert the bitmap files into other formats (jpeg, for example) after the fact fairly easily, it just won't save them that way automatically.


2. There's this really nice feature for taking screenshots in the program: once you bind it to a key, you can set it to either just take one shot, or to keep taking shots at a specified interval until you press the key again. I usually use the second option, it increases the chance that I'll actually get something I like, but be warned: you can't forget that you pressed the key, otherwise you'll have MASSIVE amounts of screenshots of nothing in particular to go through and delete. Not a negative of the program, just a heads-up :)


All that said, I do recommend FRAPS if you want screenshots. Can't speak for the video recording, haven't tried that yet, but the pictures are great.

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FRAPS is an awesome company. I bought the paid version years ago and I still use it.


Go to the fraps official site, it's a small program that many, many gamers like and use. Unlike other programs, it's written competently and will not slow down your computer significantly.

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I use FRAPS all the time.


Very small program.


Very easy to use.


Only download from their official site and you will be fine.


Recording video with FRAPS can put your computer through a work out. (Decrease your FPS and overall performance) So make sure you have a decent rig and if you have problems then turn your game graphics down if you plan on recording video with FRAPS.


Think I hit all the basics there.

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I use FRAPS all the time.


Very small program.


Very easy to use.


Only download from their official site and you will be fine.


Recording video with FRAPS can put your computer through a work out. (Decrease your FPS and overall performance) So make sure you have a decent rig and if you have problems then turn your game graphics down if you plan on recording video with FRAPS.


Think I hit all the basics there.


Actually, 99% of that is solved by getting a second harddrive and recording to that instead of the same harddrive you have the game on.

Takes away almost all the fps and performance problems.

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ok i downloaded FRAPS, and i have a question because i am really hopeless with computers. when i got into the game and pressed the hotkey to take some screenshots these numbers appeared in the upper left-hand corner of my screen, in the FRAPS window they called this a overlay, what is this and whet does it do?
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ok i downloaded FRAPS, and i have a question because i am really hopeless with computers. when i got into the game and pressed the hotkey to take some screenshots these numbers appeared in the upper left-hand corner of my screen, in the FRAPS window they called this a overlay, what is this and whet does it do?


It shows you the fps (frames per second) of your game.

Basically it tells you how fast the game is displaying.

Anything above 60 is good.

For me personally I think 30+ is decent.

I record at 30fps because that's stable for my computer and it makes the youtube videos look fluid enough to me...

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