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Bioware ruining and tunneling class stories


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Makeb already felt like they tried to make all previous choices irrelevant and tried to save it by randomly quoting something different from each ending, but now even that is gone


And now i start the oricon quests with my agent (as a double agent for the republic) but the quest giver says my identity isnt on file which means it talks about the ending where you delete all your information and become a ghost


But i did not choose such an ending which means they are too lazy to even add different dialogue choices about your previous choices....

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Makeb already felt like they tried to make all previous choices irrelevant and tried to save it by randomly quoting something different from each ending, but now even that is gone


And now i start the oricon quests with my agent (as a double agent for the republic) but the quest giver says my identity isnt on file which means it talks about the ending where you delete all your information and become a ghost


But i did not choose such an ending which means they are too lazy to even add different dialogue choices about your previous choices....


This needs more attention!

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Individual class stories are over, they said so.. end of story.


Which pretty much means all your choises might as well have been for nothing

Also means no more emperor storyline for the wrath of the emperor which doesnt make much sense


Could you plz give me your source? just so i can post it and make everyone rage at biofail?

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Oricon story is great just the way it is.

So is Makeb.


Stop the 8 x class story voiceover madness, it´s a waste of money which can be used somewhere else way more effectively.


Individual class stories are over, they said so.. end of story.


No they didn't say that. They said it's not in their immediate plans to continue the class stories, but they never said they will never happen.


That being said, I have to agree.

As much as I'd like for my characters to get some new individual stories, Class Stories are, basically, a waste of money for Bioware.

They are not repeatable (and even if they did make them repeatable, it would be pointless), they require a lot of work and unless they add a significant amount of quests for each Class Story, they are content that might bring back some subscribers but will not keep them for more than a month (which is the main concern for an MMO that's not new anymore).

Edited by TheNahash
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I'm not sure about that story choice necessarily. Possibly just a vague reference to you being an imperial agent but I haven't done the story in full so I can't say. I had more issue with the choice being ripped from my hands and my characters just responding or saying things without me pressing the button. That was a rather jarring experience I'm not used to in BW games and it quite honestly felt weird.


I honestly think their removal of class stories is only a detriment to their game. Makeb's fun for maybe every other expansion but losing the personal touch to a character's story makes a lot of the effort and accomplishment feel wasted imo. They should at least try to get these Makeb-esque storylines to feel more class specific, or have more unique NPCs or dialogue for each one before making us repeat the same content imo.

Edited by Forgon
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Oricon story is great just the way it is.

So is Makeb.


Stop the 8 x class story voiceover madness, it´s a waste of money which can be used somewhere else way more effectively.


Individual class stories are over, they said so.. end of story.


Well they chose diplomatic words phrasing it in a "never say never" form... But once I did all the class stories I will quit my sub. If they cancel the main feature of their game and choose to continue with stuff we get every where else then fine... Then fine ignore the most requested feature of the community...

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I honestly think their removal of class stories is only a detriment to their game. Makeb's fun for maybe every other expansion but losing the personal touch to a character's story makes a lot of the effort and accomplishment feel wasted imo. They should at least try to get these Makeb-esque storylines to feel more class specific, or have more unique NPCs or dialogue for each one before making us repeat the same content imo.


I think they had as much "personal touch" as possible. The dialogues change based on your class and NPCs treat you differently. I don't think it would make sense to make it even more class-specific. If they wanted to do that, they would've added class stories on Makeb.

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Which pretty much means all your choises might as well have been for nothing

Also means no more emperor storyline for the wrath of the emperor which doesnt make much sense


Could you plz give me your source? just so i can post it and make everyone rage at biofail?


you want to rage? Then go rage. I am very happy that the 8 x story overkill ended and that more MMO features are getting into the game.




•Where does the development team stand with regards to individual class stories? Are these still a priority for upcoming content?


Great question. The way you choose to overcome your own personal villains is a crucial part of what defines your character, and once you’ve gotten closure on your personal story, you’re ready to be a key player in the larger conflicts that threaten the Empire and the Republic. Moving forward, we’re focusing on those stories – conflicts that decide the fate of the entire Galaxy and demand the attention of other living legends like yourself. You can still put your personal touch on these stories, and you’ll develop relationships just like before, but now the stakes are higher, and the experience can be shared with your friends.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Which pretty much means all your choises might as well have been for nothing

Also means no more emperor storyline for the wrath of the emperor which doesnt make much sense


Could you plz give me your source? just so i can post it and make everyone rage at biofail?


Perhaps go find and play another MMO that does give you what you want.... oh wait.... :rolleyes:


Besides.. they have not said never again.. just that they feel they deliver more value with the dual faction storylines post level 50.

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you want to rage? Then go rage. I am very happy that the 8 x story overkill ended and that more MMO features are getting into the game.




•Where does the development team stand with regards to individual class stories? Are these still a priority for upcoming content?


Great question. The way you choose to overcome your own personal villains is a crucial part of what defines your character, and once you’ve gotten closure on your personal story, you’re ready to be a key player in the larger conflicts that threaten the Empire and the Republic. Moving forward, we’re focusing on those stories – conflicts that decide the fate of the entire Galaxy and demand the attention of other living legends like yourself. You can still put your personal touch on these stories, and you’ll develop relationships just like before, but now the stakes are higher, and the experience can be shared with your friends.


Well put. The problem here is that the OP is one of these players who wants to just play the class story and not play the end game. This is an MMORPG. That stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Emphasis on the Multiplayer part. It is a social game that requires you to work with others to accomplish things. Lets be honest, the Heroics, Flashpoints, Operations and PVP are the best content in the game, and rightfully so.

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Esssentially, the game devs feel that individualized character progression reaches maturity at level 50. From that point forward.. it's about your character playing a contributing role to the larger tension between factions.


The way you choose to overcome your own personal villains is a crucial part of what defines your character, and once you’ve gotten closure on your personal story, you’re ready to be a key player in the larger conflicts that threaten the Empire and the Republic. Moving forward, we’re focusing on those stories – conflicts that decide the fate of the entire Galaxy and demand the attention of other living legends like yourself.
-Bruce Maclean (in the link referenced by LR above)


Now.. some people think this is somehow a crime against humanity. In reality, if actually follows the normal creative methodology of story telling (not just in the modern era, but for many centuries of human society). It is also how classic screenplay design is conducted as well and is particularly well displayed in most trilogy adventures on the screen.


And from a pragmatic standpoint.... extending 8 different stories for characters that have essentially already grown up and faced all their demons and over come them is a bad use of story telling assets IMO.


The MMO player based in general though has evolved from a community style "in it for the realm" approach to play to a more selfish "me me me" approach to play. Which is why there is so much complaining in the community about the absence of solo play story.... even though the faction based story arcs past 50 ARE actually solo content. Not much deep self-reflection going on IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Stop the 8 x class story voiceover madness, it´s a waste of money which can be used somewhere else way more effectively.

This is an interesting turn of phrase.


I expect that in BioWare’s eyes it translates into ‘to increase our profit'. And they’re probably using the simple formula of looking for ways to cut costs and to raise revenues. And I suspect that BioWare has a relatively short time frame in mind.


But taking a longer perspective, their decision may well NOT maximize profit at all. It all comes down to how many players are like you (and want more MMO features and place a lower priority on story aspects) and how many are like me (and are happy with the existing MMO aspects of SWTOR, and give far more weight to story).


When I’ve levelled characters in each of the 8 classes to 50 (and for some classes, in each of the 2 advanced versions), I’ll have little motivation to stick with SWTOR. That’s because the prospect of endless 'MMO features' played daily and weekly, or in PvP, and so on, bores me to tears. I shudder at the thought of 'end game'.


Similarly, I played through Makeb as a Warrior, then began as a Bounty Hunter but gave up halfway through, and won’t do it at all as an Agent or a Sorcerer. I might do it once as a Republic character and then I’ll be done with Makeb.


In other words, any expansions from now on will get at most one-quarter of the attention I used to give the game. And since the expansions are short (5 levels) and infrequent (once a year? If that?) it won’t be long before I’ve drifted away. I certainly wouldn’t keep my subscription going in between expansions, that’s for sure.


So how many are like me, and how many are like you? And is BioWare wise enough to take the 10-year view rather than the 1-year view?

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Well put. The problem here is that the OP is one of these players who wants to just play the class story and not play the end game. This is an MMORPG. That stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Emphasis on the Multiplayer part. It is a social game that requires you to work with others to accomplish things. Lets be honest, the Heroics, Flashpoints, Operations and PVP are the best content in the game, and rightfully so.

You could just as well say 'Emphasis on the Role-Playing part'.


And let's be honest, PvP is the worst content in the game, and obviously so.


There's more than one perspective, love.

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This is an interesting turn of phrase.


When I’ve levelled characters in each of the 8 classes to 50 (and for some classes, in each of the 2 advanced versions), I’ll have little motivation to stick with SWTOR. That’s because the prospect of endless 'MMO features' played daily and weekly, or in PvP, and so on, bores me to tears. I shudder at the thought of 'end game'.


Similarly, I played through Makeb as a Warrior, then began as a Bounty Hunter but gave up halfway through, and won’t do it at all as an Agent or a Sorcerer. I might do it once as a Republic character and then I’ll be done with Makeb.


So how many are like me, and how many are like you? And is BioWare wise enough to take the 10-year view rather than the 1-year view?


same for me. I understand there are different types of players, but if one group DEMANDS thet the devs abandon the other -it's not right. I know SWTOR needs pvp players and riders as much as solo story players.

I will not demand that devs do no new operations (I don't play them), as I understand the mass of "operationists" are needed to pay for my game. And vice versa.

I'm not sure what is an avarage playtime for solo story player to finish all the classes, but I'm getting close to finish (2-3 months at best) and have nothing to do in this game. If I'm close to avarage class story player you may witness a second massive exodus -this time the people who don't do endgame.

And I have a suspicion (I may be wrong, and I'm not trying to offend anyone) that large part of pvp players are not entirely dedicated to the Star Wars: as some of them write 'they don't care about story'. They may be more willing to change games when something new comes out. (as a pessimist I really hope I'm wrong on this)

I myself never played another MMO and probably will not in the future -I need my Star Wars stories, not duels, not mechanics, not class balance etc. If there are no stories -no reason to play and pay for this game.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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I dont think anyone on this forum is against class stories. In fact, most of us want them. Only difference is some of us understand it is too expensive content which last very short.

Also, by definition class stories belong to single player content and not MMO.

ToR is most expensive game in history, and I think it is largely due to those stories with cinematics and voiceovers. And that expensive game almost sunk. Think BW dont want to repeat same mistake.

Also, people were asking for class stories in WoW and Blizzard said same thing - too expensive.

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It's a sad day indeed when something that was so central to this game (Class story arcs) is looked down upon by so many members of the community.


I remember pre-launch when class stories where the major selling point of Swtor...


Not everyone likes the endgame grind. Some of us are here for the vast RP opportunities Star Wars can bring.


While I understand that voice acting and story writing costs a hell of a lot of money, it's a shame it's had to be set on the back burner...

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Oricon story is great just the way it is.

So is Makeb.


Stop the 8 x class story voiceover madness, it´s a waste of money which can be used somewhere else way more effectively.


Individual class stories are over, they said so.. end of story.


Even by Biowares own claims the voice over costs weren't that extensive,so not sure what you are railing on about here?

Edited by Hyfy
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I remember pre-launch when class stories where the major selling point of Swtor...



Sure it was selling point, it still is. Back then, when you bought ToR, you got class stories. Now, new player dont even have to buy ToR, only download and get stories for free.

I dont see where BW lied, maybe with selling, now gives for free :)

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All the talk of how your characters have moved on into the bigger arena is just spin doctoring. The characters all had story arcs planned out past ch. 3. Hopefully enough people have made it clear that the sloppy way Makeb was written isn't adequate and they will do a better job in the future. Even thought the cantina tours have crushed all hope for a proper Ch. 4, I still have a small amount of hope for better faction stories. Ones where the class nods aren't treated like fill in the blanks, but actually acknowledge each character's personality and past and, gasp, actually make sense for each one.


I've never played an MMO that was all about "endgame" and if the endless daily/weekly grind is what modern MMOs have turned into, then I've got to weep for the genre.

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Well they chose diplomatic words phrasing it in a "never say never" form... But once I did all the class stories I will quit my sub. If they cancel the main feature of their game and choose to continue with stuff we get every where else then fine... Then fine ignore the most requested feature of the community...


I've been a sub since before launch, without interruption. After they said they're not doing class story extensions any more, with their 'never say never' attached to it, in such a way that makes you feel, like they said that just to jerk people along for their cash, I cancelled my sub.


They think continuing indi class story is a waste? Well, I think the game is a waste of money without the continuations, so I'm not paying in another dime for sub or cash shop.


If they ever come to their senses and do proper expansions with proper class story continuation, and other things like player housing, I'd likely return, but I refuse to throw good money after bad, so they can waste it on their around the world beer drinking parties, where they have the nerve to look people in the face and say 'yah, it's over, but never say never.'


Storys over? = Me, the hell outta here. So yeah, enjoy running dailies til your eyes bleed and watching dark council members, wrath's and heroic jedi kill rats in Czerka's basement. Fun. :mad:

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The game needs more content that holds up well to being repeatable. Even Makeb, with the compromises they made is a chunk of content that you only play through once per character, and becomes a chore on every other character.


Oricon is an example of how the story should evolve between level cap increases, a one time quest with major plot points, leading into the newest operation. The game should push and encourage max level players to participate in large group content like operations. For players not interested in group content, the conclusion of chapter 3 is the end of the road for them, and I don't think that should be seen as a bad thing.


Further out, when they decide to raise the level cap again, some engine improvements to support a larger playable region with a focus on exploration and discovery would be fantastic. Big use of the macrobinoculars, excavation device, special mounts that have acceleration and super high speeds. A sandbox play-field with a swtor flavor focusing on exploration and repeatable content.

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Oricon is an example of how the story should evolve between level cap increases, a one time quest with major plot points, leading into the newest operation. The game should push and encourage max level players to participate in large group content like operations.


It's kind of a bait and switch though there, isn't it? This MMORPG stands apparently unique for being the only one on the market (to my knowledge...correct me if I'm wrong and I'll go play something else) that puts story above all else...only to then devolve into industry-standard raid farming. Certainly, I'd rather this game play to its niche, and it seems like that would be the logical way to build more of a playerbase (after all, why should, say, the player of some other bigger game that shall remain nameless come to this game if it's just offering what they already get in the other game?). Speaking from my own experience, I recently started getting into Ops because I thought I was missing out on story...turns out they don't really have much story anyway. Was left with a sort of "that was kind of pointless" feeling. Not that the fights weren't fun, too, but when the payoff you're set up to feel while leveling is story fulfillment, and the payoff for raiding is "maybe you'll get l33t l00ts"...I dunno


On that note also, if we do go ahead and move forward with your ideal that the game should be pushing people to raid, it does a poor job streamlining the transition. You can play any way you like up to 50, and the breaks in actual game activity are only as long as you want to make them, but once you get to the end game, team makeup ratios are strict, and don't match what's actually available to play, so you better hope you're lucky enough to find yourself in demand, and don't you dare play one of those "inferior" builds just because it's fun!

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Laziness in pure form.

Is it so hard to have 3 options depend on last live contact Agent have ... 3 models and 6 phrases or so (on ship, then on planet just refer to it as contractor or agent depend of story).

Not so expensive, not so extremely complex.

Same laziness with Makeb intro if you start it before finish class quest (happening even without 2xXP) or with no difference output of choices for any class.


But it is not new, we see it in CM designs, clipping sets on mounts, companions stories finishing with no trace & so on.


Live with it, never going to change ...

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