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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

sniper needs a buff against intelligent players


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Seriously, it is the worst pvp class against someone with half a brain

Everytime you try to hit they just hide behind a pillar or some objects, and objects are EVERYWHERE


Seriously, people are even trolling snipers because everytime they start casting they jsut hide behind a pillar, and it is even worse when they can heal...

rooting them just lets you pull off some damage but at the end they are just going back and heal to full



inb4 "go to an open enviroment aka behind your teams which results in no targets or behind the enemies which means you are dead cuz 8v1"

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Seriously, it is the worst pvp class against someone with half a brain

Everytime you try to hit they just hide behind a pillar or some objects, and objects are EVERYWHERE


Seriously, people are even trolling snipers because everytime they start casting they jsut hide behind a pillar, and it is even worse when they can heal...

rooting them just lets you pull off some damage but at the end they are just going back and heal to full



inb4 "go to an open enviroment aka behind your teams which results in no targets or behind the enemies which means you are dead cuz 8v1"


7/10 made me smile.

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But if they're hiding behind cover they can't kill you either. Sounds perfectly balanced to me.


The perfect counter to a sniper is an assault mando. Why? They can dot, then hide and cleanse your dots. And if they get caught, they'll just run away with HtL. That is the only thing assault mandos are good at... :p

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Seriously, it is the worst pvp class against someone with half a brain

Everytime you try to hit they just hide behind a pillar or some objects, and objects are EVERYWHERE


So what? You just denied him access to an area he needs to go to cap an objective. Mission accomplished.

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So what? You just denied him access to an area he needs to go to cap an objective. Mission accomplished.

1)unless kill is secured mission has failed

2)you dont deny him ANYTHING, he just gets out of the pillar, instants you and hides again, against a class with heals its 100% loss



perfect scenario for sniper

Sniper roots the person before he hides behind pillar

drops probe and ambush and deals a good amount of damage

enemy hides behind pillar and tries to heal

sniper goes behind that pillar(usually reducing his LoS even more since there are more ways to hide behind the pillar or other objects now)

uses close range push ability to root him for a few seconds so you ll get more damage on him before he runs behind the pillar.

enemy player with low health now just runs around the pillar like crazy and you cant do **** to him


Worst case scenario for sniper

8V8 fights

people hide behind the pillar when they are low

enemy healers heal them and then they come back and keep eating your health

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Seriously snipers have the highest DPS in game, they are ranged, have a knockback, roots,have massive CC and decent tools to evade and move. With better stealth detection you are decent against you arch nemesis the stealthers. They are a living nightmare for mara and juggs. In the open field you can basically nail down any class before they are even in your range, and only lightning /tk sorc/sage have the same range at all. You can be leapt or pulled while in cover (as operatives, how much we will miss that).

What exactly do you want get buffed, because I don't really see any area where it makes sense, unless you want get to ridiculous land.

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1)unless kill is secured mission has failed


Nonsense. When defending objective, mission is to prevent enemy from interacting with objective until help arrives, not killing him.


2)you dont deny him ANYTHING, he just gets out of the pillar, instants you and hides again, against a class with heals its 100% loss


Sure, if he can do this for 2 minutes straight he could probably whittle you down to zero life with instants. However that means you successfully defended an objective for 2 minutes, which is more than enough for backup to arrive.




perfect scenario for sniper

Sniper roots the person before he hides behind pillar

drops probe and ambush and deals a good amount of damage

enemy hides behind pillar and tries to heal

sniper goes behind that pillar(usually reducing his LoS even more since there are more ways to hide behind the pillar or other objects now)

uses close range push ability to root him for a few seconds so you ll get more damage on him before he runs behind the pillar.

enemy player with low health now just runs around the pillar like crazy and you cant do **** to him


Perfect scenario doesn't involve orbital strike? AOE attack? Hit him despite him being out of LOS?


Your whole problem seems to be "I cannot win this 1v1 fight IF the enemy is a ranged class and IF the enemy can heal himself and IF the enemy has a pillar to hide behind!!!" Dude, that's one of the very few weaknesses the class has!


Worst case scenario for sniper

8V8 fights

people hide behind the pillar when they are low

enemy healers heal them and then they come back and keep eating your health


Why aren't you shooting the enemy healer? Or someone else who isn't behind a pillar?

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Snipers these days. :rolleyes: You should have played it back prior to I think 1.4; when heavy armor wearers meant you were not going to burn most targets down anyway, unless you are lethality. These days, a lot of snipers think their role is the sole damage dealer and killer. Even though you are powerfull enough to do it to dumb players, it doesn't mean it's so.
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Nonsense. When defending objective, mission is to prevent enemy from interacting with objective until help arrives, not killing him.




Sure, if he can do this for 2 minutes straight he could probably whittle you down to zero life with instants. However that means you successfully defended an objective for 2 minutes, which is more than enough for backup to arrive.




Perfect scenario doesn't involve orbital strike? AOE attack? Hit him despite him being out of LOS?


Your whole problem seems to be "I cannot win this 1v1 fight IF the enemy is a ranged class and IF the enemy can heal himself and IF the enemy has a pillar to hide behind!!!" Dude, that's one of the very few weaknesses the class has!




Why aren't you shooting the enemy healer? Or someone else who isn't behind a pillar?

i am wasting time responding to you since you are either pubstomping or trolling since you refuse to accept logic but someone else might read this and realize the problem

1) yes cuz staying in a base where 1 person might come after 10 minutes is very enjoyable. And lets say you a jugg is defending, he will be better at dispatching the enemy than you


Now lets say you are attacking on alderaan, you manage to root out the stealther and try to kill him, woops then he just hides behind the node and delays you till help arrives and they both kill you


Thus sniper is both a weak attacker and defender


2)any other class would be able to defend an object more efficiently WITHOUT dying


3)oh yes, lets use a 3 second aoe skill that deals that giagantic damage that it ll make him . first you leave him open wide for almost 4.4 seconds to attack you and hide doing more damage to you

secondly he doesnt give a damn about that small amount of damage especially if he can heal

he can just get far away while still behind pillar and heal and then just come back


4)obviously i cant kill the enemy healer since he is behind his team and also usually behind the pillar so he can heal anyone who has low hp and send him back 100%


and yes if you cant kill it, other classes are better at doing any job

Edited by ralphieceaser
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So what do you propose OP? What could possibly be given to snipers yet which wouldn't make it very OP?


I still think you need to abandon the marksman tree. Go Lethality, Engineering, or Leth/Eng hybrid and LOL as they freak out while bomblets go off from the DOTs.

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So what do you propose OP? What could possibly be given to snipers yet which wouldn't make it very OP?


I still think you need to abandon the marksman tree. Go Lethality, Engineering, or Leth/Eng hybrid and LOL as they freak out while bomblets go off from the DOTs.


Next patch snipers get bankshots "the sniper shoots two shots banking the second off the first to hit enemies around corners"

Given BWs love of snipers I expect this soon

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Next patch snipers get bankshots "the sniper shoots two shots banking the second off the first to hit enemies around corners"

Given BWs love of snipers I expect this soon


yes ricochet!! that is the PERFECT solution

Give snipers the abillity for 10 seconds(45 cd) to hit enemies that are inside your range disregarding enviroment objects.

Thats the best idea ever

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Seriously, people are even trolling snipers because everytime they start casting they jsut hide behind a pillar, and it is even worse when they can heal...

rooting them just lets you pull off some damage but at the end they are just going back and heal to full


Right...because the ENTIRE enemy team is going to be hiding behind the pillar just to "troll" the sniper. Learn to pick another target, problem solved. Just because you can't stop tunneling doesn't mean the class is broken and needs a buff.

Edited by jackrunip
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Yes. Objects are indeed overpowered. Objects need nerfing.


Next we know we'll have teams of LOS'ing objects making us all unsub :(


Actually, now that you mention it, most of the attacks in this game should really be able to cut through most obstacles. The slightly heavy military gear right now can ignore most walls and such, especially with the right ammo, and we are hundreds or thousands of years behind SW tech...

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Right...because the ENTIRE enemy team is going to be hiding behind the pillar just to "troll" the sniper. Learn to pick another target, problem solved. Just because you can't stop tunneling doesn't mean the class is broken and needs a buff.


sorry but try defending at voidstar against an intelligent team and you ll see

Anyone can pwn noobs that run around like chickens with their heads cut off


But intelligent players will be close to the pillar, usually getting healed by a healer that is hiding behind them and you cant touch, and ANY INTELLIGENT enemy who gets low on health just hides behind the pillar


This strategy makes the sniper literally useless since he does damage but it doesnt matter since the enemy is just going to come back and keep chipping off at you while they are being healed...


ricochet suggestion is the way to go

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Now lets say you are attacking on alderaan, you manage to root out the stealther and try to kill him, woops then he just hides behind the node and delays you till help arrives and they both kill you


Let me use your own words:


So what? You just denied him access to an area he needs to go to cap an objective. Mission accomplished.


1)unless kill is secured mission has failed


So. When YOU defend, you feel your mission has failed unless you can kill the attacker(delaying isnt enough)


But. When HE defends, you feel his mission succeeded because he delayed you till help arrives.


Double standards much?:rolleyes:

Edited by Sharee
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