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"Free cartel coins"


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Am I the only one who has a bad taste in their mouth reading every month that we get our "free" cartel coins?

Could you please stop calling them free? They are not free! They are part of my sub and I pay money for them...


Actually they are free, considering you actually have to pay real money to get Cartel coins off the site. Its nice to get something free because they appreciate my loyal service to the game. Very different to my old MMO game "**** and give more money for this NOW! Don't if you have been loyal subscribed for 6 years!"

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I'm not sure that's entirely true. I went F2P earlier this year. I had the security key (android version) from when I was a subscriber. Then something happened to the app and it had to be reloaded. They said that F2P people were not allows to install the app so they had to give me a 1 day credit so that I could get the app reinstalled.


so with that, it seems that the F2P people are not really supposed to get the 100 coins because they are not supposed to have the key app.

You cannot "go F2P." When someone's sub runs out, they "go Preferred." Preferred who activated the app key while they were subbed can continue to use it (and presumably get the 100 CC) after their sub runs out. F2P who want to use the key have to buy the key, which makes them Preferred.


Actually they are free

Please post the link to the $0 sub option. I would prefer that one to the $15 option.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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You cannot "go F2P." When someone's sub runs out, they "go Preferred." Preferred who activated the app key while they were subbed can continue to use it (and presumably get the 100 CC) after their sub runs out. F2P who want to use the key have to buy the key, which makes the Preferred.



Please post the link to the $0 sub option. I would prefer that one to the $15 option.


Don't you bogart that. If you find it, you'd better share :p

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Yes, it's just you (and a few others). Who cares if they are free or part of the sub, you get them and you can use them, the actual label applied is irrelevant.


Ugh, Language isn't irrelevant. Words, and the context in which they are used, have meaning, and this meaning is important for communication.


The Cartel Coins are not Free, they are Complementary, which are two very different words with two very different meanings. If people weren't lazy with their word use this wouldn't be an issue.

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Ugh, Language isn't irrelevant. Words, and the context in which they are used, have meaning, and this meaning is important for communication.


The Cartel Coins are not Free, they are Complementary, which are two very different words with two very different meanings. If people weren't lazy with their word use this wouldn't be an issue.


Search for my further posts and then you will see why I critize the "free" coins. I am regarding to the German mail you receive once you get the Coins. There they are called free ;)

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"Am I the only one who has a bad taste in their mouth reading every month that we get our "free" cartel coins?

Could you please stop calling them free? They are not free! They are part of my sub and I pay money for them... " Brexten


Nope, not seeing them, or are you referring to your later post where you went back and tried to cover your *** when folks pointed out that they are called complimentary coins not free coins. If it is the later, then maybe you should have said that to begin with, rather then making the post you made.


Since your issue deals with a Localization issue and a CS issue on top of that, maybe a rant in the general forum was the incorrect place to voice your issue. Your original post has nothing to do with having an issue dealing with an email reminder that your allotment of monthly coins has been deposited. Next time file the correct complaint in the correct forum and maybe you can avoid creating a massive argument, unless of course that was your original intent.


Yes, I read the entire thread.

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That is absolutely the case. You can't install it in F2P, but it works if it's already there. BUT, I was not receiving a 100 coin credit while I was F2P, even though I had the key app. You still need to be a subscriber to get any coins.


I wasn't sure if the app still gave the coins while free. I knew the hardware version one does as I went free for a couple of months but being a CE owner, I had the hardware key. So I just thought the app would still give coins too. You cleared that up.


I knew the app only was one per account (I think hardware can be on 5 accounts). I had the app version first then found the CE at a Gamestop for 20 dollars out of pocket. That happened prior to my Premium status months. But the key is 5 dollars and if you are a cartel coin person but don't want to sub, it's a way to go for coins. You recoup the 5 dollars in less than half a year plus have access to the security key vendor. So I would call the security key coins "free after 5 months" if you had to buy the key and didn't already have it prior to the F2P conversion and creation of the CM.

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The Cartel Coins are not Free, they are Complementary, which are two very different words with two very different meanings. If people weren't lazy with their word use this wouldn't be an issue.


Looking up the words, they seem to mean exactly the same. In fact, one refers to the other for its definition:



2. given or supplied free of charge.

"a complimentary bottle of wine"

synonyms: free, free of charge, gratis, for nothing; Morecourtesy; informalon the house

"complimentary tickets"



1. without cost or payment.

"ladies were admitted free"

synonyms: without charge, free of charge, for nothing; Morecomplimentary, gratis; informalfor free, on the house

"admission is free"

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It seems more of a disagreement about the meaning of "free" not about if complementary does equal free or not.


According to the definition you posted, the cartel coins are free and they are not... depending on which part of the definition you use.


The cartel coins are free of charge (=you are not charged for the coins)... but not for nothing (you only get them, if you buy the subscription).


In the end it is just arguing semanticcs about a globally used marketing trick, which just isn't worth this hassle.

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It seems more of a disagreement about the meaning of "free" not about if complementary does equal free or not.


According to the definition you posted, the cartel coins are free and they are not... depending on which part of the definition you use.


The cartel coins are free of charge (=you are not charged for the coins)... but not for nothing (you only get them, if you buy the subscription).


In the end it is just arguing semanticcs about a globally used marketing trick, which just isn't worth this hassle.


The supplied definition actually show free is not what the coins are. Or even complimentary.


When you get comp tickets to anything, they don't say "Only if you pay for something at the concession stand". I've gotten comp tickets to football games having a family member on the team. I got the tickets he reserved. He didn't spend a cent on them and neither did I. But I didn't get to the stadium to be told that I had to pay for something else just to get the comp tickets.

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The supplied definition actually show free is not what the coins are. Or even complimentary.


When you get comp tickets to anything, they don't say "Only if you pay for something at the concession stand". I've gotten comp tickets to football games having a family member on the team. I got the tickets he reserved. He didn't spend a cent on them and neither did I. But I didn't get to the stadium to be told that I had to pay for something else just to get the comp tickets.

There are numerous examples for both kind.... several were mentioned in this thread.


It remains a fact, that marketing departments all around the world are using the term "free" or "gratis" or "complementary" in a different meaning than the OP would like to. Getting angry about such semantics will not do anything.

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The funny part about that is that you need to save your cartel coins for half a year to buy one Tauntaun Mount.


Almost as funnny as paying aproximatly 20 € ie equivalent of many new PC games for a single not-out-of-ordinary digital mount.

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yes, words matter and semantics matter in most cases

People just need to split the game and the CM and realize they are separate entities. Your sub pays for the game, cash pays for Cartel Coins (which is why you don't get to buy sub time with cc).


Prior to the game going F2P you got full access to the game, forums and unlocks. Once the game went F2P you still got that but had access to the CM as well. Thus they give you coins to purchase (and hopefully incentive to buy more).


You go to a cafeteria where you can buy a sandwich for $5, and a drink for $1 or the combo meal for $6 and comes with the sandwich, drink and a voucher for a bag of chips in the vending machine which is outside the cafeteria. Vending machine is for people who choose to bring their lunch can also purchase a bag of chips, and saves the cafeteria from having to stock both places with chips.



You go to a 3D movie and get a "free" pair of classes. Movie coasts more due to the new technology and increased costs of having two projectors. The movie costs the same whether you use the classes or not (since you technically could keep them from another theater and still see the movie in 3D, or no use classes at all).


As for the CC they could be removed with no consequence to the game play, which is what your subscription pays for. They could triple the award (and also triple the prices but keep the same $$ per CC) and would people then say they are getting a "free" subscription since the value of the CC is worth as much or more than the subscription?

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There are numerous examples for both kind.... several were mentioned in this thread.


It remains a fact, that marketing departments all around the world are using the term "free" or "gratis" or "complementary" in a different meaning than the OP would like to. Getting angry about such semantics will not do anything.


I think the OP wants BW to just say it's part of the sub. Does it really change anything? I don't think so. Basically because the 5 dollars worth of virtual coins with the 15 dollar sub is pretty standard in freemium MMOs. TOR wasn't the first to do it and won't be the last either. So yes, getting angry won't do anything. And if BW were to just say it's part of our sub instead of the hiding it behind the word "complimentary", I doubt many would change their sub status over it. Or change it if they never admit it. Basically it's not going to change any subs or just a very small portion.


I have voiced that I don't like them using the word. But will it change anything really with me towards the game either way? Honestly, no. I see the OP's PoV but it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things is right.


Game has bigger issues but since those that came before TOR called their coins "complimentary", TOR just followed suit in my eyes. But part of me thinks BW shouldn't be a "walk behinder" and actually break some walls down. The company has thought outside the box before which that history is why a lot of people liked BW in the first place years ago.

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The original poster is correct. Cartel coins you pay money for are not free.


However, I would say there are many things they say which are deceptive, some intentionally. Some violate consumer protection laws outside the US.


For example, the "discounted" label. Putting up an item (at it's initial price) as "discounted" with a fake price that was never available shown crossed out for the purposes of misleading consumers.... that's illegal in some places.

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The original poster is correct. Cartel coins you pay money for are not free.


However, I would say there are many things they say which are deceptive, some intentionally. Some violate consumer protection laws outside the US.


For example, the "discounted" label. Putting up an item (at it's initial price) as "discounted" with a fake price that was never available shown crossed out for the purposes of misleading consumers.... that's illegal in some places.


Really? Then they are lucky to be based in the US because in the next couple of days every retailer in the US will be doing that. :D

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The funny part about that is that you need to save your cartel coins for half a year to buy one Tauntaun Mount.


Almost as funnny as paying aproximatly 20 € ie equivalent of many new PC games for a single not-out-of-ordinary digital mount.




Clearly, the tauntaun on the CM is for those players who are either too lazy or unwilling to spend a couple hours grinding out the tauntauns in game. In other words.. it's an optional pathway for people who in fact prefer to spend real money on CCs in exchange for their time.


Money and time are ..... for all practical purposes two forms of the same energy.. in that you expend them to obtain something.


Happily, Bioware does this for players who want/like/choose to make use of it.. while at the same time not providing end game gear and mods that would make the game pay-2-win in nature.

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Clearly, the tauntaun on the CM is for those players who are either too lazy or unwilling to spend a couple hours grinding out the tauntauns in game. In other words.. it's an optional pathway for people who in fact prefer to spend real money on CCs in exchange for their time.


Money and time are ..... for all practical purposes two forms of the same energy.. in that you expend them to obtain something.


Happily, Bioware does this for players who want/like/choose to make use of it.. while at the same time not providing end game gear and mods that would make the game pay-2-win in nature.


Normally I wouldn't buy one for the price they are selling it for. I have a limit of $25 that I'll pay for an Account wide mount. But they are currently having the 50% off the first In-Game CC purchase. That means I pay $20 for 5500 coins, use 3000 for the mount, 1000 to unlock to account, making the mount cost just under $15.

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The supplied definition actually show free is not what the coins are. Or even complimentary.


When you get comp tickets to anything, they don't say "Only if you pay for something at the concession stand". I've gotten comp tickets to football games having a family member on the team. I got the tickets he reserved. He didn't spend a cent on them and neither did I. But I didn't get to the stadium to be told that I had to pay for something else just to get the comp tickets.


This is a scenario that doesn't compare to the current one though. I'm sure you still have to pay for things at the concession stand even though your tickets were free. If you DID pay for the tickets and were told that you got free concession stand food as a bonus, wouldn't you consider that a nice free perk since you would have had to pay for it otherwise?


The semantics here are truly mind boggling. If I order a pizza and get a free 2 liter of soda with it, I consider it a bonus/perk/nice customer service gesture instead of raging because I had to buy a pizza to get it. I paid for the value of the pizza, not for the soda, so it's still a free soda. The same is going on here with cartel coins and subscription...


The value of subscription + 500 or so cartel coins is $20+ a month. You're getting it for a $15 value which certainly does mean the coins are complimentary.

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