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Everything posted by Akrian

  1. How many crickets are hit or used in a game of cricket? How many rugs are used in Rugby? See, Americans do not have a monopoly on poorly named sports.
  2. Respecs are free as a subscriber, which if you are posting in this forum, as far as I knew you had a sub running. As for the OP, yes, they do full resets when major changes occur to the tree. For example in this patch several Sorc/Sage abilities where moved completely around in their tree. Some went from say tier 4 to tier 2, this means the game has to reset your points because you may not have a legitimate build anymore for each tier to unlock the next one.
  3. @Robertthebard, it sounds to me like you PVE, so what exactly is it are you complaining about? Smash works the same, baring needing a target in PVE, I am confused why you seem to be completely losing your mind over a change that does not effect you in the slightest, while constantly denigrating PVP players as the most clueless and stupid players to ever use a keyboard in an online environment.
  4. Yup, because they are totally not dependent on a 3 second channel for 29-30% of their damage. Smash abilities are instant cast, they also have two gap closers, vengeance/vigilance has one.
  5. Gotta agree, the title itself said spoilers, kind of like a sign that says Beware of Dogs and you still go inside and get bit you have only yourself to blame.
  6. Almost positive this is a comment ment to be funny, however in case it isn't I just want to list a couple MMO's that came out before WoW. Ultima Online was outstanding, however I have heard tale there was an MMO before it. Then there was Everquest, not sure how folks can forget that one, it was as far as I can remember the first 3D MMO. Then you had Dark Ages of Camelot, still before WoW and in the same year you had Anarchy Online. Two years later you had Star Wars Galaxies, finally a year after that you had WoW. I am also sure I am missing a few MMO's, but those were the ones I remember.
  7. I'm curious why it is people act like if an MMO doesn't match or exceed WoW numbers it is a failure. If having the second highest sub numbers of a western mmo is a failure I suppose any FPS that doesn't beat CoD is a failure, any TPS that doesn't sell as well as Gears of War is a failure, any action game that doesn't sell as well as God of War is a failure....see where I am going with this? Do I think ESO is going to do well, no idea, not a fortune teller, if I could see the future I would have one hell of a stock portfolio. As for the cash shop, who cares, if you are tired of game companies nickel and diming you, STOP BUYING THEIR GAMES. Get your friends to stop, get their friends to stop, but whatever you do, do NOT BUY THIER GAMES. Doing it while complaining about it is NOT the way to get them to change. That is comparable to complaining about how unhealthy cigarettes are while smoking...
  8. Nice necro of an eight month old thread.
  9. F2P accounts can not post on the forums, they also can not file help tickets or receive help from support.
  10. Pretty sure that comment was not needed. The Republic population on almost every server was significantly less then the imp side. A lot had to do with the lead up to the launch with most of the marketing targeting the Empire, with Republic looking like morons. Throw in class imbalances at launch, the awful mess that was Illum, these all lead to even further faction imbalances, where Reps either quit or threw in the towel and rerolled to the Empire. I know for the people I played with the only reason left to stay Republic was the instant queue pops, then after same vs same faction warzones was added, even that incentive was removed. It has absolutely nothing to do with the caliber of players, the exact same thing happened in Warhammer Online. The arrogance of people on these forums is truly astounding.
  11. There is no cut scene, there is a fade to black, then it cuts back in for one or two more convo wheels, but that has nothing to do with the marriage. The marriage one doesn't even get that, it is "Want to get married, Kira?" "Sure, sounds good." Next conversation, "Hey wife." "Hey, husband." That is about the extent of that romance.
  12. What I can't figure out is how people are getting that it looks like a batting stance. If your batting stance is having the bat in the middle of your body, please, get a pinch hitter. The guardians combat stance would be one of the worst batting stances I have every seen. His strike zone would be ENORMOUS, he would have ZERO swing zone, since you actually want to connect with the ball right around midline and carry it out, he would be better off bunting in that stance.
  13. A heroic 2+ does not count your companion, it means you and another player. Yes there are some that are easier then others, and yes healers or hybrids can definitely solo heroic 2+ and many of the heroic 4+, but that is because they have the ability to lockout one elite for 60 seconds every 60 seconds. They usually have a good beefy tank cc and good dps output themselves. As a guardian 2 silvers and a gold elite is a lot to ask to solo, you are not meant to solo that.
  14. Is that an adaptive version of the medium armor chest you are wearing? I always loved that chest piece but it was only medium armor and when I played my guardian there was no such thing as adaptive armor.
  15. It seems to me this trend of anti-hero's and villains being cool while the good guy is boring seemed to start in the early 90's with comics, especially Image Comics where just about every one of their characters was Marvel's Punisher in different skins. You also had metal really hitting it's stride around the early to mid 90's and you saw gangster rap starting to become more main stream in the early to mid 90's. American culture during this time and going forward really began to latch onto and fall in love with the "bad" guy image rather then viewing it as something to be shunned, something that is harmful to a productive society, or at least a healthy free society. As for Star Wars, near the end of the 90's was also the rise of the most over hyped villain in recent history, Darth Maul. It didn't matter that he died in one of the most embarrassing ways due to one of the most overboard shows of arrogance in movie history, he was "cool". It was also during the prequels that the light side was made out to be the biggest chumps in the galaxy on large screen as well, which did absolutely nothing to help the image of the "good" guys. Fact is I am surprised there were any servers where the Republic outnumbered the Empire, especially with all the information leading up to the release showing the Republic doing nothing but losing.
  16. Wrong, as Imperial you DO NOT kill Revan, he vanishes before he is killed. However when that flashpoint came out Imperials did kill him, but it was changed due to fan backlash. Bioware was actually surprised people were mad about killing Revan.
  17. Would you remove the deadbolts from your doors? I mean you still have the door handle lock (your password), so why bother with deadbolts (Security Key).
  18. And PvE players never exploit, cheat or abuse the system? This was without a doubt a troll response and I am aware I am feeding it, but that is just such a biased comment I had no choice but to rise to the bait.
  19. I think you should reword that to, how long do Knights etcetera, etcetera, Blade Storm is not just a sentinel ability.
  20. Using your example, which by the way the math doesn't make sense on, if they had stacked as you are claiming, when the 9 second wore off you would have had still had 17 seconds left over after the 9 second had finished ticking. However it is functioning as it is suppose to, which by your own statement verifies that, barring your awful math. As the 9 second was ticking the 17 second was ALSO ticking, so once the 9 second had finished ticking you still had 8 seconds left on the second debuff, that also happens to be when that debuff's actual effects began affecting you. There was NO stacking, again had they actually been stacking as you keep claiming that would have been 26 seconds of debuffs running on you at the time you took note of the times left, as it was you only had to endure 17 seconds.
  21. Changing base class will never happen. Your characters track so much information and you are proposing to wipe all of that, just so you can avoid making a new character. Just an example of some of the things that would need to be reset, companions removed, crafting skills reset to zero and removed, ship access removed since you have not been awarded the ship for the new class, all quest data since I seriously doubt they are going to create a system to simply reset just the class quest information. So now you have a blank slate character, that just happens to be level 55. Congratulations, now go run your class storyline, pick a new AC then come on the forums crying that the new class is not what you wanted, nor is the new AC and you want to a refund and switched back to your old class at the same point in the storyline you left off at, which will of course be impossible since all that data was deleted.
  22. I am going to go out on a limb here and say they really don't care, seeing as how they put zero effort into naming someone Lkajskldjalwejd they probably don't care how Lkajskldjalwejd looks either.
  23. Um..hate to break it to you, but unless you want to eat food, gas is not just a luxury. We as a society expanded not only where we live in relation to our work, but also in relation to our food. Farmers need fuel to harvest that food you eat, the truck driver needs fuel to delivery said food to the grocery store for your consumption. Not everyone lives on a farm and is able to produce everything they need to live, hence why gas is actually mandatory as long as we are living in the society we currently occupy.
  24. "Am I the only one who has a bad taste in their mouth reading every month that we get our "free" cartel coins? Could you please stop calling them free? They are not free! They are part of my sub and I pay money for them... " Brexten Nope, not seeing them, or are you referring to your later post where you went back and tried to cover your *** when folks pointed out that they are called complimentary coins not free coins. If it is the later, then maybe you should have said that to begin with, rather then making the post you made. Since your issue deals with a Localization issue and a CS issue on top of that, maybe a rant in the general forum was the incorrect place to voice your issue. Your original post has nothing to do with having an issue dealing with an email reminder that your allotment of monthly coins has been deposited. Next time file the correct complaint in the correct forum and maybe you can avoid creating a massive argument, unless of course that was your original intent. Yes, I read the entire thread.
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