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When will we be able to romance same grender companions?


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I am pretty sure somewhere it was said that they have no plans on changing the current companions.

As much as it sucks those companions are straight and they shouldn't change. Since it would screw up anyone who wishes to romance them if they are done with that companions quests.

I just wish that the 'flirt' option was in addition to, not replacing one of, the regular conversation choices. Perhaps a config option to turn off flirt choices for a character and get all the regular conversation choices instead, if the game is locked into 'maximum of three choices'.

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Ignoring the "bi people are just lying hoho" nonsense, the reality of the world is that people flirt/hit on each other and flirting with one gender doesn't automatically mean someone is not interested in the other one and except for the (close) famile/friend circle, no one will know or predict what orientation someone is because you don't have it displayed on your forehead so yeah, they may ask you out/flirt. Your Agent meets a girl on new planet, she likes the Agent, may flirt with him/her. Pick "no" option, move on. Simple. And you CONSTANTLY see options you will never use/pursue, it's there so that other can use it. Once again, pick "No thx k bai" and get over it. Just like in real life when someone you ain't into hits on you.


Pretty much this. i've had to politely decline propositions from all genders at different times, and other than the ones who refuse to take a hint it doesn't bother me at all. Also FWIW i've had several friends of both genders who were bi in the sense that their interest in someone had far more to do with personality and demeanor than physical gender. Sexual preference is a continuum, it's not a binary or trinary state. It ranges from "overwhelmingly prefers girls" to "overwhelmingly prefers boys", with any number of points in between. i'm all for every shade of the romantic rainbow being available in game as an option for those who want it even though the odds are high that i'd never pursue any of them.


Anyway... this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=590526 has been going on for quite some time if the discussion of same gender romantic options is of interest. It's been around for a while, so there's a lot of material there. (It's actually the successor to a previous thread that itself was closed due to length. This is so not a new topic...)

Edited by NyxNoxNothing
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Sadly I don't think any story content will be added unless it can be repeated ad nauseam. Since companion conversations aren't repeatable (like daily quests, ops or pvp) don't hold out hope you will get anything more in depth than Treek.


(and for those who don't know, quite a few straight women enjoy male/male stories)

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Do you not remember the numerous outcry's on the forum and elsewhere (there were petitions) to not have SGR's included in the game at all (even if it was in an optional expansion). Due to that alone they should think before implementing this. Although people on the forums seem to want SGR's on companions as has been stated numerous times (by numerous posters) the forums is only a small amount of the population of the game. I say take a poll of the entire community and see if it's wanted by a majority, then think about implementing it.


Why can't we romance Treek or Blizz they are awesome and I want to romance them too, by the way.

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Do you not remember the numerous outcry's on the forum and elsewhere (there were petitions) to not have SGR's included in the game at all (even if it was in an optional expansion). Due to that alone they should think before implementing this. Although people on the forums seem to want SGR's on companions as has been stated numerous times (by numerous posters) the forums is only a small amount of the population of the game. I say take a poll of the entire community and see if it's wanted by a majority, then think about implementing it.


Why can't we romance Treek or Blizz they are awesome and I want to romance them too, by the way.



There are so many things wrong in this post that I hardly know where to begin. Let’s just go from the beginning.


First, the simple fact that there are ‘outcries’ are irrelevant. What the ‘outcry’ is about is what matters. Haters and people with entrenched privilege always cry out when change for fairness and justice is proposed. If at the time we had listened to ‘outcries’ against righteous change, we’d still have slavery and women wouldn’t have the vote – in fact, an awful lot of men wouldn’t have the vote! Sometimes if the cause is just, you simply have to do the right thing and damn the ‘outcries’.


Second, what is this “due to that alone…think before implementing”? BioWare has been thinking about implementing SGRs, and have said they’re going to. This “think before” is just a weaselly way of saying “change their minds about”.


Third… “numerous outcries” against SGRs and therefore don’t do it.. On the other hand, “numerous posters” for SGRs -- but now according to you they’re only “a small amount of the population of the game”, so ignore them. Funny how ‘numerous’ moves around to suit your own opinion.


Fourth, if we follow your logic, we should take a poll of the whole community on whether they want PvP – if no majority, then PvP goes. Why all of a sudden is it about ‘wanting’? Surely if you were going to decide either SGRs or PvP by poll, the issue is not whether a majority wants it, but whether a majority would accept its presence. In both cases, I’d say the answer would probably be ‘Yes’. And BTW, if SGRs were to win a ‘want it’ poll, why “think about implementing it” ? ? ? Why wouldn’t you just do it?


But far more importantly, why should a majority get to dictate about something that doesn’t affect them – that’s known as ‘the tyranny of the majority’. It’s why we have constitutions… to protect the minority from the majority when it comes to fundamental fairness.


Finally (and I always wonder about this when anti-SGR posters bring up things like romancing Treek or Blizz)… don’t you realize why many of us want SGRs? It’s because we want to feel at home immersing ourselves playing a character whose desires resonate with us. In other words, if I’m a woman who in RL is sexually attracted to women, I’d like to play romances like that in this game, rather than heterosexual romances that I can’t identify with. So by analogy it makes sense to me that posters who are asking for romances with Treek or Blizz are in RL sexually attracted to furry non-humans or to mechanical sex dolls, and not to humans ! ! ! Do you guys realize that that’s how you come across?

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I bet you're wrong.


Forty-five percent of gamers are women. Statistically, this means that 55% of gamers are men*. Not all those men will be straight. Not all of those men will be cis. Not all of those men will be white.


And yet the majority of game's protagonists are cishet white guys. Straight men are actually in the minority.



*Assuming that this was a binary-gendered study - if not, then less than 55% of gamers are men, and we have an unknown number of bi-, a- and genderfluid gamers

Edited by Tatile
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Forty-five of gamers are women. Statistically, this means that 55% of gamers are men*. Not all those men will be straight. Not all of those men will be cis. Not all of those men will be white.


And yet the majority of game's protagonists are cishet white guys. Straight men are actually in the minority.



*Assuming that this was a binary-gendered study - if not, then less than 55% of gamers are men, and we have an unknown number of bi-, a- and genderfluid gamers


forty five gamers are women? I knew it :)

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Third… “numerous outcries” against SGRs and therefore don’t do it.. On the other hand, “numerous posters” for SGRs -- but now according to you they’re only “a small amount of the population of the game”, so ignore them. Funny how ‘numerous’ moves around to suit your own opinion.




I thought about not responding but I will and only on one thing. Numerous posters, and numerous outcries on the forums are only a minority. No matter how you put it's a minority. Remember F2P people can't post on the forums, and neither can preferred players. Only those with an active subscription can. Also the majority of those with an active subscription don't post on the forums (this has been said many, many times).

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I thought about not responding but I will and only on one thing. Numerous posters, and numerous outcries on the forums are only a minority. No matter how you put it's a minority. Remember F2P people can't post on the forums, and neither can preferred players. Only those with an active subscription can. Also the majority of those with an active subscription don't post on the forums (this has been said many, many times).


You're assuming that people being silent means that they support you position - they might not.

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Curious that this was moved to story and lore rather than kept in general discussion...it seems like a legitimate topic for that part of the forum too.


But now this means we can actually talk about the topic at hand, rather than listening to people debate whether or not LGBT people should be treated as people and represented in the media they consume!

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Forty-five percent of gamers are women. Statistically, this means that 55% of gamers are men*. Not all those men will be straight. Not all of those men will be cis. Not all of those men will be white.


And yet the majority of game's protagonists are cishet white guys. Straight men are actually in the minority.



*Assuming that this was a binary-gendered study - if not, then less than 55% of gamers are men, and we have an unknown number of bi-, a- and genderfluid gamers


The numbers have gone up in recent years. At one point, it was 33%, but that would have been around the time of the release of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. What's more, most gamers are in their early thirties.


A study I read about two years ago now said that the number of lesbians and gays in the overall population was around 7.5% and another 4% were likely to be bisexual. Of course, I've also read studies that suggest that the majority- about 75 to 80% of the human population is actually bisexual, pansexual or sexually fluid with the remaining 20-25% being those who are sexually static and that's evenly split between homosexuals and heterosexuals, and that the only reason why most people don't actually like acknowledging being bisexual, pansexual or sexually fluid is because society is very big on heterosexuality.

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Part of that might be because we're enforced with the idea of heterosexuality from about three (Disney, thanks) and though we might have a more... relaxed idea of our own sexual or romantic attractions, we might not be aware of it, because "I like dudes, therefore I must be straight" is pretty much the thought process - I might be panromantic/sexual, but I was never really in the "dating scene" in order to explore those ideas. Of course, my own lose grasp of my sexual and romantic identity could be because "straightness" is the default and I've never been pressed to question it.


It would be interesting to read those studies, should you ever be able to find them XD I know what it's like to read loads of stuff, absorb information, and then forget where you found it.

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Curious that this was moved to story and lore rather than kept in general discussion...it seems like a legitimate topic for that part of the forum too.


This is the ghetto for any threads on the topic. Supposedly it's to prevent flame wars.

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Part of that might be because we're enforced with the idea of heterosexuality from about three (Disney, thanks) and though we might have a more... relaxed idea of our own sexual or romantic attractions, we might not be aware of it, because "I like dudes, therefore I must be straight" is pretty much the thought process - I might be panromantic/sexual, but I was never really in the "dating scene" in order to explore those ideas. Of course, my own lose grasp of my sexual and romantic identity could be because "straightness" is the default and I've never been pressed to question it.


It would be interesting to read those studies, should you ever be able to find them XD I know what it's like to read loads of stuff, absorb information, and then forget where you found it.


It's why I decided to become a writer. I tried being a scholar, but they demand footnotes and such :) I somehow ended up an oddity, for some reason, I came to believe that the default should be homosexuality.


This is the ghetto for any threads on the topic. Supposedly it's to prevent flame wars.


I tried discussing this on something else and they deleted the whole thread :(

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It's why I decided to become a writer. I tried being a scholar, but they demand footnotes and such :) I somehow ended up an oddity, for some reason, I came to believe that the default should be homosexuality.


I'm not saying that heterosexuality (or any sexuality, really, but pansexuality is probably the best, as it's all encompassing gender and sex wise) should be a default, but I'd be really interested to read your reasoning. I'm tempted to crack a joke about transferable skill sets, but that would be crude (and a touch cissexist) :p

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I'm not saying that heterosexuality (or any sexuality, really, but pansexuality is probably the best, as it's all encompassing gender and sex wise) should be a default, but I'd be really interested to read your reasoning. I'm tempted to crack a joke about transferable skill sets, but that would be crude (and a touch cissexist) :p


It had to do with how I was brought up- which was that my parents didn't push me to be either male or female, lesbian or straight. They let me figure it out on my own. They shielded me as much as they could from viewing the world as being cis-centric, hetero-centric, and male-centric- which was quite a feat for the decade I grew up in. Unfortunately, it has made it very difficult to deal with some aspects of the world as I grew up.

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This is the ghetto for any threads on the topic. Supposedly it's to prevent flame wars.


Oh, I'm aware - I was being cheeky, as they say across the pond ;). I'm not at all surprised that this topic would get moved while the many other companion or story related questions in general do not.

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Oh, I'm aware - I was being cheeky, as they say across the pond ;). I'm not at all surprised that this topic would get moved while the many other companion or story related questions in general do not.


While we're here, let's queer this place up. Put up some bunting, some books on gender identity and pronouns, a selection of teas, some small cakes. Make the place nice, you know?


Hang up all the flags... some giant rainbow beanbags...

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