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Patch Note: Effects no longer trigger simultaneously when the following relics equip


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Can you explain to us what this means? It's very vague..



Effects no longer trigger simultaneously when the following relics equipped at the same time:

  • Ephemeral Mending

  • Fortunate Redoubt

  • Reactive Warding

  • Shield Amplification

  • Devastating Vengeance

  • Serendipitous Assault

Edited by dakisback
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Indeed, does it mean that two SA relics can still trigger right after each other and result in a 12-second-long Power boost as opposed to a 6-second long double Power boost? If so, it's not much of an improvement and people will still take two SA relics over any other.


Or does it mean that one SA relic completely disables the other one, so you only gain procs from one of them when you have two equipped?

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Unless I misunderstand the situation, if you had two of the same relics with the same effects you could get the effects from both at same time or back to back.


This patch is supposed to fix and prevent that, meaning once one is triggered they both go on CD as they should and no longer have ability to trigger both for a "double" effect.

Edited by Lumpyone
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Unless I misunderstand the situation, if you had two of the same relics with the same effects you could get the effects from both at same time or back to back.


This patch is supposed to fix and prevent that, meaning once one is triggered they both go on CD as they should and no longer have ability to trigger both for a "double" effect.


Yeah that's my understanding as well. I wish they added some more desirable relics before implementing whatever this fix it. They even didn't make dread forged variations of the relics that proc damage.

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Yes I also think that it's very vague.


Does it mean:


1) If you equip 2 similar effect ones, e.g. Obroan and Dread Forged SA relics, only 1 will proc at any one time.


2) All of the mentioned relics can only proc one at a time. Meaning if a tank has Fortunate Redoubt and Shield Amplification, both can no longer proc at the same time? If so, how is the proc calculated?

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Yes I also think that it's very vague.


Does it mean:


1) If you equip 2 similar effect ones, e.g. Obroan and Dread Forged SA relics, only 1 will proc at any one time.


2) All of the mentioned relics can only proc one at a time. Meaning if a tank has Fortunate Redoubt and Shield Amplification, both can no longer proc at the same time? If so, how is the proc calculated?


Number 2 is my worry, it's not like I'm stacking the same effect, nor can I control when I get the Def or Absorb proc, and this seems to further penalize someone for using 2 similar in function, but wholly different in effect relics from a relatively small tanking pool.

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Number 2 is my worry, it's not like I'm stacking the same effect, nor can I control when I get the Def or Absorb proc, and this seems to further penalize someone for using 2 similar in function, but wholly different in effect relics from a relatively small tanking pool.


Its the first one. I just did a test myself using a Defense Proc and Absorb Proc relic on my tank. Both were proccing correctly.



and by correctly, I mean the defense proc would go off and then the absorb proc would go off a second later and vica versa.

Edited by ZentheSecond
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Its the first one. I just did a test myself using a Defense Proc and Absorb Proc relic on my tank. Both were proccing correctly.



and by correctly, I mean the defense proc would go off and then the absorb proc would go off a second later and vica versa.


This is good to know. I was worried I was going to have to drop my UW Shield Amplification for a warding relic (PVP or Arkanian). Thanks for doing the legwork!

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What they fixed is what is called a double proc. Previously, you could equip the PvE and PvP versions of the relic that proc'd defense, absorb, power etc and both would proc at the same time. This change negates that.


The wording on the patch note is really bad, but that's what they fixed.

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Perhaps the wording is confusing because what they are fixing is unintentional behaviour that they believe everyone is aware of and understand. Devs forget how bad their patches are and how each introduces new problems. Indeed better information is required to separate the fix from yet another unintended effect. Edited by ELRunninW
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They are pretty much forcing us to use the boundless ages now. 'Cause we can't even use the +crit and +power proc relics together. lol.


Huh? where are you getting that from? Have you confirmed this via testing?


All of the reports I see in this thread from people who have tested say that different relics still proc and don't share a CD. The change was that the same effect from different relic tiers no longer stack (ie: arkanian and Underworld SA relics)

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Huh? where are you getting that from? Have you confirmed this via testing?


All of the reports I see in this thread from people who have tested say that different relics still proc and don't share a CD. The change was that the same effect from different relic tiers no longer stack (ie: arkanian and Underworld SA relics)


I was wrong didn't realize the icon was a life day cheer thing.

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Its the first one. I just did a test myself using a Defense Proc and Absorb Proc relic on my tank. Both were proccing correctly.



and by correctly, I mean the defense proc would go off and then the absorb proc would go off a second later and vica versa.


Thank you for testing. I haven't had a chance to run my tank today so couldn't confirm myself. Good to know I don't have to seek out a new relic.

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This entire thing makes me want to quit the game. No joke. I worked HARD to get two good relics in all 4 of my 55's....now with a stupid patch and nanny state Bioware all of that hard work is dead. I am not going to use relics that you have to open your toon window with to click on, its hogwash and stupid design.


I don't know what I am going to do now....it will take me forever to get another good relic on all 4 of my 55's now.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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This entire thing makes me want to quit the game. No joke. I worked HARD to get two good relics in all 4 of my 55's....now with a stupid patch and nanny state Bioware all of that hard work is dead. I am not going to use relics that you have to open your toon window with to click on, its hogwash and stupid design.


I don't know what I am going to do now....it will take me forever to get another good relic on all 4 of my 55's now.


So you grinded to get a pair of relics that have a tooltip which states that they should not be working together because of what, it being a known bug, and you never expected them to fix it? And now that they fixed it you call them a "nanny state" and threaten to leave? I don't even know how to describe the stupidity of that.

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So you grinded to get a pair of relics that have a tooltip which states that they should not be working together because of what, it being a known bug, and you never expected them to fix it? And now that they fixed it you call them a "nanny state" and threaten to leave? I don't even know how to describe the stupidity of that.



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im also mad at this change. i think that games giving players options is good design, and all this change does it take choices away. why would they go through the trouble of restricting relic options when they have relics that are working twice as well as intended? (main stat proc relic).


i want to get a main stat proc relic now since they are broken and good... which means once they fix it i have to get a different relic. they should have just left the relics alone, when they were all working, and we had options. now im using elite war hero relics on half my toons.

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So you grinded to get a pair of relics that have a tooltip which states that they should not be working together because of what, it being a known bug, and you never expected them to fix it? And now that they fixed it you call them a "nanny state" and threaten to leave? I don't even know how to describe the stupidity of that.


Exactly^^. Look, I grinded 2 redoubt relics to take advantage of the double proc knowing quite well that it wasn't intended. I didn't need for them to say it, just looking at a parse it was obvious. Not only did it double proc, but it all but eliminated the cool down on the tool tip.


Come on... everyone knew it wasn't right.


So, know I have to find another relic combination. Perfectly acceptable and warranted. I paid the price for using the loophole, which btw, was for quite a while. If you are going to quit because of the fix... I don't know what to say but maybe... adios.

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This entire thing makes me want to quit the game. No joke. I worked HARD to get two good relics in all 4 of my 55's....now with a stupid patch and nanny state Bioware all of that hard work is dead. I am not going to use relics that you have to open your toon window with to click on, its hogwash and stupid design.


I don't know what I am going to do now....it will take me forever to get another good relic on all 4 of my 55's now.


I'm having a hard time telling whether this post is a troll or its author really is that stupid. Can anyone help me out here?

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