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Class Story


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I enjoy class story. I would be happy with more of it. However, it does not make/break the game for me. So if they don't do more of it, I will adapt. If they do more class story sometime down the road.. I'll enjoy it.


In the end, play the hand you are dealt if you are having fun IMO. If it's not fun.. find something that is.

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Class story is kind of what set this game apart for me and pulled me away from other MMOs. If they manage to find a way to add enough "class beats" to a general storyline to make it FEEL like a class story, I might be alright with it, but I think over time the lack of class story updates will eventually leave enough of a void that another shiny new MMO could pull me away from SWTOR. In the meantime, it's not the *only* reason why I play SWTOR so I'm still here.
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I think over time the lack of class story updates will eventually leave enough of a void that another shiny new MMO could pull me away from SWTOR. In the meantime, it's not the *only* reason why I play SWTOR so I'm still here.


Yeah.. a new MMO releasing to draw me away is always a possibility. Though I don't see one at the moment. Then again, I tend to play several at one time anyway.


There is a growing buzz in the industry right now about the new MMO sub-genre... ie: sandpark MMOs. I'm just not sure yet if this new approach can walk the walk or if it's just the latest genre attempt at "reinventing itself" in the name of player alleged demands. So I'm waiting to see how this pans out and what actually comes from it. Sandpark is a great concept.. but I remain skeptical.

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Class story is kind of what set this game apart for me and pulled me away from other MMOs. If they manage to find a way to add enough "class beats" to a general storyline to make it FEEL like a class story, I might be alright with it, but I think over time the lack of class story updates will eventually leave enough of a void that another shiny new MMO could pull me away from SWTOR. In the meantime, it's not the *only* reason why I play SWTOR so I'm still here.


Pretty much this.

I really like the class stories and wish there was more past act 3, but I mainly raid so the lack of story might bring down my enjoyment but as long as the raid content is decent I'll probably stay subbed.

Edited by Beslley
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I enjoy class story. I would be happy with more of it. However, it does not make/break the game for me. So if they don't do more of it, I will adapt. If they do more class story sometime down the road.. I'll enjoy it.


In the end, play the hand you are dealt if you are having fun IMO. If it's not fun.. find something that is.


This right here is spot on.

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Class story... why is the continuation of it important to you and if you knew that you would never see it again how would that affect you as a player?


No more class stories, ever? Opening a bottle of champagne because devs have learned that expensive single-use railroad track content has no place in an MMO


to the remaining class story fanatics: go roll your 8th alt or something

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They promised that this was the 'never-ending KotOR game' and if they fail to keep to their word, I'll go back to my single player BiOWare role-playing games


They promised a lot of stuff whey they assumed - or at least heavily implied(!) - this game was going toe-to-toe against WoW.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Class story... why is the continuation of it important to you and if you knew that you would never see it again how would that affect you as a player?


It is important because it is my favourite part of the game, by a very, very long way. I am currently rationing how much of it I consume, because in my heart of hearts I know that when it all finally runs out I'll be done with this game.

Edited by PLynkes
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Class story... why is the continuation of it important to you and if you knew that you would never see it again how would that affect you as a player?


The continuation of it is important to me because like many other entertainment forms, while I can enjoy the first book in a series, album by a band, film in a franchise, there is always a desire to have fresh new adventures, music, big action sequences. I don't really see SWTOR any differently in this regard. While I don't necessarily agree with the tighter more linear nature of SWTOR imposed on it by the MMO medium (as opposed to say Dragonage: Origins) I have still been impressed by the level of storytelling across the eight class stories, the (all be it one shot) interactions with your companions and how involved I feel in the characters journey (despite my choices being pretty meaningless towards that final destination).


If I knew there would be no further class stories? It wouldn't really bother me (I know that sounds a bit contradictory considering my opening paragraph) but ultimately I still have the original to go back to. It took me the best part of 18 months to get through all the class stories and now it's nice to start that cycle again but this time with a different gender and on the alternate advanced class and maybe a different talent tree build while I level. It's not all about endgame and that grind for the best gear. It's about using your imagination to fill out the gaps Bioware leaves, to flesh out the lives, history and potential future.

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Class story... why is the continuation of it important to you and if you knew that you would never see it again how would that affect you as a player?


Why is it important to me? Well, I wanted KOTOR 3 not an MMO and the class stories are as close as it is going to get apparently.


How will it affect me as a player? It's really simple. No continuation of the class stories, I'll finish off unfinished stories and find another game to play.

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Well, I love this game. I want to keep playing till the end of it....hopefully years from now. I have been into it since about 2 years before launch. I believe I was THE very first person to buy the game in the world (not kidding). You could say I am obsessed with it.

However, there is a part of me that says that if they do not continue the class stories I will eventually quit. The story is one really major factor that makes this game different. lately as I do dailies and pvp and such I feel like I am just playing an mmo that is really no different than the rest....except that for now I still feel it is the best mmo out there. But when mmo's like Titan come out..... guessing that it will be pretty good.... will I stay?... If it comes down to mmo vs. mmo and Titan has better graphics and the like.... I am not sure. I mean why stay? the class story would have ended long ago and I have already went though all of them....more than once.


To put it simply... Class story is like a good book. If you like it you will stick around long enough to read the part 2, then part 3 and so on. It is what holds you there.


Take that away....it's an mmo with no story pull just like the rest. Yes it is a great mmo. The best one out there. But for how long?

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No more class stories, ever? Opening a bottle of champagne because devs have learned that expensive single-use railroad track content has no place in an MMO


to the remaining class story fanatics: go roll your 8th alt or something


On my 11th alt, and almost ready for my 12th :p


As for the original question, yeah, class story is really the only thing that keeps me in this game. Gameplay is rather heavy and doesn't really have the proper 'Jedi' feel to it: probably the only class that really feels as I'd expect is Commando (because you've got a great big cannon, so you expect it to feel heavy ;) ). But there's so much class story that it's kept me interested for over a year and still has a fair amount of content for me to explore by making different choices (I did Inquisitor and Agent twice each and currently have my second Warrior and second Consular in the works). But once I've exhausted all the enjoyment I can extract from the class stories I will leave. I'm expecting that by then ESO will be out, but I might return to TOR after a few new planets have been added, just to experience the planetary stories once on either side. New class stories, on the other hand would certainly get me to renew my sub and play through all 8 at least once, and probably with all of my characters. ;)

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The class stories are what attracted me in the first place and what, in my mind, separates swtor from other mmo's. If they come out and say that they will not be continued then I'll probably stick around for a bit, finish leveling alts and maybe try my hand at raiding; but after that there is really not much keeping me around. Each mmo has something that they do better than other mmo's and for me swtor's asset is story; If I wanted endgame raiding content I'd go back to WoW, if I wanted a better PvP experience then Elder Scrolls Online is looking extremely promising. Swtor's focus on individual class story-archs is (to my knowledge) unique and the main reason I'm paying money to Bioware right now intsead of Blizzard
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The class stories are what attracted me in the first place and what, in my mind, separates swtor from other mmo's. If they come out and say that they will not be continued then I'll probably stick around for a bit, finish leveling alts and maybe try my hand at raiding; but after that there is really not much keeping me around.


They've already said that they won't be continueing the class stories, no "if" about it. :(

I'll have to see what that means in the long run for me.

I guess it will depend largely on whether the "MMO" content they are adding will make up for dropping the thing that hooked me on the game in the first place.

Time will tell, I suppose.

Either way I can't blame them for the decision, the vast internet hordes have shown that they couldn't care any less about story content - so Bioware will go where they think the money is.

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There are MMOs already established with a good community who do PvP and PvE endgame better than SWtOR does. If class stories are over and that one pillar of gaming that SWtOR does better than any MMO out there is going to be ignored, I will go back to one of the other MMOs and do the raiding scene.


Or maybe one of the new MMOs that so far hasn't peaked my interest will become interesting, because they have a good endgame.


Individual class stories make this game stand out. End that and this game will no longer stand out.

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The class stories are what I'm here for. When I'm done with those, I'm done with the game.


But it's my usual MO with Bioware games to eventually play through with all the different sexes, alignments, etc., and I plan to do the same thing here. For most of their games, that means 2-4 playthroughs. For this one, it means 16. That's...a lot.


Add the fact that my hours played per week are probably below average, and the pace that I play is probably WAY below average, and it'll be a LONG time before I'm done with the existing stories. (My highest level character, who I started on day one of early access, only started Chapter 1 about a month ago.) Actually, my biggest fear is that the game will be shut down before I finish the stories we already have...


If they make more chapters, I'll play them...but on the other hand, everything's gotta end sooner or later. KotOR was awesome, and then the story ended, and I stopped playing. DA:O was awesome, and then the story ended, and I stopped playing. That's just how it goes.

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The class stories are what I'm here for. When I'm done with those, I'm done with the game.


But it's my usual MO with Bioware games to eventually play through with all the different sexes, alignments, etc., and I plan to do the same thing here. For most of their games, that means 2-4 playthroughs. For this one, it means 16. That's...a lot.


Add the fact that my hours played per week are probably below average, and the pace that I play is probably WAY below average, and it'll be a LONG time before I'm done with the existing stories. (My highest level character, who I started on day one of early access, only started Chapter 1 about a month ago.) Actually, my biggest fear is that the game will be shut down before I finish the stories we already have...


If they make more chapters, I'll play them...but on the other hand, everything's gotta end sooner or later. KotOR was awesome, and then the story ended, and I stopped playing. DA:O was awesome, and then the story ended, and I stopped playing. That's just how it goes.


it would actually mean atleast an additional 4 playthroughs as there are neutral specific endings for the classes like the warrior and inquisitor.

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it would actually mean atleast an additional 4 playthroughs as there are neutral specific endings for the classes like the warrior and inquisitor.

Really? Well...meh...back when they were planning more stuff for gray-aligned characters, I was gonna do some of those. As it is, I don't feel like there's enough to differentiate them to justify a playthrough. But, if that should change...

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Since the cantina tour to let everyone who wants class stories know they can go fly a kite, I just haven't been playing the game as much as I used to. I still pay the sub, but it wouldn't be hard for my wife to talk me into quitting right now, because what set this game apart from other MMOs was the stories, and without a steady diet of those, the game has become boring in a lot of ways for me.


I'll likely be in until the next planet release. Once I see what they do with that, that will determine my future. If they piss all over the class stories like they did with Makeb, I'm likely gone.

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Class stories are cool and I would be very happy if there was more. However, there is plenty of other things I do in this game so it is not a deal breaker for me. Besides, and I know I'm in the minority but I actually prefer planet arcs to personal stories. It really comes down to the fact that if I feel I am not having fun anymore I will leave. But, so far I am happy so not going anywhere just yet.
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