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No patch for today, so the new operations on hard mode remain extremely hard to complete, but they did have the time to implement the ingame Cartel Coin Purchase option. Priorities, priorities.


If your programmers can not fix these issues in a week's time, what should we think of their skills?

Or if they could have but resources were assigned for CCP, what should we think of EA/Bioware?


Either way, another PR fail.

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People keep forgetting that this in-game CC purchase feature was supposed to be implemented 2 months ago, but they pulled it for having a bug and put it on the back burner for a good long while. That's not exactly a fast fix.


If the resources were the same as the CM team there, they would have pulled Dread Fortress entirely for 2 months while they fixed it. :D


Just because they haven't got the fix for Corruptor Zero (after the last two patches just caused a new issue), doesn't mean they're prioritizing something else. The developers working on operations aren't the same people working on the website and money transactions.

Edited by chuixupu
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I was gonna ask him if he got his chicks for free :p


As to the OP, The in-game purchase of CC has been on the table for a long time now. So just because they implement something that they have been working on for more than a few months does not mean that they are neglecting that bug you said they have had a week to fix.

This is a classic case of "Why haven't you fixed this bug yet" syndrome...

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This is not a patch or something that was prioritised, this is basically a hot fix that took two months.


And OP seems to be forgetting that other players have been QQ-ing about not being able to buy CCs in game too.


BW are trying to please everyone all the time and that will never work, so they do their best to balance it.

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If your programmers can not fix these issues in a week's time, what should we think of their skills?


If you think that is a problem that is fixed in a week, you shouldn't think anything about their skills, because its clear that you don't actually understand software development, and are thus in no position to judge anyone's skills.


Lesson: Most bugs will take more than one development cycle to fix (assuming modern "short" development cycles). When the bug is reported, one development cycle is already underway. Unless it is absolutely critical, the bug will be analyzed, assigned to the appropriate group, and then scheduled for the next available development cycle. Very few bugs are going to be so urgent that a development team will be pulled off their current work to fix a bug. So, in most cases with SWTOR, a bug will be spotted one week, scheduled for fixing the week after. If the bug is viewed as not being that serious, it may wait multiple development cycles, as other more important work is prioritized ahead of it.

Edited by Malastare
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If you think that is a problem that is fixed in a week, you shouldn't think anything about their skills, because its clear that you don't actually understand software development, and are thus in no position to judge anyone's skills.


Lesson: Most bugs will take more than one development cycle to fix (assuming modern "short" development cycles). When the bug is reported, one development cycle is already underway. Unless it is absolutely critical, the bug will be analyzed, assigned to the appropriate group, and then scheduled for the next available development cycle. Very few bugs are going to be so urgent that a development team will be pulled off their current work to fix a bug. So, in most cases with SWTOR, a bug will be spotted one week, scheduled for fixing the week after. If the bug is viewed as not being that serious, it may wait multiple development cycles, as other more important work is prioritized ahead of it.


This should show up every 15 min in game in big red letters =)

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Isn't the point of hard mode that they are hard???


I wanted to say something like this.


Seems instead of players working at it they just cry for nerfs these days.


The Plane of Fear laughs at you all.


Seriously? Do you think that difficulty level should be set by implementing bugs into a bossfight? Do you even know what kind of bugs there are in the Dread Palace or Dread Fortress operations? Those bugs have nothing to do with skill or teamwork but simply kill players or make them incapable of targeting the boss.

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Isn't the point of hard mode that they are hard???


There is a difference between reliably hard and unreliably hard. Right now, whether or not you survive the Unified Beam is entirely up to RNG and luck.


For example if the two tanks get the mine during the laser phase it's pretty much a wipe right there because the adds will murder the healers. If one tank gets the mine, that's very risky as well because they won't be able to swap. If two healers get the mine during the laser phase it's pretty much a wipe again because there will be no one around to heal the group.


If two DPS or one DPS and one healer or only one person of any kind gets the mine, then it's likely doable, though you have to go to extreme lengths to keep yourself alive and afar from the group. It also depends on what kind of defensive cooldowns and movement boost you have available as a DPS. Sentinels and Shadows can survive long enough due to their good def CDs and high movement speed. Sages, Guardians, Scoundrels and Gunslingers have a good chance of surviving as well because of their relatively good def CDs and movement speed. Commandos and Vanguard DPS have almost no chance to survive due to low mobility and bad defensive cooldowns.


I have no issue with difficulty but I do have an issue with randomness, unpredictability, luck and RNG-dependence. Whether or not you kill Corruptor depends entirely on who gets the mine. Besides, Corruptor has been broken straight from 2.4, it's just Concussion Mine was broken in a different way before the previous patch.

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If you think that is a problem that is fixed in a week, you shouldn't think anything about their skills, because its clear that you don't actually understand software development, and are thus in no position to judge anyone's skills.


Lesson: Most bugs will take more than one development cycle to fix (assuming modern "short" development cycles). When the bug is reported, one development cycle is already underway. Unless it is absolutely critical, the bug will be analyzed, assigned to the appropriate group, and then scheduled for the next available development cycle. Very few bugs are going to be so urgent that a development team will be pulled off their current work to fix a bug. So, in most cases with SWTOR, a bug will be spotted one week, scheduled for fixing the week after. If the bug is viewed as not being that serious, it may wait multiple development cycles, as other more important work is prioritized ahead of it.



SWTOR is a service you pay for. Playing endgame content (operations) is a key feature. If an operation is bugged, the service is flawed. You either get your money back or the price is lowered if you still find certain value in the service. If there was an option to pause subscription for days or weeks, then it would be fine, they would not get money until they fix the issue. Trust me, it would be done in a day.


I would not like to get into the development cycle and developer skill topic for it would only start a flame and the patch history of this game speaks for itself anyway.

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Just wondering, what percentage of the player base runs Hard Mode and NiM 55 ope content? Then ask yourself which percentage PvP's, then ask yourself which percentage enjoys to play dress up / try to get rare items from packs.


Think about it, if you were in their shoes which group would you aim to please, the vocal minority on the forums, or the ones that are more likely to spend money outside their sub?

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Face it guys, every bug is game breaking for someone. A small minority are looking for any excuse to vent what ever frustration they are feeling that day on these forums or in general chat. There are NO game breaking bugs in SWTOR but if you look hard enough you will find something that makes you unhappy. I mean one week without a patch and we get fail threads. Just over a month on from Oricon and we have threads saying Bioware don't add new content. One month away from PVP in space and people are complaining about no new PVP content. I mean I am thinking of starting a thread asking for a 1000% XP weekends, just so people have an alternative to the I want no double XP or I want 50%/25% XP threads.
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No patch for today, so the new operations on hard mode remain extremely hard to complete, but they did have the time to implement the ingame Cartel Coin Purchase option. Priorities, priorities.


If your programmers can not fix these issues in a week's time, what should we think of their skills?

Or if they could have but resources were assigned for CCP, what should we think of EA/Bioware?


Either way, another PR fail.


Well, for me....considering that "hard modes" require so much in gear, time, communication and knowing the specific "path" your group will follow, I hardly do them anyway....so this delay does not effect me at all.....


If the "Hard modes" were more friendly to the casual player, might pique my interest.....

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Just wondering, what percentage of the player base runs Hard Mode and NiM 55 ope content? Then ask yourself which percentage PvP's, then ask yourself which percentage enjoys to play dress up / try to get rare items from packs.


Think about it, if you were in their shoes which group would you aim to please, the vocal minority on the forums, or the ones that are more likely to spend money outside their sub?


The two groups are not mutually exclusive. Hard mode players purchase cartel coins, etc.

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SWTOR is a service you pay for. Playing endgame content (operations) is a key feature. If an operation is bugged, the service is flawed. You either get your money back or the price is lowered if you still find certain value in the service. If there was an option to pause subscription for days or weeks, then it would be fine, they would not get money until they fix the issue. Trust me, it would be done in a day.


I would not like to get into the development cycle and developer skill topic for it would only start a flame and the patch history of this game speaks for itself anyway.


You don't want to discuss the developers' skill? Is that why you were the one to bring it up? Simple, if you don't want to talk about it don't bring it up. The fact that you even mention the CC feature that was introduced today, which has absolutely nothing to do with the time it takes for them to fix the operation, shows that you don't know what you're talking about.


Games get bugs, bugs take time to fix, get over it.


The in game cartel coin purchase thing is merely convenience and not essential.


Bugs in the game can prevent people from you know...playing the game..therefore this should have priority over the cc thing


Get ready for a shocker, because here it comes. Multiple teams work on multiple things. Neither the CC feature nor the bug fix have priority over each other because different teams are assigned to them. It would take even longer to fix if they assigned the cartel market team to fixing operations bugs.

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