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Please disallow riding on speeders IN ships (fleet)


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I understand everyone wants to go from place to place the fastest way possible and they wanna show off how cool they are, but half the population of on the fleet riding on their speeders honestly just looks really dumb.


In a month practically everyone will have a speeder in some form, so this problems is going to be more and more aesthetically catastrophic is time goes by. It just is laughable.


Maybe i just need to go join to RP server.

Ask them to install some kind of portal system to get around the station.

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i agree. it just seems absolutely stupid and it ruins any immersion at all. sprint is plenty fast enough for the station.


As someone pointed out earlier, albeit with heavy sarcasm, sprinting endlessly is just as immersion breaking when you get down to it. At some point Gameplay trumps reality. If you want to get together with your community on your RP server and decide that you're not going to use Speeders on Fleet stations then more power to you but don't punish the rest of the community.

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I understand everyone wants to go from place to place the fastest way possible and they wanna show off how cool they are, but half the population of on the fleet riding on their speeders honestly just looks really dumb.


In a month practically everyone will have a speeder in some form, so this problems is going to be more and more aesthetically catastrophic is time goes by. It just is laughable.


Maybe i just need to go join to RP server.


On commercial cargo freighters it common for people to ride bicycles around the ship and seeing how space ships are probably far bigger it wouldn't be to strange to use speeders to get around.

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Ask them to install some kind of portal system to get around the station.


Portals/teleportation don't exist in SW, save for some exceptional cases.


On commercial cargo freighters it common for people to ride bicycles around the ship and seeing how space ships are probably far bigger it wouldn't be to strange to use speeders to get around.

^This. And we ride scooters around the Google corporate campus.

Edited by Bgiffo
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I understand everyone wants to go from place to place the fastest way possible and they wanna show off how cool they are, but half the population of on the fleet riding on their speeders honestly just looks really dumb.


In a month practically everyone will have a speeder in some form, so this problems is going to be more and more aesthetically catastrophic is time goes by. It just is laughable.


Maybe i just need to go join to RP server.


so people should be inconvenienced because you don't like how it looks? that's selfish of you, and like others say if you have such a problem with the look of things go to an rp server where people pay attention to that kind of stuff

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so people should be inconvenienced because you don't like how it looks? that's selfish of you, and like others say if you have such a problem with the look of things go to an rp server where people pay attention to that kind of stuff


Then by that logic, no one should ever be able to complain that a Sith end game set of armor is all bright pink and that they named themselves Fluffy Bunny(legacy)...


Nor should we be able to complain that people have silly names like Annakin or Darrth'Vadder


Because how dare we as customers speak up against idiots on the internet who break our immersion so they can be...well..idiots on the internet.


I pay to play too...and part of that right is not being inconvenienced be retard$ and their retarded ways.



Anyways, the problem with speeder mounting is that it's inconsistent. I can fly around the fleet main level, but I cannot fly in the hangar(s). Or I can fly in some temples on Belsavis but not in caves on Tatooine.


What's the galaxy come to when Jedi Masters are not 'allowed' to use their overly priced speeder in a cave....

Edited by Ranebow
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OP, I completely agree with you.


As far as moving to an RP server, don't bother. Judging from the general chat on the RP PVE server I rolled an alt on, I think many people went to RP servers to avoid the queues at the beginning rather than to RP. Although I have yet to visit the Imp Fleet there, I have no doubt people are on speeders.


Yes we carry a cargo hold-load of stuff in our pockets, and yeah we run everwhere and sprint without getting tired. But driving what are essentially motorcycles in what is essentially an airport goes too far. Breaks immersion. This is sci fi with a tinge of fantasy, so a bit of the unreal is expected. But driving speeders inside a building is just silly and wouldn't happen. Not only that, but the other day several people were on huge speeders that were completely clocking the GTN kiosk. Rude.


I sent in a ticket and it got locked. Something tells me this won't be going away ever. Like the mounts in Rift and horses in EQ2 inside buildings, the gaming community has made it quite clear that dismounting and slowing down for a few seconds is unacceptable and game-breaking.

Edited by Lunazen
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People look very strange on speeders. The animation/movement doesn't seem natural/fluid. Not the on you're on, but something about everyone else...


Having said that, no. Add more places to ride them. Start with the gigantic spaceports they love and every hangar that my ship is in.

Edited by EwokLuvr
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