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  1. Ok so logged onto the game last night after a long time away and found my toon as I left it, all my abilitys still in place on the action bars as id left, which is a very good thing as id forgotten a lot of how to play and what abilities need using when etc. Now before I logged off last night I used my free namechange as I thought new subscription new start and wanted to change my mains name so I did so. But I logon this morning, to find all my action bars apart from the main default one on the bottom of the ui missing, this is a major problem for me as I had it setup exactly as was easiest for me and having been away for so long ive now no idea what works best where! Could this be related to changing my characters name I wonder? say the games created a new character config file for the renamed character? or could there be another reason? if it is the config file where exactly do I access that in the game directory(so i can copy across the old one and hopefully get my bars back) as I cant seem to find it. so yeah....help! lol
  2. So ive been away for a long time and ive got a couple of questions upon returning to play? firstly are addons avalible yet to use ingame? the galactic market ui i find dodgy for example and id love to use a 3rd party tool to clean it up a bit.is this an option yet and if not is it likely to be in the future? secondly I have a load of stuff I could potentially sell for credits from buying packs off the cartel market with earnt coins and items ive had a long time, high level crafting mats and orange and purple pieces and items but having been away for so long I have no idea any of its value, is there any wowhead style website up yet that has that kind of info for swtor players?
  3. I was massively excited about swtor before it was released and I started playing on launch day, got a couple of characters up to the mid 20s-30s but then got a bit bored so went back to wow and rift for a bit........Ive now grown a little tired of them (tend to have spurts like this haha) so ive decided to give the old republic another blast . The only thing is, ive missed a lot of patches and im sure a lot of changes (for one seeing as it seems a major feature what the hell are `cartel coins`? and do they actually offer gear upgrades etc or is it all vanity items that dont affect game play as a real money system should be?) So yeah basically, as a returning player after about half a year or so away......what have I missed? and what should I look out for as major changes to the game/classes since ive been away? (I play a republic trooper and sith inquisitor if any major changes have taken place to those classes?) I mean has there been so many changes I should reroll or isnt it that bad? I ask because this happened with rift....I went away for a year or more came back and had no clue about my character as so much had changed so I simply rerolled and treated it like a new game, swtor the same or?)
  4. Ok so theres a lot of us playing as one faction but acting like the other....we have dark jedis and light side siths.....and some of us want to take this to the extreme....for example im trying to make my jedi shadow as dark and evil as I can be and im sure a lot of people rolling siths and going lightside try to do the opposite. so wouldnt it be cool if there was some point you could reach where you could actully recieve an invitation to switch faction? like the whole angle with the origins of darth vader in the films? Obviously im going to get a lot of responses saying `no way itd mess up the character abilities we dont want sith/jedi with no clue how to play there class` so hear me out, it could take place but only with the member of the opposite faction who is your equal....like for instance jedi colunser sage is very similer to a sith sorcerer in play style so that would be there only option, jedi guardian? sith juggernaut? jedi sentintal...sith maurander jedi shadow sith assasin etc etc. I think it would add an interesting possible path to those going to the extreme with there class`s light/dark alliegence(lets make it clear it could only be avablie at the farthest reaches of each side) and would be a great angle for role players as well. jedi corrupted by the dark side turning to the sith, sith relising the error of his ways gaining a conciense and training in the art of a jedi to right his wrongs? great angles
  5. Longtime wow player here, havnt logged in once since I started swtor, its like a breath of fresh air after a game which for a long time has been going stale, to be honest the only reason I never left wow before was it was still the best in its genre even though it wasnt as good as it once was, that is no longer the case
  6. for me a Jedi is the equivalent of the overly religious in real life, stuck up, high and mighty, extremely hypocritical and just plain.....dull I mean its a bloody video game, why would you choose the less fun(invariably the `nice` option) when the fun ie evil option is there with no consequences to the real world. I can understand being a good person in real life even though it may lead to a duller life but why bother in a video game?
  7. Im talking about the whines not the constructive criticism, that I have no issue with, unfortunately the majority of said posts are some overly angry nerd raging that I find impossible to take seriously. Yes some good points have been made and im sure bioware will get working on that, however for every 1 good post there seems to be 20 pure whines.
  8. You know we`re not all roleplayers right? I personally choose a sith because the darkside is so much more fun then being stamping around having to do `good` all the time, its fun to be evil, arent you glad we do it in a video game rather then real life? haha
  9. Its always been a sad fact that crybabys are a loud minority, those who enjoy the game are most likly to busy enjoying the game to pay much attention to the forums. Those with a severe lack of life are the ones on the forums making these `im qutting` threads like they actully think there someone of importance and the loss of them personally will affect the community. Me I just like trolling them, if there going to whine so much over a video game they deserve it, if I dont like something I just move on and try something else, I dont waste my time moaning about it, one day this will get through to them
  10. You've got to much of `the light` in you, we don't want any preaching Jedi do gooder to pollute our nice dark planet of scum and villainy, The only jedi I want to see on dromund kass would be slowly roasting on a spit!
  11. Yeah I was doing a range of them in my `evil random bits of rare almost extinct creatures` store, little green freak ears were my best seller..........until sadly id slain and sold them all....there were 2 left......I wanted to breed them.....to create little baby green freaks to harvest and continue my business......but yoda met a jedi preaching one day and lost all interest in sexual relations......his mate died of a broken heart.....and her ears didnt last long.....now my business is finished.....why do you think I hate the little green git so much? I JUST WANT HIS EARS! ......ok im calm......but thats my sob story.
  12. Its the best way to be, frontier justice, non of this trail by jedi council rubbish, god I hate yoda! if I ever see that little green freak im going to rip his oversized ears off, dry them and use them as green beef jerky!
  13. The only reason I would ever want to go to this miserable planet is with an invading army of sith to destroy it......again! I mean who wants to walk around a world with `morals` and goody two shoes jedi preaching on every corner about the `lightside of the force` and when someone gets in your way in the street I understand its even frowned upon to simply `lightning hands `them until they give way? You cant even run people through with your light saber if you happen to disagree with them on something I hear? what kind of a sick world is that? Keep your peaceful `loving` planet it sounds like a whole world of dull!
  14. you see it as some kind of evil agenda, I see it as my perfect right under the need or greed rules, look let me give it to you nice and simple like. You NEED if an item is an upgrade for you and helps your character You GREED if an item isnt an upgrade, you cant use it etc etc In this game companions having better armor/weapons helps your character and should come under the same rules for needing as anything else getting an upgrade, they should in fact be considered another peice of upgradeable gear. that is all, like it or lump it im done talking to brick walls. oh and I know im not the only one because ive seen it happen many times already. The problem is with the forum posters trying to apply loot rules from games that didnt even have such a companion system to a game that does, like I stated before....that is not my problem. Good day
  15. other players being stuck in the systems they used on other mmos because they cant get it into there heads that not all games are the same is quite frankly not my problem.
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