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The (Un)Official PVP venting thread.


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That I still haven't disabled my windows key. One key-press got me from hero to zero when I was winning a 1v1 last men standing in a ranked arena till I accidentally pressed it. :( Too ashamed to say what actually happened.


Idk what you have but I have a g110 kboard that with a toggle you can disable the windows button.

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That I still haven't disabled my windows key. One key-press got me from hero to zero when I was winning a 1v1 last men standing in a ranked arena till I accidentally pressed it. :( Too ashamed to say what actually happened.


Yeah! Happened to me!

And that key is "disableable!" Like ****** hell!


Went to kitchen, took a knife and dug out the button.

BEST thing I did since I bought that keyboard.

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OT: Rep side on Red Eq.


From yesterday:

- 2nd room in Voidstar: I die ganking mara who prevents me cap the door, but he is on 100 HP and no cds (spent them on me and one other guy). I run out of spawn point - to see 4 - 4! - of my team mates in front of CLEAR DOOR, enemies mostly on other door and in spawn point.

AND THEY DO NOT CAP, but prepare for enemies to come!


- Alderaan: A sage DPS comes with me to cap the left turret. I tell him, b4 speeders, that he goes to cap (force speed) and I will move front to intercept incs. Good tactics - assassin goes out way, I engage him. He stops, gets me up with wind and moves to turret. He looses bout 5 secs in that - more than enough for a sage to cap and prepare to attack...



- Huttball: mara od jugg has the ball. One of ours is waiting for them on OUR finish line. Needless to say - he does not stand on the ledge and mara and jugg are clever enough to have Leaps ready.


And of course (happens all the time):

- Not focusing on goals, but on kills

- Not focusing on healers but on tanks

- Not focusing at all, each scratching other player (not healer, of course).

- 1 minute cd on my resolute. :) And other side knowing how to use their ccs way, way better than our side.

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What bothers me? My teammates misusing their pushes.


Situation 1: I pulled the ball carrier into the fire pit. Tie game with a few seconds to go. I fire pit the dude, stun him, and some idiot Sorc pushes him OUT of the fire.


Situation 2: Two node guards are near dead. I stun them and hit PFT for the snare/kill. A derp merc on my team pushes both of them out, saving their lives, and they interrupt the cap for the win.


Lol..reminded me of a Civil War where I was just about to cap mid. All my teammates where trying to push/mezz/stun/root the enemy team, so that I wouldn't be interrupted...all but one stupid merc who pulled an enemy player right up to me 1 sec before I would've capped. Needless to say he was flamed to death by the entire team after pulling this stunt:D

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Taking some time off from my main (sniper) who is at 55 to level a new toon, a DPS shadow. Whipped through Tython, got to the fleet, blah blah blah, queued for my first PvP matches.


First two are arenas. NBD, I'm lvl 11, don't expect to accomplish much. First one was a joke. Second one, we lost but I had a very good round, with my team winning the round with me and a Scoundrel left standing with about 10 health each.


Then I had a crappy Civil War where nobody came for my inc call when I was node guarding and got double-teamed, then AFTER they took the node, someone screamed "GRASS." Where were you a minute ago? We took it back, but as I respawned I saw five -- FIVE -- teammates fighting one person, and as a result we lost mid. Never took it back, and 5/8 of my team started defense farming when it was 310-260. I kid you not.


Another arena with a ridiculously short first round. Second round, the lvl 23 Guardian says "Focus the operative." which nobody but he and I do, so we go down just as quickly because they have two marauders.


Then, finally, a Huttball where everybody spent the entire game deathmatching while a group of three enemies ran the ball into the end zone repeatedly. I stopped 3-4 scores pushing the ball carrier back as they came down the ramp, and killed the ball carrier twice, but all for nothing, because it was a 6-0 game. The one time I stealthed in and grabbed the ball after an enemy score, I was completely FUBAred because my entire team was behind me in the pit, so I had nobody to pass to when I got triple-teamed. To my shame, I raged at them in chat, and just stealthed into a corner of the endzone and watched them deathmatch from the spawn ledge while the enemy scored the last two times. One guy even said, "lol I never played this one don't know how to pass." Four people on the team did over 300k damage, apparently thinking that's how you win Huttball.


I was so ticked at this point I decided to just head on to Coruscant, but I took the edge off with a hilarious Esseles run: Me and Qyzen, a lvl 13 Sent, and a lvl 10 Smuggler who hadn't even picked an advanced class yet. The smuggler died once, otherwise it was smooth sailing.

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i play WZ earn LOTs of credits... thats because i can't afford the augments.. pls send credits 10M as first rate


14 augment kits 90k*14=1260k

14 augments 120k*14= 1690k

so 2 miliion credits earned thanks to Pvping..yeah keep dreaming


Just get some of the blue augments for now. They are cheaper and are at least something. It is the one thing bolster does not close the gap on and worth the investment to just run dailies for a few days.

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So many things but if I had to pick the big one I would say the targeting system. Nothing irks me more than having a character right there near you rather it is being attacked or doing the attacking and hitting tab and having it select a character that is nowhere near you.
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Taking some time off from my main (sniper) who is at 55 to level a new toon, a DPS shadow. Whipped through Tython, got to the fleet, blah blah blah, queued for my first PvP matches.


First two are arenas. NBD, I'm lvl 11, don't expect to accomplish much. First one was a joke. Second one, we lost but I had a very good round, with my team winning the round with me and a Scoundrel left standing with about 10 health each.


Then I had a crappy Civil War where nobody came for my inc call when I was node guarding and got double-teamed, then AFTER they took the node, someone screamed "GRASS." Where were you a minute ago? We took it back, but as I respawned I saw five -- FIVE -- teammates fighting one person, and as a result we lost mid. Never took it back, and 5/8 of my team started defense farming when it was 310-260. I kid you not.


Another arena with a ridiculously short first round. Second round, the lvl 23 Guardian says "Focus the operative." which nobody but he and I do, so we go down just as quickly because they have two marauders.


Then, finally, a Huttball where everybody spent the entire game deathmatching while a group of three enemies ran the ball into the end zone repeatedly. I stopped 3-4 scores pushing the ball carrier back as they came down the ramp, and killed the ball carrier twice, but all for nothing, because it was a 6-0 game. The one time I stealthed in and grabbed the ball after an enemy score, I was completely FUBAred because my entire team was behind me in the pit, so I had nobody to pass to when I got triple-teamed. To my shame, I raged at them in chat, and just stealthed into a corner of the endzone and watched them deathmatch from the spawn ledge while the enemy scored the last two times. One guy even said, "lol I never played this one don't know how to pass." Four people on the team did over 300k damage, apparently thinking that's how you win Huttball.


I was so ticked at this point I decided to just head on to Coruscant, but I took the edge off with a hilarious Esseles run: Me and Qyzen, a lvl 13 Sent, and a lvl 10 Smuggler who hadn't even picked an advanced class yet. The smuggler died once, otherwise it was smooth sailing.


Sorry, gotta ask - you on Red Eclipse?

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Post here to vent whatever PVP related thing is currently irking you..[/size]


So i went to find some Open World PvP the other day...but damn BW seems to have hidden it well!


In my frustration i felt i wanted to play a huttball game to lighten my mood, so i queued up.....and got Ancient Hypergates 5 times in a row, and backfilled my own spot on the one that i quit...


On the bright side though, quite a number of really nice items have been released through the CM!


I sometimes stand outside the fleet window (with a strange urge to lick it, that increases each time i pay my sub) in the rain, looking at all the happy PvErs laughing and jumping around on their shiny new rides wearing the latest fashion.


But hey, im not envious or anything! I'll just keep PvPing and save up my warzone payouts. I swear one day I'll be there laughing and jumping among them...any year now...any year...

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Braindead faction routines (it's like *********** Groundhog Day). Some AH examples:


Routine 1: Match starts and 5 teammates run to a pylon to make blue beams together and be there "just in case". Reds own mid and lol-run orbs.


Routine 2: Reds send 1 or 2 at start to "our" pylon. Most of the team runs back to kill them. Reds take over mid and lol-run orbs.


You can type "We don't need 6 v 2 it's bait so they can run orbs", and will likely get *****ed at for rocking the boat. I've gotten a few of the classic and hilarious post-match whispers/Numbnuts is ignoring you in the past week for it.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Lol, over cautious kids/sheep tend to be a hard bunch to herd.


I would say though, the most frustrating experience that I face at least on a bi daily basis, is running to reinforce a node and watching as the enemy team caps it just in time before you can reach them, with at least 3-4 of your defending teammates fighting random tanks/DPS with their backs to the node.


Or, with 4 people alive on one side of a door on Voidstar, you get chain stunned to hell as the enemy plants the bomb in your face with the other three defenders fighting either 30 meters away from the door, or even right with their backs to the capper to make the anger boil over more :)


Needless to say, I can't stand the matches where I have to babysit the team, and the win/loss of a match is determined based on if I can successfully be "everwhere at once". Rather than, Idk, being able to trust someone is capable of surviving for more than 10 seconds on a node alone without losing it to a CC capper/burst damage DPS :/

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Just get some of the blue augments for now. They are cheaper and are at least something. It is the one thing bolster does not close the gap on and worth the investment to just run dailies for a few days.


whats the point of buying/crafting the blue ones when i aim for purple ones.. still i wan to augment the oboran because it it is far much better looking for merc..and to buy oboran you must sacrifice the conqueror so waisted money on augmenting

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whats the point of buying/crafting the blue ones when i aim for purple ones.. still i wan to augment the oboran because it it is far much better looking for merc..and to buy oboran you must sacrifice the conqueror so waisted money on augmenting


Nobody that knows what they are doing augment their PvP gear. You get orange shells and pull the mods from the PvP gear to put in it. All you have to turn in is the shells.

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Just get some of the blue augments for now. They are cheaper and are at least something. It is the one thing bolster does not close the gap on and worth the investment to just run dailies for a few days.


14 augment kits 90k*14=1260k


1260k*5 (=my level 55 alts that I pvp with) = 6300k.


Me = Pretty much only playing with my level 55s when I need money to buy some nice adaptive gear/other fluff for my lowbie alts (endgame really isn't my piece of cake, and endgame pve - inclueding dailies - even less) or when someone is gathering a group to do EC SM (only endgame pve I actually like - well, that and Lost Island).


So, with that 6.3 million, I'd rather buy 2 varactyls and some nice adaptive jacket to my sentinel's Doc than augmentation kits. :p And that's only kits, augmentations itself would be a couple of millions more...

So I run around level 55 warzones in non-augmented, 1/2 pve, 1/4 conqueror, 1/4 partisan gear every time I'm doing those boring dailies once again and need a break from it. You people must hate me. : D


Anyway, what annoys me the most, is probably in Ancient Hypergate, when someone runs to the pylon and caps it, and then just leaves. Seriously. If you run to the pylon, I assume you will also guard it. If you have no intention to guard it, don't run to there just to get more objective points from capping it. Then I know no one is going to get the pylon and can get it myself, instead of thinking "Oh, great, he's got that job covered!" and then realize how wrong I was a few minutes later when the person I set on my focus target is standing next to me...


This is even better when more than one person runs to the pylon to cap it, and none of them stays there to guard it. What's wrong with you people? :eek:

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people already yell and scream about pvp and anything else all the time in the forums! This thread is just giving random people an excuse to complain and shout nonsense! Half the people I see in the forums posting have no opinion of their own and almost nothing to backup some of their mindless assertions. We don't need a venting thread, from what I have seen the entire forums are being used for venting
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whats the point of buying/crafting the blue ones when i aim for purple ones.. still i wan to augment the oboran because it it is far much better looking for merc..and to buy oboran you must sacrifice the conqueror so waisted money on augmenting


Because the blue ones are cheap (7-12k each depending on which one) and it is better to have something than nothing. The difference between a blue and purple is 4 Main Stat and 2 endurance, so 56 Main Stat (4 * 14) and 28 (2 * 14) end less than a person in all purples. Not too horrible when you compare a person who has nothing: 448 MS (32 * 14) and 392 end (28 * 14) less than a person with all purples.


No one will fault you if you can't get all the kits and purple augments right as you hit 55. But you should at least get as many kits and blues as you can to not be a complete burden on your team. Even if you are 200 MS behind it is still better than 448.


The reason everyone is always broke is because they waste all their credits on junk like throne speeders, provocative outfits and veractyls.

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whats the point of buying/crafting the blue ones when i aim for purple ones.. still i wan to augment the oboran because it it is far much better looking for merc..and to buy oboran you must sacrifice the conqueror so waisted money on augmenting


You can craft/subcontract MK9 kits before you hit 55 with just about every profession. The main ingredient in MK9 IS slot component. As far as I know, every profession can acquire those by RE. My VG is still at 45 and she pumps them out fast, as well as my Cyber, and they don't even make the actual kits. I have MK9 slots on my sin already, only level 11. You can only use augments for your level, but the MK9 stays present when you hit 55.


Also you should never augment PvP gear as long as you are required to trade it in. Buy orange, augment, move mods.



Sorry, but this is exactly why I am pissed.. L2P...


Edit: Oh, and I should add. My sniper just hit 55. My HP was @ 30k with zero end game augments. Bonuse damage was 1620. /whisper You should be using lvl 50 augments.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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The reason everyone is always broke is because they waste all their credits on junk like throne speeders, provocative outfits and veractyls.


That's not entirely true if you mostly level up through pvp and CBA to play the tedious crafting game. All my toons are broke (50-100k each) yet I've never once purchased any of those peripheral items. I'm broke from trying to keep my gear within 5 levels of my toons as I leveled up. PVP rewards are quite stingy with the credits in comparison to pve as I'm sure most of you know.


So yeah sure, I'll take the heat for not wanting to take a couple nights off from pvp to go grind credits but I'm sorry it feels very backwards to me that I need to go pve enough to bank a couple mil in credits just to do end game pvp.

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14 augment kits 90k*14=1260k


1260k*5 (=my level 55 alts that I pvp with) = 6300k.


Me = Pretty much only playing with my level 55s when I need money to buy some nice adaptive gear/other fluff for my lowbie alts (endgame really isn't my piece of cake, and endgame pve - inclueding dailies - even less) or when someone is gathering a group to do EC SM (only endgame pve I actually like - well, that and Lost Island).


So, with that 6.3 million, I'd rather buy 2 varactyls and some nice adaptive jacket to my sentinel's Doc than augmentation kits. :p And that's only kits, augmentations itself would be a couple of millions more...

So I run around level 55 warzones in non-augmented, 1/2 pve, 1/4 conqueror, 1/4 partisan gear every time I'm doing those boring dailies once again and need a break from it. You people must hate me. : D


This is why we need HP and valor checks, especially in ranked. You should be shipped to lowbie if that's the way you want to play, Mr. No-Augmentation Wearer...


You got five toons and can't craft all your stuff or are you just that lazy and inconsiderate?

Edited by L-RANDLE
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That's not entirely true if you mostly level up through pvp and CBA to play the tedious crafting game. All my toons are broke (50-100k each) yet I've never once purchased any of those peripheral items. I'm broke from trying to keep my gear within 5 levels of my toons as I leveled up. PVP rewards are quite stingy with the credits in comparison to pve as I'm sure most of you know.


So yeah sure, I'll take the heat for not wanting to take a couple nights off from pvp to go grind credits but I'm sorry it feels very backwards to me that I need to go pve enough to bank a couple mil in credits just to do end game pvp.


If you are crafting, you can make some creds selling the component you get from reverse engineering items you craft once you are at 450 crafting and make enough creds to by your slots and augs, or just do slicing up to 450 and then get some sliced tech parts to sell. The cost of those and/or the time to get thme is what makes the cost of those purple augments so high.


If you are not doing any of the crafting nor PvE to make credits, I don't know what to tell you other than it may not be realistic to expect creds to just be handed to you while you just do what you want to do

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