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Favourite and Least Faveourite Worlds in SWTOR


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I've been looking around YouTube and things recently and I saw a really funny video called Like A Voss. It's a parody of Like A Boss, and it got me thinking. Voss is the planet I hate the most! I got to the end of it, and was sooo glad when I got to Correlia I could just kill Imperials again. So what is everyone else' fave planet and least fave. (My favorite is Ord Mantell!) My second worst planet would be Quesh, I don't know why, but anything I see makes it look like ten minutes, but I've completed Cprrelia in less time than it! (I like Correlia and also Belsavis) Edited by SamsterHam
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Favorite would be Corellia and Dromund Kaas. Love the lore behind the planets and both planets are important to my character's backstories. It's always fun to level there.


Really hate Belsavis. There are two storylines going on at once (Prison planet and Eshka) and feels so stretched out and goes on forever. I understand the design of the planet, but the roads are so aggervating.

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My favorite planet is Alderaan because, as someone above my post stated, it is simply amazing to look at and I like the political intrigue. My least favorite would be Balmorra. It's one of those planets that when the "Bonus Series" pops up I just hang my head saying "No..no more..it's too much". I just really hate the design of the planet and feel no attachment to the stories that take place there. It feels like "Ord Mantell Part 2". Edited by Cassidan
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Worst : Quesh, Corellia, Belsavis.

Best : Tython (apart from these ugly monsters), Tatooine, Alderaan.

Notable : Oricon, it has a lot of style, anyway, and Belsavis for its ancient architecture. Athiss for its ancient architecture as well.

Notable : Corellia : Although I find it ugly, it has a lot of detail crafted into it. As much as I hate it for its destroction, I must acknowledge the amount of detail the designers put into it. Same goes for that Czerka moon.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I like How Oricon's quests were setup for an endgame planet, a real storyline your could explore (albiet short), and once you finish it , you only have to go to the mission terminal for the same missions as dailies. I wish Section X, the Black Hole, and Ilum (that i am really hating with a large part due to all of the convos and no daily mission terminal).


I actually like Voss, wish i had more excuse to assassinate pubs/imps but Voss made me want to explore, I also managed to climb a nameless mountain and found some really astonishing views from a place near its peak.

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My least favorite planets would have to be Corellia and Belsavis.I really hate Corellia because the last time I was there with my commando, I had to hike all the way across the planet, despite using the taxi, just to recruit a bunch of low lives with guns. I hate Belsavis because you always seem to have to walk into a prison, kill a bunch of pysico prisoners, leave, go to another prison, kill more prisoners, then go fight Esh-ka in the tomb, go to another part o the tomb.......get to the end of that part and travel to a cave in the tomb, leave the cave and go through a cavern until you reach your objective. All in all it gets really tedious. My favorite planets would have to be Alderane, Dromund Kass, and Quesh. I enjoy Quesh because it only takes like less than ten minutes to complete. Dromund Kass is fun because it is simple and I love the sith ruins in the jungle such as the dark temple. Alderane is fun because I just love the scenery but I hate the slow taxi. I still Don't see the appeal of Corellia that most people have. To me it was kind of depressing. Different tastes I guess. Bosk is awesome.:tran_cool::jawa_evil:
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Favorites: Alderaan. Beautiful landscape. Open world. So much to see and explore.


I like Taris too. I love the destroyed cityscape. I've been waiting ten years to learn the fate of Taris and the "Promised Land." I paid intense attention to all the story info about its past and present. I read on Wookieepedia about its future as well. The views on the city worlds were interesting too. Voss was interesting in many ways.


Least Favorites: Tatooine and Hoth. Nothing but sand and snow respectively. It gets old, but the lore about the worlds and their inhabitants kept it interesting. At least for me. Quesh was too short. I found Belsavis difficult, but only because at the time of my visits, I wasn't as well geared. It's more enjoyable with proper gear lol. I'm learning.


I do not want to infer that I hate the worlds that I mentioned as "least favorite." I simply like some worlds more and less than others.

Edited by Darth_Krushya
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Voss - loved everything about the world, and love the look of the Voss.

Tatooine - the history makes it. Also love killing Tuskens and chatting with Jawas. I like the stark emptiness, and panning up to the sky to see the twin suns


Least Favorites:

Alderaan - I will disagree with everyone here. It was boring, the landscapes depressed me (looked like the end of winter but not yet spring, where the was snow on the ground and trees in bloom). I do want a flying dolphin mount though.

Balmorra: didn't care for it. Always hit lag in that middle area, where there's fighting. And by lag I mean I get into a fight, and die as one of my abilities I've queued animates - a second or two after I've activated it.

Belsavis - again, prison planet that's depressing. Though I did love learning a little bit about the Rakata.


And since you didn't ask, I'll add bonus round FlashPoints!



Maelstrom/Foundry - duh! Great lore in these. Always salute *cough* and *cough*

Colicolid War Games - it's so different from all the other FPs, with the puzzles that perplex every group I've ever been in. It's fun for that alone.

Kaon Under Siege - creeped me out first time I ran it, and continues to creep me out


Least Favorites:

Red Reaper - the lag in the beginning is a game breaker. The bugged end boss is annoying.

Athiss - it's the first FP where classes are really coming into their roles, and players generally make a mess of it. It either goes "well, all things considered", or falls apart with ragequits and people struggling. I've healed it on different characters. This one more than any other people will whisper to me "omg tank sux" or "that dps is an idiot". Who knows what they whisper about me. :p

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Least favourite:


Belsavis. I LOVE the concept. The scenery is also nice. That said, it's a pain in the behind to get around with the way it's sectioned off and it can be a bit frustrating. While the story is good it's not among the top planet stories in my opinion.


Oricon: It's interesting and all, and looks foreboding. I just can't get into it as much yet since I haven't done all the group missions involving the Dread Masters, and I find it tedious to get around for just doing dailies. Maybe my opinion will change once I've caught up more with the Dread Master story stuff.




Balmorra. Everything about it from the music to the landscape to the story and the characters. Beautiful.



Dromund Kaas. As the Imperial capital, it works so well. I'm tempted to take Kaliyo's offer of a picnic in the jungle. :D Aside from the thunder and animals, it's pretty darn quiet there. It's meant to be sinister, but I just find it soothing.


Taris: KOTOR nostalgia, 'nuff said.


Quesh: Toxic but beautiful in its own way. Reminds me of a few places, if they were toxic/in a sort of perpetual evening sun.


Ilum: I've always been a fan of winter, so...yeah, it goes without saying. Plus the Relics of the Gree stuff there is always fun. Good excuse to hit some Pubs (and sort out who are the awesome people and the douchebags on Imp side)! :rak_01:

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Disclaimer: you may find these planetary power rankings too prolix. Spoilered for the sanity of anybody with a scroll wheel.


CZ-198 and Oricon "don't count" as planets for the purposes of this post.



18. Quesh. I don't enjoy going to Quesh at all. Normally, it'd be nice to have a planet with no heroics, so you can just go, finish everything up, and move on without having to wait forever for a group, but since one of the datacrons requires group participation a completionist still often gets stuck there. The quests for the planet are insipid and distracting, even the class quests; apart from the Imperial Agent's and maybe the Sith Warrior's, they tend to just suck. The taxi locations are placed such that it's still a hike to get to most of the places where you need to go, even though Quesh is one of the smallest maps in the game. And even the landscape is boring: Quesh basically looks like Hutta, except with more browns and oranges instead of yellows.


17. Hoth. Hoth is humongous, with unfortunate locations for the taxis that require most players to do an awful lot of hiking for their quests. The endless white landscapes get pretty old after a few minutes. Hoth is also where the player population really starts to nosedive, meaning that it's often very difficult to get groups together for heroics without considerable amounts of waiting around. If you're doing the Bonus Series there, just forget it.


16. Corellia. Like Hoth, Corellia suffers from being absolutely freakin' huge, with a very limited number of QT and taxi spots. I like the urban setting, I enjoy the ability to actually see Coronet City, and the overarching plotline of the Corellian campaign is compelling to me. But it's quality-of-life stuff that really gets me with Corellia. The taxis are one thing, and the low player population is the other. Corellian heroics are just too much of a pain in the butt to have to deal with.


15. Voss. I want to like Voss. I think it's a very beautiful world, and that the Voss themselves are an interesting people. It's one of the few instances in SWTOR where I think that BioWare has actually improved the lore instead of merely screwing with it. But Voss suffers from all the same quality-of-life problems that Hoth and Corellia have.


14. Korriban. The whole "Sith academy" shtick has worn pretty thin already, and SWTOR didn't really pull any new tricks out to make the drudgery of going through Korriban any less annoying. Korriban is the shortest starter world as far as I'm aware, which is fortunate because I for one want to spend as little time there as possible.


13. Coruscant. Good setting, very pretty. Bad execution. The two capital worlds have some of the most boring quests in the game; Coruscant loses out over Dromund Kaas because Coruscant has one ridiculously hard achievement that DK doesn't have and because I think Coruscant's ecumenopolis suffers from in-game comparison with Nar Shaddaa's.


12. Dromund Kaas. See above.


11. Tython. Meh. It looks nice, but in a boring way, if that makes any sense. I think I also soured on it because I've started so many Jedi alts and by now I'm just sick of the place. Also, the quests on Tython are objectively mediocre.


10. Ord Mantell. Also has mediocre quests and a fairly uninspiring setting, but leads Tython for two reasons. First, its speeders are much more handy. Tython's taxis only cover like half the map, but Ord Mantell's cover more or less the whole thing. Second, you get way more out of Ord Mantell's heroics than you do out of Tython's one heroic, even though Ord Mantell's are all in the same place and require arguably less overall effort.


9. Alderaan. I'm generally okay with Alderaan. Big without being too big, with a pretty landscape that's significantly more interesting than Hoth's. Broad spectrum of enemies - Killiks, Imps/Pubs, noble houses, the native animals. The Alderaan questlines are generally very good; Bounty Hunter, Consular, Inquisitor, and Smuggler are particularly excellent. If I'm quibbling, it's mostly over things like the achievements (omg how many Rists am I supposed to kill???) or finding groups for the Bonus Series heroics (impossible).


8. Nal Hutta. Easily my favorite starter planet, even though I've probably played through it more times than any other. BH and IA still have pretty good storylines here. The setting is Quesh except less boring and with more "personality" if that makes any sense at all. Quests are generally good and sometimes really good (including the Sith Warrior quest at the end of Chapter 1). Hutta's got problems, of course. The taxi net sucks. It's a starter planet, so it's kinda tiny and quest rewards are really really irrelevant. But those aren't dealbreakers as far as I'm concerned.


7. Makeb. It might be the sexiest-looking planet, which is definitely its strongest selling point. The storyline was all right, and the dailies are okay. The taxi situation is fine. All the other complaints are the usual ones: the mobs are too dense, the gold farmers hog the chests, there aren't enough people willing to group up for heroics, etc. But the place is still unbelievably gorgeous.


6. Ilum. Probably my favorite daily planet: quick and reasonably lucrative. Ilum's also got a gorgeous skyline that does a good job of compensating for the boredom of seeing Tython ruins + Hoth ice and snow. The Gree event stuff is always neat. And the storyline on Ilum is actually pretty good, at least on the Imperial side. (Pub side Ilum is a bit more meh, but still all right.)


5. Tatooine. I think Tatooine got the whole "vast emptiness" thing more or less right in a way that Hoth didn't. Part of that's because the Tat quests aren't scattered all the hell over the Jundland Wastes in the way that Hoth quests tend to be scattered all over every area you go to. I enjoyed the planet questlines in different ways; the Empire got Indiana Jones, but the Republic got Leksende as a villain, who's slightly below Thana Vesh in terms of sheer obnoxious hateability (that's a compliment, btw). Most of the class quests were quite good, too. Tat's where you encounter some of my favorite characters, like Diago Hixan, Mia Hawkins, the Lady of Pain, and Brrik.


4. Balmorra. This planet did the traditional military setting fairly well. There's not really anywhere else in that game like the Sundari Flatlands, excepting maybe some parts of Imp Taris. I've just got a soft spot for conventional warfare, which is kinda goofy but tastes are subjective why you gotta hate. Balmorra's got one of the best taxi networks in the game (always a big plus). It's also still early enough in the game that it's not too much of a hardship to scrape a heroic group together.


3. Nar Shaddaa. Like I said earlier, ecumenopolis done right. Behind Makeb, Nar Shaddaa's probably the prettiest planet out there. Big bonus points for having a GTN terminal on the Promenade. I wasn't a huge fan of most of the quests, but none of them were actively awful, either. (Except for every interaction between the Consular and Tharan, but that's not unique to NS. Tharan sucks.) And NS has some quality questing, too. It's hard to get mad at the place where you collect Forex, who is awesome. And then the Agent's Silence of the Lambs questline with Watcher X is superb. The NS Bonus Series is equal parts good and bad. Mazes are fun but if you're just trying to get somewhere then Netsec is a pain in the butt. It can be tough to get a heroic group for the Bonus Series quests together, as well.


2. Taris. I've kind of obsessed over Taris for awhile, so I don't think a long explanation would be a good idea. I'll admit that some of the missions, especially for the Republic side, are boring and dreary, true enough. The Sith Warrior's questline in particular kinda blows, but I might have developed Stockholm Syndrome for it due to fanfic research. But most of them are just fine, and some of them are actually superb. The Imp side planet questline, featuring the immortal Thana Vesh, is excellent. And the setting is good: evocative and imaginative.


1. Belsavis. For one thing, it's very pretty and features a wide variety of enemies and NPCs. The part that really gets me, though, is the sense you get as you move through the prison. You start out in a relatively 'civilized' area that's more or less under control, but as you move from minsec to hisec, maxsec, and then the Tomb, you slowly move into areas that are wilder, darker, and more vicious. Modern civilization sort of decays as you venture into the Tomb, until only the Rakata ruins and the wilderness are left. It's kind of like Heart of Darkness in a way - and for the Imps, that's a literal description, because the Imp class quests end up in the Cells of the Lords of the Infinite, which is almost completely dark, lit only by the lava flow surrounding Megasecurity Ward 23...and I'm fangirling out.


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TOTALLY HATE BELSAVIS, you have to go through a loading screen of death to be able to play the plannet, and dont even think about Queuing for PVP or flashpoints while you are there or you have to do it again. Even worse, you try to get anywhere and there is rocks blocking you, you try to follow the path on the map (yellow lines) and they lead you to a wall, so you have to circle around looking for a damm Opening blown up or something.


Also the quest markers sometimes lead you to the enemy base and you get one shooted by the guards ( has happend to me on 3 different characters you think I would have learned the road by now...)


Really like the starting worlds all of them, they keep it simple, also Dromund Kass and Coruscant.

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